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Association between preference for sweet foods and dental caries

Associação entre preferência por alimentos doces e cárie dentária


To assess the relationship between caries prevalence and sugar preference in schoolchildren.


The sample has consisted of 96 schoolchildren of both genders and age ranging from 5 to 12, enrolled at the Maria Aparecida de Jesus Segura Rural School in Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil. The inclusions criteria were: enrolled schoolchildren; with an authorization to participate in the research, from the parents or guardians; cooperative and not having orthodontic appliances, difficulty with mouth opening and no restriction on sugar consumption. The history of caries was performed by calibrated examiners (Kappa= 0,85) according the World Health Organization criteria. The preference for sugar was assessed using a modified version of the Sweet Preference Inventory. Each schoolchild tasted five grape juice solutions, in which the sugar concentration varied from 0 to 40g/liter. The association between the variables, DMFT and dmft was dichotomized into DMFT=0 and DMFT≥1; dmft=0 e dmft ≥1 and the sugar preference as low (A, B, C, D) and high (E).


There was no significant association between the genders as regards preference for sugar in the solutions (Fisher Exact Test, p= 0.2150), and as regards the DMFT (Chi-Square Test, p=0.2789). In both caries history situations, the majority of the children preferred a high sugar concentration (Chi-Square Test, p=0.2463).


There were no association between history of caries and preference of sugar. There no was association between gender and preference for sugar.

Dental caries; Epidemiology; Food preferences; Sucrose

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil