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A trajetória didático-pedagógica do 'Inglês Instrumental' na UNICAMP: uma reflexão sobre as implicações dos seus aspectos teórico-metodológicos e ideológicos na formação dos professores de língua inglesa

The main objective of this paper is to present the historical implementation, at UNICAMP, during the eughties, of "Inglês Instrumental", a discipline which teaches reading in English to students. The causes, the process and the results of that implementation are discussed. Since there wasn't at the time, an appropriate methodology for the teaching of the discipline theorethical and practical difficulties faced by the teachers are enhanced. Ideological factors on teachers' education are attributed to be the causes of those difficulties.

inglês instrumental; ideology; language teachers' education

UNICAMP. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística Aplicada do Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, n.571 - Cidade Universitária - CEP: 13083-859, Telefone: (+55) 19 - 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil