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What is learned beyond letters: a study about alphabetization of elderly

This paper aims to reflect about the importance to support educative spaces able to meet the needs and desires of elderly people interested in taking part in non-formal education. It introduces some results obtained from a Masters Degree Research, guided by History of Life as research-formation methodology, accomplished with a group of seven aged students with ages between 60 to 73 years old, from an Alphabetization Program called Alphabetization of Young and Adults Movement - MOVA-Guarulhos. It presents and analyzes the reasons why the subjects did not learn to write and to read in earlier phases of life as also as they decided, in the aged phase, to join an alphabetization nucleus where they are interact with people of all ages from 16. It evidences the observed conquests by the subjects when they evaluate their experiences as people in alphabetization process, many conquests that extrapolate the scope of learning to read and to write, specially that ones in the relation to the development of orality and its current advantages in sociability. It concludes that the participation in the alphabetization nucleus contributes to the formation of the subject, providing some personal conquests that are not directly linked to the appropriation of reading and writing - a fact to be considered in the elaboration of educational actions for the elderly.

Learning; Motivation; Education; Aged; Alphabetization

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil