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COM, CONTRA E PARA ALÉM DE CHARLES TILLY: MUDANÇAS TEÓRICAS NO ESTUDO DAS AÇÕES COLETIVAS E DOS MOVIMENTOS SOCIAIS 1 1 Versões preliminares deste artigo foram apresentadas em dois encontros: o International Workshop Tribute to Charles Tilly, celebrado nos dias 7 e 8 de maio de 2009 em Madri; e o XIV Congresso Brasileiro de Sociologia, realizado entre os dias 28 e 31 de julho de 2009 no Rio de Janeiro. Agradeço os comentários dos colegas participantes nas mesas-redondas de ambos os eventos, assim como a Carlos R.S. Milani e Carlos A. Costa Ribeiro pelas sugestões a uma versão prévia desse texto. Sid Tarrow, por seu diálogo sobre os rumos do projeto Contentious politics, e José Maurício Domingues e demais pesquisadores do Netsal (Iesp-Uerj), pelos debates constantes, certamente enriqueceram este texto e estão isentos de qualquer responsabilidade pelos meus possíveis erros. Finalmente, gostaria de agradecer os comentários de um parecerista anônimo da revista Sociologia & Antropologia.


Despite his prolific work and relevant contributions to the Social Sciences, particularly to Sociology and History, and the recent revival of the debate about social movements in Brazil, a systematic dialogue with the author Charles Tilly is still incipient in the country. This article offers a critical discussion of Tilly's legacy in the study of collective actions, in general, and of social movements, more specifically, divided into three steps: first, "with Tilly", recuperating his classical theoretical and methodological contributions in this field; second, "against Tilly", discussing the most important criticism of his work, controversies with other theories, schools and authors, as well as Tilly's attempts at seeking new answers to his questions; finally, "beyond Tilly", highlighting central elements of his collective trajectory and seeking to reach beyond his most recent work. In the course of its historical and theoretical analysis, this article engages in a broader discussion about the ongoing reconfiguration of collective actions and social movements as a field of study.

Collective actions; Social movements theories; Charles Tilly; Contentious politics; Political sociology

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo do São Francisco de Paula, 1, sala 420, cep: 20051-070 - 2224-8965 ramal 215 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil