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Studies on aging in Brazil: literature review

The main goal of this work is make a bibliographic revision of studies on aging in the field of health sciences, seeking to offer an outlook of the research on the subject carried out in Latin America and Brazil from 1982 to 2010. The LILACS online database available at the Virtual Health Library (BVS) was used for this purpose. It found a significant increase in the number of publications from 2006 on and a growing interest in the following categories: health condition (51%, n=318), cognitive evaluation (12.7%, n=66), socio-demographic studies (6.1% n=32), medicines (3.2% n=17), and functional evaluation (3.0% n=16). Inside the health condition category, a high number of publications related to the following sub-categories was found: physical activity (17.9% n=57), cardiovascular deseases (11.9% n=38), diet (7.6% n=24), oral health (6.6% n=21), menopause/andropause (6.3% n=20), falls (5.9% n=19), sexual activity (5% n=16) and depression (4.1% n=13). It was concluded that it also becomes important to study aspects related to aging, seeking to grant quality of life at this age stage.

Aging; Bibliographic revision; Health sciences

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil