Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genomics Endophytic bacteria in seed germination and rooting of Pinus spp. Baldin, Dáryan Tharine Saboya Quisen, Regina Caetano Zuffellato-Ribas, Katia Christina Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The inoculation of seeds with associative and growth-promoting bacteria is a prosperous mechanism to achieve high germinability rates and production of well-developed plants, in addition to the aspects related to the rhizogenic process in the clonal propagation of superior genotypes. Consequently, the objective of this work was to isolate endophytic bacteria from Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis plant tissues and evaluate its potential as a promoter in seed germination and rooting of P. taeda mini-cuttings. Hence, endophytic bacteria were isolated from Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis micro-plants grown in vitro and phenotypically characterized. From this collection of formed endophytic isolates, in addition to two Azospirillum brasilense commercial strains, seed germination and rooting tests of Pinus taeda L. mini-cuttings were established. Bacterial inoculation promoted the germination rate, germination speed and vigor of the seedlings. A. brasilense and CNPF 316 promoted an increase in the percentage of rooted mini-cuttings, number and average length of roots. The isolates present characteristics of plant growth-promoting bacteria, as they enhance the development of plant physiological and morphological stages. |
Plant Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genomics Silver nitrate, light spectrum and gas exchange on in vitro flowering of Capsicum frutescens Zanatta, Marcela Maria Silva, Erick dos Santos Nardini, Claiton Bespalhok Filho, João Carlos Pinheiro, Marcos Vinícios Marques Schmidt, Denise Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The study aimed to evaluate the influence of silver nitrate on the in vitro flowering of Capsicum frutescens cv. Cayenne associated with different light spectra and gas exchange. After 36 days of germination in MS medium, two seedlings previously germinated, were subjected to experiments in glass flasks containing two types of culture medium: I) MS culture medium; or II) Culture medium with the addition of 40 µM of AgNO3. The explants were maintained in a growth room with a 16-hour photoperiod, temperature of 25 ± 2 °C, light intensity (72 μmol m-2 s-1) from different light spectra. The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design, 4 x 2 factorial scheme, with eight replicates, and the experimental unit composed of two seedlings. After 74 days of in vitro cultivation, the following parameters were evaluated: number of bifurcations, number of oxidized buds, number of open buds, number of green buds, number of aborted buds, number of leaves, root length, shoot length, total fresh and dry mass of shoots, and total fresh and dry mass of root. Thus, the combination of light spectrum, addition of gas exchange and AgNO3 favors the growth and development of Capsicum frutescens cv. Cayenne. |
Agricultural Engineering Thermal, hydric, and physiological effects on watermelon due to wetted area variation Barros, Allan Cunha Silva, Ricardo Barros Santos Neto, Antônio Lucrécio dos Vellame, Lucas Melo Santos, Maria Deyse Silva dos Aguiar Netto, Antenor de Oliveira Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate leaf temperature, and watermelon yield components under wetted area percentages (PW) in irrigation located in the Agreste region of Northeastern Brazil. Two experiments were carried out in 2018 and 2019. The adopted statistical design was randomized blocks, with six replications and four treatments, in 2018: P1 = 13%, P2 = 14%, P3 = 19%, and P4 = 22%, in 2019: P5 = 12%, P6 = 15%, P7 = 16%, and P8 = 21% of PW. The meteorological variables analyzed were: air temperature (Ta) and rain. The experimental evaluations consisted of measuring the temperature of the plant’s vegetative canopy, tensiometry, mass, and BRIX. Air temperature was not a limiting factor for watermelon growth and development. The average was 195.88 mm, and the average leaf temperature of watermelon is 29.5 °C, a value lower than Ta. There was no statistically significant difference for fruit mass and BRIX, where the overall mean was 10.82 and 10.46 kg, respectively. Therefore, it is feasible to irrigate watermelon with wetted area percentages ranging from 12 to 22%, in localized irrigation systems, without generating physiological damage and reducing agricultural productivity and fruit quality. |
Agricultural engineering Water excess and its effect on cassava growth and yield Alves, Alexandre Ferigolo Freitas, Charles Patrick de Oliveira de Zanon, Alencar Junior Streck, Nereu Augusto Cardoso, Paula de Souza Tardetti, Felipe de Andrade Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Flooding periods directly interfere with the availability of oxygen in the soil, affecting the aerobic processes of the plants. In this study, we aimed to: (i) characterize the effects of water excess soil on cassava growth; (ii) identify management practices that reduce the impact of water excess on cassava yield; and (iii) to know the crop potential yield for the study region in order to quantify the yield loss caused by water excess. The effects of water excess were evaluated through experiments in pots and in the field. The physiological and morphological response of cassava plants under water excess in a controllable environment indicated greater damage to cassava after exposure of 96 and 120 hours of water excess. Every 24 hours of water excess, about 20% of the plants did not emerge and, after 96 hours of excess, the emergence was null. The use of raised seedbeds was a management practice that ensured 62.6% of plant establishment, allowing cassava yields of up to 16.9 Mg ha-1. The potential yield to Santa Maria in the 2018/2019 crop year was 43.9 Mg ha-1 of cassava roots. The yield gap caused by water excess was up to 4.1 Mg ha-1. |
Agricultural Engineering Soil microbiological attributes under the cultivation of Pennisetum purpureum genotypes Silva, Euzanyr Gomes da Santos, Wellington Leal dos Oliveira, João Tiago Correia Rocha, Alexandre Tavares da Moreira, Keila Aparecida Abstract in English: ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the biological quality of soil under the influence of different genotypes of elephant grass in the agreste region, which has a climate that marks the transition between a humid climate with a dry season and the semi-arid climate of the north-eastern hinterland. The study was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Garanhuns, PE, Brazil. The treatments comprised a combination of two elephant grass cultivars (Elefante B and Mott), two irrigation regimes (with and without irrigation), and two climatic periods (dry and rainy). Biological indicators, microbial biomass carbon, soil basal respiration, metabolic quotient, enzymatic activity of soil β-glucosidase, acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, urease, and the hydrolytic determination of fluorescein diacetate were evaluated. The Mott genotype showed superior results, attributed to the biological indicators studied at different times and irrigation management, even during periods of drought, and Mott grass had significant effects microbial activities. This genotype constitutes one of the alternatives for soil quality in semiarid regions, with advantageous biomass and soil microbial activity, thus presenting the greatest complexity in biological attributes with microorganisms tolerant to climate change. |
Agricultural Engineering The environmental supply and the planting density in the Chrysanthemum development Arredondo-Hoyos, Angie Abril-Ramírez, Marco Castañeda-Sánchez, Darío Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The objective was to evaluate the influence of the annual behavior of some environmental factors and plant densities on Chrysanthemum plant growth. Four Chrysanthemum cultivars were grown at five densities and established a total of 23 experiments in 2018. The plant and climatic variables determined were the dry weight, height, flower buds, growing degree days (GDD) and daily light integrated (DLI) of each crop cycle of each assay, respectively, as well as the relative humidity. The effect of density on plant growth, as determined by crop cycles established throughout the year, was analyzed graphically and through analysis of variance, followed by a Scheffe post hoc test. It used the multivariate analysis to cluster the crop cycles identified by its week of planting and according to the similarity of plant variables and climatic. The growth reached by the crop cycles under the treatments in all cultivars along the year showed an unimodal behavior. The multivariate analysis lets us define two seasons (I, II) exhibiting significant differences in plant growth and climatic variables behavior. Period I had drier conditions and higher radiation than II and DLI was the most limiting factor in plant development, while the GDDs did not influence it. |
Agricultural Engineering Early prediction of frost events in high altitude crops, using machine learning methods Caro, Evelin Calderón Sánchez, Darío Antonio Castañeda Bedoya, John Willian Branch Abstract in English: ABSTRACT In the tropic, many crops are distributed in the highlands of provinces of the Andean regions at heights of 2,500 m asl and constitute the areas with the highest susceptibility to the frost events occurrence. The study objective was to propose an early frost prediction model based on the relationships between frost events and climatic variables, modeled with machine learning methods. The climatic variables were obtained from thirteen meteorological stations located inside flower crops and distributed in nine municipalities of the Cundinamarca Department. The variables registered were temperature, relative humidity, dew point, photosynthetically active radiation, and precipitation, entered as explanatory variables of frost events. The metrics used for predictive performance evaluation of the five machine learning methods examined were precision, recall, true negative rate, accuracy, and F1 score. The variables’ climatic behavior of previous hours to a frost event are low humidity, wind speed and cloudiness, and high thermal radiation. The fourth of the five trained models performed well due to their classification evaluation metrics, greater than 91%. The cross-validation and statistical analysis demonstrated the higher accuracy of the GBDT model on frost events detection. |
Agricultural Engineering Potential impacts of climate change on food crops in the state of Piauí, Brazil Silva, Laila Lucia Sousa e Fernandes, Gabriel Siqueira Tavares Lima, Edivania de Araujo Lopes, Jessica Rafaelly Almeida Moura Neto, Arão de Silva, Raiany de Oliveira Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Climate change has made food security vulnerable. Therefore, it is important to have discussions on the subject and take actions that minimize the environmental impacts on family farming, that will be directly or indirectly affected by climatic events. With this in mind, this study aimed to identify climate changes in the state of Piauí based on climate projections and to verify their possible impacts on the suitability of growing food crops, such as beans, corn, cassava, and cashew. The climate scenarios analyzed were 2011–2040, 2041–2070, and 2071–2100. The observed data on current climate came from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET), and future climate projections came from the Brazilian Portal of Climate Projections of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Based on the climatic data obtained (current and future), the climatological water balance was calculated, using the method proposed by Thorntwaite, with consecutive characterization of the suitability for crops. All maps were generated in QGIS. According to the results, crops that may suffer from water deficit are beans and cashews. The latter, in the RCP 8.5 scenario (2071–2100) shows unsuitability for cultivation throughout the state. The population with the highest rate of social vulnerability is the one that will be most damaged by the events caused by climate change. |
Physiology and Morphology Applied to Agriculture Photosynthetic activity in avocado leaf ontogeny as a result of compatibility rootstock/scion in three locations in Colombia Cano-Gallego, Lucas Esteban Bernal-Estrada, Jorge Alonso Hernández-Arredondo, Juan David Correa-Londoño, Guillermo Antonio Córdoba-Gaona, Oscar de Jesús Abstract in English: ABSTRACT In Colombia, the evidence of rootstock/scion incompatibility in avocado cv. Hass graft union has been increasing, generating concern among farmers. The objective was to evaluate the photosynthetic response of the avocado trees due to rootstock/scion compatibility in three locations. A split plots design with a blocking factor per locality was used. The main plot corresponded to the type of graft union (compatible and incompatible) and the subplots to leaf age during the 2020 and 2021 seasons. Climatic (water balance) and gas exchange variables (photosynthesis, transpiration, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, and efficiency in instantaneous water use) were measured. The results indicate that the photosynthetic performance was not affected when the water balance was negative. Compatibility did not significantly affect gas exchange variables (A, gs, E, Tl, and WUEi) during the main and secondary harvest period. The leaf age/harvest period interaction shows that during the first months of leaf development, A, gs, E, and Tl are greater and are detrimental over time. It is concluded that the rootstock/scion compatibility does not significantly modify the capacity to assimilate CO2. At the same time, the variation in avocado photosynthetic activity depends on the age of the leaves and the harvest season. |
Physiology and morphology applied to agriculture Flowering prediction for flood-irrigated rice in the Midwest and North regions of Brazil Justino, Ludmilla Ferreira Honorio Filho, Gutemberg Resende Matta, David Henriques da Stone, Luís Fernando Heinemann, Alexandre Bryan Abstract in English: ABSTRACT This study aimed to analyze the influence of climatic and geographic variables on the flowering process of flood-irrigated rice in the Midwest and North regions of Brazil. Agronomic data from the breeding program were related to the following variables: air temperature, relative humidity, global solar radiation, rainfall, degree days, latitude, longitude, and altitude. The analysis was performed using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and Generalized Additive (GAM) models. Cross-validation determined the most suitable model. The GAM model showed the best performance for both regions. In the Midwest and North of Brazil, flowering was strongly influenced by climate variables related to temperature. The rise in minimum temperatures tends to advance flowering. Higher minimum accumulated temperatures tend to delay flowering. |
Physiology and Morphology Applied to Agriculture Correlation between productive components and grain yield of soybean cultivars sown in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul Paraginski, João Antônio Moraes, Mariana Poll Souza, Rafael Rodrigues de Mello, Anderson de Carvalho Toebe, Marcos Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Considering the expressive number of commercial soybean cultivars available for cultivation in Brazil and the constant search for improvements in the production system, the objective was to evaluate the productive components and grain yield and to estimate the correlation between them in soybean cultivars sown in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul, during the 2019/20 harvest. Sixteen commercial soybean cultivars were sown under their respective plant density recommendations, in a randomized block design with three replications. At the end of the cultivation cycle, the following variables were evaluated: plant height; height of insertion of the first pod; number of nodes; number of pods with one, two, three and four grains; pods per plant; grains per plant; weight of thousand grains, and; grain yield. The cultivars BMX ZEUS IPRO, NS 5445 IPRO and NS 5700 IPRO presented the highest grain yields, mainly due to the high relationship between the number of pods and grains per plant and the weight of a thousand grains. The indirect selection of more productive genotypes can be carried out through the variables weight of thousand grains, number of pods, grains and nodes per plant, given the significant positive correlation between them. |
Physiology and Morphology Applied to Agriculture Seed and seedling morphological characterization of Jatropha mollissima (Pohl) Baill. (Euphorbiaceae): a potential species with multiple uses Walter, Letícia Siqueira Felix, Francival Cardoso Nogueira, Antônio Carlos Pifano, Daniel Salgado Silva, Marcelle Almeida da Kratz, Dagma Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The seeds and seedlings morphological differentiation is a challenge in the early stages of plant growth. This study aims to describe the physical and morphological characteristics of seeds and seedlings of Jatropha mollissima to delimit differences between other species from the same genus. The seeds were placed to germinate for morphological description and their physical characteristics were measured. The J. mollissima presented a 1000-seed weight of 332 g, 3,008 seeds per kilogram, 6.7% of moisture, 1.29 cm length, 0.84 cm width, and 0.66 cm thickness. We verified that the seeds are oval in shape; their colour is dark brown, greyish or mixed colour; they have visible raphe and hilum, and caruncle with beige coloration. The endosperm is oleaginous and involves the embryo with foliaceous and spatulate cotyledons. The embryo is axial, and the hypocotyl-radicle axis has a short cylindrical shape. Germination is epigeal and phanerocotyledonary; leaves have dimorphism and serrated margins with simple trichomes; and their apex is cuspidate or attenuated. Our research demonstrates that it is possible to differentiate J. mollissima from other species of the same genus through morphological characteristics. Therefore, this work contributes to the correct identification of the species, laboratory analysis, and field recognition. |
Physiology and morphology applied to agriculture Physiological response induced by biostimulants on plantain plants (Musa AAB) under Ralstonia solanacearum race 2 stress Mateus-Cagua, Diana Mayerly González-Almario, Adriana Betancourt-Vásquez, Mónica Rodríguez-Yzquierdo, Gustavo Adolfo Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Ralstonia solanacearum race 2 (Rs) is the causal agent of Moko, one of the most limiting diseases of plantain. This study aimed to determine if the preventive application of salicylic acid (SA), silicon dioxide (Si), Bacillus amyloliquefaciens (Ba), and Bacillus subtilis (Bs) reduce the disease development and mitigate the plant physiological damage caused by Rs. For this, plantain plants cv. Hartón (Musa AAB) at nursery stage were established in a split-plot design and treated with biostimulants before the inoculation with Rs. Disease development and plant physiological variables were evaluated post-inoculation. Application of SA and Si on inoculated plants improved the relative water content, quantic yield of the photosystem II, electrons transport rate, gas exchange, and promoted dry biomass partition to the roots and a higher roots elongation. Plants treated with these biostimulants showed the lowest disease degree in comparison to inoculated control plants. Moreover, non-inoculated plants treated with Si and Bs significantly improved their photosynthetic capacity, biomass accumulation, and root elongation compared to non-inoculated control plants. Results suggest that preventive application of SA and Si reduces the Moko disease development whereas Si and Bs improve the physiological features of the plants. |
Physiology and Morphology Applied to Agriculture Physiological modifications resulting from chemical and mechanical hardening of Hymenaea courbaril L. seedlings Rocha, Maria Eunice Lima Malavasi, Ubirajara Contro Cordeiro, Noélle Khristinne Cruz, Maria Soraia Fortado Vera Barbosa, Jaqueline de Araújo Malavasi, Marlene de Matos Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Hardening is the process of exposing seedlings gradually to field conditions. It improves seedling quality through several strategies, including stem bending and the use of plant regulators. Thus, the objective of the experiment was to quantify the physiological changes resulting from mechanical and chemical hardening in Hymenaea courbaril L. seedlings as a function of seedling growth stages. The experiment was conducted at Marechal Cândido Rondon, PR, in a shade house. The design used was a completely randomized, consisting of three treatments (control, methyl jasmonate and stem bending), with seven replications of 16 seedlings. At the end of the hardening treatments we quantified stem bending stiffness, lignin, phenolic compounds, loss of electrolytes and chlorophyll. The phenolic compounds quantified in the leaves increased with the application of both treatments in seedlings of stages I and II. Furthermore, mechanical hardening favored an increase in chlorophyll at all stages. H. courbaril seedlings from stages II and III would be the most recommended for hardening treatments. Mechanical hardening was the most suitable for Hymenaea courbaril L. seedlings. |
Physiology and Morphology Applied to Agriculture Resilience to water deficit of coffee seedlings produced through cuttings and somatic embryogenesis Dominghetti, Anderson William Freitas, Tainah Silveira, Helbert Rezende de Oliveira Guimarães, Rubens José Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Information on Coffea arabica L. vegetatively propagated during crop establishment is still scarce. Knowledge on the anatomical and physiological adaptation of these types of plants in the crop formation phase, in conditions of water deficit is important. The objective of this work was to understand the anatomical and physiological adaptations of plants derived from cuttings and somatic embryogenesis as resilience to water deficit in the implantation phase of the crop. Both types of plants were submitted to 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of water available in the soil, in a controlled environment, for 153 days. The design used in this experiment was the randomized blocks with five replications. Physiological characteristics (photosynthetic activity, stomatal conductance, transpiration and instantaneous carboxylation efficiency) and anatomical characteristics (palisade parenchyma thickness and stomatal density) were evaluated. Both types of plants are resilient to water deficit in the planting phase of the crop. Cutting plants have greater photosynthetic activity and palisade parenchyma thickness with greater growth potential. In general, somatic embryogenesis plants have higher stomatal density. Plants of both types of seedlings have lower values of transpiration, stomatal conductance and CO2 assimilation under water deficit conditions, but with higher stomatal densities, as an adaptation response. |
Plant health Nanocrystals spraying interval for the control of tomato bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. gardneri Santos, Ludyellen Cristina Medeiros Silva, Anielle Christine Almeida Tebaldi, Nilvanira Donizete Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Tomato bacterial spot caused by Xanthomonas hortorum pv. gardneri triggers significant losses in crop production, and the active ingredients availability for disease control is limited. For this reason, there is a great demand for plant protection alternatives, such as the use of nanocrystals. Thus, the aim of this work was to evaluate the performance of nanocrystals spraying intervals for the control of tomato bacterial spot. Tomato plants of cv. Santa Cruz Kada were sprayed at 3-4 leaf stage under greenhouse conditions with ZnO:1Mg, ZnOCl, and ZnOCl:0.1Cu nanocrystals, copper and water. Three days later, the plants were inoculated with a bacterial suspension (109 CFU mL -1). Then, after 3, 6, 9, or 12-day intervals, the plants were sprayed with the products. The bacterial spot severity was periodically quantified as affected leaf area percentage, and the area under the disease progress curve was calculated. Nanocrystals ZnO:1Mg, ZnOCl, and ZnOCl:0.1Cu reduced the tomato bacterial spot severity when sprayed at 3- and 6-day intervals. Thus, nanocrystals may be used for the tomato bacterial spot control when sprayed at 6-day intervals, once this interval is adequate and practical for disease management. |
Plant Health Susceptibility of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) larvae to entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida) Magnabosco, Maria Eduarda Berlatto Andaló, Vanessa Carvalho, Fábio Janoni Faria, Lucas Silva de Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), reduces the productive potential of maize crops and is a difficult pest to manage. A management program using different methods could improve the control of E. lignosellus. Considering the potential of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) in reducing insect pest populations in soil, the objective of this study was to evaluate the virulence of these EPN and adjust their concentration for controlling E. lignosellus larvae under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. In the laboratory, the virulence of five EPN populations was tested; then, Heterorhabditis amazonensis MC01 was tested at four concentrations. In the greenhouse, H. amazonensis MC01 was tested at four concentrations and was applied to vessels containing maize plants and six larvae. After five days, mortality was evaluated, and means were compared using Tukey’s test (p-value < 0.05). Heterorhabditis amazonensis MC01 and S. carpocapsae All were equally virulent, reducing the larva population by more than 90%. The concentration of H. amazonensis MC01 that caused the highest mortality of larvae in the laboratory was 182 infective juveniles (IJ) larva-1. In the greenhouse, the nematode was also considered virulent to E. lignosellus since all concentrations tested caused larval mortality greater than 70%. |
Plant Health Occurrence of weed species due to the implementation of a crop succession system and early fertilization Bertolino, Karina Mendes Duarte, Giuliana Rayane Barbosa Martins, Fábio Aurélio Dias Medeiros, Fernanda Carvalho Lopes de Silva, Édipo Menezes da Fonseca, Kamilly Maria Fernandes Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The combination of management practices affects weed populations and biodiversity. The objective was to evaluate the infesting weed community in the implementation of a corn silage (Zea mays L.) /pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L)/corn silage succession system subjected to early potassium fertilization in the winter crop. The experiment began in October 2019 under fallow area. In the 2019/20 summer season, corn silage was grown in a complete area. In the 2020 fall/winter season, the plots consisted of pearl millet, six doses of potassium fertilization (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1) and one fallow. In the 2020/21 summer season, the treatments consisted of corn silage and six doses of K2O, complementing the treatment applied in the previous harvest (120, 90, 60, 30, 0 kg ha-1) and one with recommended fertilization. Phytosociological evaluations of weeds were performed using a 0.25 m2 square. The density and number of species increased in the first year. Early fertilization at doses of 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1 of K2O increased the dry weight of weeds before planting and at V4 stage of the corn silage cultivated in sequence; however, were lower than those for plots fallowed in the winter. |
Plant Health Does potassium silicate reduce wheat blast in young and adult wheat plants? Bergmann-Martins, Mireli Lorenset, Mateus da Silveira Canabarro, Raissa Liska, Gilberto Rodrigues Pinho, Renata Silva Canuto de Cruz, Maria Fernanda Antunes da Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Considering the different levels of efficiency reported in the literature for the use of potassium silicate (PS) on wheat blast, this work investigated whether the foliar spray of PS could reduce blast severity in young and adult wheat cultivars and increase wheat yield indexes. At 28 days after emergence, the ‘BR 18’, ‘BRS 208’, and ‘BRS Louro’ plant cultivars were sprayed with the following PS rates (g/L): 0, 5, 10, 20, and 25. Twenty-four hours after PS application, the plants were inoculated with 105 conidia/mL of P. oryzae. Seven days after the inoculations the blast severity in the control plants of the ‘BRS Louro’, ‘BR 18’, and ‘BRS 208’ cultivars were 85%, 60% and 35%, respectively. For the 5g/L (PS) dose, severity was reduced more than 60% in the three cultivars. Adult plants of the ‘BRS 208’ and ‘BRS Louro’ cultivars were sprayed with water (control) or PS (20g/L) at the tillering, booting, and inflorescence stages. The PS applications were not efficient at reducing blast severity in adult plants and did not affect the wheat yield indexes. PS is only efficient at reducing blast severity in young plants. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Physicochemical characterization of watermelon accessions from traditional agriculture with resistance to Fusarium wilt Silva, Amanda Rodrigues da Ishikawa, Francine Hiromi Costa, Antonio Elton da Silva Cunha, Fábio Sanchez da Galhardo, Cristiane Xavier Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Watermelon has great importance due to its nutritional properties. The aim of this work was to study accessions classified as resistant to fusariosis. Twelve accessions and two cultivars, Sugar Baby and Charleston Gray (controls), were characterized for watermelon fruit quality descriptors. The experiment was conducted in Petrolina-PE, over two production cycles in a randomized complete block design, with three repetitions and five plants per plot. Two fruits per plot were sampled for characterization. Ten quantitative and seven qualitative descriptors were evaluated. For the qualitative traits, dissimilarity measures were determined by a matrix of Euclidean distance. At the second harvest, most accessions had higher organic acid and vitamin C content in the pulp and higher soluble solids (°Brix) content. The accessions were divided into four groups according to the Tocher method. There is variability among the evaluated accessions, and the accessions BGH-Univasf 40, BGH-Univasf 169, and BGH-Univasf 177 are potential sources for use in watermelon breeding programs. Accessions BGH-UNIVASF 76, BGH-UNIVASF 128, and BGH-UNIVASF 185 (Citrullus lanatus var. citroides) performed well in terms of total production, fruit mass, and vitamin C content. |
Plant breeding applied to agriculture Combining ability of cowpea genotypes for green grain production Pessoa, Angela Maria dos Santos Bertini, Cândida Hermínia Campos de Magalhães Castro, Érika Beatriz de Lima Freitas, Leslyene Maria de Sousa, Tomil Ricardo Maia de Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Cowpea is a species used for various purposes, including green grain production. New cowpea cultivars should be developed to answer the growing market demands for green gains, which can be achieved via breeding programs. In this scenario, diallel cross is a breeding method that allows researchers to select the most suitable parents for hybridization. From this perspective, this study aimed to identify cowpea parents and hybrids with good combining abilities to initiate a breeding program aimed at green grain production. The experiment was developed at the Plant Science Department of the Federal University of Ceará. Fifteen treatments (five parents and ten hybrids) were set up in a randomized block design with ten replications. The variables of green pod length, green pod mass, number of grains, grain mass per green pod, and green grain length were studied in this experiment. The data were subjected to analysis of variance, test of means, and diallel analysis. The parents and hybrids showed variations for the evaluated traits. Both additive and non-additive effects influence the behavior of inherited traits. The parent CE0002 and hybrid combinations BRS Juruá x CE1002 and CE0957 x CE0002 are recommended for selection, showing desirable aspects for green grain production. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Biotic compounds, color and antioxidant activity of sugarcane syrup from different varieties cultivated in southern Brazil Oliveira, Auanna Marcelly Soares de Zambiazi, Rui Carlos Zimme, Tailise Beatriz Roll Borges, Graciele da Silva Campelo Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to characterize the bioactive compounds present in sugarcane syrup, analyze the color, to evaluate the antioxidant activity as well as the stability of the bioactive compounds during a 60-day storage under freezing conditions. The experiment was conducted with five sugarcane varieties grown in Canguçu-RS. The content of carotenoids, total phenolic compounds, flavonoids, vitamin C and chlorophylls was determined, and also the antioxidant activity and color were also evaluated. The content of carotenoids (1.82-6.67µg.g), total phenolic compounds (191.06-226.54 mg EAG.L-1), flavonoids (70.73-189.57mg EQ.g-1), vitamin C (0.10-0.35 mg ascorbic acid .100g-1), total chlorophylls (36.13-37.67, and percentage of antioxidant activity (50.92-68.76%) varied by cultivar. The content of chlorophyll b was higher than the content of chlorophyll a in all cultivars. The color analysis showed that the samples had a strong tendency to green and yellow color. The content of carotenoids increased during 60 days of storage, while the content of phenolic compounds and chlorophylls decreased. The percentage of antioxidant activity decreased after 30 days of storage. It can be concluded that the sugarcane grown in Canguçu-RS had a high content of bioactive compounds, adequate color and high antioxidant activity when compared to the literature. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Genetic diversity and responses of soybean genotypes to water deficit induced by PEG 60001 Silveira, Isabella de Castro Dias, Polianna Alves Silva Hamawaki, Osvaldo Toshiyuki Medeiros, Luiza Amaral Ferreira, Sílvia Barbosa Nogueira, Ana Paula Oliveira Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Water stress is one of the limiting factors for obtaining maximum yield in soybean, which makes the identification of tolerant genotypes an important approach in breeding programs. The objectives of this work were evaluate soybean genotypes in conditions of water deficit, determine traits that allow the identification of genotypes tolerant to water deficit, and suggest promising crosses. Sixteen soybean genotypes were submitted to two osmotic potentials (0.0 MPa and -0.2 MPa) induced by PEG 6000 and the traits of germination and growing were evaluated. Genetic dissimilarity analysis was performed. There was genetic variability among genotypes for all traits, and significant interaction for root length, shoot and total fresh matter and dry root matter. Based on root length, it was possible to discriminate genotypes tolerant to water deficit. The cultivars BRS 7270 IPRO, TMG 2158 IPRO, UFUS Tikuna and UFU_P32 showed higher root length and stood out for dry root, fresh shoot and total fresh matter under water stress conditions and are indicated as promising parents in crosses. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Genetic divergence among forage peanut genotypes based on agronomic and nutritional traits Miqueloni, Daniela Popim Assis, Giselle Mariano Lessa de Beber, Paulo Marcio Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Forage peanut is a perennial legume of high-quality forage production and persistence in mixed pastures that improves soil quality and becomes an efficient option for the recovery of degraded pastures. Therein context, the objective of this study was to cluster forage peanut genotypes based on their breeding values, considering structuring agronomic and nutritive traits to select parents for the hybridization program. Sixty-seven genotypes were evaluated in three separate cut trials in a randomized complete block design, with Belmonte and BRS Mandobi cultivars as a common control. Genotypic values were obtained for each trial by the mixed model methodology. Genetic divergence was analyzed by principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis. There was variability for most traits, with variation among trials on genotypic, genotype x evaluation interaction, and permanent environment variances. There were similar structuring traits among trials and showed soil cover, total dry matter yield, and plant height as the most relevant traits. The hierarchical cluster analysis indicated genotype discrimination by dry matter and seed production. There is a possibility to select highly divergent superior genotypes as parental and breeding with a focus on forage and seed production. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Univariate and multivariate analysis of genetic diversity in common bean Kraeski, Ana Caroline Mello Arevalo Teodoro, Paulo Eduardo Silva, Adriana de Castro Correia da Kraeski, Marcos Jefferson Peres, Nathalia Dias Silva, Maiele Leandro da Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Genetic diversity is important for conservation and genetic improvement of common beans. This study aimed to estimate the genetic diversity among common bean genotypes from the Embrapa germplasm collection using univariate and multivariate analyses. The experiment was conducted in the region of Aquidauana-MS, at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul, in a randomized block design with three replications and twenty-three genotypes, in 2021. The agronomic traits considered in the study were plant height, height to first pod, number of branches, number of pods per plant, number of grains per pod, hundred-grain mass, and grain yield. Descriptive analysis, univariate and multivariate variance analyses, mean clustering, phenotypic correlation network, UPGMA analysis (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean), and canonical variables were used to examine the data. The genotypes showed significant differences for plant height, height to first pod, number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant and yield, with potential for the selection of these traits. CNFC17278, CNFC17305, CNFC19133 and CNFC19198 showed superior yield potential compared to the other lines. The combined use of statistical methodologies can provide more information about the genotypes studied. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Trait prediction through computational intelligence and machine learning applied to the improvement of white oat (Avena sativa L) Silva, Antônio Carlos da Sant’Anna, Isabela Castro Silva, Michele Jorge da Bhering, Leonardo Lopes Nascimento, Moysés Carvalho, Ivan Ricardo Silva, José Antônio Gonzalez da Cruz, Cosme Damião Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The prediction of traits allows the breeder to guide strategies to select and accelerate the progress of genetic improvement. The objective of this work was to determine the best prediction approach and establish a network with better predictive power for white oat using methodologies based on artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Seventy-eight white oat genotypes were evaluated. The design was randomized blocks with three replications. The models were evaluated with and without fungicide, and prediction models were established using four sets of experiments. The grain yield was used as a response trait the others as explanatory traits. The coefficient of determination was considered to evaluate the proposed methodologies. The importance of the traits was assessed through the impact of destructuring or disturbing the information of a given input on the estimation of R2. For machine learning, decision trees, bagging, random forest, and boosting were used. The traits indicated to assist in decision-making are plant height, leaf rust severity, and lodging percentage. The R2 ranged from 30.14% - 96.45% and 10.57% - 94.61% for computational intelligence and machine learning, respectively. A high estimate of the coefficient of determination, which was larger than the other estimates, was obtained using the bagging technique. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Selection of F4 progenies of ornamental peppers (Capsicum annuum L.) using multivariate methods Costa, Maria do Perpetuo Socorro Damasceno Rêgo, Elizanilda Ramalho do Barroso, Priscila Alves Carvalho, Michelle Gonçalves de Rêgo, Mailson Monteiro do Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Although peppers show genetic diversity, there are few ornamental cultivars in Brazil. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the genetic diversity between progenies from F4 populations of peppers. Ten progenies were evaluated, each with 45 plants, and 4 additional control with 15 plants. Sixteen quantitative plant and fruit descriptors were used. The data were subjected to multivariate analysis of variance, and relative importance was determined using Singh’s method. Canonical variable analysis and the Scott-Knott test were used to evaluate the association between characteristics and/or individuals. In addition, non-metric multidimensional scaling was applied. The multivariate analysis of variance for the quantitative characters showed that there were significant differences. The Singh method determined that six of the fifteen characteristics contributed with more than 80.00% of the genetic divergence, while nine characteristics contributed with only 18.70%. In the analysis of canonical variables, the first two canonical variables explained 70.42 % of the discrimination between families and using the Scott-Knott test the progenies were grouped into 8 groups. The non-metric multidimensional scaling method separated the progenies from the control. Progenies that showed the desirable characteristics for potted ornamentals were 4, 8, 9 and 10. Selection within these progenies is recommended to continue the ornamental pepper breeding program. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Optimal plot size in the experiment with low-cold demanding apple trees Ribeiro, Gleick Cruz Carrafa, Militino Paiva Bonelá, Édlen dos Santos Schmildt, Omar Czepak, Marcio Paulo Schmildt, Edilson Romais Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Apple cultivation in the tropical conditions in northern Espírito Santo state is recent and, to increase the cropped area, basic field experimentation research is still necessary. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the optimal plot size (OPS) for experiments with apple plants that are not very demanding in cold conditions of the cultivars Eva, Julieta, and Princesa, based on the evaluation data of three characteristics, in northern Espirito Santo state. After three years and three months, the stem diameter, production in the number of fruits per plant, and mass production per plant were evaluated. To determine the OPS, two methods were used, the maximum curvature modified in its original form, and the maximum curvature modified with bootstrap simulation, both according to Meier and Lessman. The two methods presented similar results for each characteristic, however the productive characteristics presented higher OPS compared to the vegetative characteristic of stem diameter. When setting up field experiments with apple plants of the Eva, Julieta, and Princesa varieties in conditions in the north of the state of Espírito Santo, it is recommended to plan with six plants in each experimental plot. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Genetic parameters in intra-gene and inter-gene pool crosses of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for root distribution Melo, Rita Carolina de Grigolo, Sibila Cerutti, Paulo Henrique Fioreze, Ana Carolina da Costa Lara Guidolin, Altamir Frederico Coimbra, Jefferson Luís Meirelles Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The knowledge about the genetic behavior of roots can be the solution to the main climatic problems and the key for increased production of agricultural crops. In inheritance studies, breeders usually conduct crosses between contrasting individuals to obtain a significant fraction of the genetic variance. To determine genetic parameters in beans from crosses within and between Middle American and Andean gene groups, 64 populations (breeders, F1 and F2) were evaluated under field conditions for the trait root distribution. Crosses between Middle American and Andean gene groups revealed significant estimates for genetic parameters (genetic variance, heritability, and average degree of dominance) compared to intra-pool crosses. However, only 4% of all hybrid combinations evaluated (F1 and F2) showed significant effects when compared to fixed populations (parents). Coupled with the insignificant number of progenies different from the parents, the differences detected revealed inferior performance, compared to the parents. The joining of alleles with identical provenance may be the main cause of the observed effects. The breeding strategy for root distribution should consider more divergent parents. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Minimum number of measurements for an accurate evaluation of growth traits in eucalyptus species Garcia, Janielle de Oliveira Borges, Marcus Vinicius Vieira Teodoro, Larissa Pereira Ribeiro Azevedo, Gileno Brito de Azevedo, Glauce Taís de Oliveira Sousa Teodoro, Paulo Eduardo Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to identify the most effective method to estimate the repeatability coefficients in species of eucalyptus and to predict the minimum number of measurements necessary for growth traits. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with five species, with four repetitions. Data were collected from five measurements during the period from 2014 to 2016, evaluated according to the diameter, chest height and total height. The repeatability coefficient (r) was estimated using different strategies: analysis of variance (ANOVA), principal component analysis based on the correlation matrix (PCCOR), principal components based on the phenotypic variance and covariance matrix (PCCOV), and structural analysis based on the correlation matrix (SACOR). The PCCOR and PCCOV provide accurate estimates of the repeatability coefficient and the number of measurements required. At least five measurements are necessary to predict the real value, with a minimum accuracy of 80%. |
Plant Breeding Applied to Agriculture Stratified mass selection, individual selection between and within, and genetic gains in native maize varieties Pereira, Joaes Alves da Silva Santos, Vanderley Borges dos Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Maize is an important cereal that is grown and consumed all over the world. Among the selection methods that contribute to increasing the frequency of favorable alleles in native maize populations, selection between and within and stratified mass selection in half-sibling families has proven efficient. This study aimed to conduct an individual selection between and within and stratified mass selection in ten half-sibling families of native maize and to estimate the variance components, genetic parameters, and selection gains for them. Ten half-brother families of families were evaluated. The experimental design was DBC, with two replications totaling 20 experimental units, evaluating four plants per plot. The spacing used was 0.8 by 0.3 m. The following were evaluated: stalk diameter (SD), ear length (EL), ear diameter (ED), number of rows (NF), number of grains per row (NGR), ear mass (EM), and total grain mass (TGM) were evaluated. Individual analyses were carried out for all the traits evaluated, selected to increase the original means with a selection intensity of 50% between/50% within. Stratified mass selection yielded higher selection gains than selection between and within families. The selection of the character’s ear mass and total grain mass showed the highest estimates of genetic gain, 54.45 and 48.37%, respectively. |
Crop Production Growth analysis of Ambrosia artemisiifolia Rockenbach, Ana Paula Rizzardi, Mauro Antônio Abstract in English: ABSTRACT We hypothesized that common ragweed has rapid growth and development in shoots and roots, which explains its high potential for establishment in the areas, as well as the high regrowth capacity after cutting or application of contact herbicides. This study aims to evaluate the growth of the specie Ambrosia artemisiifolia. The treatments consisted of collection periods of common ragweed plants at fixed intervals of ten days, from 15 to 95 days after emergence (DAE), totaling nine evaluations. In each collection, the aerial part and the roots were evaluated. In the aerial part, stature, leaf area, number of leaves, and dry mass were evaluated. From these data, the absolute growth rate, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and leaf weight ratio were calculated. The length, surface area, volume, average diameter, number of root tips, and dry mass were evaluated in the root. The common ragweed plants show rapid growth after emergence, with a similar response in aerial parts and roots. The potential for competition with crops is expressive. Furthermore, due to growth and development characteristics, the potential for regrowth is high and impacts the difficulties in controlling this species. Thus, the authors indicate that control should be carried out within a maximum of 25 days after emergence. |
Crop production Chemical thinning programs for vigorous ‘Maxi Gala’ apple trees under black anti-hail netting in Southern Brazil Marchioretto, Lucas De Ross Rossi, Andrea De Marodin, Gilmar Arduino Bettio Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Hail netting increases natural fruitlet drop. Mixing lower concentrations of Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) and spraying on more advanced fruitlets could promote adequate crop load management and improve fruit quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate thinning programs with low concentrations of PGRs sprayed at advanced fruitlet size looking for reducing crop load, enhancing fruit quality, and preserving yield. On 2020/21 and 2021/22, in an orchard covered with hail netting in Bom Jesus-RS, eight programs were tested on vigorous ‘Maxi Gala’: Benzyladenine (BA)+Gibberellic acid4+7 (BA-GA) at full bloom (FB) and BA+Ethephon (ETH) at 15mm; BA-GA at FB and Naphthalene acetic acid+Carbaryl (CB) at 7 mm; BA-GA at FB and BA+CB at 15 mm; ETH+CB at 15 mm and Metamitron (MM)+ETH at 20 mm; BA-GA at FB and BA at 7 mm and MM at 20 mm; MM at 7 mm and MM at 20 mm; Manual Thinning Only; Untreated Control. The treatments containing CB reduced fruit set, although diminished yield unsustainably. All PGR programs improved fruit quality. In conclusion, BA-GA at FB and BA+ETH at 15 mm, and MM at 7 mm and MM at 20 mm reduce crop load, preserve yield and improve fruit quality. |
Crop production Cry 1F and Cry 2Ab2 proteins survey in maize landraces and teosinte cultivated in Alto Jequitinhonha region Rossini, Laize Cristina Veloso, Ronnie Von dos Santos Oliveira, Josimar Rodrigues Soares, Marcus Alvarenga Costa, Márcia Regina da Silva, Ricardo Siqueira da Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Maize landraces diversity is important for many smallholder and indigenous populations. Gene flow constitutes a threat to the genetic conservation of several locally adapted maize landraces and, risk management depends on monitoring transgenic occurrence in non-GM maize. This study evaluated the occurrence of exogenous proteins from GM-maize in maize landraces and teosinte cultivated in the Alto Jequitinhonha region, State of Minas Gerais. Gene flow from GM maize to non-transgenic varieties was evaluated in eight maize groups and one teosinte variety. A transgenic maize variety was used as a positive control. Proteins Cry1F and Cry2Ab2 were monitored using the Protein Detection Assay kit (Envirologix QuickStix® kit protocols for detecting Cry1F and Cry2Ab2 proteins). Transgenic proteins were not detected in the leaves of landraces and teosinte cultivated in the Alto Jequitinhonha region. |
Crop production Estimation of factors related to the fertilization of banana plants selected in a fractional factorial scheme Campos, Matheus Pena Pio, Leila Aparecida Salles Rufini, José Carlos Moraes Bueno Filho, Júlio Sílvio de Sousa Ramos, Martha Cristina Pereira Costa, Ana Claudia Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to (i) use a combination of a definitive screening design (DSD) and a complete 33 factorial design to estimate the effects of four fertilizer supplements (factors) screened in the 1st planting cycle of Prata Gorutuba banana trees and (ii) determine whether combinations of these four factors can be identified for a future test. A DSD was combined with a complete 33 factorial scheme composed of three factors with three levels (application doses) each and three extra repetitions of the central level (commercial dose), totaling 30 experimental plots (27 + 3). The experimental area was divided into six blocks in a randomized block design (RBD) with 5 experimental plots each. The four selected factors included three soil conditioning products and a biostimulant based on seaweed extract. Experimental efficiency was maintained by performing a single trial with only 35.71% of the number of total plots used in the previous screening experiment. The results corroborated the main hypothesis of the study, i.e., that the most important factors previously screened in a previous trial could be maintained with three dose levels without altering the cultivation performance. |
Crop production Carotenoids, sugars and dry matter concentrations in sweetpotato are different in two Brazilian regions Mello, Alexandre Furtado Silveira Minguita, Adriana Paula da Silva Carvalho, José Luiz Viana de Santiago, Manuela Cristina Pessanha de Araújo Pacheco, Sidney Silva, Giovani Olegário da Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Considering that the expression of sweetpotato characters may vary according to the environment, we aimed to evaluate the nutritional performance of nine genotypes in two different regions. Experiments were carried out in Itabaiana, SE and Gama, DF, in 2015/2015 and 2015/2016 crop years. The experimental design was a four-replicate randomized block design of 10 plants per row, spaced 75 cm between rows and 40 cm between plants. The treatments were the Beauregard cultivar and eight clones 6, 8, 9, 33, 50, 66, 75, 79; in addition, two local cultivars (Olho Roxo and Ourinhos) were used as controls for sugar analysis. They were evaluated for dry matter, total carotenoid and betacarotene content; and the content of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and total soluble solids. Total and soluble sugars evaluations were performed only in 2015/2016. The resulting data underwent analysis of individual and pool variances, simple correlation, and grouping of treatment means by a Scott-Knott test. It was verified that dry matter, brix, total carotenoids, betacarotene, and sugar (fructose and glucose) levels were different in Itabaiana-SE and Gama-DF evaluations. These findings demonstrate the importance of regional validations of sweetpotato quality traits under different Brazilian conditions. |
Crop production Seasonal Variation of Lettuce Supply and Prices in Minas Gerais Ferreira, Thiago César Ribeiro Silva, Luis Felipe Lima e Maluf, Wilson Roberto Resende, Luciane Vilela Abstract in English: ABSTRACT In economic terms the lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is considered relevant among the vegetable crops. The diversity of cultivars available today, their varying climatic requirements and climatic differences between the different producing regions, lettuce may present seasonal variations in supply and prices during agricultural years. The aim of this work was to study the seasonal variation of lettuce supply and prices practiced in the state of Minas Gerais, in the period between January 2012 and December 2017. The data were obtained from CeasaMinas and processed by the centralized moving geometric mean methodology, obtaining the minimum, average and maximum indexes for supply and prices practiced. Lettuce showed a marked seasonal variation in supply and prices, and Ceasa Great-BH presented the highest seasonal variation of price and supply indices practiced. The variations in supply and prices in the hot and rainy season, in relation to the dry season, are markedly more accentuated. It was observed that there is a relationship that follows the “Law of supply”, where in the cold periods of the year the lowest prices associated with the lowest offers were presented and in the hot periods of the year, the highest prices associated with the largest offers were presented. |
Crop production Agronomic performance of canola hybrids in Campos das Vertentes - MG Pimentel, Guilherme Vieira Martins, Inara Alves Santiago, Alexsandro Carvalho Costa, Natália Silva, Rodrigo Nogueira Moreira, Silvino Guimarães Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Canola has considerable global significance in edible oil and biodiesel production. In Brazil, canola has adapted to the temperate South region, where production is now concentrated. However, research indicates potential for growing the crop in warmer regions. This study evaluated the performance of canola hybrids under growing conditions in the Campo das Vertentes mesoregion, Minas Gerais, during the 2019 and 2021 harvests. The experiments were conducted in a randomized block 6 × 6 factorial design, with four replicates. Six canola hybrids, Hyola 433, Hyola 575 CL, Nuola 300, Hyola 571 CL, Diamond, and ALHT B4, and six sowing dates: 02/15/2019, 02/28/2019, 03/20/2019, 04/09/2019, 02/22/2021, and 03/11/2021 were tested. The plant height, total number of siliques per plant, number of grains per silique, grain yield, and canola oil yield were evaluated. The Nuola 300 and Hyola 575 CL hybrids showed superior grain and oil yields, indicating potential success in growing in the Brazilian Cerrado region. Findings indicated an optimal sowing period in the Campo das Vertentes region until March. These results stress the importance of strategically selecting hybrids and sowing timelines to maximize canola yield in the region under study. |
Crop Production Perception and trends towards research and technological development in the avocado value chain using data science tools Cáceres-Zambrano, Jeimmy Ramírez-Gil, Joaquin Guillermo Barrios, Dursun Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Systematic analysis of scientific, industrial, and commercial information and the application of data science (DS) are alternatives to learn about trends and advances in value chains such as avocado. The objective of this study was to review current trends in research, technological development, and perception about the avocado subsector under tropical conditions using DS tools. A bibliometric analysis (BA) of scientific articles, technological developments, and patents in different sources of web information was implemented. Additionally, search algorithms and DS were designed to perform an analysis of trends from social media platforms in the avocado value chain. The BA identified patters associated with the avocado chain in Colombia, highlighting the increase in scientific-technical information, the grouping by work networks, the bias associated with departments and commercial varieties such as the high volume of works in Antioquia and cv. Hass, and the few high-value alternatives for the chain such as patents, industrial secrets, etc. Trends in social networks were linked to international markets, added value, and environmental aspects. Likewise, a disconnection was found between the needs of the avocado value chain and the existing offers. This study contributes as a competitive strategy for the local avocado subsector and generates a country-adjusted research agenda. |
Crop Production Production and composition of Lippia alba (Mill.) essential oil as affected by frost Schmidt, Denise Caron, Braulio Otomar Prochnow, Daiane Heinzmann, Berta Maria Pinheiro, Carlos Garrido Thiesen, Leonardo Antonio Nardini, Claiton Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Lippia alba (Mill.), popularly known bushy matgrass, is considered an aromatic and medicinal plant with physiotherapeutic characteristics, leading to its use in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Therefore, the study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition and yield of the essential oil of Lippia alba (Mill.) after the occurrence of frost in southern Brazil. The study was carried out in an experimental area located at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen Campus, in July 2014. The essential oil was extracted using the hydrodistillation technique for three hours after the start of boiling. The chemical composition of Lippia alba (Mill.) essential oil was identified through chromatographic analysis. The chemical composition of Lippia alba (Mill.) essential oil was not altered by frost. As for the yield, it was 0.311% before the frost and 0.363% after the frost. |
Crop Production Corn hybrids grain yield submitted to different sowing densities in the medium-high Uruguay region of Rio Grande do Sul Paraginski, João Antônio Toebe, Marcos Mello, Anderson de Carvalho Souza, Rafael Rodrigues de Moraes, Mariana Poll Marchioro, Volmir Sergio Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The use of corn hybrids adapted to the soil and climate conditions of the cultivation region under adequate optimum plant density is a determining factor for the maximization of grain yield. In this sense, the objective was to evaluate the productivity of corn hybrids under two sowing densities during the 2020/21 crop season in the medium-high Uruguay region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The corn hybrids AS1555 PRO3, B2401 PWU, B2418 VYHR, B2612 PWU, BG7061 YHR, DKB235 PRO3, NS45 VIP3, NS73 VIP3, NS80 VIP3, P2501, P3016 VYHR, P3565 PWU and 30F53 VYHR were submitted to densities of 66,667 and 88,889 plants ha-1, in a randomized block design with ten replications. Corn hybrids showed superior grain yield when subjected to the density of 88,889 plants ha-1 in the medium-high Uruguay region of Rio Grande do Sul, surpassing in most cases the state and national average yield of harvest 2020/21. Most of the corn hybrids used present potential for cultivation at higher sowing density than their respective recommendations. Considering the superior productivity of hybrids NS80 VIP3, B2401 PWU and NS73 VIP3, their cultivation under conditions similar to those of the study is recommended. |
Crop Production Nicotinamide and phytohormones as biostimulants in common bean Bernardo, Vitória Fátima Lima, Sebastião Ferreira de Santos, Gleciane Aparecida Valério dos Alves, Vitória Carolina Dantas Vendruscolo, Eduardo Pradi Nunes, Rita de Cássia Barros Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is of great importance to the national economy since they are grown in almost all regions of Brazil and the use of biostimulants based on phytohormones and plant vitamins can improve the yield of the crop. This work aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of the vitamin nicotinamide and phytohormones as biostimulants on bean plants. The experimental design was carried out in randomized blocks in a 2 x 5 factorial scheme with 4 replicates. The treatments consisted of the application of five doses of nicotinamide (0, 200, 400, 600 and 800 mg L-1) in the presence or absence of phytohormones containing auxin, gibberellin and cytokinin. The growth characteristics, production components and productivity of the bean grains were evaluated. The use of phytohormones and nicotinamide alone or together favored the growth, production components and grain productivity of the bean plant. The range of 366 to 469 mL L-1 nicotinamide achieved the highest values for the growth variables, production components and grain productivity of the bean plant, with 414 mL L-1 being the most suitable to achieve higher grain productivity. |
Crop Production Comprehensive characterization of high Andean sugarcane production systems (Saccharum officinarum) for panela production in Colombia Muñoz, José Luis Tauta Carranza, Bellanid Huertas Cortés, Yeny Paola Carrillo Rodríguez, Luis Alejandro Arias Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Worldwide, a comprehensive characterization has been implemented in different farming systems but not in sugarcane agroecosystems for panela production in high Andean regions. In Colombia, panela is an important staple food, being the second largest producer in the world; however, the predominant cropping systems in different regions have not yet been fully described. Using secondary information, as well as the implementation of semi-structured surveys with farmer participation, together with geographic information system analysis tools, 341 farms and management measures were identified in a large sugarcane productive region in Colombia. Sufficient soil and climatic conditions were found for production, siltstone parent material (38.84%), predominant spine relief (83.23%), rainfall (1,000 mm), relative humidity (86%) and annual temperature (23 °C). The types cropping systems were determined, characterizing their management, as well as variables of the socioeconomic structure of the region. The production systems were classified into five gropus, were the typification of farms was mainly by three cutting systems called “parejo”, “entresaque” and a new cutting system was identified, called “parejo” without renewal. As a complement, deficiencies were found in socioeconomic, technical and technological aspects in the province of Gualivá (Cundinamarca), being a generalized panorama in this important productive system in the country. |
Crop Production Selectivity of tembotrione + atrazine herbicides for grain sorghum Santos, Weverton Ferreira Caldas, João Victor dos Santos Silva, Alessandro Guerra da Procópio, Sergio de Oliveira Braz, Guilherme Braga Pereira Jakelaitis, Adriano Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The herbicide tembotrione may be seletivity to sorghum, which is of utmost importance in grain production systems. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the selectivity of tembotrione + atrazine combinations applied post-emergence at different phenological stages of grain sorghum. Four experiments were carried out in Rio Verde and Montividiu (state of Goiás) in succession to soybean cultivation in 2017 and 2018. The experiments were carried out in randomized block design with six replications, both in a (3x2) + 1 factorial arrangement. The first factor referred to three vegetative stages of application (V3, V5 and V7) associated with two doses of tembotrione (90 and 180 g ha-1) combined with atrazine (1,000 g ha-1)and and an additional treatment with no herbicide application. Tembotrione + atrazine applications at the V7 stage caused less damage to grain yield and dry mass accumulation in relation to V3 and V5. The dose of 90 g ha-1 tembotrione + atrazine combined with atrazine resulted in higher grain yields compared to 180 g ha-1, although still at lower levels compared to the treatment with no herbicides. Thus, herbicide tembotrione at doses of 90 and 180 g ha-1 combined with atrazine did not have selectivity for grain sorghum in applications at V3, V5 and V7 stages. |
Vegetative and Seminiferous Propagation Analysis of dormancy and physiological quality of Stylosanthes spp. stored in FGB-UEFS Silva, Aritana Alves da Pelacani, Claudineia Regina Grilo, Josandra Souza Teles Fonseca Pereira, Larissa de Souza Oliveira, Ronaldo Simão de Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Knowledge on the viability of the seeds is important in the management of the Germplasm Bank, as it allows monitoring the longevity and the need for regeneration of the accessions. The objective was to validate the efficiency of the Gomez-Campo methodology for seed conservation by evaluating physical dormancy and physiological quality of 11 Stylosanthes spp. accessions stored between seven and 13 years in the Forage Germplasm Bank of the State University of Feira de Santana (FGB-UEFS). One-hundred seed were used to determine moisture degree (%) and the viability with the descriptors: percentage of germination (G), germination speed index (GSI), synchronicity (Z) and average germination time (AGT). Sowing was done in plates moistened with water, arranged under controlled conditions (BOD chambers: at 20/30 °C and 12 hours/light) and in a completely randomized design in a 2 x 11 factorial scheme (scarified/non-scarified seeds and 11 accessions). After 14 days, it was observed that most of the accessesion presented high G (greater than 70%), GSI less than 2, Z with a mean value of 0,52 and AGT with a mean value of 2 days, characterizing a synchronous and rapid event. Thus, the methodology used in storage is efficient for the conservation of Stylosanthes seeds in the medium term. |
Vegetative and Seminiferous Propagation Chlorophyll fluorescence in pepper seedlings after seed priming and induction of salt stress Nobre, Júlia Gabriella da Silva Rocha Silva, Clíssia Barboza da Araújo Neto, João Correia de Ferreira, Vilma Marques Melo Júnior, João Luciano de Andrade Melo, Luan Danilo Ferreira de Andrade Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Chlorophyll fluorescence analysis is a method that has been widely disseminated among researchers for ensuring fast, accurate and non-destructive results. Thus, this study aimed to assess the chlorophyll a fluorescence of pepper seedlings grown from seeds that were unprimed, hydroprimed and primed with 24-EpiBL at 10-8 M after induction of salt stress at three concentrations (0.0, -0.2 and -0.4 MPa). To carry out the experiment, the Seed Reporter Camera Spectral & Color Imaging System (PhenoVation Life Sciences, Wageningen, Netherlands) was used. Three lots of seeds of the pepper cultivar ‘Biquinho’ were used. Chlorophyll fluorescence in the seedlings was evaluated on the seventh day after the seeds were subjected to different levels of salt stress. The chlorophyll fluorescence images obtained were analyzed by the CFTI - Analysis software (version 4.5). Through the data obtained it was possible to verify that, in general, there was an increase in chlorophyll a fluorescence in seedlings grown from seeds primed with 24-EpiBL. In short, the chlorophyll fluorescence technique proved to be viable and efficient, in addition to being a practical tool that can be used to support the analysis of the quality of pepper seedlings, whether or not subjected to saline stress conditions. |
Vegetative and Seminiferous Propagation Physiological potential of pepper seeds hydroprimed and primed with 24-epibrassinolide and subjected to salt stress Nobre, Júlia Gabriella da Silva Rocha Araújo Neto, João Correia de Ferreira, Vilma Marques Melo Júnior, João Luciano de Andrade Melo, Luan Danilo Ferreira de Andrade Souto, Priscila Cordeiro Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The 24-epibrassinolide (24-EpiBL), in association with the physiological conditioning of seeds, is recognized for providing several advantages in seeds, among which the most important one is the tolerance to abiotic stresses. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the vigor of pepper seeds primed with 24-EpiBL and then subjected to salt stress. Three lots of pepper seeds of the cultivar Airetama Biquinho Amarela were used. The research was divided into three steps: the first for initial characterization of seed lots upon germination and vigor tests; the second for defining the water absorption process and drying of primed seeds; and the third for the priming of seeds with water (hydropriming) and 24-EpiBL (10-8 M), as well as priming with 24-EpiBL (10-8 M) of seeds subjected to the salt stress with the following osmotic potentials: 0.0, -0.2, and -0.4 MPa. A mitigation of deleterious effects of salt stress was found in seeds hydro-primed and primed with 24-EpiBL. The use of pepper seeds hydro-primed and primed with 24-EpiBL (10-8 M) is a viable alternative for decreasing injuries, morphological and biochemical changes, and growth and development limitations caused by salt stress. |
Vegetative and Seminiferous Propagation New understanding of factors influencing the seed germination of Jacaranda micrantha (CHAM.), an aesthetically appealing native species Sanson, Daniela Garrett, Alexandre Techy de Almeida Peres, Fabiana Schmidt Bandeira Bobrowski, Rogério Abstract in English: ABSTRACT The factors and their levels influencing the seed germination process are well-known for most traditional forest species. But, for Jacaranda micrantha, a native and aesthetically appealing species, some factors influencing the germination process are not well described. So, we evaluated the effect of different light conditions and soaking on the germination of seeds. Four light intensity treatments (5, 25, 50, and 100%) and four soaking times were tested (0, 12, 24 and 48 hours). In both procedures, a completely randomized design was applied, with four treatments of four replicates containing 25 seeds each. Daily evaluations were performed to determine the germination percentage and the germination speed index (IVG). Seeds of J. micrantha presented a better germinative potential in lower light intensities, but more abnormal seedlings were observed at very low-intensity light (5%). The imbibition of seeds was efficient in accelerating the germination process, and the 12-hour soaking time in the water was the most efficient, contrary to what is described in the literature. |
Vegetative and Seminiferous Propagation Clonal cutting production by Coffea canephora mother plants under increasing nitrogen doses Kolln, Alana Mara Espindula, Marcelo Curitiba Araújo, Larissa Fatarelli Bento de Campanharo, Marcela Rocha, Rodrigo Barros Giuriatto Júnior, Jurandyr José Ton Abstract in English: ABSTRACT This study aimed to establish production curves of cuttings for Coffea canephora coffee plants in response to nitrogen doses. A clonal garden of the botanical variety Robusta was used to evaluate the effects of seven nitrogen doses divided into four applications. The subplots corresponded to two evaluation periods: January and June 2019. The following traits were evaluated: number of stems, number of viable cuttings, number of cuttings per stem, cutting fresh and dry mass, and cutting macronutrient contents. The results showed that C. canephora produced a higher amount of vegetative mass and propagules during the period from September to January compared to the period from January to June. Nutrient concentrations in the tissues varied with the period of the year due to soil nutrient availability and the amount of accumulated dry mass. Increasing nitrogen doses resulted in higher vegetative and propagules mass associated to higher nitrogen and potassium concentrations in the cuttings; but had no effect on phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur contents. Nutrient contents in the cuttings followed the order K>N>Ca>P>Mg>S regardless of the applied nitrogen dose. |
Soil and Plant Nutrition Production of yellow passion fruit seedlings as a function of alternative growing media and controlled-release fertilizer Guilherme, João Paulo Maia Andrade Neto, Romeu de Carvalho Carvalho, Pedro Henrique da Silva Araújo, James Maciel de Muniz, Paulo Sérgio Braña Abstract in English: ABSTRACT With the objective of evaluate the use of residues as growing media for the yellow passion fruit seedlings, a randomized block experiment was carried out with treatments distributed in a 2 × 21 factorial scheme corresponding to fertilizer management (presence and absence of controlled-release fertilizer), and combination of growing media from five local agro-industrial wastes (bark of cupuaçu fruit, almond shell of castanha-do-brasil, lumps of acerola fruit, lumps of cajá fruit, and lumps of açaí fruit) and a commercial growing media, which tested pure and was combined in a 1:1 ratio. The variables measured were the seedling height; stem diameter; height: stem diameter ratio; number of leaves; shoot, root, and total dry matter; and Dickson quality index. The dates were submitted to univariate and multivariate analyzes. The pairwise combination of growing medias produced from the bark of cupuaçu fruit, almond shell of castanha-do-brasil, lumps of acerola fruit, lumps of cajá fruit, lumps of açaí fruit, and commercial growing media in a proportion of 1:1 and with the use of controlled-release fertilizer constitute an alternative for other growing medias in the production of yellow passion fruit seedlings. |
Soil and Plant Nutrition Gypsum recommendations for a typical Dystrophic Red Argisol cropped with Phaseolus vulgaris Silva, Thaynara Garcez da Nolla, Antonio Bordin, Adriely Vechiato Castaldo, João Henrique Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Paraná leads the Brazilian production of beans so that the cultivation system can restrain the root development of the plants. Limestone and agricultural gypsum can be alternatives to stimulate the development of roots, and it is necessary to establish criteria for their use. The objective of this work was to evaluate the development of bean plants subjected to liming and gypsum doses in a typical Dystrophic Red Argisol. The experiment was carried out in Umuarama, state of Paraná in PVC tubes (80 x 15 cm), growing Phaseolus vulgaris cultivar Pérola for 90 days. Treatments consisted of gypsum doses (0, 420, 670, 950, 1140, 1430, 3000, and 5320 kg ha-1) combined or not with lime application, in a factorial design (8 x 2) with four replications. At the end of the cycle, the aerial part of the plants and soil samples were collected for analysis. Gypsum doses benefited bean development, especially when associated with liming, which raised pH, Ca+2, and Mg+2 and reduced Al+3 in the soil. The doses of maximum technical efficiency of gypsum were 3291 and 2991 kg ha-1 for the treatments with and without liming, respectively, also increasing the Ca+2 and available P concentration in the soil. |
Soil and Plant Nutrition Silicon absorption by plants in response to the environment Moraes, Sâmia Paiva de Oliveira Menezes, Bruno Sousa de Araújo, Francisca Soares Escobar, Maria Eugenia Ortiz Oliveira, Teogenes Senna de Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Despite the importance given to Silicon in the relief of stress in cultivated plants, there are no experimental studies on abiotic stresses that address this function of Si in plants under natural environments, aiming to identify responses that would indicate acclimatisation to the conditions at their place of origin. The goal of this study was to answer the following questions: 1) Does abiotic stress increase Si absorption? 2) Does the presence of Si stimulate biomass production in natural environments? and 3) Do plants from different environments display differences in Si absorption? To do so, Eugenia punicifolia was selected as a study species since it has a wide distribution, occurring in three different physiognomies: Coastal Savanna, Dense Deciduous Shrubland and Seasonal Deciduous Forest. The Si absorption varied depending on the temperature and this was directly related to increases in dry matter production in E. punicifolia plants, suggesting that this may be a relief mechanism for temperature and water stresses. Differences in the response to stress conditions may be a result of the phenotypic plasticity which occurs in E. punicifolia and suggests that plasticity could be a useful asset in the use of Si fertilizer for crops. |
Soil and Plant Nutrition Comparative study between nutrient-enriched zeolites and conventional fertilizers: effect on kale growth Santos, Nathalia Aparecida Shinzato, Mirian Chieko Castanho, Camila de Toledo Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Synthetic fertilizers have high solubility and when leached through the soil can have environmental and economic impact. Minerals with high cationic exchange capacity, such as zeolites, can reduce nutrient loss. We compared the effect of zeolites enriched with nutrients (NH4+ and K+) and conventional fertilizers on kale growth. Experiments were conducted with 30 pots containing a substrate with: (i) nutrient-enriched zeolites and a phosphate salt (Z-NK+P); (ii) NH4+, K+ and P salts (NPK); (iii) no additional nutrients (control). After three months, we evaluated kale productivity, absorption of nutrients and nutrient loss on the percolated water. The Z-NK+P and NPK treatments had a higher kale growth and retained more water volume in the first and third month, compared to the control. The NPK treatment released more NH4+ (54%) and K+ (92.9%) in percolated water than the zeolite treatment (15.5% K+ and 22.4% NH4+) in all the comparisons and had a higher K+ concentration in its leaves than control. Both fertilizations were efficient in providing nutrients to the plants; however, zeolites present the advantage by releasing the nutrients gradually, reducing their loss and potentially minimizing environmental and economic impact. |
Soil and Plant Nutrition Biochemical and morpho-physiological mechanisms of Handroanthus chrysotrichus to chromium excess Aguilar, Marcos Vinícius Miranda Sasso, Victória Martini Tabaldi, Luciane Almeri Abstract in English: ABSTRACT Pollution with heavy metals (chromium (Cr), in particular) has become a major global issue, and their participation in the soils needs to be addressed. Thus, it is essential using species tolerant to toxic metals in reforestation programs to restore the environment’s ecological conditions. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate tolerance to Cr in H. chrysotrichus seedlings, based on the effects of Cr on physiological, biochemical and morphological variables. H. chrysotrichus seedlings were cultivated at five different Cr concentrations (0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg L-1). Shoot and root morphological variables, photosynthetic variables, photosynthetic pigments, hydrogen peroxide concentration, lipid peroxidation, guaiacol peroxidase (POD) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzymes were assessed. The highest Cr concentrations had negative effect on most of the assessed variables. On the other hand, there was not significant difference between treatments concerning shoot height, main root, total length and mean root diameter. SOD and POD were activated in the roots and the highest MDA values were observed at the highest Cr concentrations. Thus, the assessed species tolerated Cr concentrations up to 100 mg L-1 Cr, which may indicate its tolerance to this metal and its likely use for the phytoremediation of Cr-polluted soils. |