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Solidarity networks in the covid-19 crisis: from gift theory to implications for public administration


The paper aims to discuss the importance of understanding solidarity networks to increase the effectiveness of public management. A search was conducted to identify published news about the formation of solidarity networks to face Covid-19 pandemic in the country. Afterwards a cluster analysis was carried out in a discussion based on the Gift Theory. Three groups were identified: cluster of mitigation actions; integrative cluster; and a process assistance cluster. From the analysis carried out, it is possible to envision an action agenda for the Public Administration in the areas: legitimacy and recognition for solidarity networks; promotion of public-private partnership; and investment in science and technology. An articulated governmental action capable of coordinating the efforts of social actors is expected, which can represent ease, speed and effectiveness in several public policies.

Solidarity networks; Covid-19; Gift theory; Public administration; Cluster

Departamento de Sociologia da Universidade de Brasília Instituto de Ciências Sociais - Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro, CEP 70910-900, Tel. (55 61) 3107 1537 - Brasília - DF - Brazil