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Serous detachment of the sensorineural retina associated with the dome-shaped macula: report of two cases


Dome-shaped macula consists of the convex elevation of the macular region, found mainly in patients with high myopia. The clinical significance and the correlation with other ocular pathologies are still uncertain. This article aims to describe two cases of dome-shaped macula with accumulation of subretinal fluid in high myopic eyes. Those are patients with low visual acuity, myopic fundus and a clear dome-shaped elevation in the macular area at optical coherence tomography. A dome-shaped macula can course with a serous detachment of the sensorineural retina involving the fovea, leading to low visual acuity. Such a pathogenesis is still not well studied. According to the optical coherence tomography, dome-shaped macula can be classified into three morphological types, those two cases being shown in a horizontal, oval arrangement. It is interesting to note that the diagnosis of dome-shaped macula should be considered in patients with high myopia, especially when there is a complaint of low visual acuity, which may be related to the presence of subretinal fluid in cases of dome-shaped macula. As the clinical examination does not allow an adequate diagnosis of the domed macula, the performance of the optical coherence tomography with vertical and horizontal cuts is fundamental in the suspicion of the dome-shaped macula.

Macula lutea; Myopia; Retinal detachment; Optical coherence tomography

Sociedade Brasileira de Oftalmologia Rua São Salvador, 107 , 22231-170 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: (55 21) 3235-9220, Fax: (55 21) 2205-2240 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil