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Elderly's perceptions of living groups: study in the city of Cajazeiras-PB


To investigate the perception of elderly people on living groups.


An exploratory study with qualitative approach, performed in six living groups in the city of Cajazeiras-PB, Brazil, in September and October 2010, using the discourse of the collective subject.


Of the 60 study participants, 48 (80%) were women, 21 (35%) were between 65-69 years, 30 (50%) were widowed, 46 (77%) were retired, 32 (53%) have not completed primary education, 40 (67%) lived with relatives, 25 (42%) between six and ten years of participation groups, 33 (55%) and 30 (50%) participated spontaneously pointed to the dance as the best activity developed in the group. Through the collected data we obtained the main ideas and the collective discourses represented by three themes: reasons/motives for elderly seek living groups; importance of meetings with the group for the elderly; life changes after joining the group. From the themes we extracted the main ideas: solitude, leisure, coexistence, freedom, everything changed, will to live.


Groups provide benefits for the elderly, emphasizing among these the right to age with dignity and improving the quality of life.

Health of the Elderly; Centers of Connivance and Leisure; Comprehension

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil