The contribution of the Franciscan priest Francisco dos Prazeres to our knowledge of the natural history, geography, history and ethnography of Maranhão in the early XIXth Century appeared in the Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geographico do Brazil in 1891. The original manuscript was donated to the Instituto's library in 1843, and disapeared. The printed text was a copy, without the orignal map, donated by Colonel Francisco Manoel da Cunha Júnior. Fray Francisco was a corresponding member, and a better historian and geographer than a zoologist. This paper summarizes the available information on the zoological expeditions that explored Maranhão. A list of all mammals described in the Poranduba Maranhense is provided, followed by the identification of the species.
Mammals; Poranduba Maranhense; Brazil
Mammals; Poranduba Maranhense; Brazil
Mamíferos descritos na Poranduba maranhense de Frei Francisco dos Prazeres
Mammals described in the Poranduba maranhense of Frei Francisco dos Prazeres
Fernando Dias de Avila-Pires
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Caixa Postal 926, 21041-210 Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Bolsista do CNPq
The contribution of the Franciscan priest Francisco dos Prazeres to our knowledge of the natural history, geography, history and ethnography of Maranhão in the early XIXth Century appeared in the Revista do Instituto Histórico e Geographico do Brazil in 1891. The original manuscript was donated to the Instituto's library in 1843, and disapeared. The printed text was a copy, without the orignal map, donated by Colonel Francisco Manoel da Cunha Júnior. Fray Francisco was a corresponding member, and a better historian and geographer than a zoologist. This paper summarizes the available information on the zoological expeditions that explored Maranhão. A list of all mammals described in the Poranduba Maranhense is provided, followed by the identification of the species.
Key words: Mammals, Poranduba Maranhense, Brazil
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AGRADECIMENTOS. Ao Prof. Messias Carrera, pela amizade e pelo presente de um exemplar da Poranduba Maranhense, importante aquisição de minha biblioteca. Ao Prof. Carlos Almaça, do Museu Bocage, Lisboa, pelas informações sobre a biografia de Frei Francisco dos Prazeres. A Adriana Mohr, pela leitura crítica e preparo dos originais.
Recebido em 20.IX.1992; aceito em 21.V.1993.
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Datas de Publicação
Publicação nesta coleção
06 Ago 2009 -
Data do Fascículo
20 Set 1992 -
21 Maio 1993