Brief Background
The journal Sociologia & Antropologia is an online continuous publication with three issues per year by the Graduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology (PPGSA) at the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences (IFCS) of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Sociologia & Antropologia’s aim is to disseminate, expand and enhance sociological and anthropological knowledge across different thematic fields, encouraging a diversity of theoretical approaches. Like PPGSA, the Journal acknowledges the contemporary demands for specialization; but it seeks to promote dialogue beyond narrowly defined academic boundaries by means of productive exchanges between the distinct theoretical traditions that configure the disciplines of sociology and anthropology. Sociologia & Antropologia therefore promotes interchanges between sociological and anthropological approaches that are simultaneously critical and informed by mutual understanding. It stimulates dynamic communication and debate on key theoretical, empirical, historical and analytic themes. The Journal recognizes the multiplicity of theoretical paradigms that permeates social knowledge, and favors the opportunities for the exchange of convergent and divergent points of views in these different fields of knowledge. This is precisely the idea expressed by the symbol ‘&’ that interconnects the two disciplines in the title of the Journal. Sociologia & Antropologia aims to present, disseminate and debate original research that provides insight into the sociocultural processes in Brazil and abroad. The Journal is open to the collaboration of specialists from universities and research institutions, and will publish new and original work in Portuguese, Spanish and English. Sociologia & Antropologia’s ambition, in sum, is to become an outlet for consistent inquiry into topics relevant to contemporary debate in the social sciences, contributing to their development. Its abbreviated title is Sociol. Antropol., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
Open Science Compliance
This journal offers immediate and free access to its contents, in line with the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public ensures greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. In accordance with the principles of Open Science, Sociologia & Antropologia accepts manuscripts previously deposited on preprint servers and recommends that research data should be made public in repositories at the time of submission or becomes public when the article is published. As part of the submission process, authors should submit the Open Science Compliance Form with their paper. This form is available in the ''Submissions'' section. |
Ethics in Publication
The journal adopts the principles contained in the Code of Ethics of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), and of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) |
Focus and Scope
Sociologia & Antropologia’s aim is to disseminate, expand and enhance sociological and anthropological knowledge in different thematic fields, encouraging a diversity of theoretical approaches by means of productive exchanges between the distinct theoretical traditions that configure the disciplines of sociology and anthropology. Sociologia & Antropologia therefore promotes interchanges between sociological and anthropological approaches that are simultaneously critical and informed by mutual understanding. It stimulates dynamic communication and debate on key theoretical, empirical, historical and analytic themes. The Journal recognizes the multiplicity of theoretical paradigms that permeates social knowledge, and favors the opportunities for the exchange of convergent and divergent points of views in these different fields of knowledge. This is precisely the idea expressed by the symbol ‘&’ that interconnects the two disciplines in the title of the Journal. |
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the Digital Preservation Policy program of the SciELO Program |
Indexing Sources
Bibliographic Journal Information
Websites and Social Media
Editorial Policy
Preprints Regarding Sociologia & Antropologia's editorial policy, we would like to inform you that: All material previously published, in whole or in part, in a journal or book by the authors is considered prior publication. Therefore, they cannot be submitted for evaluation in Sociologia & Antropologia. All content previously available in event proceedings, theses and dissertations is not considered prior publication. However, authors must declare the origin of the article when submitting it. Sociologia & Antropologia accepts articles previously deposited on preprint servers. We recommend using SciELO Preprints. Other servers will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis by the Editor-in-Chief. The text previously published on the preprint must be correctly cited at the time of submission and the virtual location (link, DOI etc.) must be provided. Peer Review Process The suitability of a manuscript for publication will be first assessed by the Editorial Committee with regard to its suitability to the journal's profile and editorial policy of the journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the journal; if approved, they will then be scrutinized by ad hoc reviewers based in Brazil or abroad - always PhD holders with proven expertise in the subject of the article - in relation to their content and academic quality. All papers undergo double-blind refereeing: articles are sent to two referees. In case of divergent recommendations, a third review is requested. In the case of manuscripts previously made available on preprint servers, the anonymity of the authors cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, the evaluation can be single-blind, when the authors reveal their identity, but the referees remain anonymous. Articles will be evaluated according to the criteria of quality and accuracy of the arguments, validity of the presented data, timeliness, and relevance of the article to the discussion of problems in the area of research, and the adequacy and contemporaneity of the references. Sociologia & Antropologia will deliver a decision letter about the paper within approximately six months. The author will be informed of one of the following decisions: (a) Accepted for publication with no changes to the content; (b) Accepted after minor revision; (c) Reformulate and submit to new evaluation; or (d) Rejected. Authors must present a revised version of a manuscript accepted for publication tracking all changes made to the text. Authors must duly justify any requirements and recommendations made by the reviewers that has not been heeded. The editor responsible for evaluating the manuscript will be informed when the article is published. Open Data Following the principles of Open Science, Sociologia & Antropologia recommends that all content (such as data, information collected, program codes, etc.) underlying the text of the manuscript be made available before or at the time of publication. If the authors choose to keep the research data closed, they will need to provide justification when submitting the manuscript, which will be analyzed by the Editor-in-Chief. Sociologia & Antropologia suggests that the data repositories chosen to store the data should be of the institutions to which one of the authors is affiliated or other reliable data repositories should be used.
Fees The Journal does not charge a submission fee, article processing charge (APC) or publication fee. Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy Whenever bad practices or issues that violate scientific ethics are detected in manuscripts that have already been published, the journal will conduct an investigation. Compliance with good practices should be based on the following documentation:
Policy on Conflict of Interest The editorial staff requires all authors and reviewers to declare possible conflicts of interest with regard to manuscripts submitted to Sociologia & Antropologia. Conflict of interest is understood as any type of commercial, financial or personal interest in the data or issues of the study by one or more authors, leading to potential conflicts among the parties involved. Conflicts of interest can influence the results and conclusions of a study as well as the review process. The existence of conflicts of interest does not impede the submission of a paper or its publication in the journal. However, the authors must explain the reasons for the conflict to the editors, who will make the final decision. Adoption of similarity software Sociologia & Antropologia follows the guidelines of the “Guide to the use of Artificial Intelligence tools and resources” in research communication on the SciELO. When submitting articles, the journal uses Plagius software to detect similarities in the materials submitted. Based on the report generated by the plagiarism detection program, the textual content of the manuscript is analyzed in order to identify whether (or not) there is any evidence of plagiarism or self-plagiarism in the text. This is an important procedure, as it guarantees the journal's ethics and transparency with its readers and with the authors themselves. In addition, it is part of our policy to ensure journal's reputation and the excellence of the knowledge it disseminates. Gender and Sex Issues The editorial team of the Sociologia & Antropologia, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, should always observe the guidelines on Gender Equity in Research (Sex and Gender Equity in Research - SAGER). The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in the study design, data analysis and results and interpretation of the findings. In addition, the Sociologia & Antropologia observes the policy of gender equity in the formation of its editorial board. Ethics Committee Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research, if applicable. Copyright Authors of articles published by Sociologia & Antropologia grant the journal the right of first publication and authors retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, since the original work is correctly cited. Intellectual Property and Terms of Use All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. Sociologia & Antropologia assumes no responsibility for the concepts expressed by the authors, who are asked to declare their responsibility for the content of the submitted manuscript. Authors that publish in Sociologia & Antropologia
1) maintain all of their rights and grant the journal the right of first publication and a license to publish and distribute the work under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with acknowledgement of the work’s authorship; initial publication in this journal; that it is not used for commercial purposes and it is not modified; |
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Assistant Editor
Editorial Production
Types of Documents Accepted
Sociologia & Antropologia accepts the following types of contributions: 1) Original articles (up to 9,000 words, including bibliographical references and footnotes)
2) Research registers (up to 4,400 words). This section is comprised of 3) Bibliographical reviews (up to 1,600 words) 4) Interviews Manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish, however they will be published only in Portugues, Spanish and English. If necessary, the author will be responsible for their translation. Financial support may exceptionally be granted. |
Authors' Contribution
Only those who have contributed substantially to the conception, planning, data analysis and writing of the article should be included as authors. These should be responsible for the information covered in the final version. All conditions must be met for authorship attribution. Whenever an article has more than one author, it will be necessary to specify each one's contribution in the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). |
Manuscript Preparation
Manuscripts submitted for publication must not be simultaneously submitted to another journal. Manuscripts should be submitted through our ScholarOne. |
Article Submission Format
The manuscript should not contain the authors' names and should include endnotes of essential character in Arabic numerals; bibliographical references; article title and abstract (between 100 and 150 words), together with 5 keywords, in Portuguese and English; and, if applicable, the attribution of images. Acknowledgements and information about the authors should be sent in a separate file. This file should contain the following information: education, institution, position, e-mail, Orcid, research funding agency, statement that the research has been approved by an institutional ethics committee (if applicable) and the authors' main publications. In the case of manuscripts previously available on preprint servers, they do not need to be anonymous. At the time of submission, it is necessary to inform the virtual location of the manuscript (link, DOI etc.). The texts must be typed in font Times New Roman 12, paragraphs with first line indented, justified, double-spaced on standard A4 paper (210x297), on one side of the page. |
Digital Assets
Pictures, photographs, graphs, maps, tables and figures should have title and source, and be numbered. Also, they should be adequate for reliable reproduction (300dpi). In addition to being inserted in the body of text, images should be submitted as separate files. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. |
Citations and References
We ask that you observe the standards of presentation required for bibliographical references and citations contained in the standardization of the American Psychology Association, APA, 7th Edition (Manual of the American Psychological Association, 2019, 7th edition). Footnotes should come at the end of the text (as endnotes) and should not be simple bibliographical references. The latter must appear in the body of the text with the following format: (author’s last name, year of publication), as in the following example: (Tilly, 1996); When quotations exceed five lines, they should be separated from the text in a special paragraph and indented; if they have less than five lines, they should be integrated in the paragraph and use quotation marks. In either case, the reference should conform to the format as follows: (author’s last name, year of publication: page number), as in the following examples: (Tilly, 1996: 105) (Tilly, 1996: 105 - 106) Bibliographical references in alphabetical order should appear after the endnotes and adhere to the following style format (other complementary elements are optional):
1. Book
2. Book by two authors
3. Book by many authors
4. Chapter in book
5. Collection
6. Article in book organized by author
7. Article in book organized by the author and another person
8. Article in book organized by another author
9. Article in periodical or journal
10. Theses
11. Second entry by same author
12. On-line research |
Supplementary Documents
When submitting manuscripts, we ask that you complete and send in the Open Science Compliance Form. If necessary, a statement of the research's approval by the institutional ethics committee should be sent. |
Financing Statement
Authors should inform all sources of support for their work, including names of funding agencies, contract number (if any), along with explanations of the role of these sources. |
Additional Information
Any needed modifications in the manuscripts' structure or contents will be made in accordance with the authors. No additions or changes will be allowed after material has been printed. |
For further information, consult the Editors at the Graduate Program in Sociology and Anthropology through telephone or e-mail as follow:
Sociologia & Antropologia |