A Brief History
The Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental, hereinafter referred to as RLPF, is the official organ of the University Association for Research in Fundamental Psychopathology, a scientific society that brings together researchers, professors and doctoral students from public and private universities around the world. It is peer-reviewed and publishes original articles, interviews and reviews on topics related to psychopathology. Its first issue came out in March 1998, and it had a printed version until 2016. Since then, RLPF has been published exclusively online with open access and, since 2023, in continuous flow mode.
Open Science Compliance RLPF follows the Open Science Green model and complies with Open Science: Formulário sobre conformidade com a Ciência Aberta.
Ethics in Publishing RLPF follows the good practices of conduct in scientific journal publishing established by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). It is the responsibility of the editor and editorial team to prevent any form of unethical behavior, such as plagiarism.
Focus and Scope The scope of RLPF covers not only research related to the clinics of psychology, psychoanalysis and psychiatry in the strict sense, but also subjectivity in its broader articulations with history, philosophy, the social sciences, the arts and culture in general. It also publishes historical documents of relevance to research in the field, and interviews with authors in the field. The journal is run by two editors in charge and associate editors who are responsible for the following specific sections. The "Articles" section publishes unpublished articles whose content contributes to the advancement of knowledge in psychopathology, with a focus on psychological suffering and subjectivity. The "Mental Health" section, which publishes unpublished articles on the subject. The "Classics of Psychopathology" section, which includes unpublished articles and historical texts on psychopathology from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. The "History of Psychiatry" section, which publishes articles on psychiatric theory, practice and institutions from various historical perspectives. The "History of Psychoanalysis" section is made up of unpublished articles and essays on the subject. The "Epistemology of Psychopathology" section contains articles that discuss the epistemological assumptions of the various currents of thought in the field of psychopathology. The "Observing Psychiatry" section, which publishes articles that examine, from a critical and reflective perspective, the categories that organize the clinical and institutional practices of contemporary psychiatry. The "Literature, Art, Culture" section, which contains articles that examine the interlocution of these themes with relevant aspects of psychopathology and subjectivity. The "Bibliographic Reviews" section aims to publicize and indicate new books, new translations or reissues of works in the field of psychopathology and interfaces. We accept critical reviews that provide new knowledge, as well as a simple summary of a work. Finally, the "Interview" section focuses on current issues in psychopathology and the authors who have addressed them. The RLPF has an Editorial Board and a Scientific Board made up of members from various national and international universities. Its target audience is psychologists, psychoanalysts, psychotherapists, psychiatrists, mental health workers in general, historians, philosophers, social scientists and other interested parties. |
Indexation sources
Bibliography File
Title of the journal: Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental. |
Websites and Social Media
The RLPF is included on the website of the University Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental (AUPPF):
Preprints The RLPF promotes and supports the publication of preprints articles on public platforms such as Preprints, SciELO Preprints and EmeRI, encouraging open discussions before official publication. In the context of preprints, it is important to emphasize that the RLPF does not see publication in preprint repositories as something that affects the originality of the article submitted. The RLPF is in tune with advances in Open Science principles and therefore allows articles published in preprint repositories to be submitted to the journal without compromising their originality.
Peer review process The Journal adopts a double-blind peer review process. As soon as they are received, they are assessed by the editorial board for their suitability to the Journal's mission, formal aspects and the editorial standards adopted. All articles accepted for evaluation are sent to external reviewers, specialists in the subject of the work submitted, who support editorial decisions. When selecting articles for publication, the originality, relevance of the topic and quality of the scientific methodology used are assessed.
RLPF's editorial policy establishes specific criteria for the evaluation process, including compliance with the journal's mission, focus and scope, American Psychological Association (APA) technical standards, formal aspects and the editorial standards adopted, grammatical and formal correctness, relevance, content, textual cohesion and theoretical-methodological consistency. The evaluation process comprises three stages: 1. Preliminary analysis carried out by the editors and editorial assistant to check compliance with the general guidelines of the editorial policy. Peer review procedures. The journal adopts a double-blind peer review process. As soon as they are received, they are evaluated by the editorial board. All articles accepted for evaluation are sent to external reviewers, specialists in the subject of the submitted work, who support editorial decisions. When selecting articles for publication, the originality, relevance of the topic and quality of the scientific methodology used are assessed. 2. All documents submitted are checked for similarity using the ScholarOne Manuscripts platform: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/rlpf-scielo 3. Preliminary assessment by the editors as to the suitability of the focus and scope of the journal, as well as the relevance and contribution of the text. In the final version of the published article, the name of the editor responsible for the preliminary evaluation process will be mentioned. In line with the communication practices of Open Science, the journal now adopts, in its editorial policy, the opening of the peer review process in agreement with the referee. In line with advances in Open Science, RLPF offers the following options for opening up the peer review process: The first is to publish the name or names of the editors responsible for the evaluation in the final article. The second is to offer reviewers the option of dialoguing directly with the corresponding author, with or without opening their identities. The third is to offer the option of publishing article approval reports with or without identifying the reviewers. Opinions constitute a new type of literature in the SciELO methodology and are treated similarly to research articles. Authorization to disclose the name can be given by the authors when submitting the article and by the reviewers when filling in the form Formulário sobre conformidade com a Ciência Aberta.
Open data The RLPF supports the sharing of data, codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from research, made available in open online repositories, which must be included in the manuscript. Following the criteria in:
Guia para pesquisas publicadas pelos periódicos SciELO Guia de citação de dados de pesquisa Lista de repositórios para depósito de dados de pesquisa RLPF encourages the sharing of datasets, methods, supplementary materials and other materials used for research through open online repositories, such as SciELO Data, if they cannot be included directly in the work. This information should be mentioned in the manuscript. As a result, articles reporting on research should indicate and reference the availability of the content used to carry out the research and obtain the results. For more information, we suggest consulting the Guides and List of repositories below: Guia para pesquisas publicadas pelos periódicos SciELO Guia de citação de dados de pesquisa Lista de repositórios para depósito de dados de pesquisa
Charging Fees As of July 1, 2020, RLPF began charging a fee for the publication of articles, in order to guarantee the maintenance of the journal, due to the current restrictions on financial support from public bodies for the publication of scientific journals. The fee is R$ 600.00 (six hundred reais) per approved article, and should only be paid once the article has been accepted for publication, when the authors will be advised on how to pay. We will provide proof of payment of the publication fee. Requests for exemption from paying the fee must be sent to the editors responsible for the journal, duly justified. AUPPF members who have paid their annual dues will be exempt from the fee.
Ethics and Misconduct Policy, Errata and Retraction RLPF is committed to upholding the integrity of the literature and publishes Errata, Expressions of Concern or Retraction Notices depending on the situation and in accordance with the COPE Retraction Guidelines which can be accessed at COPE - Retratction Guidelines, as well as taking the criteria in the following guides as guidelines for its conduct:
Guia para o registro e publicação de Errata Guia para o registro e publicação de retratação
Conflict of Interest Policy Conflicts of interest can occur when editors, reviewers and authors have interests that can influence the preparation or evaluation of manuscripts. They must be disclosed not only by the authors, but by all those involved in the editorial process of a manuscript. Authors should disclose any conflict of interest that may have influenced the results of the research in their cover letter. Such conflicts of interest can be of a personal, commercial, political, academic or financial nature. If there is, even potentially, a conflict of interest, the author(s) must inform this in the signed Cover Letter attached to the submission platform.
Adoption of similarity checking software RLPF considers duplicate or fragmented publication of the same research to be an ethical infraction and adopts the principles of conduct and the plagiarism policy drawn up by the Committee on Publications Ethics - COPE (https://publicationethics.org). The journal will check all submitted manuscripts for plagiarism using the plagiarism detection tools OriginalityCheck, FeedBackStudio and SimilarityCheck before sending them for peer review.
Sex and Gender Issues The RLPF editorial team, as well as the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines (Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines for reporting sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results and interpretation of findings. In addition, [name of journal] observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board.
Ethics Committee In the case of research involving human beings as research subjects, the document of approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where it was carried out must be included in the submission, indicating the registration on the Brazil Platform.
Copyright RLPF adopts the following license Creative Commons (CC-BY) to guarantee the integrity of articles in an open access environment. Authors retain the copyright of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication. The articles are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution, allowing them to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is duly cited.
Intellectual property and terms of use
Responsibility of the site: All the content of the magazine and the articles published by RLPF, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the license Creative Commons (CC-BY). RLPF reserves the right to make normative, orthographic and grammatical changes to the originals in order to maintain the cultured standard of the language, while respecting the authors' style. Author's responsibility: For RLPF, the opinions expressed by the authors of the articles are their sole responsibility. Authors retain full rights to their published works, and their partial or total reprinting, republication or deposit is subject to the indication of first publication in the journal, using the CC-BY license; The original source of publication must be acknowledged. RLPF encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the journal's website version is included.
Sponsors and Funding Agencies
Associated Editors
Editorial board
Scientific Council
Scope and policy
Types of documents accepted RLPF accepts the following types of documents for submission: Original Article, Research Article, Experience Report, Review, Preprints. The RLPF considers that articles published in preprint repositories can be submitted to the journal, without prejudice to their originality. |
Author contributions
RLPF uses the CREDiT taxonomy structure https://credit.niso.org/ . All authors must describe their participation in the preparation of the manuscript.
RLPF uses the taxonomy structure of Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). We recommend that whenever an article has more than one author, the contribution of each one should be specified using the standard (CRediT). Authors are responsible for the information in their final version. All conditions must be met for authorship to be attributed. |
Article submission format
Online submission process Following the instructions for online submission, you must send the files for the Home Page, Main Document and Cover Letter, as well as specific files with Figures and Tables, if any.
Language of articles: Texts can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English and articles must contain titles, abstracts and keywords in all four languages. Submitting an article to the journal implies that it has not been published before, with the exception of articles of historical importance in the RLPF publication line, and that it is not being considered for another publication.
Initial page The initial page should contain:
Title of the article describing the subject to which it refers, with versions in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Abstract Abstracts should be clear, easily readable and provide a comprehensive overview of the article, identifying the objectives, procedures and conclusions of the work. They should be presented in four versions of the same content, in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English and contain a maximum of 900 characters with spaces. Keywords Four in number, in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Authors: authors' names, academic degrees, institutions to which they belong, full addresses and respective e-mails and ORCID identifiers https://orcid.org/ Other information: name of the research group and institution where the work was carried out; if it was subsidized, indicate the entity that granted the aid; if it was based on an academic dissertation or thesis, indicate the title, year and institution where it was presented; if it was presented at a scientific meeting, indicate the name of the event, place and date. Acknowledgments: should be brief and addressed to people or institutions that have contributed substantially to the preparation of the work.
Main document The main document should not contain any identification of the authors, in order to guarantee a double-blind evaluation. It should contain the abstracts and descriptors in the languages requested and the full text of the article, with bibliographical references.
Cover letter All authors must sign a cover letter addressed to the editors responsible. In the cover letter, authors must indicate which section of the journal the paper is intended for. They are asked to describe the specific contribution made by each of the authors, as well as providing any other information they deem relevant for the assessment of the article.
E-mail address of the contact author One author should be indicated as the person responsible for RLPF's contacts with the group of authors, when there are more than one.
Information on article funding If they have been funded directly or indirectly through scholarships or research grants, the source of the funding must be stated. Inform sources of support for the work, including names of sponsors, contract number (if any), along with explanations of the role of these sources. If there is no source of funding, please state "No source of funding").
Length of manuscripts (consider spacing) Articles can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English. They should be typed in Times New Roman, body 12, double-spaced (files type '.doc' or '.docx'). They must not exceed 50,000 characters with spaces. The character count includes the main text, notes and references, excluding abstracts and keywords. Footnotes: These should be non-bibliographical notes, kept to a minimum and placed at the foot of pages, ordered by Arabic numerals which should appear immediately after the segment of text to which the note refers. References and citations: References should appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by surname. References and citations in the text should follow the APA standards, in its latest edition, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The standards can be consulted at https://apastyle.apa.org/. Authors should make sure that the references cited in the text appear in the list of references with exact dates and correctly spelled authors' names. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors. Personal communications, unpublished work or work in progress may be cited when absolutely necessary, but should not be included in the list of references, only cited in the text or in a footnote. Statement that the research has been approved by an institutional ethics committee: In the case of research involving human beings as research subjects, a document stating that the research has been approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the institution where it was carried out must be included in the submission, indicating the registration on the Brazil Platform. Bibliographical reviews: Bibliographical reviews should be submitted directly to the editor of the section, by e-mailing resenhas.rlpf@gmail.com. They can be written in Portuguese, Spanish, French or English, and must have their title in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English. Manuscripts must include on the first page details of the book reviewed (title, author, city, publisher, year of publication and number of pages) and identification of the reviewer, including institutional affiliation. The texts should contain a brief presentation of the content and structure, as well as a critical analysis of the book reviewed, and should have a concise bibliography. Reviews should not exceed 7,000 characters with spaces, written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
Digital Assets
Tables They should be submitted in separate files and not inserted in the main document, where they should be included.
Figures Figures not produced electronically should be sent in photo quality and should not exceed 10x13cm. Figures with images must be saved in Adobe PhotoShop 6.0 or higher, in JPEG format. Do not save in BMP or compressed formats. When using a scanner to reproduce figures, give preference to resolutions of at least 500 DPI, in Drawing (drawing) or Gray Scale (photos) modes. They should be submitted in separate files and should not be inserted in the main document, where they should be included.
Citations and References References should appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order by surname. References and citations in the text should follow the APA standards, in its latest edition, according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The standards can be consulted at https://apastyle.apa.org/. Authors should make sure that the references cited in the text appear in the list of references with exact dates and correctly spelled authors' names. The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the authors. Personal communications, unpublished work or work in progress may be cited when absolutely necessary, but should not be included in the list of references, only cited in the text or in a footnote.
Examples of document types in the standard: Foucault, M. (1963). Naissance de la clinique. Presses Universitaires de France. Frances, A. (2013). Saving Normal: An Insider’s Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life. William Morrow. Machín, R., & Romero, L. (2006). Los borrosos límites del diagnóstico de las psicosis. ¿En qué́ ayuda un psicoanálisis? Ilustración clínica. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicopatologia Fundamental, IX(4), 611-635. |
Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental |