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Endodontic treatment during pregnancy: case series and literature review

Tratamento endodôntico na gestação: série de casos e revisão da literatura


The aim of this paper is to provide a scientific basis for conducting safe root canal treatment in pregnant women, illustrating with case reports treated in the extension project Maternal-Child Dental Care at the Federal University of Pelotas. The scientific bases address the main doubts of professionals when performing prenatal dental care: use of radiographic examination, local anesthetics, prescription of medications, among other essential factors in the care of pregnant women. The assisted pregnant women sought care with dental pain. In two cases symptomatic irreversible pulpitis was diagnosed, while a third was experiencing acute apical periodontitis. Endodontic procedures were performed under controlled and standardized conditions. The root canals were prepared in a single session, using mechanical instrumentation with reciprocating kinematics (Wave One® Gold Primary - Dentsply Sirona), and the root canal length was determined by an electronic apex locator FinePex (Schuster). Root canal filling was performed by the single cone technique with Wave One® gutta-percha points. After endodontic treatment, coronal sealing was performed with composite resin A2 Z350 XT (3M ESPE). The care related to the gestational condition is highlighted, and the patients remain under monitoring. It is concluded that the use of apical locators and mechanical instrumentation, using reciprocating files associated with the single cone obturation technique with a standardized cone for each system, represents advances for the accomplishment of endodontic treatment in pregnant patients due to the shorter clinical time and greater comfort of the procedure.

Indexing terms
Endodontics; Pregnancy; Root canal preparation


O objetivo deste trabalho é fornecer embasamento científico para condução do tratamento endodôntico em gestantes através de uma revisão de literatura e série de casos clínicos conduzidos em sessão única no projeto de extensão Atenção Odontológica Materno-infantil da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. As bases científicas abordam as principais dúvidas do profissional na condução do pré-natal odontológico: uso do exame radiográfico, anestésico local, prescrição de medicamentos, entre outros fatores essenciais no atendimento da gestante. As gestantes assistidas procuraram atendimento apresentando dor de origem dentária. Em dois casos foi diagnosticado pulpite irreversível sintomática, enquanto um terceiro se travava de periodontite apical aguda. Os procedimentos endodônticos foram realizados sob condições controladas e padronizadas, sob supervisão de um professor de Endodontia. O preparo dos canais radiculares foi realizado em sessão única, através de instrumentação mecanizada de cinemática reciprocante (Wave One® Gold Primary (Dentsply Sirona), sendo o comprimento dos canais determinado por meio de localizador foraminal FinePex (Schuster). A obturação dos canais foi realizada pela técnica do cone único com cones do sistema Wave One®. Após o tratamento endodôntico foi realizada blindagem coronária com resina composta cor A2 Z350 XT (3M ESPE). Os cuidados relacionados à condição gestacional estão destacados, sendo que as pacientes permanecem em acompanhamento no projeto. Conclui-se que o uso de localizadores foraminais e da instrumentação mecanizada, utilizando limas reciprocantes associadas à técnica de obturação com cone único padronizado para cada sistema representam avanços para a realização do tratamento endodôntico em pacientes gestantes devido ao menor tempo clínico e maior conforto do procedimento.

Termos de indexação
Endodontia; Gravidez; Tratamento de canal


Prenatal oral health plays an important role in the general health and well-being of pregnant women, and is also fundamental for the health and well-being of their newborn children [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>
-22 Kashefinejad N, Aminoshariae A, Kulild JC, Mickel A. Apical periodontitis, a predictor variable for preeclampsia: a case-control study. J Endod. 2017;43:1611-14.
]. In the oral cavity, hormonal variations typical of pregnancy have been related to changes in periodontal tissues [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.

4 Rakchanok N, Amporn D, Yoshida Y, Harunoor-Rashid MD, Sakamoto J. Dental caries and gingivitis among pregnant an non-pregnant women in chiang mai, Thailand. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2010;72:43-50.
-55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
], besides other oral changes as tooth mobility and salivary changes [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
-66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.]. Also, several gestational factors may predispose to a higher occurrence of dental caries, including increased acidity in the oral cavity, poor oral hygiene, cariogenic diet, low salivary pH, vomiting [44 Rakchanok N, Amporn D, Yoshida Y, Harunoor-Rashid MD, Sakamoto J. Dental caries and gingivitis among pregnant an non-pregnant women in chiang mai, Thailand. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2010;72:43-50.

5 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.

6 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.
-77 Oviedo ACP, Valladares MB, Nápoles NE, Naranjo MM, Barreras BG. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo. Rev Cubana Estomatología. 2011;48(2):104-112.] and increased frequency of food ingestion due to the decreased physiological capacity of the stomach [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>

It has been shown that pregnant women have a high frequency of dental pain, especially after the first trimester of pregnancy [88 Krüger MSM, Lang CA, Almeida LHS, Bello-Corrêa FO, Romano AR, Pappen FG. Dental pain and associated factors among pregnant women: an observational study. Mater Child Health J. 2015;19:504-510.
], and that hormonal changes may increase the inflammatory condition or predispose to painful pulp symptoms in the gestational period [99 Almeida LHS, Pilownic KJ, Tarquínio SBC, Felix AC, Pappen FG, Romano AR. Influence of pregnancy on the inflammatory process following direct pulp capping: a preliminary study in rats. Br Dent J. 2019;30(1):1-9.
]. Alike the periodontium, the dental pulp is a loose connective tissue, yet enclosed by rigid walls of mineralized dentin [1010 Hargreaves KM, Goodis HE. Polpa dentária - de Seltzer e Bender. São Paulo: Quintessence; 2009.]. After a pathogenic aggressor crosses the threshold of physiological tolerance of the pulp, this tissue will respond by an inflammatory reaction to eliminate the aggressive agents [1111 Hahn CL, Liewehr FR. Update on the adaptive immune responses of the dental pulp. J Endod. 2007;33(7):773-781.

As a consequence of the inflammatory process, there is pain, yielding a stressful situation with release of catecholamines by the adrenal glands, which may consequently trigger, in the maternal circulation, tachycardia, peripheral vasoconstriction and reduced placental blood flow [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. However, if the aggressor is not eliminated, which may occur during evolution of the carious process, this immune inflammation eventually leads to irreversible destruction of the pulp [1111 Hahn CL, Liewehr FR. Update on the adaptive immune responses of the dental pulp. J Endod. 2007;33(7):773-781.
]. The infection is also harmful to the mother and the fetus [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.], and the presence of periapical lesions may be associated with preeclampsia [22 Kashefinejad N, Aminoshariae A, Kulild JC, Mickel A. Apical periodontitis, a predictor variable for preeclampsia: a case-control study. J Endod. 2017;43:1611-14.

Although invasive dental treatment is more recommended after the second trimester of pregnancy, pain of dental origin should be eliminated regardless of the trimester of pregnancy [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
]. Due to persistent taboos and myths, It is not uncommon to perform only the procedure to solve the pain [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
]. These myths, both of pregnant woman and of health professionals themselves, are the greatest barrier to dental treatment during pregnancy [1414 Rocha JS, Arima L, AC, Werneck RI, Moysés SJ, Baldani MH. Barriers and facilitators to dental care during pregnancy: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Cad Saúde Pública. 2018;34(8):e00130817.
]. The most common lack of knowledge that lead to postponement of care include exposure to X-ray, drug prescription and the use of local anesthetics [1414 Rocha JS, Arima L, AC, Werneck RI, Moysés SJ, Baldani MH. Barriers and facilitators to dental care during pregnancy: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Cad Saúde Pública. 2018;34(8):e00130817.
]. Even for those aware of the safety of endodontic treatment in pregnant women, there are gaps in knowledge regarding proper positioning in the chair, the treatment time and the safety of using irrigators [1515 Ibhawoh L, Enabulele J. Endodontic treatment of the pregnant patient: Knowledge, attitude and practices of dental residents Niger Med J. 2015;56(5):311-316.

The physical condition of the pregnant woman can preclude the conventional accomplishment of endodontic treatment. However, the use of mechanical instrumentation in root canal preparation [1616 Kashefinejad M, Harandi A, Eram S, Bijani A. Comparison of single visit post endodontic pain using two rotary and hand k-file instruments: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent. 2016;13(1):10-17.], combined to the use of an electronic apex locator, reducing the radiation dose [1717 Kim E, Lee S-J, Electronic apex locator. Dent Clin N Am. 2004;48:35-54.
], and simplified obturation techniques using a single cone favor the accomplishment of endodontic treatment in a shorter clinical time [1616 Kashefinejad M, Harandi A, Eram S, Bijani A. Comparison of single visit post endodontic pain using two rotary and hand k-file instruments: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent. 2016;13(1):10-17.,1717 Kim E, Lee S-J, Electronic apex locator. Dent Clin N Am. 2004;48:35-54.
], improving the working conditions for both professional and patient [1616 Kashefinejad M, Harandi A, Eram S, Bijani A. Comparison of single visit post endodontic pain using two rotary and hand k-file instruments: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent. 2016;13(1):10-17.]. Thus, the objective of this paper is to provide scientific basis to perform endodontic treatment in pregnant women, illustrated with reports of a series of clinical cases conducted in a single session in the extension project Maternal-Child Dental Care (AOMI) of the School of Dentistry of the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel).

Scientific bases

Before the case reports, an initial approach to the scientific bases that underlie dental treatment during pregnancy is fundamental. In the dental care of a pregnant woman, it is important to understand that we are working in an important period in the life of a woman who will be a mother. In this condition, we work within the first thousand days of the child, performing dental prenatal care in which the proposal is to demystify dentistry during pregnancy, minimizing existing taboos, beliefs and myths; to perform adequacy of the maternal oral environment, providing reduction of mutans Streptococci to delay contamination; to promote the adequacy of maternal habits, both in oral hygiene and diet; to favor the baby’s general health, interfering with toothaches and the risk of preterm and/or low birth weight [1818 Romano AR, Krüger MSM, Hartwig AD, Oliveira TTV, Pappen FG. Atenção odontológica materno-infantil: 20 anos realizando pré-natal odontológico e efetivando a atenção nos mil dias da criança. In: Michelon FF, Bandeira AR. A Extensão universitária nos 50 Anos da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Pelotas: Universidade Federal de Pelotas; 2020. Disponivel em: <>.

Pregnant women are considered patients with special needs, i.e. they are individuals who present a condition, simple or complex, momentary, of biological and physical etiology that requires a special, multi-professional approach and a specific protocol [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>
]. Like any other system, the oral cavity exhibits several changes during pregnancy and thus requires attention from dental professionals [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
]. Initially, it is important to understand that, during pregnancy, maternal circulating immune cells undergo changes in count, phenotypes, functions and ability to produce soluble factors, such as cytokines. The ultimate goal is to establish and maintain a successful pregnancy, which involves a state of selective immune tolerance, immunosuppression and immunomodulation [1919 Luppi P. How immune mechanisms are affected by pregnancy. Vaccine J. 2003;21(24):3352-3357.
]. The functions of T lymphocytes and NK cells (Natural Killer) reduce the secretion of type 1 cytokines and protect the fetus from destruction by maternal immune responses, leaving women at greater vulnerability to diseases [1919 Luppi P. How immune mechanisms are affected by pregnancy. Vaccine J. 2003;21(24):3352-3357.

In any dental care, correct diagnosis is essential for a safer planning. In the process, besides thorough clinical examination (complete anamnesis on pregnancy, oral habits and physical oral examination), complementary examinations are often necessary, including dental radiographic examination. The risks associated with dental radiography are quite low. The biological effects of radiation can be somatic or genetic [2020 Abbott P. Are dental radiographs safe? Australian Dental J. 2000;45:(3):208-213.
]. The risk of inducing fatal cancer or severe hereditary health problems was theoretically estimated to be approximately one in 10 million for each periapical or interproximal intraoral film. Extraoral panoramic films have a suggested risk of one in one million [2020 Abbott P. Are dental radiographs safe? Australian Dental J. 2000;45:(3):208-213.
]. It is important to highlight that the radiation dose acquired by the baby from the mother’s dental X-ray is only 0.01 mSv (miliSievert) [2020 Abbott P. Are dental radiographs safe? Australian Dental J. 2000;45:(3):208-213.
]. In addition, no increase in congenital anomalies or delayed intrauterine growth has been reported for X-ray exposure during pregnancy below 5-10 cGy (centiGray) [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.]. The most sensitive time for the effects of radiation to the fetus is between days 32 and 37 (approximately 4½-5½ weeks) of pregnancy, i.e. during organogenesis [2020 Abbott P. Are dental radiographs safe? Australian Dental J. 2000;45:(3):208-213.
]. Thus, during dental prenatal care, when achieving a radiography, ultra-fast films should be used, as well as lead protection (apron and collar) [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.,2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]; film holder [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]; if possible, perform digital radiography; achieve only the number of radiographs that are strictly necessary [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.,2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]; and, during endodontic treatment, prefer to use an electronic apex locator [77 Oviedo ACP, Valladares MB, Nápoles NE, Naranjo MM, Barreras BG. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo. Rev Cubana Estomatología. 2011;48(2):104-112.].

Another important situation is the sensory control of pain during dental procedures. The most common method is the use of local anesthetics, and its use in pregnant women raises several doubts. Can I anesthetize pregnant women? Does the anesthetics reach the baby? Which local anesthetic can I use? Can I use vasoconstrictors? What dose can I use? And is topical anesthetics indicated? The first information is that there is no data indicating that exposure to dental treatments and the use of local anesthetics during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of abnormalities in the baby [2222 Hagai A, Diav-Citron O, Shechtman S, Ornoy A. Pregnancy outcome after in utero exposure to local anesthetics as part of dental treatment: a prospective comparative cohort study. J Am Dental Assoc. 2015;146(8):572-580.
]. However, during anesthesia in the pregnant woman, the free local anesthetics in the maternal circulation crosses the placental barrier and can reach the fetus minutes after injection, constituting a direct transfer [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]. The main function of placenta is to transfer nutrients and oxygen from the mother to the fetus and it also provides a link between the circulations of two distinct individuals, but it also acts as a barrier to protect the fetus from xenobiotics from the mother’s blood. However, the impression that the placenta constitutes an impenetrable obstacle to most drugs is not true [2323 Syme M, Paxton J, Keelan J. Drug Transfer and metabolism by the human placenta. Clin Pharmacokinetics. 2004;43(8):487-514.
]. In addition, it can also reach the baby indirectly, through the mother, depressing the cardiovascular system and decreasing the uterine tone. However, this only occurs at extremely high plasma levels [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.

When choosing the best anesthetics, the percentage of protein binding, coefficient of liposolubility and the classification by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) must be observed. Concerning protein binding, the higher the rate, the longer the local anesthetic action tends to be, and its toxic effects tend to be more lasting. Only free compounds that do not bind to proteins are transferred to the fetus through the placenta [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. Regarding liposolubility, the higher the coefficient of the drug, the more easily it penetrates the cell and the more powerful it will be. Finally, animal studies evaluating the effect on the fetus are important, in which class B shows no risk to the fetus, while in class C the animal studies showed an adverse effect on the fetus, thus the professional must evaluate the risk/benefit of using the drug [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.,1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
]. Vasoconstrictors decrease the toxicity of local anesthetics and increase the analgesic effects, and the use of catecholamines, especially adrenaline/epinephrine is more indicated. Epinephrine-induced vasoconstriction delays the absorption of local anesthetics by the mother, thus the local anesthetics is transferred to the fetus slowly, and its security margin is also increased [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
]. However, high-dose epinephrine in the blood causes a decrease in uterine blood flow, but in general there does not appear to be any significant contraindication for the careful use of epinephrine in pregnant patients. The protein binding of local anesthetics is reduced in pregnant women with preeclampsia or eclampsia and a large amount of local anesthetics can be transferred to the fetus [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
], thus it should be used with caution in pregnant women with hypertensive problems.

Thus, the most recommended anesthetic drug is 2% lidocaine, class B, 64% binding to plasma proteins and coefficient of liposolubility 4, with adrenaline 1:100,000, injecting slowly and using at most two tubes per session as a safety measure [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]. The maximum recommended dose is 7mg/kg with vasoconstrictor, but the use of a lower dose is justified due to the dilution of blood volume and decrease in protein binding during pregnancy [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. Bupivacaine, despite having 95% protein binding, has coefficient of liposolubility 28 and is classified as C, because it inhibits the cardiac conduction and can lead to cardiac arrest. The caution recommendation (Category C) for bupivacaine mainly refers to data collected in teratogenicity studies in animals, but in case it is necessary, further reducing the dosage would be an option [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. There is still doubt as to the use of topical anesthetics; both lidocaine (category B of FDA) and benzocaine (category C of FDA) are slowly absorbed by the cardiovascular system and are less likely to lead to intoxication reaction [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]. It is important to note that its use in small quantities, besides reducing the effect of needle puncture, acts on the emotional control of pain, favoring care as a whole.

In pregnancy, almost all drugs administered will enter the fetus circulation by passive diffusion to some degree. Also, some drugs are pumped through the placenta by several active transporters located on the fetus and mother [2323 Syme M, Paxton J, Keelan J. Drug Transfer and metabolism by the human placenta. Clin Pharmacokinetics. 2004;43(8):487-514.
]. In dental care for a toothache, the use of analgesics is indicated, and in some situations the use of antimicrobials is systemically compromised. There is a representative of FDA classification B for both situations. For systemic pain control, at any stage of pregnancy, for a short period (48 to 72 hours), acetaminophen 500 mg/750mg can be used at every 6 hours. It is not advisable to exceed more than four grams per day, due to the side effect of hepatotoxicity [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. For the use of antimicrobials, indicated in cases of symptomatic tooth abscess with systemic involvement, with fever above 37.80C, the first choice is beta-lactam derivatives and, among them, amoxicillin, cephalosporin and as second choice clindamycin, which is contraindicated in pregnant women with hepatic alterations, or erythromycin stearate. Their use should not exceed 15 days, since it may lead to cholestasis of the newborn [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.].

Regarding anti-inflammatory drugs, it is advisable not to indicate their use, although Ibuprofen is considered class B until the last trimester, when it switches to D, in which there is positive evidence of human fetal risk, associated with decreased amniotic fluid, premature closure of the heart valve and limited vaginal opening during delivery [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. Thus, postoperatively, non-drug therapy with heat and cold contrast is chosen. But, when necessary, a good anamnesis should be performed adhering to the following principles for prescription: use the lowest effective dose for the shortest time; evaluate the risk/benefit binomial; contact the obstetrician [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]. The most critical period with rapid cell division and active organogenesis occurs between the second and eighth weeks post-conception [66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.]. It is important to emphasize that the use of drugs is not recommended in the first 13 weeks, i.e. in the first trimester [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
], a period during which many women do not even know they are pregnant.

Finally, it is important to know other situations that interfere with dental care during pregnancy: the use of rubber dam and positioning in the chair (figure 1). During pregnancy, one of the respiratory changes aims to accommodate the increase in size of the developing fetus. The enlarged fetus pushes the diaphragm upward by 3 to 4 cm, increasing the intrathoracic pressure. Diaphragm displacement leads to a reduction of 15% to 20% in the residual functional capacity [66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.]. In addition, in the supine position, compression of the inferior vena cava and aorta by the uterus [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
,66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.], especially after the 20th week of pregnancy [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
], can lead to the development of supine hypotensive syndrome, in which there is a decrease in cardiac output, resulting in hypotension, syncope and decreased utero-placental perfusion [66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.]. Thus, the ideal position of the pregnant woman in the dental chair is left lateral decubitus position with the right hip elevated by 15° [66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.] or, in slightly longer sessions, from time to time, turn to the left for a few minutes and also at procedure completion [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.].

Figure 1
Image of care taken during the dental treatment of pregnant women.


Since 2000, the extension project Maternal-Child Dental Care (AOMI) of the School of Dentistry of UFPel has worked on mother-child dyads, working on the first thousand days of the child, that is, 270 days of pregnancy with 730 days of the first two years of life. Women attend AOMI when pregnant and receive dental care to improve and recover their oral health. Upon arrival, at any stage of pregnancy, an interview is performed, as well as examination of the oral cavity and planning that is designed and applied according to the needs of the pregnant woman, her physical and systemic condition, capacity of the project to receive and following the guidelines of scientific evidence summarized in table 1. Endodontic therapies are performed as an integral part of maternal oral health promotion, enabling the existence of a health multiplier effect. The project’s motto is “I will be able to care for my child’s oral health if I know and am able to care for mine”, and the results have been evaluated in different studies, with approval by the institutional Review Board, IRB report n. 57/2013 of FO/UFPel.

Table 1
Summary of guidelines for dental procedures during pregnancy.

Following, three clinical cases are presented, recently conducted in patients C.A.L., C.P.R. and K.L.R., respectively with 35, 11 and 12 weeks of pregnancy, who attended the AOMI project with dental pain in the region of lower first molars. The diagnosis, performed by physical inspection and examination of periapical radiographic image, showed that, in one of the cases (C.A.L.), tooth 46 had apical periodontitis as shown in figure 2. In the other two cases, irreversible acute pulpitis was diagnosed in teeth 46 (C.P.R.) (figure 3A) and 36 (K.L.R.) (figure 3B). All patients had painful symptoms at the time of consultation. It is important to highlight that the patient K.L.R. had severe pain, being referred by a professional from the Basic Health Unit who preferred not to assist her.

Figure 2
Case report 1: C.A.L., aged 19 years, 35-week pregnant and with pain in tooth 46, with diagnosis of apical periodontitis.
Figure 3
Radiographic images of clinical cases of irreversible pulpitis.

In the three cases, the following protocol was used:

  1. Before each dental appointment, a 2% chlorhexidine solution (MAQUIRA®) was used topically, passed on the mucosa using cotton balls, minimizing the unpleasant taste compared to mouthwash.

  2. Then, local anesthesia was performed by blocking the inferior alveolar nerve, using 1.8 ml of 2% lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100.000 (Alphacaine 2%, Nova DFL®), followed by rubber dam isolation. Only for C.A.L. the dam was adapted to release the nostrils (figure 2) and favor breathing (35 weeks of pregnancy).

  3. Coronal opening of the tooth was performed or completed using a round 1012 diamond bur (KG Sorensen®) and Endo Z drill (Dentsply Maillefer®).

  4. After irrigation with 2.5% NaOCl and exploration of root canals with a manual file n. 15, the working length was determined using the FinePex electronic apex locator (Schuster®), established at 1 mm below the locator’s 0 mark.

  5. After achieving apical patency with a K file n. 15 (Dentsply Maillefer®), the reciprocating instrument was selected following the manufacturer’s instructions. In all cases, the Wave One® Gold Primary 25.07 instrument (Dentsply Sirona®) was used on the VDW.SILVER® RECIPROC (VDW) endodontic engine.

    In two cases (figures 2 and 3A) the irrigation protocol used 2.5% sodium hypochlorite throughout instrumentation, and final irrigation with 17% EDTA solution (Biodynamics®). For K.L.R., 2% chlorhexidine gel (Farmácia Drogal, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil) and saline were used as an auxiliary chemical solution.

  6. Obturation was performed by the single cone technique, using the gutta percha cone of the Wave One® Gold system with the same diameter as the primary file. After radiographic fitting of the cone, obturation was performed with Endofill obturation cement (Dentsply Sirona) and a provisional restoration was performed with zinc oxide and eugenol (cases 2 and 3) or glass ionomer cement (case 1) to avoid extending the time of clinical care. In the end, the pregnant women were positioned laterally to the left side for a few minutes, preventing supine hypotension when getting up from the chair. The 35-week pregnant woman was placed in this position, from time to time during the consultation.

  7. Follow-up after seven days, when all patients reported absence of postoperative symptoms. In this consultation, the final periapical radiography was performed, as well as coronal sealing with composite resin shade A2 Z350 XT (3M ESPE) and tooth restoration with composite resin of the same brand, but with shade variation according to the case.

After delivery, the pregnant women assisted at the project have clinical and radiographic follow-up of endodontic treatments performed. The AOMI project monitors the mother-child dyads (a) until they reach 36 months of age, and the first follow-up occurs approximately when the baby is seven to eight months old, or at any time when needed.


Pregnancy is a period of particular vulnerability concerning oral health. Among the oral problems, the greater presence of dental caries [44 Rakchanok N, Amporn D, Yoshida Y, Harunoor-Rashid MD, Sakamoto J. Dental caries and gingivitis among pregnant an non-pregnant women in chiang mai, Thailand. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2010;72:43-50.

5 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.

6 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.
-77 Oviedo ACP, Valladares MB, Nápoles NE, Naranjo MM, Barreras BG. Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo. Rev Cubana Estomatología. 2011;48(2):104-112.] may favor toothache [88 Krüger MSM, Lang CA, Almeida LHS, Bello-Corrêa FO, Romano AR, Pappen FG. Dental pain and associated factors among pregnant women: an observational study. Mater Child Health J. 2015;19:504-510.
] because it has been suggested that pulp inflammation may be exacerbated by gestational hormonal changes [99 Almeida LHS, Pilownic KJ, Tarquínio SBC, Felix AC, Pappen FG, Romano AR. Influence of pregnancy on the inflammatory process following direct pulp capping: a preliminary study in rats. Br Dent J. 2019;30(1):1-9.
]. In addition, the prevalence of preeclampsia was significantly higher in pregnant women who had apical periodontitis, providing initial evidence that it can be a strong independent predictor for preeclampsia [22 Kashefinejad N, Aminoshariae A, Kulild JC, Mickel A. Apical periodontitis, a predictor variable for preeclampsia: a case-control study. J Endod. 2017;43:1611-14.

Although there is sufficient evidence that the lack of oral health care during pregnancy can have negative results for mothers and their newborns [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>
,66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.], there are still many taboos and myths about dental treatment in pregnancy of both professionals and patients [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
,1414 Rocha JS, Arima L, AC, Werneck RI, Moysés SJ, Baldani MH. Barriers and facilitators to dental care during pregnancy: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Cad Saúde Pública. 2018;34(8):e00130817.
]. These fears have no reason to exist [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
], and pregnant women must be assisted [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>
], especially when there are urgent dental needs (pulpitis, abscesses, etc.) [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. In these cases, treatment cannot be postponed, regardless of the gestational period, since the consequences of pain and infection can be much more harmful to the mother and fetus than those resulting from dental treatment [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. Thus, offering the necessary dental treatment, managing oral infection and pain control is an essential function of dental professionals to help patients maintain their general health during pregnancy.

The previous use of chlorhexidine in the oral cavity is an approach that is part of the protocol for the care of pregnant women in the AOMI project, together with measurement of blood pressure. Even though pregnant patients are generally not immunocompromised, there is a decrease in immunity and in the activity of NK cells [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.]. Immunosuppression would be one of the indications for prophylaxis of postoperative infection, but besides the tendency to avoid the prophylactic use of antibiotics associated with dental procedures [2626 Leonardi DP, Giovanini AF, Almeida S, Schramm CA, Baratto-Filho, F. Alterações pulpares e periapicais. RSBO (Online). 2011;8(4):47-61.], the condition of the pregnant woman is transient [11 Brasil. Ministério da Saúde. Secretaria de Atenção à Saúde. Departamento de Atenção Básica. Saúde Bucal. Saúde bucal. Brasília: Ministério da Saúde; 2008. 92 p. Disponível em: <>
]. However, handling the oral cavity without any care could lead to transient bacteremia. The endodontic procedure per se would cause a low risk of bacteremia, 31% in case of extra canal instrumentation and 29.4% with rubber dam placement, but if anesthesia is performed with intraligamentary injection, the possibility increases to of almost 100% [2525 Wannmacher L Profilaxia antimicrobiana em Odontologia In: Wannmacher L, Ferreira MBC. Farmacologia clínica para dentistas. 3ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2013. p.351-359.].

In this context, infections can be prevented by non-pharmacological measures, such as maintaining correct oral hygiene and using chlorhexidine mouthwash before the usual dental procedures [2525 Wannmacher L Profilaxia antimicrobiana em Odontologia In: Wannmacher L, Ferreira MBC. Farmacologia clínica para dentistas. 3ª ed. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan; 2013. p.351-359.]. Chlorhexidine is a topical antimicrobial, classified as category B in pregnancy by the FDA [33 Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.

4 Rakchanok N, Amporn D, Yoshida Y, Harunoor-Rashid MD, Sakamoto J. Dental caries and gingivitis among pregnant an non-pregnant women in chiang mai, Thailand. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2010;72:43-50.
-55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
]. Thus, even without consensus on its need, the use of 2% chlorhexidine topical antimicrobial does not cause any problem to the pregnant woman and promotes the reduction of oral bacteria.

There were two cases of irreversible acute pulpitis, a pulp condition that indicates advanced stage of inflammation with presence of acute, spontaneous, intense, pulsatile pain [2626 Leonardi DP, Giovanini AF, Almeida S, Schramm CA, Baratto-Filho, F. Alterações pulpares e periapicais. RSBO (Online). 2011;8(4):47-61.]. For endodontic treatment, control of intraoperative pain is essential and lidocaine was the local anesthetics used in these and other dental treatments performed in pregnant women in the AOMI project, since it is category B of the FDA and has almost no negative effect on the mother and fetus [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. However, its use must be associated with a vasoconstrictor, injected slowly and in a reduced dose [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.
], at most two tubes [2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.]. In addition, negative aspiration should be monitored to ensure that local anesthetics is not injected into the blood vessel [1313 Lee JM, Shi TJ. Use of local anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy; safety for parturient. J Dent Anesth Pain Med. 2017;17(2):81-90.

One of the important steps in the endodontic technique is the accurate determination of the working length. Currently, the use of electronic apex locators not only improves clinical time, but also reduces radiation [1717 Kim E, Lee S-J, Electronic apex locator. Dent Clin N Am. 2004;48:35-54.
]. The reliability of its accuracy is superior to radiographies during odontometry [2727 Martins JNR, Marques D, Mata A, Caramês, J. Clinical Efficacy of electronic apex locators:systematic review. J Endod. 2014;40(6):759.
], promoting a reliable determination for the treatment in a fast manner. Reduction in the number of radiographs is an important factor, since one of the greatest fears of both professional and pregnant woman is the X-ray exposure [1414 Rocha JS, Arima L, AC, Werneck RI, Moysés SJ, Baldani MH. Barriers and facilitators to dental care during pregnancy: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies. Cad Saúde Pública. 2018;34(8):e00130817.
,1515 Ibhawoh L, Enabulele J. Endodontic treatment of the pregnant patient: Knowledge, attitude and practices of dental residents Niger Med J. 2015;56(5):311-316.
]. In the reported cases, the patients underwent periapical radiographs in an appropriate and safe manner at all moments. It should be mentioned that, even when conducting the recommended care for patients in general, during pregnancy it is also important to only achieve the necessary radiographs. Although inadvertent exposure in pregnancy does not increase the natural risk of congenital anomalies, it can create a considerable state of maternal anxiety [2828 De Santis M, Di Gianantonio E, Straface G, Cavaliere AF, Caruso A, Schiavon F, et al. Ionizing radiations in pregnancy and teratogenesis. A review of literature. Reprod Toxicol. 2005;20:323-329.
] which can somehow affect the well-being of mother and baby.

Regarding the irrigating solution, 2.5% sodium hypochlorite is the first choice in the AOMI project, since it has an antimicrobial action and acts as a tissue solvent [2929 Pretel H, Bezzon F, Faleiros FBC, Dametto FR, Vaz LG. Comparação entre soluções irrigadoras na endodontia: clorexidina x hipoclorito de sódio. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2011;59:127-132.]. Although sodium hypochlorite is an effective antibacterial agent, it can be highly irritating when in contact with vital tissue. Most reported complications occurred due to incorrect determination of endodontic working length, iatrogenic enlargement of the apical foramen, lateral perforation [3030 Mehdipour O, Kleier DJ, Averbach RE. Anatomy of sodium hypochlorite accidents. Compendium. 2007;28(10):544-550.]. Conversely, chlorhexidine has been widely used as an irrigating solution due to specific properties that enable its use, such as substantivity, antimicrobial effectiveness and low toxicity [2929 Pretel H, Bezzon F, Faleiros FBC, Dametto FR, Vaz LG. Comparação entre soluções irrigadoras na endodontia: clorexidina x hipoclorito de sódio. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2011;59:127-132.]. Due to its low toxicity, 2% chlorhexidine has become an excellent possibility of irrigating solution in endodontic treatment performed during pregnancy. In addition, in a randomized clinical study, no significant difference was observed for clinical antibacterial efficacy in root canal preparation with rotary instruments using 2.5% sodium hypochlorite or 2% chlorhexidine as the main irrigating agent [3131 Rôças IN, Provenzano JC, Neves MAS, Siqueira Jr JF. Disinfecting effects of rotary instrumentation with either 2.5% sodium hypochlorite or 2% chlorhexidine as the main irrigant: a randomized clinical study. J Endod. 2016;42:943-947.

In the reported cases, the root canals were instrumented by the reciprocating instrumentation technique and obturated by the single cone technique. When evaluating 84 cases performed in pregnant women in the AOMI Project by the conventional technique, it was observed that complete molar endodontics was significantly lower, showing the importance of using mechanical techniques in these patients [3232 Araújo LP, Ottonelli EJ, Hartwig AD, Romano AR, Pappen FG. Tratamento endodôntico durante a gestação. Anais do XX ENPOS, 4ª SIIEPE da UFPel, 2018. 4p. Disponível em: <>
]. The use of this technique in root canal preparation and obturation with a single cone, with completion of all stages of treatment in a single session, reduces the working time and also contributes to a lower incidence of postoperative pain compared to manual files [1616 Kashefinejad M, Harandi A, Eram S, Bijani A. Comparison of single visit post endodontic pain using two rotary and hand k-file instruments: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent. 2016;13(1):10-17.]. This technique also allows greater disinfection during root canal preparation, improving the working conditions for both professional and patient [1616 Kashefinejad M, Harandi A, Eram S, Bijani A. Comparison of single visit post endodontic pain using two rotary and hand k-file instruments: a randomized clinical trial. J Dent. 2016;13(1):10-17.]. Despite the decrease in working time, in women with more advanced pregnancy, it is important to avoid supine hypotension [55 Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
-66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97., 2121 Xavier HS, Xavier VBC. Cuidados odontológicos com a gestante. São Paulo: Editora Santos; 2004. 85 p.] and to avoid worsening the breathing difficulties. Placing a pillow on the left side of the hip or turning to the left side from time to time and at completion of the procedure is essential. Also, after the third trimester, the pregnant woman should be considered a mouth breather in which the airway must be free.

It is important to remember that dental treatment is being conducted for two patients: mother and fetus [66 Kurien S, Kattimani VS, Sriram RR, Sriram SK, Rao VKP, Bhupathi A, et al. Management of Pregnant Patient in Dentistry. J Inter Oral Health. 2013;5(1):88-97.], and the diaphragm is repositioned in a more superior position, decreasing the respiratory volume [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. Thus, in the third trimester, it is important to work providing comfort by releasing the nostrils when using rubber dam isolation and not extending the consultation time, preferably performing a provisional restoration with glass ionomer cement. In the present cases there was no report of postoperative pain and the restoration was performed, being an important step in the success of endodontic therapy. The choice of restorative material during pregnancy is also important and composite resin was used in all presented cases, whose effect from the presence of polymers has been investigated and has not been associated with adverse results at birth [3333 Berge TLL, Lygre GB, Lie SA, Björkman L. Polymer-based dental filling materialsplaced during pregnancy and risk tothefoetus. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18:9.

Follow-up of an endodontic procedure is fundamental to evaluate its success. After delivery, the pregnant women remain in control at each visit of the baby. The absence of controls of the present cases is due to the fact that they were performed recently, and the main objective is to disclose the importance of endodontics in pregnancy. Thus, to improve the results of oral-systemic health for mothers and their newborns, it is essential to increase the professional knowledge, since it is clear that the health benefits of providing care during pregnancy outweigh the potential risks [2424 Mendia J, Cuddy MA, Moore PA. Drug Therapy for the Pregnant Dental Patient. Compendium. 2012;33(8):568-579.]. In addition, some women seek dental care and ignore that they are pregnant. Others do not report their pregnancy. Therefore, in the initial dental consultation, every woman in childbearing age should be considered pregnant until otherwise proven [1212 Andrade ED, Bentes APG, Mello PS. Gestantes ou lactantes. In: Andrade ED. Terapêutica medicamentosa em Odontologia. 3ª ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2014. p. 163-174.]. The presence of a pregnant tummy cannot preclude the accomplishment of dental prenatal care and, whenever necessary, the professional should contact the obstetrician.


The use of apex locators and mechanical instrumentation, using reciprocating files associated with the obturation technique with a single standardized cone for each system, represent advances for the performance of endodontic treatment in pregnant patients due to the shorter clinical time and greater comfort of the procedure. The taboos and myths regarding dental care during pregnancy are still present among pregnant women and health professionals, including dental professionals. Research and clinical studies are necessary to continue spreading knowledge for the development of new health policies that increasingly include dentistry during pregnancy, favoring the health of women and their children.

How to cite this article


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  • 2
    Kashefinejad N, Aminoshariae A, Kulild JC, Mickel A. Apical periodontitis, a predictor variable for preeclampsia: a case-control study. J Endod. 2017;43:1611-14.
  • 3
    Giglio JA, Lanni SM, Laskin DM, Giglio NW. Oral health care for the pregnant patient. J Can Dent Assoc. 2009;75(1):43-48.
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    Rakchanok N, Amporn D, Yoshida Y, Harunoor-Rashid MD, Sakamoto J. Dental caries and gingivitis among pregnant an non-pregnant women in chiang mai, Thailand. Nagoya J Med Sci. 2010;72:43-50.
  • 5
    Naseem M, Khurshid Z, Khan HA, Niazi F, Zohaib S, Zafar MS. Oral health challenges in pregnant women:Recommendations for dental care professionals. The Saudi J Dent Res. 2016;7:138-146.
  • 6
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  • 14
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  • 28
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  • 29
    Pretel H, Bezzon F, Faleiros FBC, Dametto FR, Vaz LG. Comparação entre soluções irrigadoras na endodontia: clorexidina x hipoclorito de sódio. RGO, Rev Gaúcha Odontol. 2011;59:127-132.
  • 30
    Mehdipour O, Kleier DJ, Averbach RE. Anatomy of sodium hypochlorite accidents. Compendium. 2007;28(10):544-550.
  • 31
    Rôças IN, Provenzano JC, Neves MAS, Siqueira Jr JF. Disinfecting effects of rotary instrumentation with either 2.5% sodium hypochlorite or 2% chlorhexidine as the main irrigant: a randomized clinical study. J Endod. 2016;42:943-947.
  • 32
    Araújo LP, Ottonelli EJ, Hartwig AD, Romano AR, Pappen FG. Tratamento endodôntico durante a gestação. Anais do XX ENPOS, 4ª SIIEPE da UFPel, 2018. 4p. Disponível em: <>
  • 33
    Berge TLL, Lygre GB, Lie SA, Björkman L. Polymer-based dental filling materialsplaced during pregnancy and risk tothefoetus. BMC Oral Health. 2018;18:9.

Edited by

Assistant editor: Marcelo Sperandio

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    07 Mar 2022
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    14 Sept 2019
  • Reviewed
    31 June 2020
  • Accepted
    01 Sept 2020
Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil