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Environmental management and strategy: a bibliometric study on the theme of interest in Brazilian academic journals

This study aimed to identify changes in the interest of the administration area on issues of environmental management, environmental strategy, environmental performance and strategic environmental assessment (in Portuguese, English or Spanish) by checking the articles with these themes in journals. We carried out a bibliometric study with a quantitative approach, in 44 Brazilian journals classified by the system in 2008 Qualis/CAPES - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, such as A1, A2, B1 and B2, to the area of Administration, Accounting and Tourism. We surveyed 1203 editions available electronically, between 2000 and 2009, with the identification of 113 articles in 22 journals, citing some of the search terms in the body text. Articles were evaluated using the following parameters: identification of the journal, the occurrence of key terms, date of publication, and authorship. It was identified that only five journals published 54.86% of articles selected: REAd - Electronic Administration Rev. (15.04%), G & P - Production & Management (11.50%), RAP - Rev. of Public Administration (11.50%), CAD - Notebooks EBAPE.BR (9.74%) and PROD - Production (7.08%). The key term 'Environmental Management' was found in title 38 of the articles, is cited as a keyword in 64 and present in the body text 111. Have 'Strategic Environmental Assessment' was only mentioned in two articles in the sample. The years of publication of the articles were higher in 2006 (20) and 2009 (24). Authors who have published more have participated in seven different articles of the sample. It was noted that from 2000 to 2009 there was a good growth of Brazilian magazines and number of published articles that cited the search terms, including special issues on the environmental issue, but with negligible diffusion in Brazilian publications, since it was identified only of key terms in respect of an article for each ten issues examined. It is hoped that this work can contribute, from the quantitative identification of articles, journals and authors that have cited this search query terms (as listing in Annex 1), to set the state of the art and disclose the theoretical foundation's national theme of environmental issues related to management, strategy and organizational performance.

Environmental Management; Environmental Strategy; Environmental Performance; Strategic Environmental Assessment; bibliometrics

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