Objective: A scientometric analysis produced in ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy research is lacking. The purpose of this study is to present a holistic analysis of ophthalmic genetics literature.
Methods: The data used in this study were obtained from the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection. All published documents between 1975-2019 were included. The data exported from WoS enabled the extensive details of ophthalmic genetics related literature including countries, institutions, authors, citations and keywords. Scientometric network maps of keywords and also country and institution co-authorships were created with free software. Global contributions of the countries to the ophthalmic genetics literature were shown by a graphic.
Results: The search query revealed a total of 2322 documents. Most of the documents were original articles (75.75%). USA was the leading country by producing 45.39% of all documents in ophthalmic genetics research followed by UK, Germany, China and France. Pennsylvania University was the most contributing institution in the literature (5.25%) followed by University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital. The average citations per item was 29.4. The most used keywords over a 40-year period were 'family', 'cell', 'photoreceptor' and 'expression'.
Conclusions: USA and UK dominated the ophthalmic genetics research. A substantial increase in the number of published documents in this field were observed after 2010.
Keywords: Gene therapy; Retinal diseases; Eye diseases/genetics; Scientometrics; Altmetrics
Objetivo: A literatura carece de análise cienciométrica produzida em genética oftálmica e de pesquisa em terapia genética. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar uma análise holística da literatura genética oftálmica.
Métodos: Os dados utilizados neste estudo foram obtidos na base de dados Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection. Todos os documentos publicados entre 1975 e 2019 foram incluídos na análise. Os dados exportados da WoS viabilizaram acesso a amplos detalhes da literatura relacionada à genética oftálmica, incluindo países, instituições, autores, citações e palavras-chave. Mapas de rede cienciométrica foram criados por meio de software gratuito, com base em palavras-chave e em coautorias de países e instituições. As contribuições globais dos países para a literatura sobre genética oftálmica foram apresentadas em gráfico.
Resultados: a busca por pesquisas revelou um total de 2.322 documentos cuja maioria eram artigos originais (75,75%). Os EUA foram o país que mais produziu artigos sobre o tema, com 45,39% de todos os documentos em pesquisa genética oftálmica; ele foi seguido pelo Reino Unido, Alemanha, China e França. A Universidade da Pensilvânia foi a instituição que mais contribuiu para a literatura (5,25%), e foi seguida pela University College London e pelo Moorfields Eye Hospital. A média de citações por item foi de 29,4. As palavras-chave mais usadas em um período de 40 anos foram 'família', 'célula', 'fotorreceptor' e 'expressão'.
Conclusões: Os EUA e o Reino Unido dominaram a pesquisa em genética oftálmica. Após 2010, observou-se um aumento substancial no número de documentos publicados nessa área.
Descritores: Terapia genética; Doenças retinianas; Oftalmopatias/genética; Cientometria; Almetria
Bibliometrics analyses publications generated in a specific discipline of academic literature and elucidates publication patterns and trends. Scientometrics also known as 'science of science' is a recent and popular statistical discipline explores all features of scientific literature.(1, 2) Scientometric studies evaluate characteristics and features of the authors, organizations and countries of the documents in the literature.(1)
Although ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy in ophthalmology are the trend topics of the ophthalmology practice, there has been no recent scientometric analysis of publications published in ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy literature. This study aims to present a comprehensive analysis of academic literature about ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy in ophthalmology. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report in this field.
All data of this study were obtained from Web of Science Core Collection (WoS; Thomson Reuters, New York, NY, USA) databases and carried out on 17 December 2019. A search question including keywords of ('ophthalmic genetics OR 'inherited retinal disease' OR 'gene therapy') AND ('ophthalmology'). All documents from the WoS database produced between 1975 and 2019 included in the analyses. Data were exported from WoS in "Full record and cited references" and "Tab-delimited for Mac" formats. A free web source titled GunnMap 2 application -a free web site-was used to create a world map informing publication production densities of world countries.(3) Scientometric network analysis was achieved by using VOS viewer freeware (Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands).(4) Citation counts reflect all the documents obtained on 17 December 2019 when the WoS database search process for this study was conducted. Institutions were determined using the "Organizations-Enhanced" field. Documents from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland were combined under the United Kingdom (UK).
General characteristics of the documents
A total of 2322 published documents were retrieved during the period 1975-2019, 75.75% of which were original articles. The most popular research areas of the literature were ophthalmology, genetics heredity, biochemistry molecular biology, experimental research medicine and neurosciences (39.36%, 27.73%, 13.52%, 9.99% and 8.22%, respectively). The first document about this field was published in 1982. The peak year of production was 2018 with 243 items. The predominant language of the literature was English (95.12%) followed by German, French, Spanish and Portuguese (2.65%, 1.32%, 0.40% and 0.16%, respectively) (Table 1).
General characteristics of publications in ophthalmic genetics and gene theraphy research between 1975 and 2019
The most contributing authors, journals, meetings and institutions
The most productive author was Moore AT with 58 articles in this area (Table 1). The most contributed source title was found to be Investigative Ophthalmology Visual Science with 181 articles followed by Human Molecular Genetics, Plos One, Molecular Vision, British Journal of Ophthalmology, Scientific Reports and Ophthalmic Genetics (n=181, 66, 62, 59, 52, 49 and 45 items, respectively; Table 1). The most contributing meetings were noted to be the Annual Meeting of The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology-ARVO in this field. The most productive institutions in the world were from USA and UK. Pennsylvania University was the most contributing institution in the literature with 122 documents followed by University College London and Moorfields Eye Hospital (Table 2).
The 20 most productive institutions in ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy literature between 1975 and 2019
Global productivity
USA was the leading country in the ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy literature and covered 45.39% of all productivity with 1054 items. The UK was the second leading country with 404 documents followed by Germany, China and France (n=222, 181 and 163 items, respectively; Table 1). The North America and Europe dominated the publication density around the world but the least contribution to this field was observed in Africa (Figure 1).
Citations, keywords analysis and co-authorship network for countries and institutions
The h-index of the literature was 126 in this period and the total number of citations was 73040 (64094 without self-citations). The average citations per item was 29.4. The most cited document was an original article written by Maguire AM. Et al titled 'Safety and efficacy of gene transfer for Leber's congenital amaurosis' published in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2008 (Table 3). The most used keywords over a 40-year period were 'family', 'cell', 'photoreceptor' and 'expression' (Table 3). The scientometric network of keywords showed a 'dichotomous pattern' (Figure 2). USA was the most collaborative country with 1054 documents followed by the UK (Figure 3). Pennsylvania University and University College London were the most collaborative institutions (Figure 4).
Most cited articles and keywords in ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy literature between 1975-2019
Scientometric network of the most collaborative countries in ophthalmic genetics literature
Scientometric network of the most collaborative countries in ophthalmic genetics literature
Scientometric studies display publication trends and creativity of the countries, authors and organizations in a certain area.(1) Scientometrics enables the qualitative and quantitative assessment of academic literature and also provides the details of the most popular, active and trending fields.(5) In contrary to scientometrics' growing popularity, there have been scarce articles investigating ophthalmology field.
Fan et al. reported the citation analysis of the most influential authors and ophthalmology journals in the field of cataract and corneal refractive surgery between 2000-2004.(6) they used only Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI) to explore the citations of the authors and ophthalmology journals.(6) The network analysis between authors, keywords, countries and institutions were lacking in their report. Recently, research productivity across different ophthalmic subspecialties in the USA were analyzed.(7) The authors found that uveitis was the most prolific subspecialty whereas cataract was the least fertile subspecialty within USA.(7) In a bibliometric analysis on dry eye disease, the authors reported 5522 documents were published about dry eye disease and they found that the most productive country was USA with 34.53% of the overall articles studied.(8) Different from this current study, only the journal articles and reviews were included in that mentioned report.(8)
In a scientometric analysis of glaucoma research between 1993 and 2013, the authors reported a trend was evident towards genomic research studies after 2010.(9) Similarly, a substantial increase in the amount of published documents were observed after 2010 in our study. Although a search query including the years between 1975 and 2019 was performed in this current study, the first report about ophthalmic genetics was published in 1982. Interestingly, available published data about ophthalmic genetics were under 100 documents/year until 2010.
Nearly about 90% of the global productivity in ophthalmic genetic documents were achieved by USA and a few European countries (UK, Germany, France, Italy and Netherlands). Except for China, all of the first 10 leading contributing countries in ophthalmic genetics were developed ones.
This current study has two main limitations. First, though WoS reflects more reliable data than other databases, only WoS database was used for analysis in this study.(10) A comparison with other studies could not be achieved due to the lack of a previous related bibliometric or scientometric study in ophthalmic genetics literature. Therefore, the results of this study were only compared with the published scientometric reports of ophthalmology. However, this is the first report focusing on ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy in ophthalmology by scientometric analysis.
The results of this study may assist health professionals interested in this field to better figure out ophthalmic genetics and gene therapy research worldwide. Beneficial information about dynamic and trending search topics in ophthalmic genetics field may be obtained by this study. Additionally, the results of this study may help fellows in choosing leading institutions and countries for education. Policy makers around the world could spend their resources accurately to improve and monitor the ophthalmic genetics research.
- 1 Hood W, Wilson C. The literature of bibliometrics, scientometrics, and informetrics. Scientometrics. 2001;52(2):291-314.
- 2 Senel E. Health and Ancient Beliefs: A Scientometric Analysis of Health Literature Related to Shamanism, Paganism and Spirituality. J Relig Health. 2019;58(6):2019-35.
3 GunnMap. GunnMap 2. [cited 2019 Dec 17]. Available at: http://lert.co.nz/map/
» http://lert.co.nz/map/ -
4 Vosviewer. VOSviewer - Visualizing scientific landscapes. [cited 2019 Dec 17]. Available from: http://www.vosviewer.com/
» http://www.vosviewer.com/ - 5 Broadus R. Toward a definition of "bibliometrics". Scientometrics. 1987;12(5-6):373-9.
- 6 Fan JC, McGhee CN. Citation analysis of the most influential authors and ophthalmology journals in the field of cataract and corneal refractive surgery 2000-2004. Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2008;36(1):54-61.
- 7 Gershoni A, Vainer I, Reitblat O, Mimouni FB, Livny E, Blumenthal EZ, et al. Research productivity across different ophthalmic subspecialties in the United States. BMC Health Serv Res. 2019;19(1):778.
- 8 Boudry C, Baudouin C, Mouriaux F. International publication trends in dry eye disease research: A bibliometric analysis. Ocul Surf. 2018;16(1):173-9.
- 9 Ramin S, Pakravan M, Habibi G, Ghazavi R. Scientometric analysis and mapping of 20 years of glaucoma research. Int J Ophthalmol. 2016;9(9):1329-35.
10 Kendall S. LibGuides: PubMed, Web of Science, or Google Scholar? A behind-the-scenes guide for life scientists: So which is better: PubMed, Web of Science, or Google Scholar. Michigan State University; 2016. [cited 2020 Dec 12]. Available from: https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/pubmedvsgooglescholar
» https://libguides.lib.msu.edu/pubmedvsgooglescholar
Publication Dates
Publication in this collection
12 July 2021 -
Date of issue
Mar-Apr 2021
26 July 2020 -
02 Feb 2021