The studied species were Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann, 1783) and Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray, 1872), (five specimens of each one). Anomalies were discussed under the light of theories which relate the ancestry of pinnipeds with the Ursidae; as well as concerning the evolutionary trends supposed for the Otariidae. Pathologies were related to alimentary and reproductive habits.
Pinnipedia; Otariidae; Arctocephalus; anomaly; pathology; teeth
Pinnipedia; Otariidae; Arctocephalus; anomaly; pathology; teeth
Anomalias e patologias dentárias em Arctocephalus G. Saint-Hilaire & Cuvier (Pinnipedia, Otariidae) da costa do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil1
Tooth anomalies and pathologies in Arctocephalus G. Saint-Hilaire & Cuvier (Pinnipedia, Otariidae) of Rio Grande do Sul coast, Brazil
César Jaeger Drehmer; Jorge Ferigolo
Curso de Pós-graduação em Biociências, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul
The studied species were Arctocephalus australis (Zimmermann, 1783) and Arctocephalus tropicalis (Gray, 1872), (five specimens of each one). Anomalies were discussed under the light of theories which relate the ancestry of pinnipeds with the Ursidae; as well as concerning the evolutionary trends supposed for the Otariidae. Pathologies were related to alimentary and reproductive habits.
Key words: Pinnipedia, Otariidae, Arctocephalus, anomaly, pathology, teeth
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AGRADECIMENTOS. A CAPES e ao CNPq, através do seu programa RHAE, que financiaram a execução deste trabalho e a Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul que deu suporte ao desenvolvimento deste. Ao colega J. L. Maciel pelo auxílio na confecção das fotografias.
Recebido em 08.V.1996; aceito em 02.XII.1996.
Referências bibliográficas
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