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Maxillary odontogenic keratocyst: a clinical case report

Ceratocisto odontogênico maxilar: relato de caso clínico

Odontogenic keratocysts are benign lesions of the maxillomandibular region with high growth potential resulting in huge bone destruction. The presence of multiple Odontogenic keratocysts can be associated with the Gorlin-Goltz syndrome. There are two accepted theories of their origin: remnants of dental lamina and proliferation of cells from the basal layer of oral epithelium into the mandible or maxilla. Odontogenic keratocysts are usually asymptomatic and are diagnosed incidentally on routine periapical or panoramic radiographs. The type of treatment is related to their high recurrence rate. The objective of the present study is to report a clinical case of a surgical treatment of a parakeratinized odontogenic keratocyst by enucleation in a fourteen-year old girl. This technique was used since the complete removal of the cyst posed no risks of complications from a dental and/or anatomical point of view. Furthermore, it facilitated the comprehensive anatomohistopathological analysis of the lesion including its clinical, histopathological, and radiological aspects.

Basal cell nevus syndrome; Maxilla; Odontogenic cysts

Faculdade São Leopoldo Mandic Rua José Rocha Junqueira, 13, CEP: 13045-755 , Tel.: +55 (19) 3211-3689 - Campinas - SP - Brazil