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Public Elementary School Systems and the continuation of inequality: democracy and quality of education as a social justice promoter

Education restricts/expands individuals´ economic opportunities during their life cycles. The educational system of a country or region has an essential role in the generation of equal opportunities. The present article investigates the public teaching systems (municipal and state) in Brazil and their relationship with inequality. More unequal states of the federation have less effective educational systems in the provision of quality teaching. However, a higher level of democracy increases efficacy. Inequalities in the health, color and sociocultural level of a family affect an individual´s performance, regardless of the quality of the school, which is the rationale for policies focused on promoting equal opportunities through education.

Inequality; Democracy; School quality; Multilevel models

Associação Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais Rua André Cavalcanti, 106, sala 502., CEP 20231-050, Fone: 55 31 3409 7166 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil