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Public politics for the elderly’s healthcare: reflection on the qualification of health professionals that care for the elderly


This study aims to reflect on acting in health, based on the 18th Article of the Elderly’s Statute and the current Public Politics for the elderly in Brazil. We point out that this discussion is guided by health workers’ qualification in the geriatric care. Such professionals are directly and indirectly responsible for safe, ethical and qualified care, therefore they are agents that carry out effective public politics for the elderly. It is also important that the whole society be committed with the transformation in the elderly’s reality and with the humanization of relations between life and aging. So to reflect on the issue of geriatric care, in the perspective of the Elderly’s Statute, becomes necessary, since it discloses perspectives concerned with safe, ethical and qualified care. The great challenges of health teams are the construction of an integral care, integrated and elderly-friendly; a new way of being and acting in health, regarding the multi-dimensionality of the being that grows old and the process of human aging.

professional practice health public policy; patient care team; health services for the aged; geriatrics; aging; bylaws (health law

Universidade do Estado do Rio Janeiro Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524 - Bloco F, 20559-900 Rio de Janeiro - RJ Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 2334-0168 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil