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Prediction of baseline heart rate of individuals with different levels of habitual physical activity


INTRODUCTION: Basal heart rate (HRbasal) is measured minutes upon waking up, since it has rhythmic changes throughout the day. OBJECTIVE: Considering the difficulty in achieving the standard conditions for its measurement, the objective was to propose an equation for predicting HR Basal. Therefore, at first, it was necessary to describe the pattern of rhythmicity of HR and study the influence of habitual physical activity level (PAL) on this rhythmicity. METHOD: 90 subjects (54 men and 36 women) filled out the Baecke Questionnaire, median was used to form the PAL A and PAL B groups. The subjects self-assessed HRres at 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 h using a cardio frequency meter. To describe the rhythmicity and identify the PAL influence, ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p> 0.05) were applied for absolute and normalized values of HRres. The normalized values were adjusted by second-order polynomial to construct the prediction equation, whose validity was tested by Pearson correlation (p> 0.05) and standard error of estimate (SEE). RESULTS: HRres in bpm, of the PAL A group was lower than in the PAL B group at all moments tested: 60 ± 7.5, 64 ± 9.3, 63 ± 8.1, 66 ± 8.7, 66 ± 7,7, 64 and 60 ± 8.1 ± 8.2 compared to: 66 ± 9.6, 11.4 ± 71, 72 ± 11.6, 73 ± 10.8, 10.7 ± 74, 69 ± 9.4 and 10.7 ± 68. Concerning normalized values, no significant differences were found between the two groups and both showed rhythmicity similar to a parabola. The prediction equation showed r 0.70 to 0.83 and SEE from 4.8 to 6.2 bpm. CONCLUSION: HRres presents lower values in more active individuals, but with the same pattern of rhythmicity. This equation enables prediction of FCbasal from the measurement of HRres taken at different times of day.

circadian rhythm; heart rate; physical activity

INTRODUÇÃO: A frequência cardíaca basal (FCbasal) é medida ao despertar, já que apresenta alterações rítmicas ao longo do dia. OBJETIVO: Em vista da dificuldade em conseguir mensurar, o objetivo do estudo foi propor uma equação de predição da FC Basal. Para isto, foi necessário, em primeiro lugar, descrever o padrão de ritmicidade da FC e estudar a influência do nível de atividade física habitual (NAF) sobre tal ritmicidade. MÉTODO: 90 indivíduos responderam o questionário de Baecke, cuja mediana foi usada para a constituição dos grupos NAF A e NAF B. Os sujeitos autoavaliaram a FCrep às 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 e 24 h. Para descrever a ritmicidade e identificar a influência do NAF, aplicou-se ANOVA seguida do teste de Tukey (p > 0,05) aos valores absolutos e normalizados de FCrep. Os valores normalizados foram ajustados por polinômio de segundo grau para construir a equação de predição, cuja validade foi testada por correlação de Pearson (p > 0,05) e erro padrão de estimativa (EPE). RESULTADOS: A FCrep do grupo NAF A foi menor que a do grupo NAF B em todos horários avaliados: 60 ± 7,5, 64 ± 9,3, 63 ± 8,1, 66 ± 8,7, 66 ± 7,7, 64 ± 8,1 e 60 ± 8,2; em comparação com: 66 ± 9,6, 71 ± 11,4, 72 ± 11,6, 73 ± 10,8, 74 ± 10,7, 69 ± 9,4 e 68 ± 10,7. Para os valores normalizados, não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os dois grupos, ambos apresentaram padrão de ritmicidade semelhante a uma parábola. A equação de predição apresentou r de 0,70 a 0,83 e EPE de 4,8 a 6,2 bpm. CONCLUSÃO: A FCrep apresenta valores mais baixos em indivíduos mais ativos, porém com o mesmo padrão de ritmicidade. É possível predizer a FCbasal a partir da medição da FCrep feita em diferentes horários do dia.

ritmo circadiano; frequência cardíaca; atividade física



Prediction of baseline heart rate of individuals with different levels of habitual physical activity

André de Assis LauriaI; Tony Meireles dos SantosII; Paulo Roberto dos Santos AmorimI; Fábio Antonio Damasceno MarquesI; Jorge Roberto Perrout de LimaI

IStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Physical Education of the Federal University of Viçosa, Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFV/UFJF) - Viçosa, MG and Juiz de Fora, MG

IIStricto Sensu Graduate Program in Physical Education of the Gama Filho University (UGF) - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Mailing address


INTRODUCTION: Baseline heart rate (HRbas) is measured minutes upon waking up, since it has rhythmic changes throughout the day.

OBJECTIVE: Considering the difficulty in achieving the standard conditions for its measurement, the objective was to propose an equation for predicting HRBas. Therefore, at first, it was necessary to describe the pattern of rhythmicity of HR and study the influence of habitual physical activity level (PAL) on this rhythmicity.

METHOD: 90 subjects (54 men and 36 women) filled out the Baecke Questionnaire, median was used to form the PAL A and PAL B groups. The subjects self-assessed HRres at 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 h using a cardio frequency meter. To describe the rhythmicity and identify the PAL influence, ANOVA followed by Tukey test (p> 0.05) were applied for absolute and normalized values of HRres. The normalized values were adjusted by second-order polynomial to construct the prediction equation, whose validity was tested by Pearson correlation (p> 0.05) and standard error of the estimate (SEE).

RESULTS: HRres in bpm, of the PAL A group was lower than in the PAL B group at all moments tested: 60 ± 7.5, 64 ± 9.3, 63 ± 8.1, 66 ± 8.7, 66 ± 7.7, 64 and 60 ± 8.1 ± 8.2 compared to: 66 ± 9.6, 11.4 ± 71, 72 ± 11.6, 73 ± 10.8, 10.7 ± 74, 69 ± 9.4 and 10.7 ± 68. Concerning normalized values, no significant differences were found between the two groups and both showed rhythmicity similar to a parabola. The prediction equation showed r 0.70 to 0.83 and SEE from 4.8 to 6.2 bpm.

CONCLUSION: HRres presents lower values in more active individuals, but with the same pattern of rhythmicity. This equation enables prediction of HRbas from the measurement of HRres taken at different times of the day.

Keywords: circadian rhythm, heart rate, physical activity.


Measurement of baseline heart rate (HRBas) is used in physical evaluation for being an indicator of the health status of the individual. High values are related to increased risk of mortality1-6, with association with obesity and diabetes7 as well as overtraining8. Increase in HRBas is determined, among other factors, by alterations in the autonomic balance, mainly caused by reduction of the cardiac vagal tonus3,9-11. On the other hand, practice of moderate to intense physical activity, may result in bradycardia at rest, which occurs, among other factors, by improvement in autonomic balance, especially by the increase of the vagal activity on the heart 12-14. The benefits derived from physical activity practice depend on the volume, intensity and type of activity performed15,16, besides sex and age of the practitioner17.

According to the American Heart Association18, the HRBas should be measured in the morning, after a night of sleep and before getting up, so that the lowest reached values can be recorded at wake status. HR measured at other times is named rest HR (HRre) and presents rhythmic alterations according to the time of the day, demonstrating a circadian rhythm. It is consistently lower at night, with difference concerning the ones obtained during the day from 5 to 10 bpm or 5 to 15% in the 24 h period, depending on the extension of the influence of external factors such as sleep, posture, physical activity practice and diet19 and internal factors which combined cause variations in central temperature and plasma adrenaline, resulting in HR and BP increase20. Although the benefits of physical activity on HRBas15-17 are known, its influence on the HRre rhythmicity is not. However, it can be hypothesized that the individual who practices physical activity would present less remarkable HRre oscillations during the day due to increase of vagal activity.

Considering these facts, there is a clear need to identify the HRBas. Although it is simple to be determined, the need to register it at the waking time, creates an operational difficulty for its accurate measurement identification, making its monitoring impossible even to an experienced technician. As alternatives, we can suggest the HRBas self-determination or its prediction by regression equation. Lauria et al.21 demonstrated that there is validation in HRre self-determination with the use of HR monitors. However, according to our knowledge, there are no studies which have proposed HRBas prediction equation. Thus, the aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that HRBas may be predicted by regression equation from the HRre measurement at different times of the day, as long as the rhythmicity patterns of the HRre aoscillations during the day are known. Therefore, the rhythmicity of the HRre oscillations during the day as well as the influence of the physical activity level on this rhythmicity was investigated. In order to have this goal met, the study was established in three stages: 1) identification of the rhythmicity pattern of the HRre along the day; 2) observation of the influence of the habitual physicla activity practice on the rhythmicity pattern; and 3) proposition of HRBas prediction equation.



90 individuals (59 men (27.6 ± 7.6 years) and 31 women (27.7 ± 7.8 years), with anthropometric and aerobic fitness patterns at suitable levels to health (table 1) have been recruited. The subjects signed the Free and Clarified Consent Form (according to resolution 196/96 of the Brazilian National Health Committee), presented negative PAR-Q and did not make use of any medication which could alter the HR behavior. The study was approved by the Ethics in Research with Humans Committee of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (legal opinion # 171/2008). The participants were told not to perform physical activities and keep their eating routine in the 24 h prior the evaluations, except for the restriction to food and drinks containing caffeine in the 12 h prior the evaluations.


The individuals were characterized through measurement of body mass, stature and skinfolds of thorax, abdomen and thigh for men and triceps, suprailiac and thigh for women. For body fat percentage (%F), regression equations were applied. The volume, intensity and kind of physical activity performed were determined through a questionnaire about the haitual physical activity level (PAL) proposed by Baecke et al.22, which considers the following categories: work activity (Work), systematized sport activities (Sport) and leisure and locomotion activity (Leisure). The Bruce test on treadmill was performed for estimation of VO2max23. The median of the score Sport of the Baecke Questionnaire was calculated22 and the subjects were divided in two groups for delimitation of the level of habitual physical activity. The subjects with the score Sport ≥ 3 were part of the higher PAL group and this group received the H PAL abbreviation, while the subjects in which the same score was < 3, composed the lower PAL group with the abbreviation L PAL (table 1).

After the tests performance, the subjects were trained in the use of the cardio frequency meter (Polar S-801i). The HRbas measurements were taken at 6 h while the HRre at the times: 9,12,15,18, 21 and 24 h. All HR recordings were performed by the subjects themselves who recorded the the HRre within their routines when they were at sitting position for 10 minutes21.

Statistical treatment

Normal data distribution was verified by the Shapiro-Wilk test. Descriptive statistics was used for sample characterization. In order to discriminate the groups concerning the PAL (H PAL and L PAL), the median of the score Sport of the questionnaire by Baecke was calculated. The influence of the physical activity level on the absolute values of HRre of the two groups was tested at the different times of the day, using two-way variance analysis (group x time), followed by Tukey post hoc test. The effect of the physical activity level on the HRre rhythmicity was tested using normalization of the values of the different times giving the 100 value to the values obtained at the 6 h time. The HRre values normalized by group and time were also submitted to variance analysis with two factors (group x time) followed by the Tukey post hoc test. When it was observed that the Pal did not influence on the rhythmicity, normalized data of the two groups were collected in a single group and adjusted by a second degree polynomial. The equation obtained by this adjustment was used in the prediction of the HRBas values of 6 h. Subsequently, the HRBas estimations were tested from each time of the day, with the use of Pearson correlation and calculation of standard error estimation (SEE). The analyses were performed by the Statistica software (version 8.0) with significance level of p < 0.05.


Figure 1 shows that the group of individuals with H PAL presented H Rre significantly lower than the group with L PAL in all the times studied.

Whe the HRre values are presented in normalized units (percentage variation) to demonstrate its rhythmicity (figure 2), no significant difference was observed between groups at any of the times. Considering the intragroup variation, it was observed that the values normalized at the times 9, 12, 15, 18 and 21h of the two groups were significantly higher than at 6 h. At 24h, the values are not significantly different from the values at 6h, demonstrating that the HRre absolute values in the H PAL group are lower; however, they keep the same rhythmicity of the L PAL group.

Moreover, it can be noted in figures 1 and 2 that the HRre which increases with time passage during the day, tends to decrease after 18h and returns to the baseline values at 24h. Therefore, it has behavior similar to a parabola, suggesting that the normalized values present as better adjustment a second degree polynomial function

Since there was no difference between groups, the normalized values and HRre were collected in a single set and adjusted by 2nd degree polynomial, as presented in figure 3.

From the adjustment equation, which presented r2 of 0.92, the percentage value of the HR can be estimated at the moment of measurement and mathematically predict the HRBas absolute value using the following equations:

The results of the HRBas prediction obtained with the use of the proposed equation are presented in figure 4, in which the correlation values and standard error of the estimate can be observed.

All predictions presented significant correlation with r values of 0.70 to 0.83 and SEE of 4.8 to 6.2 bpm, which correspond to percentage values of 7.7 to 9.6%, respectively. Finally, increase in relative SEE was observed at the times more distant from 6 h.


The present study had the aim to test the hypothesis that HRBas could be predicted by regression equation from the measurement of HRre taken at different times of the day. In order to have this goal reached, the study was divided in three stages: 1) identification of the rhythmicity pattern of the HRre along the day; 2) observation of the influence of the habitual practice of physical activity on the rhythmicity pattern; and 3) proposition of the HRBas prediction equation. The findings of the study suggest that HRRe presents rhythmicity pattern similar to a parabola: the values increase during the day, tend to decrease after 18 h and return to baseline values at 24 hours, in a way they can be adjusted by a second degree polynomial equation; individuals of the H PAL group presented lower HRre values along the entire day; however, with the same rhythmicity pattern of the individuals in the L PAL. Although the physical activity practice causes bradycardia, no alteration in the rhythmicity pattern of HRre was observed along the day; and the HRBas values may be estimated by second degree polynomial equation.

Rhythmicity of the heart rate

In the present study, lower HR value at 6 h (HRBas), significant increase from 9 h until 21 h and return to baseline values at 24h were found. In the period between 9 h and 21 h, the oscillations did not present significant differences, indicating HRre stabilization. The rhythmicity pattern of the HRre found in this study followed the same tendency of other studies which reported HRre increase from Wake up time until reaching the highest values between 14 and 18 h, with subsequent decrease of this variable until reaching the lowest values between 2 and 4 h; that is to say, during early morning19,24-26. In the present study, the sleep hours were not followed, the record was limited to the awake period. Therefore, it was not possible to observe the typical lower values in the dark periods of the day. However, it was possible to observe reduction in HRre in the beginning of the dark period. At 24 h, values similar to the ones at 6 h were already recorded. The amplitude verified in the present study between the times was of 7 to 14%, being according to the ones presented in the literature with difference between day and night from 5 to 15% in the 24 h period19.

PAL influence on the rhythmicity of the heart rate

The HRbas absolute values as well as of HRre of the H PAL subjects were significantly lower than the L PAL subjects at all times of the day. It is possible that the response found is due to the fact that individuals with higher physical activity level present alterations in the anatomic balance27,28, suggesting higher parasympathetic activity or lower sympathetic activity. In addition to that, some circulatory alterations such as improvement of venous return and increase of systolic volume may cause HR decrease in aerobically trained individuals29.

When the HRre values were normalized and presented in percentage of the value observed at 6h, it was observed that there were no differences between groups in any of the studied times, showing hence that the rhythmicity pattern is not altered by physical activity practice. Possibly, the adaptations concerning the autonomic control and some chronic adaptations to exercise do not have effect on the HRre rhythmicity. The finding suggests that the HRre rhythmicity is partly determined by the endogenous circadian rhythm given by the central command25. In other words, the alterations in the autonomic control which lead to bradycardia do not attenuate amplitude or modify the HRre rhythmicity pattern.

Prediction of the heart rate at rest

The HRre normalized values were used to demonstrate the rhythmicity pattern of the HRre and test the influence of the physical activity practice. From the confirmation that the HRre variations along the day were not influenced by the physical activity practice and were similar to a parabola, it was chosen to adjust the normalized values by second degree equation. It is possible to estimate the HRBase percentage with the application of the equation to the absolute HRre measured at a specific time of the day, knowing that the HRBasal percentage which the HRre measured represents, by three rule, the absolute HRBasal can be estimated. Comparing the predicted values by the proposed equation with the values observed at the studied times, significant correlation and relatively low SEE were found.

The predictions were made for each studied time and presented r values between 0.70 and 0.83 and SEEs which ranged from 4.8 and 6.1 bpm (7.7 to 9.6%), depending on the measured time. The more distant from 6 h the HRre measurement is taken, the higher the error of this measurement will be. No study which had investigated the HRBasal prediction was found to compare the prediction quality. As illustration, we can compare the present results with the equations which estimate the HRmax. The equation propsoed by Tanaka et al.30 presents correlation of 0.81 and SEE of 6 bpm.

Study limitations

Individuals with different patterns of systematized practice of sport activities were studied; however, they were not athletes. It is not known if the responses found in the present study would be the same in highly trained athletes, which opens a gap in the investigation for future studies. In order to obtain more accurate results, a laboratory study would be recommended, with the aim to increase the control level of the routine of the studied subjects. On the other hand, it was chosen that the individuals remained in their routine, expressing hence their habitual rhythm with no interference of desynchronization forced by a constant routine performed in a laboratory. Such option was chosen in an attempt to increase external validity of the study, so that the prediction equation proposed could be applied to real situations.

Practical implications

As previosuly mentioned, despite its easy performance, the HRBasal measurement requires complicated logistics so that it can be performed by the evaluator at really baseline conditions. Two possible solutions were recommended: self-evaluation performed by the subject or prediction by equation. In a previous study, Lauria et al.21 demonstrated that it is possible that the subject alone using a cardio frequency meter could record his HRBasal. In this study, it was also demonstrated that it is possible to predict the HRBasal from measurements at any time of the day.


It was concluded that individuals with higher habitual physical activity level demonstrate lower HRre values regardless of the time of the day when compared to active individuals, but with lower habitual physical activity level, not presenting difference in rhythmicity pattern. The HRBas can be fairly determined based on measurement taken at any time of the day.

All authors have declared there is not any potential conflict of interests concerning this article.


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