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Formulando uma Psicopatologia Fundamental

This article seeks to position Fundamental Psychopathology in relation to the current psychopathological context and to delimitate its scienific scope in terms of that which it proposes as original in psychopathological discussions.

The psychopathological field is initially studied in terms of Karl Jasper’s formalization of a general psychopathology, followed by a discussion about the specific incidence psycho-analysis has in this debate.

The article proposes that fundamental psychopathology’s task is divided into three main fronts: 1) the task of constant theoretical delimitation among the different disciplines involved in the psychopathological field, implying a historical and critical perspective 2) theorization regarding the role of models and paradigms in the constitution of both the psychopathological field and the epistemological tools employed in the formalization of the psychopathological object 3) rescue of the dimension of subjective implications in the constitution of psychic suffering and the study of clinical perspectives emanating from such ethical-epistemological perspectives.

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil