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Erratum: The problem of invisibility and the eloquence of small things: reflections on the strengths of qualitative research

In the article “The problem of invisibility and the eloquence of small things: reflections on the strengths of qualitative

research”, published in the volume 39, 2018: DOI: 10.1590/1983-1447.2018.82654 and identification e82654.

In paragraph 1, where it was written: “[...] when invited by the Brazilian [...]”

Should read: “[...]when I have been invited by the Brazilian [...]”

In paragraph 1, where it was written: “[...] who join it a set [...]”

Should read: “[...] who carries out it a set [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] Once lying in [...]”

Should read: “[...] At first, put beside in [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] I find at my desk [...]”

Should read: “[...] I find on my desk [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] A cor do invisível, which [...]”

Should read: “[...] A cor do invisível (The colour of the invisible), which [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] I read its translation by Natale Fioretto. I searched in the text index for the poetry [...]”

Should read: “[...] I read I looked in the book for the poetries, or, at least for the specific poetry [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] I felt disillusioned [...]”

Should read: “[...] I felt disappointed [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] in a quick succession [...]”

Should read: “[...] in quick succession [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] a tricky character from [...]”

Should read: “[...] a goblin from [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] allow collecting [...]”

Should read: “[...] allow recognizing [...]”

In paragraph 2, where it was written: “[...] to give a succinct [...]”

Should read: “[...] to give a short [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] epistemological field. [...]”

Should read: “[...] epistemological matter. [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] different due to theoretical origin [...]”

Should read: “[...] different by theoretical ascendency [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] show important “family [...]”

Should read: “[...] show relevant “family [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] help to recognize [...]”

Should read: “[...] help to recognise [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] For me, it seems that there are three traits of qualitative research in which this familiar resemblance is shown: the harmonization of the procedures for data construction with the context of their use; [...]”

Should read: “[...] Three are - in my view - the traits of qualitative research in which it is possible to recognise this family resemblances: the harmonisation of the data collection procedures with the context of their use (context sensitivity) [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] The formulation of a question in an interview on how, in the course of an ethnographic research, the researcher will observe and, to some extent, participate in an interactive practice, will vary from time to time, harmonizing with the circumstantial changes of the area. [...]”

Should read: “[...] The wording of a question, in an in-depth interview; the way in which, in an ethnographic research, the researcher will observe and, somehow, participate in the interactive practices in the field, will vary from time to time, by harmonising with the changing contingencies of the field [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] of a general [...]”

Should read: “[...] of an overall [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] carried out in a [...]”

Should read: “[...] carried out with a [...]”

In paragraph 3, where it was written: “[...] texts that produce [...]”

Should read: “[...] texts that present [...]”

In paragraph 4, where it was written: “[...] observation of the inexorable [...]”

Should read: “[...] observation of the unobservable [...]”

In paragraph 4, where it was written: “[...] elaboration of conjectures, of [...]”

Should read: “[...] elaboration of conjectures about [...]”

In paragraph 4, where it was written: “[...] capable of uniting [...]”

Should read: “[...] capable of binding [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] has little penetration [...]”

Should read: “[...] has little grip [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] but in fact, what we know about society is based on reported information, on observable phenomena; however, much more consistently on unobservable phenomena. Behaviors, [...]”

Should read: “[...] but actually, what we know about society is based, for a little quota, on observable phenomena, but the bulk of our data are underpinned on unobservable phenomena. Behaviours, [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] products of behavior [...]”

Should read: “[...] products of behaviours [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] people still hospitalized [...]”

Should read: “[...] people still hospitalised [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] who are admitted to it. The behaviors [...]”

Should read: “[...] who are confined in it. The behaviours [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] published in 1968 [...]”

Should read: “[...] published in 1918 [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] of ”situational definition”, a [...]”

Should read: “[...] of “definition of situation”, a [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] but rather, how they represent it in their mind [...]”

Should read: “[...] but rather to their mental representation of the environment/context [...]”

In paragraph 5, where it was written: “[...] on his body, but also on the manner in which he will represent his own [...]”

Should read: “[...] on his/her body, but also on the manner in which he/she will represent his/her own [...]”

In paragraph 6, where it was written: “[...] meticulous survey [...]”

Should read: “[...] meticulous observation [...]”

In paragraph 6, where it was written: “[...] He took note, [...]”

Should read: “[...] The doctor took note, [...]”

In paragraph 6, where it was written: “[...] the syndrome, from that [...]”

Should read: “[...] the syndrome, that [...]”

In paragraph 8, where it was written: “[...] cooperation he can [...]”

Should read: “[...] cooperation he/she can [...]”

In paragraph 8, where it was written: “[...] about his own body [...]”

Should read: “[...] about body [...]”

In paragraph 8, where it was written: “[...] to “get out of trouble”, to avoid constraints [...]”

Should read: “[...] to “save one’s own face”, to avoid embarrassments [...]”

In paragraph 9 where it was written: “[...] what he proposes to present [...]”

Should read: “[...] what he/she intends to study [...]”

In paragraph 9, where it was written: “[...] words, build the [...]”

Should read: “[...] words, compose the [...]”

In paragraph 9, where it was written: “[...] virtues studied [...]”

Should read: “[...] virtues underlined [...]”

In paragraph 9, where it was written: “[...] and not necessarily [...]”

Should read: “[...] but not necessarily [...]”

In paragraph 8, where it was written: “[...] to verify, in that step change, and to reap [...]”

Should read: “[...] to ascertain this step change, and to reap the fruits of [...]”

In paragraph 10, where it was written: “ The second part [...]”

Should read: “The second trait [...]”

In paragraph 10, where it was written: “[...] deliberately distressed [...]”

Should read: “[...] deliberately passionate [...]”

In paragraph 10, where it was written: “[...] research of short stories [...]”

Should read: “[...] research of anecdotes [...]”

In the REFERENCES, where it was written: “3. Thomas WI, Znaniecki F. Il contadino polacco in Europa e in America (1918-1920). Milão: Comunità; 1968.”

Should read: “3. Thomas WI, Znaniecki F.The Polish peasant in Europe and America, (1918-1920). University of Illinois Press, 1996.”

In the REFERENCES, where it was written: “7. Eco U, Sebeok TA. O Signo de três, São Paulo: Perspectiva; 2008.”

Should read: “7. Eco U, Sebeok TA. The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce, Indiana University Press, 1988.”

In the REFERENCES, where it was written: “8. Goffamn E. A representação do eu na vida cotidiana, Petrópolis: Vozes; 2018.”

Should read: “8. Goffamn E. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Anchor, 1959.”

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    18 Oct 2018
  • Date of issue
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Escola de Enfermagem Rua São Manoel, 963 -Campus da Saúde , 90.620-110 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, Fone: (55 51) 3308-5242 / Fax: (55 51) 3308-5436 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil