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Digestible threonine: lysine ratio in diets for white laying hens at 42 to 58 weeks of age


This study was conducted to determine the ideal ratio of digestible threonine: lysine in diets for laying hens at 42 to 58 weeks of age. Two hundred forty Hy Line W-36 laying hens were used at 42 weeks of age for 16 weeks. The treatments were distributed in a completely randomized design with eight replicates and six birds each. The experimental diets were formulated with five levels of digestible threonine (0.461; 0.515; 0.569; 0.622 and 0.676%) providing the five ratio of digestible threonine: lysine (60; 67; 74; 81 and 88%) studied. The variables analyzed were: egg production; feed intake; lysine intake; threonine intake; mass egg; average egg weight; lysine use efficiencies by mass and produced eggs; feed conversion per mass and dozen eggs; Average weights yolk, albumen and shell; weight gain and final body weights of birds; and nitrogen balance. The digestible threonine: lysine ratio in the diet did not influence the analyzed variables except consumption of threonine which showed a linear effect. The ideal ratio of digestible threonine: lysine in diets for white laying hens at 42 to 58 weeks of age is 60%, which corresponds to the level of 0.461% of digestible threonine in the diet and daily intake of digestible threonine 446mg/bird.

amino acid; performance; hens; egg quality

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil