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Mortality on the first day of life: trends, causes of death and avoidability in eight Brazilian Federative Units, between 2010 and 2015* * This article is derived from the Master's dissertation entitled 'Mortality on the first day of life in Brazil: Causes and prevention", defended by João Alexandre Mendes Teixeira at the Postgraduate Program in Preventive Medicine, Department of Preventive Medicine, University of São Paulo in 2018. João Alexandre Mendes Teixeira and Waleska Regina Machado Araujo received support from the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Level Personnel (CAPES) / Ministry of Education by means of a master’s degree scholarship and a doctoral scholarship, respectively. Leandro Fórnias Machado de Rezende received a doctoral scholarship from the São Paulo State Foundation for Research Support (FAPESP) - Process No. 2014/25614-4. Alicia Matijasevich holds a scientific productivity scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) / Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI).



to calculate mortality rates on the first day of life from 2010 to 2015 in eight Brazilian Federative Units providing better quality information, to assess associated factors and to classify deaths by underlying causes and avoidability.


this was a descriptive study; mortality rates were compared according to maternal and child characteristics; avoidability analysis used the ‘Brazilian list of avoidable causes of death’.


21.6% (n=20,791) of all infant deaths occurred on the first day of life; the mortality rate reduced from 2.7 to 2.3 deaths/1,000 live births; rates were higher in live births with low birthweight and preterm births, and among babies born to mothers with no schooling; main causes of death were respiratory distress syndrome (8.9%) and extreme immaturity (5.2%); 66.3% of causes of death were avoidable.


2/3 of deaths on the first day of life could have been avoided with adequate care for women during pregnancy and delivery and adequate care for live births.

Infant Mortality; Causes of Death; Child Health; Information Systems; Vital Statistics

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde e Ambiente - Ministério da Saúde do Brasil SRTVN Quadra 701, Via W5 Norte, Lote D, Edifício P0700, CEP: 70719-040, +55 (61) 3315-3464 - Brasília - DF - Brazil