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Production and chemical composition of lactating dairy cows on pasture submitted to different feeding systems


This study aimed to evaluate the intake, digestibility coefficient of nutrients, production and chemical composition of lactating dairy cows on pasture submitted to different feeding systems: exclusive pasture (PE); pasture associated with sugarcane and urea 1% of the total natural matter (PCU); pasture associated with 4 kg day −1 concentrate supplement (PSC); pasture associated with sorghum silage and 2 kg day −1 concentrate supplement (PSC), and pasture associated with sorghum silage (PSS). The experimental design was a Latin square 5 × 5, consisting of five experimental periods, with fourteen days of adaptation and five days of collection. Consuming dry matter pasture, total dry matter, dry matter in relation to body weight, neutral detergent fiber and totals digestible nutrients, showed no effect (P> 0.10) depending on the feeding systems. It was observed effect systems (P <0.10) on the consumption of crude protein pasture associated with for the concentrated supplement was observed higher consumption 1.50 kg day−1, still, extract ethereal or associated to silage sorghum grass and concentrated supplement 0.19 kg day−1, non-fibrous carbohydrate for pasture associated with the concentrated supplement 2.18 kg dia−1, digestibility of ethereal extract for pasture associated with the concentrate supplement77.79 kg day−1, possibly due to nutritional variations of supplements. Therefore under the conditions of this research regarding the spring-summer period, it is recommended for Dutch-zebu crossbred cows with an average production of 15 kg milk day−1, the exclusive pasture system of Urocloa decumbens, since for the production and chemical composition of the milk Is more feasible.

associate; consumption; supplement

UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil