Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) internationalized are emerging in large numbers around the world, and they tend to be more dynamic and to grow faster than strictly domestic companies (FILLIS, 2007). As the degree of internationalization (GRI) of SMEs increase, there is the development of new international skills improving the organizational performance (FLORIANI, 2010); (FLORIANI; FLEURY, 2012). This study aimed to investigate the influence of the GRI in developing new international expertise and explain the relationship with organizational performance of SMEs in southern Brazil. We used a qualitative approach, using a multiple case studies, carried out in SMEs. Data were collected by documentary and field research, semi-structured interviews being applied, with content analysis and support of Atlas.ti software. The results showed that the South SMEs in Brazil are experiencing input modes in the complex exterior, two of them with greater involvement of resources than export. It has been found that internationalization makes companies develop international skills, thus improving organizational performance.
Small business; degree of internationalization; international expertise; organizational performance