This study aimed to evaluate the culture of Litopenaeus vannamei marine shrimp fed with different protein levels diets in heterotrophic systems with and without probiotic addition. It was adopted a completely randomized design with 4x2 factorial arrangement, using four dietary protein levels (20, 25, 30 e 35% CP), as the first factor (P20, P25, P30, and P35), and probiotic addition in the water, as the second factor (P20Pro, P25Pro P30Pro e P35Pro). For this were used 24 fiberglass tanks (800 L working volume) stocked with 300 shrimp m-3 (initial weight 1.55±0.01 g). Water quality parameters were analyzed periodically and showed no significant differences, except nitrite that was influenced by the protein levels (P<0.05). After 50 culture days, shrimp final weight averaged 7.2±0.4 g (P≥0.05). The interaction of protein levels vs. probiotic addition influenced significantly (P<0.05) the survival (70.6 to 90.0%) and final biomass (1.3-2.0 Kg m-3). In Litopenaeus vannamei intensive culture with the utilization of biofloc as the supplemental food, it is possible to reduce the protein levels of feed from 35 to 25%, without compromising the shrimp growth performance and water quality of the culture.
Keywords: Litopenaeus vannamei; Microbial Flocs; molasses: protein; zero water exchange.