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The relationship between epistemology and curricular structure is established from studies in which the attainment of knowledge is preserved. In Information Science, some elements are widely discussed, such as: interdisciplinarity, the relation with the information technology and the social insertion. The present study intends to analyze the curricular structure of the General Training Syllabus, common to the courses of Archival Studies, Librarianship and Information Science that are offered by the Department of Information Science of UFSC, from the perspective of information technology. It uses qualitative research as a way of approaching the problem, once the data were collected directly from the existing documents and classified for an interpretative analysis by the researcher; concerning technical procedures, this study is supported by a bibliographical research in order to gather theoretical references, which were chosen intentionally for their already renowned relevance to the field of study; concerning the objectives, it is characterized as an exploratory and descriptive research. As a result, it was possible to identify that the epistemological relationship of these areas remains preserved.

Academic curriculum; Epistemology; Information technology


A relação entre epistemologia e estrutura curricular se estabelece a partir dos estudos nos quais a obtenção do conhecimento é preservada. Na Ciência da Informação alguns elementos são amplamente discutidos, tais como: a interdisciplinaridade, a relação com a tecnologia da informação e a inserção social. O presente estudo se propõe a analisar a estrutura curricular do Núcleo de Formação Geral, comum aos cursos de Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação que são ofertados pelo Departamento de Ciência da Informação da UFSC, sob a perspectiva da tecnologia da informação. Utiliza a pesquisa qualitativa como forma de abordagem do problema, uma vez que os dados foram coletados diretamente dos documentos existentes e classificados para uma análise interpretativa do pesquisador, do ponto de vista dos procedimentos técnicos se apoia na pesquisa bibliográfica para levantamento dos referenciais teóricos que foram escolhidos de forma intencional pela relevância já consagrada na área e, do ponto de vista dos objetivos, se caracteriza como uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva. Como resultado foi possível identificar que a relação epistemológica dessas áreas se mantém preservada.

Currículo acadêmico; Epistemologia; Tecnologia da informação


Formal education fulfills a fundamental role in society since the units of education need not only to train citizens critical to interact with society and the issues that involve it, to meet the expectations and needs of the market in which they are inserted and with whom they interact directly.

The great challenge is to bring this training closer to the ideal expected to guarantee adaptation to the job market with social awareness, technical competence and competitive conditions, being the professionals able to understand and collaborate in the strategic paths traced. From the academic point of view, according to the World Declaration on Higher Education in the 21st Century, training must approach society and recognize its demands. In its Art.7, the UNESCO document proposes: "Strengthening cooperation with the world of work, analyzing and preventing the needs of society". (UNESCO, 1998).

Brazilian universities do not have a long tradition, considering that the records show that the first institutions of higher education were installed with the arrival of the Royal Family in 1808. In this trajectory, several interferences made these institutions oscillate in their purposes, with the conduction of their management processes and very specific training objectives that sought to align with the treaty in Portuguese institutions. However, these models did not fully meet the needs of Brazilian society (BRASIL, 1999BRASIL, W. Epistemologia e currículo no ensino superior, reflexões. Revista de Educação, Cultura e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, n. 15, v. III, mar. 1999.).

Cultural plurality and economic diversity, supported by the appropriation of increasingly explicit knowledge, have changed the backgrounds of professional training and performance. According to Silva and Cunha (2002SILVA, E. L. da; CUNHA, M. V. da. A formação profissional no século XXI: desafios e dilemas. Ciência da Informação, Brasília, v. 31, n. 3, p. 77-82, 2002. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 ago. 2017.), the changes require professionals in line with market expectations, but with a critical condition sufficient to understand reality, act on it and adapt to it. According to Queiroz (2016QUEIROZ, A. D. Oportunidades e desafios do empreendedorismo no cenário catarinense. In: Aula Magna do Bacharelado em Ciência da Informação. 2016. Florianópolis, UFSC.), the university has the social responsibility to continuously feed with new knowledge the process of economic and social development of a country.

The undergraduate curricula are studied and elaborated in the universities with the aim of providing the student with a list of disciplines that involve all the aspects that the pedagogical body composed of teaching researchers, in line with the university strategies, considers to be important for training. These curricular matrices are traditionally discussed to exhaustion where all biases are placed and the final option falls under the category of disciplines that guarantee the basic contents or fundamental for the formation of the professional. These discussions discuss the epistemological relationship between the disciplines, in which the contents and methodologies are linked and interconnected and what they represent in the context of the proposed curricular development (BRASIL, 1999BRASIL, W. Epistemologia e currículo no ensino superior, reflexões. Revista de Educação, Cultura e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, n. 15, v. III, mar. 1999.).

For Lourenço (2016LOURENÇO, K. R. C. Epistemologia e currículo: reflexões e contribuições à educação. Revista Ciências Humanas-Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano, UNITAU, Taubaté, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 1, ed. 16, p. 21-33, 2016.),

The task of the curriculum is to empower the desire to learn, offering new possibilities and opportunities to expand knowledge and empowering each to apply it in multiple and diverse contexts of life. (LOURENÇO, 2016LOURENÇO, K. R. C. Epistemologia e currículo: reflexões e contribuições à educação. Revista Ciências Humanas-Educação e Desenvolvimento Humano, UNITAU, Taubaté, São Paulo, v. 9, n. 1, ed. 16, p. 21-33, 2016., p. 32).

Based on the understanding of Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) that Information Science is interdisciplinary, the objective of this article is to present an analysis of the General Training curriculum of the courses that integrate the Information Science Department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) being the main object the epistemological connection. To understand the epistemological relationship between the disciplines, the study of some aspects of Information Science will take place from authors such as Saracevic, Borko, Shera and LeCoadic. Specifically, the study intends to present the concepts and characteristics of the IC and to identify the main element of connection, in addition to demonstrating this connection in the contents proposed in the menus.

According to the characteristics presented by Creswell (2010CRESWELL, J. W. Projeto de Pesquisa: métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010.), the research is characterized as qualitative, since the data were collected directly from the existing documents and classified for an interpretative analysis of the researcher. It also relies on bibliographical research to survey the theoretical references that were chosen in an intentional way because of the relevance already established in the area.

1 Information Science and Some Epistemological Bases

We start from the understanding that there is no single science in which all knowledge in it fits perfectly or even if it differs from science it will not be science. Also, it would not be possible to adopt or prescribe a generalist characterization for science in the same way that it is imprecise the condition of recognition of sufficient criteria or requirements to define what is or is not acceptable as science. If this is so, then each area needs to be analyzed for its representation and development, its objectives and its methodologies (CHALMERS, 1993CHALMERS, A.F. O que é ciência afinal? São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1993.).

Information Science (CI) seeks to develop within these elements, but it is still seen as a science that has been consolidating, that still does not find unicity in its definition and in the concept of its field of study that is information. The importance of information in the contemporary world is undeniable, and Information Science has put its expertise in the service of social and economic development. The knowledge developed in the area has contributed to questions related to the search, retrieval and treatment of information (SANTA ANNA, 2018SANTA ANNA, J. Aspectos epistemológicos da ciência da informação e o comportamento informacional: diálogos com Borko, Le Coadic e Saracevic. RDBCI: Rev. Digit. Bibliotecon. Cienc. Inf. Campinas, SP, v. 16, n. 2, maio/ago. 2018.).

In an attempt to construct an understanding of the epistemological bases of CI, we begin with the concept of epistemology presented by Japiassu (1977JAPIASSU, H. Introdução ao pensamento epistemológico. 2. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Francisco Alves, 1977., p.16) which considers, in the broad sense of the term, "the methodical and reflexive study of knowledge, of its organization, of its formation, of its development, of its functioning and of its intellectual products. " Also, as suggested by Ziles (2005ZILES, U. Teoria do conhecimento e teoria da ciência. São Paulo: Paulus, 2005.: 34), when he mentions that epistemology "studies not content but the form of science," bringing Galileo and his understanding that "science is restricted to the field of phenomena, seeking their laws. "

Historically the Information Science was built from discussions that dealt with interdisciplinarity, information as its object of study and social importance as a field of study.

For Borko (1968BORKO, H. Information science: what is it? American Documentation, Washington, v. 19, n. 1, p. 3-5, jan. 1968. Disponível em: mod_resource/content/1/Oque%C3%A9CI.pdf. Acesso em mar. 2017.
) it is a discipline focused on the investigation of information, its characteristics, behavior, flows and means of treatment and access. On the other hand, Shera (1973SHERA, J.H. Toward a theory of librarianship and information science. Ci. Inf., Rio de Janeiro, v. 2, n. 2, p. 87-97, 1973.) defends to be a social science by the characteristics and search of the human representations and the interdisciplinarity that these representations demand.

Le Coadic's discussion (2004) addresses the aspects that involve information, its records and communication,

[...] the information science identified and delimited its object of study and fundamental research problems: study of the general properties [...] of the processes and systems of construction, communication and use of information. (LE COADIC, 2004Le COADIC, Y.F. A ciência da informação. 2. ed. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2004., p.55).

The author shows that it is a science that will also deal with the interaction with the technological resources and the intervention of the experts in the processes when it reports that the information science had great contribution and was developed from the technologies and techniques that allowed the systematization, the transmission , processing, storage and access to information (LE COADIC, 2004Le COADIC, Y.F. A ciência da informação. 2. ed. Brasília: Briquet de Lemos, 2004.).

Prior to Le Coadic's contribution, Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) had already redefined the concept of Information Science, elucidating that:

[...] is a field dedicated to scientific questions and professional practice focused on the problems of the effective communication of knowledge and its records among human beings in the social, institutional or individual context of the use and information needs. In dealing with these issues, the advantages of modern information technology are considered to be of particular interest. (SARACEVIC, 1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996., p.47).

The same author asserts that Information Science relies on three characteristics: its interdisciplinary nature, its close connection with information technology and its contribution to the information society. These characteristics would determine the understanding of IC (SARACEVIC, 1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.).

The proposed interdisciplinary nature is due to the mutual contribution of experiences of areas that seek the solution of problems from the information. Thus, Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) focuses on the fields of librarianship, computer science, cognitive science and communication, indicating that they are the most significant for representing interdisciplinarity. The author understands that it is necessary to share experiences, regarding the understanding of information and the best forms of use and sharing. It also indicates that it is necessary to develop compatible technological solutions for solving these issues and, thus, draws the connection between Information Science and information technology.

When Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) addresses information technology, it refers to the social needs for solving problems arising from the information production explosion that society has been experiencing. The author discusses the importance of information retrieval and how these studies were decisive. This interrelationship shows that CI participates actively in the information society by contributing to the construction and employment of these necessary technologies.

For the purpose of this research, the option of analysis was by the epistemological element of Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) that deals with information technology, as specified above. The interdisciplinary character guides the discussion, approaching the areas of Archivology, Librarianship and Information Science. As interdisciplinarity, we adopt the understanding of Pombo (1993POMBO, O. A interdisciplinaridade: conceitos, problemas e perspectivas. In: POMBO, O.; LEVY, T.; GUIMARÃES, H. A interdisciplinaridade: reflexão e experiência. 2. ed. Lisboa: Texto, 1993.), which indicates the cooperation and integration of disciplines that seek a common object.

2 The Courses of Information Science and the Curricular Construction

The Department of Information Science of UFSC hosts the baccalaureate courses in Archivology, Librarianship and Information Science. These integrate the epistemological base of Information Science, in what concerns the interdisciplinarity.

This interdisciplinarity is concretized in the "theoretical-epistemological premises" presented by Silva (2013SILVA, J. L. de C. Das concepções disciplinares na Ciência da Informação e/ou de suas configurações epistemológicas: o desiderato percepcionado da interdisciplinaridade. Investigación Bibliotecológica, Ciudad de México, v. 27, n. 59, 2013., p.76) which indicates, "a) as processes of internal integration between disciplines; b) as modifications of disciplinary structures, contemplating the particularities and generalities of the disciplines ".

The implementation of the courses followed objectives aimed at the specific professional formation in the area based on the guidelines of their fields of knowledge and research, according to the Course Plans (2016).

Table 1
Pedagogical Construction of the Courses of Archivology, Librarianship and Information Science of UFSC

The Bachelor's Degree in Information Science was implemented in 2016 and was part of the process of curricular changes of the other courses and attended a construction around the need for professional training to meet the specifics of the innovative and entrepreneurial universe with strong technological vocation of the state of Santa Catarina, more specifically of the city of Florianópolis and region.

The curricular formation of the courses counts in its pedagogical construction with a Core of Common General Formation that intends to sediment the knowledge bases of the area with respect to the fundamental knowledge of Information Science: information identification, capture, treatment, representation and recovery, culminating with specialized use. These bases consolidate what is expected for the training of archivists, librarians and bachelors in information processing.

Table 2
Disciplines of the General Formation Nucleus distributed by phase

The joint development of these disciplines follows guiding principles proposed for curricular articulation of the three courses, being a "methodological perspective capable of sustaining the formation of personnel focused on the development and material growth of society", as established in its PPCs: flexibility and transversality, organicity, balance between theory and practice, student interaction with community, globality in specificity, actuality, criticality, authority and adaptability.

3 Methodological Procedures

The study started with the bibliographical construction of references for understanding the epistemological bases of Information Science, from intentionally selected authors. The adoption of techniques pertinent to the qualitative research, allowed the data collection, through the documents included in the PPCs of the courses. Qualitative research, according to Merriam (1998MERRIAM, S. B. Qualitative research and case study applications in education. San Francisco (CA): Jossey-Bass. 1998. p. 3-25.), by its instruments, can facilitate the understanding and meaning of social phenomena. For Creswell (2010CRESWELL, J. W. Projeto de Pesquisa: métodos qualitativo, quantitativo e misto. Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2010.), it is a possibility of understanding the meaning of the content.

The sample was selected intentionally, being constituted in the 29 (twenty-nine) disciplines that compose the Core of General Formation common to all the courses. Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) proposed a series of papers that looked at the interconnection between them, identifying in their contents aspects that approach or reflect the epistemological elements proposed by Saracevic (1996). The content, interfaces between the curricular construction and the objectives and competences intended at the end of the training were considered in the analysis. Also, the points listed as components of the egress profile were considered in an attempt to show if the formation mirrors the expectations of the curricular construction in force.

In fact, the curricular structure is made up of 33 (thirty-three) disciplines; however, four of them, due to their specificities, were disregarded for this study, namely the Tutorship I and Tutorship II disciplines, which are designed to establish reception and (these actions are coordinated with the proposals and programs of student politics of the UFSC) and the subjects of Community Interaction I and Community Interaction II, which are intended to establish actions that correspond to one of the three dimensions that involve the higher education institutions and their function, which is "[...] to integrate their activities to the social dynamics regarding access to systematized knowledge and the service they generate." (BRASIL, 1999BRASIL, W. Epistemologia e currículo no ensino superior, reflexões. Revista de Educação, Cultura e Meio Ambiente, São Paulo, n. 15, v. III, mar. 1999., p.1).

4 The Relationship Between the Disciplines: Analysis of Results

For purposes of analysis, in this study the object will be the epistemological link, from the concept of Saracevic (1993, 1996), regarding the technological perspective.

When the author talks about CI's connection with information technology, he believes that the strength of technological tools and solutions determines several fields of knowledge by how they integrate and transform society in terms of the relationship they establish with information. It describes the informational explosion as an issue to be solved or also mediated by CI. Proving the importance of solving the information problem, Saracevic (1999) indicates that this search involves several areas, where it is necessary to congregate related areas for the sharing of research and scientific knowledge.

In spite of the certainty that information has always been fundamental for society at any time, in contemporary times it has become the driving force for development, the central point that determines innovation and which impacts and transforms all spheres of society. The close relationship between the need for and the production of information and the technologies that guarantee its entire treatment until recovery, place CI as the area of fundamental and effective importance since it has the resources to direct the best practices.

The disciplines that compose the curricular structure of the General Training Center are not limited only to the contents of the area of Information Science, but also cover other fields of knowledge seeking to allow the discussion of other references that are also necessary, according to the expected profile of course egress. These contents are considered complementary to the specific training and are classified as indispensable training, in the case here, in Archivology. (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF SANTA CATARINA, 2015, 2015a, 2015b).

Another characteristic of these subjects of general formation is that, because of their general nature, they contribute with foundations for the specific contents and present themselves in both theoretical and practical activities.

This general condition concretizes the interdisciplinarity proposed by Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.), who discusses the relation of Information Science with other disciplines in its field of formation. The interdisciplinary character is consolidated in the insertion and combination of different fields with disciplines coming from the field of Administration, History, Law and Letters and with the pretension to provide to the student the conditions to develop skills that involve abstraction, interpretation, analysis, creation. The curricular articulation turns to the construction of a broad and solid cultural base.

4.1 Classification of Subjects: Information Science and Information Technology

Divided into four phases, the curricular structure of the General Training Center proposes an introduction to the basic concepts of the area, considering the importance of information as a central focus and technologies as a foundation for new developments. Capurro and Hjorland (2007CAPURRO, R.; HJORLAND, B. O conceito de informação. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, v. 12, n.1, p.148-207, jan./abr. 2007.) bring that information is all that responds to a need, individual or group. For Le Coadic (2004), information is all that is registered of some was and makes some sense.

According to Saracevic (1974SARACEVIC, T. Tecnologia da informação, sistemas de informação e informação como utilidade Pública. Ci. Inf., Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 1, p. 57-67, 1974.), information problems are linked to two antagonistic points: if on the one hand it is clear that there is an informational explosion, on the other, there is still a shortage of relevant information to the user. In this sense, the author puts the technologies, the specific systems, as a search for solution of these questions. It also stresses that development must meet the needs of use in each context.

In this condition, the disciplines need to seek to develop acting and interaction skills in solving these problems. In the curricular structure studied, we find the disciplines described in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Disciplines related to Information

It is possible to verify that the disciplines follow a logical direction in what concerns the requirements that involve the understanding of the fundamentals of CI and the instruments that lead to the most appropriate treatment of information in all its implications. This treatment involves all steps, from identification of needs, search, recovery, treatment and subsequent recovery, culminating with storage and preservation.

In these steps it is clear that technological solutions are essential for optimizing activities that require the intellectual participation of the agent that is interacting and mediating these steps in their context. As with Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.), who discusses the stages involving technological inputs, Capurro and Hjorland (2007CAPURRO, R.; HJORLAND, B. O conceito de informação. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, v. 12, n.1, p.148-207, jan./abr. 2007.) also reinforce the importance of computational aspects, explaining that they are related first to Computer Science, but both, CI and Computer Science overlap.

Man-machine interaction has been studied in conjunction with the development of robust information and information retrieval systems. The studies and development of resources that allow the connection between the users and the systems have been object of interdisciplinary researches, that involve Information Science and Computer Science. The information would then be this link. (BEDIN, 2007BEDIN, S. P. M. Metodologia para validação de Ontologias: o caso Orbis_Mc. 2007. 113 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Informação) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, 2007.).

Analyzing and categorizing the individual contents of each subject, we identify some characteristics that indicate this interconnection of its contents, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2
Interconnection of disciplines

In this categorization it is possible to identify the interfaces that happen between the disciplines in all the phases. In Information Science and historically in Librarianship, concern has always involved the categorization of information, treatment and retrieval. McGarry (1999, p.11) states that "information must be ordered, structured or contained in some way, otherwise it will remain amorphous and unusable." By empowering these perspectives, the skills and competencies sought now involve the knowledge of other mechanisms that are being added to the primordial actions of the area.

Figure 2 shows the relationships of the categories, which involve all steps from the potential user. In disciplines such as Information Competence or Information Marketing, the proposal contemplates information from the perspective of the user. In the same line, although the term "user" is not explicitly stated in the menus, in the disciplines of Descriptive Representation, Thematic Representation and Knowledge Organization Systems, the objective is to categorize, classify and organize information favoring resources that allow the retrieval of information, always focused on the user. In this way, the interface of these disciplines is established with the discipline of Information Retrieval.

Other interfaces are also visible: the disciplines of Digital Preservation, Computerization Project, Introduction to Databases also intertwine when their contents are concerned with the formal aspects that involve networks, data records, policies, new requirements and formats. Without departing from the disciplines that involve treatment, these mentioned ones also interrelate when the objective is the recovery of the information.

The categorized analysis of the menus makes clear the general intention of the curricular structure, which seeks to reinforce the main and basic concepts of the field of Information Science. Likewise, allied with this generalist identification, the contents also show a strong insertion of the contents of the technological field that can no longer be dissociated from the practices of CI, as Saracevic (1974SARACEVIC, T. Tecnologia da informação, sistemas de informação e informação como utilidade Pública. Ci. Inf., Rio de Janeiro, v. 3, n. 1, p. 57-67, 1974.) asserts.

4.1.2 Related Fields of Knowledge

Addressing the issue of interdisciplinarity, Saracevic (1996SARACEVIC, T. Ciência da Informação: origem, evolução e relações. Perspec. Ci. Inf., Belo Horizonte, v. 1, n. 1, p. 41-62, jan./jun. 1996.) discusses the interdisciplinary nature of IC and indicates that it is in the attempt to solve problems of information retrieval that interdisciplinary relationships happen. This is due to the need to share knowledge and experiences from different areas and applicable in different contexts.

Pinheiro (2005) points out some key areas: Administration, Computer Science, Librarianship, Linguistics, Law, Archives, Museology, Psychology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Education, Ethics, Statistics, among others. This knowledge-sharing condition is also consolidated in the curricular structure of the General Training Center, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3
Related disciplines

The disciplines listed have a close connection with the Administration Area. It is inferred that this happens because Information Science also involves discussions about planning and management of information units, management of informational stocks and innovation in service delivery practices, specifically discussed in the discipline of Entrepreneurship.

The area of Computer Science also presents interface in this list of disciplines, since the discipline of Logic, originated from Philosophy, also develops in Computing from its perspective. In this area too, the Database discipline again appears setting up other interfaces.

5 Final Considerations

This study intends to present the disciplines of the General Training Center implanted in the courses of Archivology, Library and Information Science and to analyze from the epistemological element of the information technology, discussed by Saracevic.

It was possible to verify that the disciplines, from their proposals of contents menus, are aligned within the epistemological perspective of the construction of knowledge and practical application. By treating information as the fundamental element of Information Science, the curriculum structure seeks to establish a close interface between all the stages: search, capture, treatment, storage, retrieval and preservation. These stages are traditionally studied in IC and are presented as common in all three areas.

The question of the technological contribution necessary to support CI's activities are contemplated in several disciplines that, in addition to establishing an interdisciplinary link between themselves and with other areas, also propose to consolidate the fundamental bases for application within a logical and gradual line of construction of knowledge.

It is understood that the epistemological bases of Information Science are preserved in this curricular structure and the interfaces that are established can elicit other studies in the sense of adding other disciplines that, in constant evolution, appear as fundamental in the innovation necessary to meet the training demands and adequacy of the profile of the professional focused on the job market.


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    GG. Curricula aspects.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    22 Mar 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    18 June 2018
  • Accepted
    10 Apr 2019
  • Published
    10 May 2019
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil