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Caracterização molecular e análise filogenética de sequências do antígeno de superfície 3 (SAG3) em isolados indianos (CHENNAI E IZATNAGAR) de Toxoplasma gondii


Context and objective:

The molecular characterization of local isolates of Toxoplasma gondii is considered significant so as to assess the homologous variations between the different loci of various strains of parasites.

Design and setting:

The present communication deals with the molecular cloning and sequence analysis of the 1158 bp entire open reading frame (ORF) of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) of two Indian T. gondii isolates (Chennai and Izatnagar) being maintained as cryostock at the IVRI.


The surface antigen 3 (SAG3) of two local Indian isolates were cloned and sequenced before being compared with the available published sequences.


The sequence comparison analysis revealed 99.9% homology with the standard published RH strain sequence of T. gondii. The strains were also compared with other established published sequences and found to be most related to the P-Br strain and CEP strain (both 99.3%), and least with PRU strain (98.4%). However, the two Indian isolates had 100% homology between them.


Finally, it was concluded that the Indian isolates were closer to the RH strain than to the P-Br strain (Brazilian strain), the CEP strain and the PRU strains (USA), with respect to nucleotide homology. The two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves, as far as homologies related to other genes are concerned, but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and thereby, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics. The findings are important from the point of view of molecular phylogeny.

Indian isolates; Molecular characterization; SAG3; Toxoplasma gondii

Contexto e objetivo.

A caracterização molecular de isolados indianos de Toxoplasma gondii é importante para a investigação de variações genéticas existentes entre cepas do parasito em diferentes locos gênicos.

Delineamento e disposição.

A presente comunicação realizou a clonagem e o sequenciamento dos 1158 pares de base correspondendo à totalidade do quadro de leitura do antígeno de superfície 3 (SAG3) de Toxoplasma gondii em dois isolados indianos (Chennai e Izatnagar) mantidos em um biorrepositório localizado em IVRI.


As sequências do SAG3 dos dois isolados indianos foram clonadas, sequenciadas e posteriormente comparadas com sequências SAG3 de Toxoplasma gondii disponíveis em publicações.


A comparação das sequências revelou 99,9% de homologia com a cepa RH padrão; 99,3% de homologia com as cepas P-Br e CEP; e 98,4% de homologia com a cepa PRU. Os dois isolados indianos eram 100% idênticos no que diz respeito à sequência SAG3.


Concluiu-se que os isolados indianos são filogeneticamente mais próximos da cepa RH em relação à cepa brasileira P-Br, ou às cepas CEP e PRU (USA). No entanto, a análise de outros genes de Toxoplasma gondii destes dois isolados indianos mostrou diferenças na composição de nucleotídeos, ao contrário do que foi encontrado para o locus SAG3. Estes resultados poderiam ser atribuídos ao fato do locus SAG3 ser altamente conservado, necessitando de estudos adicionais para determinar se SAG3 poderia ser utilizado no diagnóstico da toxoplasmose. No entanto, estes resultados são importantes do ponto de vista da filogenia molecular.


Toxoplasma gondii, an obligate intracellular coccidian parasite, has acquired utmost zoonotic relevance in the current scenario around the globe, accounting for abortions, stillbirths, and neonatal complications in livestock, especially in sheep, goats and pigs9Dubey JP. Toxoplasmosis: a waterborne zoonosis. Vet Parasitol. 2004;126:57-72.,1616 Hill D, Dubey JP. Toxoplasma gondii: transmission, diagnosis and prevention. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2002;8:634-40.,3030 Su C, Evans D, Cole RH, Kissinger JC, Ajioka JW, Sibley LD. Recent expansion of Toxoplasma through enhanced oral transmission. Science. 2003;299(5605):414-6.. The condition leads to life-threatening consequences both in immunocompromised human patients suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and those with organ transplants2Angel SO, Matrajt M, Margarit J, Nigro N, Illescas E, Pszenny V, et al. Screening of active Toxoplasma in patients by DNA hybridization with ABGTg7 probe in blood samples. J Clin Microbiol. 1997;35:591-5.. In India, the condition has exhibited itself as acquired ocular toxoplasmosis4Balasundaram MB, Andavar R, Palaniswamy M, Venkatapathy N. Outbreak of acquired ocular toxoplasmosis involving 248 patients. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010;128:28-32., in immunocompetent patients, bringing about possible similarities with South American strains which are known to exhibit a high rate of ocular involvement2020 Khan A, Jordan C, Muccioli C, Vallochi AL, Rizzo LV, Belfort JR, et al. Genetic divergence of Toxoplasma gondiistrains associated with ocular toxoplasmosis, Brazil. Emerg Infect Dis. 2006;12:942-9.. A third of the world's total population is thought to be at risk of infection2222 Montoya JG, Liesenfeld O. Toxoplasmosis. Lancet. 2004;363(9425):1965-76.. Of late, different strains of Toxoplasma gondii are known to induce different cytokine responses5Beaman MH, Wong SY, Remington JS. Cytokines, Toxoplasmaand intracellular parasitism. Immunol Rev. 1992;127:97-117. and thereby vary in their pathogenesis. The surface antigens of T. gondiiare the major targets as key molecules for immunodiagnosis as well as immunoprophylaxis because of their initial presentation to the host immune system. Surface antigen 3 (SAG3), an under-reported 43kDa glycoaminoglycan-binding protein associated with binding of host heparin sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs)1818 Jacquet A, Coulon L, De Nève J, Daminet V, Haumont M, Garcia L, et al. The surface antigen SAG3 mediates the attachment of Toxoplasma gondii to cell-surface proteoglycans. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2001;116:35-44., shares primary structure similarity with another proven Surface antigen 1 (SAG1)7Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S, Beauchamps P, Fourmaux MP, Camus D, Capron A, et al. Similarities between the primary structures of two distinct major surface protein of Toxoplasma gondii. J Biol Chem. 1994;269:16217-22. protein. It was considered interesting to carry out the primer-directed amplification of the open reading frame (ORF) of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of Indian isolates of T. gondiiviz. Chennei (CHEN) and Izatnagar (IZN) isolates, maintaining them at the IVRI and cloning them in a heterologous prokaryotic system. Moreover, the two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other gene loci like GRA 52626 Singh H, Tewari AK, Mishra AK, Maharana BR, Rao JR, Raina OK. Molecular cloning, comparative sequence analysis and prokaryotic expression of GRA5 protein of Toxoplasma gondii. Indian J Anim Sci. 2011a;81:209-15., MIC 32323 Praveen K, Bansal GC, Vikram K, Zahid AK, Saravanan BC, Tewari AK, et al. Cloning and molecular characterization of microneme protein-3 (MIC3) gene of Izatnagar and Chennai isolates of Toxoplama gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2012;26:31-4. and SAG 22727 Singh H, Tewari AK, Mishra AK, Maharana BR, Rao JR, Raina OK. Molecular cloning and comparative sequence analysis of open reading frame of SAG2 gene of Toxoplasma gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2011b;25:107-12. are concerned, but there is no literature available as far as SAG3 homologies are concerned. In the present study, the cloned genes were custom sequenced and the information was compared with the available sequences of the same gene in the GenBank in order to establish the phylogenetic identity of the SAG3 gene among the various isolates.


Propagation of T. gondii tachyzoites: Inbred Swiss albino adult mice, maintained on standard feed (pellets) and water ad libitum, were intraperitoneally infected with 100 mouse-adapted Chennei and IzatnagarT. gondii tachyzoite isolates that were cryopreserved and maintained at a divisional laboratory, IVRI. These two Indian isolates were originally isolated from the tested-positive blood, heart and brain tissues of free-range chickens (Gallus domesticus) naturally infected by T. gondii2525 Sreekumar C, Graham DH, Dahl E, Lehmann T, Raman M, Bhalerao DP, et al. Genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from chickens from India. Vet Parasitol. 2003;118(3-4):187-94. and isolatedafter Cat inoculation assays. The infected mice were monitored daily for the development of signs of infection. Infected mice exhibiting peritonitis were euthanized and peritoneal lavage was aspirated following inoculation of 5 mL of sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS, pH 7.2) in the peritoneal cavity with due care in avoiding injury to visceral organs. The contents were washed thrice with PBS (pH 7.2) and the live tachyzoites were counted.

Separation of host cell-free tachyzoites: The host cell-free tachyzoites were separated using standard protocol1515 Gross U, Muller WA, Knapp S, Heesemann J. Identification of a virulence-associated antigen of Toxoplasma gondii by a mouse monoclonal antibody. Infect Immun. 1991;59:4511-6.. Briefly, the peritoneal fluid containing free tachyzoites and tachyzoite infected macrophages was collected in PBS (pH 7.4) and washed thrice in PBS (pH 7.4) while repeatedly centrifuging at 5000 rpm for 10 min. Following this, a final pellet was re-suspended in 5 mL of PBS (pH 7.4). The intracellular tachyzoites were separated and made free from the macrophages by passing the contents repeatedly through a 27g needle fitted in a 10 mL sterile syringe. The host cell-free tachyzoite suspension was washed with 20 mL of PBS (pH 7.4), debris was allowed to settle down in the centrifuge tube for 10 min and the supernatant was collected and, following this, passed through a pre-wetted (with PBS pH 7.4) polycarbonate membrane filter of 3 µm pore size slowly (at the rate of one mL per 2-3 min). The filtrate was centrifuged (3000 rpm for 10 min) and the tachyzoites in sediment were re-suspended in one mL of PBS (pH 7.4).

Isolation of total RNA of T. gondii: Total RNA was extracted directly from the purified tachyzoites using Trizol® reagent (Gibco BRL) while following the manufacturer's protocol. Briefly, one mL of Trizol was added to the suspension containing 5-10x106 tachyzoites, repeatedly pipetted to kill the tachyzoites and following this, incubated at 30 ºC for five min to dissociate nucleoprotein complexes. The suspension was vigorously shaken for 15 sec after adding 0.2 mL of chloroform and then centrifuged at 12,000g for 15 min at 4 ºC. This facilitates the separation into lower organic phase and upper aqueous phase. The aqueous phase was transferred to a fresh tube, 0.5mL of the isopropyl alcohol was poured into the tube and the RNA was allowed to precipitate while keeping the tube at 15-30 ºC for 10 min. The tube was centrifuged at 12,000g for 10 min at 4 ºC. The RNA pellet was washed once with one mL of 75% ethanol prepared using 0.01% of diethylpyrocarbonate (DEPC) treated water. The sample was mixed by vortexing and centrifuged at 7,500 x g for five min at 4 ºC. The RNA pellet was air-dried, reconstituted in 100 µL of RNA storage buffer (Ambion) and stored at -20 ºC until further use. Purity and concentration of total RNA was checked by ethidium bromide stained agarose gel electrophoresis, performed at 2-3 volts/cm2.

Synthesis of complimentary DNA (cDNA) by reverse transcription: cDNA was synthesized from the total RNA isolated from the T. gondiitachyzoites of both the isolates, using oligo dT primer while following the standard protocol2323 Praveen K, Bansal GC, Vikram K, Zahid AK, Saravanan BC, Tewari AK, et al. Cloning and molecular characterization of microneme protein-3 (MIC3) gene of Izatnagar and Chennai isolates of Toxoplama gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2012;26:31-4.. The cDNA, thus synthesized, was quantified using a spectrophotometer (Nanodrop®, USA).

Polymerase chain reaction-based (PCR) amplification of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates: The entire open reading frame (ORF) of the SAG3 gene of T. gondii (CHN and IZN isolates) was PCR amplified using a pair of specific primers as described by SUDAN et al. 20122828 Sudan V, Tewari AK, Singh H, Saravanan BC, Sankar M. Molecular characterization of surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of Toxoplasma gondii RH-IVRI strain. J Parasit Dis. 2012;36:210-14. (forward primer (TS3F) 5'-ATGCAGCTGTGGCGGCGCAG-3' and reverse (TS3R) 5'-TTAGGCAGCCACATGCACAAG-3'). The PCR reactions were carried out in a standard 25 µL reaction volume with initial denaturation of DNA strands at 95 ºC for five min followed by 32 cycles of denaturation at 95 ºC for 50 sec, primer annealing at 62 ºC for 75 sec and strand elongation at 72 ºC for 50 sec. Thereafter one cycle of final extension of the strands was carried out at 72 ºC for 12 min. The PCR amplifications were confirmed by visualization of the product on 1.5% agarose gel stained with ethidium bromide following electrophoresis.

Molecular cloning and characterization of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates:The amplified ORF of the SAG3 genes of Indian isolates of T. gondiiwere purified using a Qiagen Mini elute gel extraction kit (Qiagen GmbH, Hilden, Germany) in accordance with the manufacturer's protocol. Following this, competent Escherichia coli DH5α cells were prepared following the standard calcium chloride treatment method2323 Praveen K, Bansal GC, Vikram K, Zahid AK, Saravanan BC, Tewari AK, et al. Cloning and molecular characterization of microneme protein-3 (MIC3) gene of Izatnagar and Chennai isolates of Toxoplama gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2012;26:31-4.. Ligation reaction for the cloning of SAG3 (amplified from T. gondiiIndian isolates) into InsTAclone PCR cloning vector (Qiagen, Germany) as well as transformation of DH5α cells was carried out as per the company's protocol. The positive clones were identified by blue-white colony screening method. Further confirmation was carried out by restriction analysis of the plasmid DNA isolated from the white colonies with PstI and EcoRI as well as by colony PCR following standard protocol2424 Sambrook J, Fritch EF, Maniatis T. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual. 2nd ed. New York: Cold Spring Harbor; 1989.. The restriction digestion reaction was carried out at 37 ºC for four h. The digested product as well, as the colony PCR amplified products, was visualized in the ethidium bromide-stained agarose gel following electrophoresis. The subcultures of a positive clone harboring the desired SAG3 genes of both the Indian isolates were custom DNA sequenced from the Department of Biochemistry, Delhi University.

Data analysis: The sequence information received was analyzed using DNASTAR and GeneTool software. The sequences, hence received sequence submitted to GenBank (Accession No. : HQ291783 & HQ291784 for Chennei and Izatnagar isolates, respectively). Moreover, these two sequences were compared with an earlier sequenced RH strain sequence (Accession No. : FJ825705) from the department along with other published sequences viz. , CEP (Accession No. : AF340229); P-Br (Accession No. : AY187280) and PRU (Accession No. : AF340228) from across the world through the GenBank using online Nucleotide BLAST Softwares (


Viability of cryopreserved T. gondii: All the infected mice started showing characteristic signs of the disease from Day-7 Post Infection (PI). The clinical signs included raised & rough fur coat, pendulous abdomen, severe ascites, dullness, tachypnoea marked by resting on either the walls of the cages, on the nozzle of water bottle or on other resting mice with their forelegs. Microscopically, a large number of tachyzoites were detectable (either free or within the peritoneal macrophages suspended in the aspirated peritoneal fluid).

PCR amplification, molecular cloning and molecular characterization of the SAG3 gene of Indian isolates: The whole ORF of the SAG3 gene was amplified from the cDNA of Indian isolates of T. gondii using the specific forward and reverse primers. The amplicons were resolved as a single band of 1158 bp (Fig. 1). It was further purified for ligation in InsTAclone PCR cloning vector. The selection of positive colonies was performed by colony PCR using the specific primers and also by restriction enzyme digestion of the recombinant plasmids with PstI and EcoRI for the release of insert. The results of restriction enzyme digestion (Fig. 2) as well as colony PCR (Fig. 3) were checked by agarose gel electrophoresis.

Fig. 1
Specific PCR amplification of ORF of SAG3 gene of Indian isolates of T. gondii on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane CHEN: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Chennai isolate; Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus; Lane IZN: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Izatnagar isolate.
Fig. 2
Release of SAG3 insert by restriction digestion of insTA cloning vector of the two Indian isolates on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus (MBI Fermentas); Lane IZN: Insert release after PstI and EcoRI digestion of vector containing Izatnagar isolate; Lane CHEN: Insert release after PstI and EcoRI digestion of vector containing Chennai isolate; Lane Uncut Plasmid: Undigested recombinant insTA cloning vector.
Fig. 3
Colony PCR confirming the amplifications of 1158 bp specific SAG3 amplicons of Indian isolates on 1.5% agarose gel. Lane M: Marker 100 bp DNA ladder plus; Lane C: Positive control DNA of T. gondii; Lane IZN 1,2: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Izatnagar isolate; Lane CHEN 1,2: Amplicon of 1158 bp from T. gondii Chennai isolate.

Data analysis: The nucleotide sequence revealed 99.9% (Fig.4) sequence homology of SAG3 ORF between the Indian isolates with that of the earlier sequenced RH strain sequence. A comparison of the nucleotide sequence of T. gondii Indian isolates revealed 100% homology between the Chennei and the Izatnagar isolates. Furthermore, there is a 99.3% identity with P-Br and the CEP SAG3 sequence and 98.4% with PRU. A phylogenetic association, for analyzing the identity between strains and testing the robustness of the association, was done using the online bootstrap method ( to delineate its relationship with other referral stains (Fig. 5).

Fig. 4
Sequence pair distances of SAG3 Clustal V (weighted).
Fig. 5
Phylogenetic tree of nucleotide sequence of SAG3 Clustal V (weighted).

The Adenine and Thymine (A+T) content of the SAG3 gene of both the Indian isolates was found to be 42.57%, whereas the Guanine and Cytosine (G+C) content was 57.43%. The nucleotide homology was found to be 99.9% with the earlier sequenced RH strain. There was a substitution of a single nucleotide of A instead of G at the 397thposition of the SAG3 nucleotide sequence of both the Indian isolates. The nucleotide substitution resulted in the change of a single nucleotide residue in the deduced amino acid sequence at the 133rd position as asparagine (N) instead of aspartic acid (D). As a whole, Indian isolates were closer to the RH strain than to the P-Br strain (Brazilian strain) and CEP strain and PRU strains (USA), with respect to the nucleotide homology.


The significance of toxoplasmosis has increased particularly in immune compromised and/or HIV/AIDS patients, with an alarming prevalence in developing countries such as India. The presence of brain cysts is often associated with various psychiatric disorders and behavioral alterations2929 Sudan V, Tewari AK, Singh H. An insight into the behavior, course and kinetics of acute infection of Toxoplasma gondii human RH strain in experimentally infected murine model. Iranian J Parasitol. 2014;9:114-9. such as schizophrenia8Daryani A, Sharif M, Hosseini SH, Karimi SA, Gholami S. Serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii in schizophrenia patients referred to psychiatric hospital, Sari city, Iran. Trop Biomed .2010;27:476-86.,3232 Webster JP, Lamberton PHL, Donnelly CA, Torrey EF. Parasites as causative agents of human affective disorders? The impact of anti-psychotic, mood- stabilizer and anti-parasite medication on Toxoplasma gondii's ability to alter host behavior. Proc Biol Soc. 2006;273(1589):1023-30. alongside other brain pathologies and ocular involvements2525 Sreekumar C, Graham DH, Dahl E, Lehmann T, Raman M, Bhalerao DP, et al. Genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from chickens from India. Vet Parasitol. 2003;118(3-4):187-94. in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals1Alvarado-Esquivel C, Alanis-Quiñones OP, Arreola-Valenzuela MA, Rodríguez-Briones A, Piedra-Nevarez IJ, Duran-Morales E, et al.Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city. BMC Infect Dis. 2006;6:178.,1111 Fekadu A, Shibre T, Cleare AJ. Toxoplasmosis as a cause for behavior disorders - overview of evidence and mechanisms. Folia Parasitol (Praha). 2010;57:105-13.. In order to precisely define the magnitude of the disease, it was of interest to investigate the genetic diversity of the pathogen among the T. gondii strains using advanced biotechnological approaches.

Surface antigen 3 (SAG3), a 43kDa glycoprotein, is a glycosylphosphatidylinisotol-anchored (GPI) membrane-bound protein in the developmental stages of the pathogen (tachyzoites & bradyzoites)parasite6Burg JL, Perelman D, Kasper IH, Ware PL, Boothroyd JC. Molecular analysis for gene encoding the major surface antigens of Toxoplasma gondii. J Immunol. 1988;141:3584-91.,1919 Kazemi B, Maghen L, Bandehpour M, Shahabi S, Haghighi A. Gene cloning of P43 surface protein of Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoite and bradyzoite (SAG3). Gene Ther Mol Biol. 2007;11:113-6.. The protein was earlier identified as P43. It was cloned and sequenced for the first time by CESBRON-DELAUW et al. in 19947Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S, Beauchamps P, Fourmaux MP, Camus D, Capron A, et al. Similarities between the primary structures of two distinct major surface protein of Toxoplasma gondii. J Biol Chem. 1994;269:16217-22. followed by FUX et al. in 20031313 Fux B, Rodrigues CV, Portela RW, Silva NM, Su C, Sibley D, et al. Role of cytokines and major histocompatibility complex restriction in mouse resistance to infection with a natural recombinant strain (Type I-III) of Toxoplasma gondii. Infect Immun. 2003;71:6392-401.. SAG3 has primary structure similarity with Surface antigen 1 (SAG1)7Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S, Beauchamps P, Fourmaux MP, Camus D, Capron A, et al. Similarities between the primary structures of two distinct major surface protein of Toxoplasma gondii. J Biol Chem. 1994;269:16217-22.. SAG3 is a glycoaminoglycan-binding protein associated with binding of host heparin sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs)1818 Jacquet A, Coulon L, De Nève J, Daminet V, Haumont M, Garcia L, et al. The surface antigen SAG3 mediates the attachment of Toxoplasma gondii to cell-surface proteoglycans. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2001;116:35-44.. The SAG3-HSPGs interaction facilitates the parasite's attachment to target cells. Furthermore, it has been shown that targeted disruption of the GPI-anchored surface antigen SAG3 gene in T. gondiiresulted in decreased host cell adhesion and virulence of the parasite for mice1010 Dzierszinski F, Mortuaire M, Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S. Targeted disruption of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored surface antigen SAG3 gene in Toxoplasma gondii decreases host cell adhesion and drastically reduces virulence in mice. Mol Microbiol. 2000;37:574-82.. In immunoprophylactic application, rSAG3 conferred partial protection in mice, which was mediated through Th1 type immune response2121 Lee YH, Shin DW, Lee JH, Nam HW, Ahn MH. Vaccination against murine toxoplasmosis using recombinant Toxoplasma gondii SAG3 antigen alone or in combination with Quil A. Yonsei Med J. 2007;48:396-404.. However, molecular characterization of the SAG3 gene of T. gondii of Indian isolates has not been attempted so far. The present study reports the molecular characterization of the surface antigen 3 (SAG3) gene of T. gondii of Indian isolates and ascertains its molecular homology with some other strains of the same parasites that are prevalent across the globe.

Worldwide, only one valid species of Toxoplasma exists. However, based on molecular genotyping studies, varied fundamental clonal population isolates of T. gondii have been recognized. The molecular diversity in the distinct and/or related Toxoplasma stabilates is routinely evaluated by sequence-based analysis among the different isolates. Recently, different strains of Toxoplasma gondii have been known to induce varying levels of cytokine responses5Beaman MH, Wong SY, Remington JS. Cytokines, Toxoplasmaand intracellular parasitism. Immunol Rev. 1992;127:97-117. and thereby vary in their pathogenesis, hence the study of the phylogeny has gained ultra importance owing to the variation in pathogenesis at the strain levels. Moreover, the two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other gene loci like GRA 52626 Singh H, Tewari AK, Mishra AK, Maharana BR, Rao JR, Raina OK. Molecular cloning, comparative sequence analysis and prokaryotic expression of GRA5 protein of Toxoplasma gondii. Indian J Anim Sci. 2011a;81:209-15., MIC 32323 Praveen K, Bansal GC, Vikram K, Zahid AK, Saravanan BC, Tewari AK, et al. Cloning and molecular characterization of microneme protein-3 (MIC3) gene of Izatnagar and Chennai isolates of Toxoplama gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2012;26:31-4. and SAG 22727 Singh H, Tewari AK, Mishra AK, Maharana BR, Rao JR, Raina OK. Molecular cloning and comparative sequence analysis of open reading frame of SAG2 gene of Toxoplasma gondii. J Vet Parasitol. 2011b;25:107-12. are concerned but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and thereby, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics.

Interestingly, differences at the lineages sequence level of DNA among the predominant clones are less than 2%1414 Grigg ME, Bonnefoy S, Hehl AB, Suzuki Y, Boothroyd JC. Success and virulence in Toxoplasma as the result of sexual recombination between two distinct ancestries. Science. 2001;294:161-5.. Transmission of the parasite through carnivorism and scavenging among intermediate hosts, bypassing sexual recombination events in the definitive host, i.e. cats1717 Howe DK, Sibley LD. Toxoplasma gondii comprises three clonal lineages: correlation of parasite genotype with human disease. J Infect Dis. 1993;172:1561-66.,3030 Su C, Evans D, Cole RH, Kissinger JC, Ajioka JW, Sibley LD. Recent expansion of Toxoplasma through enhanced oral transmission. Science. 2003;299(5605):414-6., parthenogenetic formation of oocysts by many unfertilized macrogametes of the parasite in the small intestine of cats1212 Ferguson DJ. Toxoplasma gondii and sex: essential or optional extra? Trends Parasitol. 2002;18:355-89., and simultaneous infection with different strains of T. gondii are some plausible reasons that can explain the existence of the clonal population structure in T. gondii3Ajzenberg D, Banuls AL, Su C, Dumetre A, Demar M, Carme B, et al. Genetic diversity, clonality and sexuality in Toxoplasma gondii. Int J Parasitol. 2004;34:1185-96..


In the present study, the SAG3 gene of T.gondii was cloned, sequenced and aligned, before being compared with various published strains and the homologies between the two Indian isolates were found both with one another and with other strains across the globe. The two Indian isolates used in the present study are known to vary between themselves as far as homologies related to other genes are concerned but they were found to be 100% homologous as far as SAG3 locus is concerned. This could be attributed to the fact that this SAG3 might be a conserved locus and therefore, further detailed studies are thereby warranted to exploit the use of this particular molecule in diagnostics and immunoprophylactics. The findings are important from the point of view of molecular phylogeny.


The authors are thankful to the Director, IVRI for providing the facilities and to the ICAR for the fellowship awarded to the first author during the perusal of his master's programme. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.


  • 1
    Alvarado-Esquivel C, Alanis-Quiñones OP, Arreola-Valenzuela MA, Rodríguez-Briones A, Piedra-Nevarez IJ, Duran-Morales E, et al.Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection in psychiatric inpatients in a northern Mexican city. BMC Infect Dis. 2006;6:178.
  • 2
    Angel SO, Matrajt M, Margarit J, Nigro N, Illescas E, Pszenny V, et al. Screening of active Toxoplasma in patients by DNA hybridization with ABGTg7 probe in blood samples. J Clin Microbiol. 1997;35:591-5.
  • 3
    Ajzenberg D, Banuls AL, Su C, Dumetre A, Demar M, Carme B, et al. Genetic diversity, clonality and sexuality in Toxoplasma gondii Int J Parasitol. 2004;34:1185-96.
  • 4
    Balasundaram MB, Andavar R, Palaniswamy M, Venkatapathy N. Outbreak of acquired ocular toxoplasmosis involving 248 patients. Arch Ophthalmol. 2010;128:28-32.
  • 5
    Beaman MH, Wong SY, Remington JS. Cytokines, Toxoplasmaand intracellular parasitism. Immunol Rev. 1992;127:97-117.
  • 6
    Burg JL, Perelman D, Kasper IH, Ware PL, Boothroyd JC. Molecular analysis for gene encoding the major surface antigens of Toxoplasma gondii J Immunol. 1988;141:3584-91.
  • 7
    Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S, Beauchamps P, Fourmaux MP, Camus D, Capron A, et al Similarities between the primary structures of two distinct major surface protein of Toxoplasma gondii J Biol Chem. 1994;269:16217-22.
  • 8
    Daryani A, Sharif M, Hosseini SH, Karimi SA, Gholami S. Serological survey of Toxoplasma gondii in schizophrenia patients referred to psychiatric hospital, Sari city, Iran. Trop Biomed .2010;27:476-86.
  • 9
    Dubey JP. Toxoplasmosis: a waterborne zoonosis. Vet Parasitol. 2004;126:57-72.
  • 10
    Dzierszinski F, Mortuaire M, Cesbron-Delauw MF, Tomavo S. Targeted disruption of the glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored surface antigen SAG3 gene in Toxoplasma gondii decreases host cell adhesion and drastically reduces virulence in mice. Mol Microbiol. 2000;37:574-82.
  • 11
    Fekadu A, Shibre T, Cleare AJ. Toxoplasmosis as a cause for behavior disorders - overview of evidence and mechanisms. Folia Parasitol (Praha). 2010;57:105-13.
  • 12
    Ferguson DJ. Toxoplasma gondii and sex: essential or optional extra? Trends Parasitol. 2002;18:355-89.
  • 13
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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    May-Jun 2015


  • Received
    08 Apr 2014
  • Accepted
    08 Aug 2014
Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo Av. Dr. Enéas de Carvalho Aguiar, 470, 05403-000 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil, Tel. +55 11 3061-7005 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil