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Predictive clinical and histological factors for neck metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma (scc) of the tongue and floor of the mouth (stage II)

The authors present a retrospective study of 54 patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the fongue and floor of the mouth in stage II. The determination of clinical and hystological predictive factors of neck metastasis were the main proposal in T2 NO cases submitted to surgical approach at the Head and Neck Service of Heliópolis Hospital, Hosphel, from 1977 till 1993. The clinical aspects (location, size, alcohol, tabacco, sex, race, age, complain) and histological (macroscopy, injlammatory infiltration, differenciation degree, desmoplasia, mitoses number, vascular and perineural invasion) factors were analysed, using the K square statistical method with 2 x 2 tables and p less than 0.05. Concerning the outcomes for neck nodes metastases, 35.2% were positive coincident, 24.2% false negatives and 52.3% false positives. As conclusion, the main question of this paper were not obtained, due to the impossibility to determine the relation of predictive factors and natural history of the neoplasias of tongue and floor of the mouth.

Tongue neoplasms; Mouth neoplasms; Node metastasis; Histology

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