Open-access Revision of the Neotropical Laelius (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) with notes on some Nearctic species


Laelius Ashmead includes 54 known nominal species worldwide. We present a revision of the Neotropical species of Laelius and provide keys for the identification of males and females of these species. We propose fourteen nomenclatural changes and additions. For the Neotropics, seven new species from Brazil are described and illustrated: Laelius arryni sp. nov. which has clypeus bearing median lobe with apical margin straight; propodeal disc with inner discal carina complete; aedeagus with apical lobes touching each other and inner margin with hook-shaped process, L. baratheoni sp. nov. which has propodeal disc with second pair of discal carinae incomplete; genitalia with paramere wing-shaped; with long setae around the margin and cuspis wide, L. lannisteri sp. nov. which has median lobe of clypeus with apical margin straight; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture distinct; genitalia with paramere slender and angled, cuspis wide, L. martelli sp. nov. which has pronotum with series of foveae posteriorly; genitalia with paramere slender and placed dorsally, aedeagus not reaching apex of paramere, L. targaryeni sp. nov. which has head with clypeus wide and with apical margin rounded; propodeal disc without longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; forewing with r-rs & Rs longer than Rs+M, L. tullyi sp. nov. which has head densely punctate; pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum rugulose; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea, L. starki sp. nov. which has mesoscutellar sulcus straight; mesopleuron with all foveae closed; genitalia with paramere club-shaped and with aedeagus wide. For the Nearctic region, Laelius areolatus (Rosmann & Azevedo, 2005) is a new junior synonym of Laelius pedatus (Say, 1836) and lectotypes for L. rufipes Ashmead, 1893, L. nigripilosus Ashmead, 1893, L. tricarinatus Ashmead, 1893, L. trogodermatis Ashmaed, 1893, and Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895 are designated. We also propose the name Laelius billi Barbosa & Azevedo nom. nov. for Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895 and re-erect Laelius huachucae (Evans, 1965) from L. nigripilosus (Ashmead, 1895). As result, Laelius now includes 61 species, 15 of which are from the Neotropical region.

Epyrinae; key; Neotropical region; new species; type revision


Revision of the Neotropical Laelius (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae) with notes on some Nearctic species

Diego N. Barbosa; Celso O. Azevedo

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Departamento de Ciências Biológicas. Avenida Fernando Ferrari 514, Goiabeiras, 29075-910 Vitória, ES, Brazil. E-mail:;


Laelius Ashmead includes 54 known nominal species worldwide. We present a revision of the Neotropical species of Laelius and provide keys for the identification of males and females of these species. We propose fourteen nomenclatural changes and additions. For the Neotropics, seven new species from Brazil are described and illustrated: Laelius arryni sp. nov. which has clypeus bearing median lobe with apical margin straight; propodeal disc with inner discal carina complete; aedeagus with apical lobes touching each other and inner margin with hook-shaped process, L. baratheoni sp. nov. which has propodeal disc with second pair of discal carinae incomplete; genitalia with paramere wing-shaped; with long setae around the margin and cuspis wide, L. lannisteri sp. nov. which has median lobe of clypeus with apical margin straight; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture distinct; genitalia with paramere slender and angled, cuspis wide, L. martelli sp. nov. which has pronotum with series of foveae posteriorly; genitalia with paramere slender and placed dorsally, aedeagus not reaching apex of paramere, L. targaryeni sp. nov. which has head with clypeus wide and with apical margin rounded; propodeal disc without longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; forewing with r-rs & Rs longer than Rs+M, L. tullyi sp. nov. which has head densely punctate; pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum rugulose; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea, L. starki sp. nov. which has mesoscutellar sulcus straight; mesopleuron with all foveae closed; genitalia with paramere club-shaped and with aedeagus wide. For the Nearctic region, Laelius areolatus (Rosmann & Azevedo, 2005) is a new junior synonym of Laelius pedatus (Say, 1836) and lectotypes for L. rufipes Ashmead, 1893, L. nigripilosus Ashmead, 1893, L. tricarinatus Ashmead, 1893, L. trogodermatis Ashmaed, 1893, and Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895 are designated. We also propose the name Laelius billi Barbosa & Azevedo nom. nov. for Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895 and re-erect Laelius huachucae (Evans, 1965) from L. nigripilosus (Ashmead, 1895). As result, Laelius now includes 61 species, 15 of which are from the Neotropical region.

Key words: Epyrinae; key; Neotropical region; new species; type revision

The cosmopolitan Laelius Ashmead, 1893 comprises 54 nominal species: 21 from the Palaearctic, nine from the Nearctic, nine from the Neotropical, three from the Afrotropical, four from the Oriental, and two from the Australian region. There are also four fossil species (BARBOSA et al. 2013). ASHMEAD (1893) first described Laelius to include four Nearctic species that had the forewing with two basal closed cells and short but distinct r-rs and Rs. The genus is classified in Epyrini due to the presence of a projected clypeal median lobe and antennae with 13 segments (EVANS 1964).

Most keys to the genera of Epyrini (see EVANS 1964, TERAYAMA 2003, AZEVEDO 2006) consider the presence of a short r-rs & Rs in the forewing as the main character defining Laelius. However, only the key provided by EVANS (1964) separates Laelius from the other genera, based on the presence of black setae on the body surface and on the main wing veins. WAICHERT & AZEVEDO (2009) and BARBOSA & AZEVEDO (2011) retrieved this characteristic as the main synapomorphy of the genus. We adopt this classification and treat Laelius in the Epyrinae.

The main goal of the present paper is to describe seven new species of Laelius, revise the type species of the genus recorded from the Neotropical region, and provide information on some Nearctic species.


The material examined belongs to the following collections: CASC – California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (Robert Zuparko); CNCI – Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa (John Huber); CEPLAC – Comissão Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira, Ilhéus (Jean Jacques Delabie); DZUP – Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba (Gabriel Melo); IBGE – Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Brasília (Mauro César); INPA – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus (Augusto Henriques); LACM – Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles (Brian Brown); MPEG – Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém (Orlando Tobias); MZSP – Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo (Carlos R. F. Brandão); SEAN – Museo Entomológico de Léon, Léon (Jean-Michel Maes); UFES – Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória (Marcelo Tavares).

Measurements and indices used in this study are as follows: body length, measured from apex of clypeus to posterior margin of last metasomal segment, excluding male genitalia or female sting; (LH) length of head, measured in frontal view from vertex crest to median apical margin of clypeus; (WH) maximum width of head, measured in frontal view, including eyes; (WF) minimum width of frons, measured in frontal view, usually at the level of the base of eye bases; (HE) maximum height (length) of eye, measured in lateral view; (OOL) ocelloocular line, measured in laterodorsal view, the shortest distance from eye top to posterior ocellus; (WOT) width of ocellar triangle, measured in frontal view, maximum width, including ocelli; (DAO) diameter of anterior ocellus, measured in frontal view; distance of ocellar triangle to vertex, measured in dorsoposterior view; distance from posterior ocellus to vertex crest; (VOL) vertex-ocular line, measured in dorsal view, distance from eye top to vertex crest.

Terms used to describe body structures generally follow BARBOSA & AZEVEDO (2009), DUPORTE (1965), EVANS (1964), GIBSON (1986), GOULET & HUBER (1993), MIKÓ et al. (2007), RICHARDS (1977), RONQUIST & NORDLANDER (1989), but those related to the integument follow HARRIS (1979).

The descriptions were elaborated with DELTA (Descriptive Language for Taxonomy) as proposed by DALLWITZ et al. (1993). All species were described based on the holotype, and the characteristics that are not present in the holotype are mentioned in the topic "Variations" of the species' description.

In the material examined section, additional information is in brackets. Label information is reproduced in the original language, except for the country.

The male genitalia of L. gracilis, L. multilineatus, and L. muesebecki are described and illustrated for the first time. As we had the opportunity to study types of several New World species, we also present comments on some Nearctic species.

The specific epithets of all new species are derived from some families of the book "A Song of Ice and Fire, Game of Thrones" (MARTIN 1996), and the new name of L. nigripilosus is given after the original author of the species.


Key to Neotropical females of Laelius

1. Body with metallic color....................................................2

1'. Body with non-metallic color...........................................3

2. Head green; mesoscutum with notaulus incomplete............................................................L. maboya (Snelling, 1996)

2'. Head blue-violet; mesoscutum with notaulus complete......................................................L. versicolor (Evans, 1970)

3. Mesopleuron without distinct foveae................................4

3'. Mesopleuron with distinct foveae....................................5

4. Forewing with r-rs & Rs as long as or shorter than Rs+M.............................................................L. pedatus (Say, 1836)

4'. Forewing with r-rs & Rs longer than Rs+M...................................................................................L. targaryeni sp. nov.

5. Mesoscutum with notaulus distinctly wider than parapsidal signum...............................................................................6

5'. Mesoscutum with notaulus as wide as or slightly wider than parapsidal signum.............................................................7

6. Pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum rugulose....................................................................L. tullyi sp. nov.

6'. Pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum coriaceous..................................................L. multilineatus (Evans, 1966)

7. Lower and posterior mesopleural foveae fused.................8

7'. Lower and posterior mesopleural foveae not fused.........9

8. Head longer than wide; eye small..L. gracilis (Evans, 1965)

8'. Head as long as wide; eye largeL. nigriscapus (Evans, 1965)

9. Mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea........10

9'. Mesopleural suture fused with posterior fovea..............11

10. Mandible with two lower teeth longer than others..........................................................................L. billi nom. nov.

10'. Mandible with only one lower tooth longer than others......................................................L. muesebecki (Evans, 1965)

11. Mesopleuron with all foveae indistinct.......................................................................L. canchinensis (Azevedo, 1992)

11'. Mesopleuron with foveae distinct................................12

12. Propodeal disc without longitudinal ridges between carinae...................................................L. hirticulus (Evans, 1965)

12'. Propodeal disc with longitudinal ridges between carinae....13

13. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute....................................................................................L. mellipes (Evans, 1965)

13'. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse..............................................................................L. minutulus (Evans, 1965)

Key to Neotropical males of Laelius

1. Body with metallic color...........L. maboya (Snelling, 1996)

1'. Body with non-metallic color...........................................2

2. Aedeagus wide (Figs 100-105).............................................3

2'. Aedeagus slender (Figs 106-110).......................................6

3. Aedeagus apical lobe with hook-shaped process on inner margin.....................................................L. arryni sp. nov.

3'. Aedeagus apical lobe without hook-shaped process on inner margin...............................................................................4

4. Paramere placed dorsally.......................L. martelli sp. nov.

4'. Paramere placed laterally..................................................5

5. Paramere slender and sinuous........L. gracilis (Evans, 1965)

5'. Paramere wide and straight......................L. starki sp. nov.

6. Aedeagus not fusiform........................................................7

6'. Aedeagus fusiform..............................................................8

7. Paramere straight; aedeagus bottle-shaped....................................................................................L. pedatus (Say, 1836)

7'. Paramere curved with apex swollen; aedeagus straight..................................................L. multilineatus (Evans, 1966)

8. Paramere without long and distinct hairs; cuspis not reaching beyond apex of aedeagus........L. muesebecki (Evans, 1965)

8'. Paramere with long and distinct hairs; cuspis reaching beyond apex of aedeagus..................................................9

9. Paramere triangle-shaped..................L. baratheoni sp. nov.

9'. Paramere slender and angled.............L. lannisteri sp. nov.

Laelius arryni Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 1-4, 89-91

Description. Holotype (Fig. 1). Male. Body 2.8 mm. LFW 1.66 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; scape, pedicel, flagellum, mandible, palpi, tegula, wing venation, trochanters, protibia, mesotibia, metatibia and tarsi light castaneous; mesofemur castaneous; procoxa, mesocoxa, metacoxa, profemur and metafemur dark castaneous; head, mesosoma and metasoma dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 2). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin straight, very short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 24:9:6:10:10. LH 0.9 x WH. WF 1.14 x HE. WF 0.6 x WH. OOL 0.79 x WOT. VOL 0.35 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.75 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse; ocellus large; ocellar triangle not compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae long and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 3, 4). Pronotal disc 0.5 x as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with series of foveae posteriorly, with few setae, dorsal setae long and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with long and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, complete, convergent posteriorly and narrow. Parapsidal signum as conspicuous as notaulus, shorter than notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with post-sulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Propodeal disc 0.95 x as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina complete; space between median and inner discal carinae with longitudinal ridge; inner discal carinae complete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior fovea closed; lower fovea closed; posterior fovea opened; mesopleural suture with inner margin striate. Wings. Tegula with setae; forewing with Sc+R with fifteen dorsal setae; Rs+M without dorsal setae; M+Cu with six dorsal setae; A with seven dorsal setae; stigma developed, with three dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 3.24 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 1.91 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface; metasoma with apex acute. Genitalia (Figs 89-91). Paramere almost as wide as basiparamere, with long setae around margin. Cuspis slender, reaching beyond apex of digitus. Aedeagus slightly dilated at median region; apical lobes touching each other; inner margin with hook-shaped lateral projection; apex rounded. Base of apodeme slightly curved outwards.

Material examined. Holotype. BRAZIL, male, Pará, Melgaço, Floresta Nacional Caxiuanã, Trilha Est[ação] Cie[ntífica] Ferreira Pena, 19-22.xii.2003, Arm[adilha] Möricke, A.P. Aguiar & J. Dias (UFES). Paratypes. BRAZIL, 1 male, Pará, Melgaço, Floresta Nacional Caxiuanã, Trilha Igarapé Tijucaquara, 21-26.xi.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise, A.P. Aguiar & J. Dias (UFES); Goiás, 1 male, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05; 2 males, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 03-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 18; 5 males, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05; 1 male, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-23.ix.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise 19; 3 males, 25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 03, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES).

Variation. Body length 2.23-3.86 mm; mesosoma and metasoma castaneous; mesoscutum with notauli incomplete; propodeal disc without longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina, without longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carina, and mesopleuron with mesopleural suture with inner margin not striate.

Remarks. This species is similar to L. gracilis (Evans, 1965) by having the frontal angle of the ocellar triangle obtuse; ocelli large; pronotal disc wider than long and with series of foveae posteriorly; mesoscutum with notauli complete; propodeal disc with five carinae; mesopleuron with all foveae closed; genitalia with paramere with apex rounded, cuspis slender and reaching beyond the apex of digitus, aedeagus dilated at median region. However, L. arryni has five apical teeth on the manidible, with the two basal ones wider than the others; clypeus bearing median lobe with apical margin straight; propodeal disc with inner discal carina complete; mesopleural suture distinct; paramere uniform, aedeagus with apical lobes touching each other and inner margin with hook-shaped process, and base of apodeme slightly curved outwards, whereas L. gracilis has five equally wide apical teeth on the mandible; clypeus bearing median lobe with apical margin angulate; propodeal disc with inner discal carina incomplete; mesopleural suture indistinct; paramere S-shaped, aedeagus with apical lobes not touching each other and inner margin without hook-shaped process, and apodemes parallel to each other.

Laelius baratheoni Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 5-8, 92-94

Description. Holotype (Fig. 5). Male. Body 3.28 mm. LFW 2.1 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; mandible, palpi, wing venation, trochanters, protibia and tarsi light castaneous; pedicel, flagellum, tegula, mesotibia and metatibia castaneous; scape, profemur, mesofemur and metafemur dark castaneous; head, mesosoma, procoxa, mesocoxa, metacoxa and metasoma dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 6). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, equally wide. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin angulate, short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 20:7:9:11:11. LH 0.92 x WH. WF 1.33 x HE. WF 0.65 x WH. OOL 0.75 x WOT. VOL 0.26 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.71 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse; ocellus large; ocellar triangle not compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae short and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 7, 8). Pronotal disc 0.4 x as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with series of foveae posteriorly, with few setae, dorsal setae long and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with long and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, complete, convergent posteriorly. Parapsidal signum narrow, as conspicuous as notaulus, shorter than notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, convergent posteriorly. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with post-sulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Propodeal disc 0.7 x as long as wide, with five carinae; median carina complete; space between median and inner discal carinae with longitudinal ridge; inner discal carinae incomplete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum not strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior fovea closed; lower fovea closed; posterior fovea closed; mesopleural suture with inner margin foveolate. Wings. Tegula with setae; forewing with Sc+R with fifteen dorsal setae; Rs+M with two dorsal setae; M+Cu with six dorsal setae; A with four dorsal setae; stigma developed, with two dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 3.12 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 1.4 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface; metasoma with apex acute. Genitalia (Figs 92-94). Paramere triangular, with long setae around margin. Cuspis wide, aligned with apex of digitus. Aedeagus not dilated at median region, uniform; apical lobes touching each other; apex semicircular. Apodemes parallel to each other.

Material examined. Holotype. BRAZIL, male, Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró, Fazenda S[an]ta Júlia, 05º01'10"S 37º22'56"W, 06.iii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, D.R.R. Fernandes e eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES). Paratypes. BRAZIL, Goiás, 3 males, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 0723.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 12 (UFES); 1 male, 0723.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 14, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 male, 15-17.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 11; 2 males, 15-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 03; 2 males, 19-21.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 11, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES).

Variation. Body length 2.81-3.28 mm; propodeal disc with space between median and inner discal carinae without longitudinal ridge.

Remarks. This species is similar to L. muesebecki (Evans, 1965) by having the median lobe of clypeus with apical margin angulate; pronotum wider than long and with a series of foveae posteriorly; mesoscutum with notauli complete; propodeal disc with median carina complete, and inner and second pair of discal carinae incomplete; mesopleuron with all foveae closed and mesopleural suture distinct; aedeagus elliptical. However, L. baratheoni has the frontal angle of the ocellar triangle obtuse; propodeal disc with second pair of discal carinae incomplete; genitalia with paramere wing-shaped and with long setae around the margin; cuspis wide and apodemes parallel to each other, whereas L. muesebecki has the frontal angle of the ocellar triangle right; propodeal disc with second pair of discal carinae complete; genitalia with apex of paramere rounded and without long setae on the margin; cuspis slender and apodemes diverging from each other.

Laelius lannisteri Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 9-12, 95-97

Description. Holotype (Fig. 9). Male. Body 4.0 mm. LFW 2.66 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; mandible, palpi, tegula, wing venation, trochanters, protibia, mesotibia, metatibia and tarsi light castaneous; pedicel, flagellum mesofemur and metafemur castaneous; scape, mesocoxa, metacoxa and profemur dark castaneous; metasoma dark castaneous to nearly black with apex castaneous; head, mesosoma and procoxa dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 10). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, equally wide. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin straight, short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 20:8:9:10:10. LH 0.88 x WH. WF 1.5 x HE. WF 0.7 x WH. OOL 1 x WOT. VOL 0.25 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.6 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right; ocellus large; ocellar triangle compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae short and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 11, 12). Pronotal disc 0.41 x as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with series of foveae posteriorly, with few setae, dorsal setae short and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with short and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal mesosoma in dorsal view. signum; notaulus conspicuous, complete, convergent posteriorly. Parapsidal signum narrow, as conspicuous as notaulus, shorter than notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with postsulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Propodeal disc 0.92 x as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina incomplete; space between median and inner discal carinae without ridge; inner discal carinae incomplete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum not strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior, lower and posterior foveae closed; mesopleural suture with inner margin striate. Wings. Tegula with setae; forewing with Sc+R with thirteen dorsal setae; Rs+M with two dorsal setae; M+Cu with six dorsal setae; A with five dorsal setae; stigma developed, with three dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 3.85 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 2.26 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface; metasoma with apex acute. Genitalia (Figs 95-97). Paramere slender and angled, with long setae at apex. Cuspis wide, aligned with apex of digitus. Aedeagus slightly dilated at median region; apical lobes touching each other; apex rounded. Base of apodeme slightly curved outwards.

Material examined. Holotype, male. BRAZIL, Amazonas: Manaus (Reserva Ducke), 6-17.vii.1992, [armadilha] adesiva, 20m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col. (INPA). Paratypes. BRAZIL, 1 male, Pará, Santarém Novo, Faz[enda] Jabuti, 7-9.I.1993, J. Dias, armadilha suspensa 2,50 m (MPEG); 2 males, Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 8-15.iv.1992, [armadilha] adesiva, 20m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col. (INPA); 3 males, Manaus, Reserva Campina,, [armadilha] adesiva, Vidal col. (INPA); 3 males, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 6-17.vii.1992, Adesiva 20m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 male, Manaus, Reserva Ducke – mata, 7.viii.1992, Malaise, Vidal col. (INPA); 1 male, Pernambuco, Caruaru, 900m, V.1972, M. Alvarenga (CNCI).

Variation. Body length 2.71-4.09 mm.

Remarks. This species is similar to L. gracilis (Evans, 1965) by having the mandible with equally wide apical teeth; pronotum wider than long with a series of foveae posteriorly; mesoscutum with notauli complete; propodeal disc with five carinae, median carina complete, inner and second pair of discal carinae incomplete; mesopleuron with all foveae closed. However, L. lannisteri has the median lobe of clypeus with apical margin straight; frontal angle of ocellar triangle right; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture distinct; genitalia with paramere slender and angled, cuspis wide and aedeagus with apical lobes touching each other, whereas L. gracilis has the median lobe of clypeus with apical margin angulate; frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture not distinct; genitalia with paramere S-shaped, cuspis slender and aedeagus with apical lobes not touching each other.

Laelius martelli Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 13-16, 98-99

Description. Holotype (Fig. 13). Male. Body 3.25 mm. LFW 2.07 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; mandible, palpi, protibia and tarsi light castaneous; pedicel, tegula, wing venation, trochanters, mesotibia and metatibia castaneous; scape, flagellum, mesocoxa, metacoxa, profemur, mesofemur, metafemur and metasoma dark castaneous; head, mesosoma and procoxa dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 14). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, equally wide. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin angulate, short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 18:7:12:12:12. LH 1.0 x WH. WF 1.14 x HE. WF

0.6 x WH. OOL 0.9 x WOT. VOL 0.43 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.33 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse; ocellus large; ocellar triangle compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae long and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 15, 16). Pronotal disc 0.55 x as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with series of foveae posteriorly, with few setae, dorsal setae long and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with long and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, complete, convergent posteriorly. Parapsidal signum narrow, conspicuous but shorter than notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with postsulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus wide. Propodeal disc 0.75 x as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina incomplete; space between median and inner discal carinae without ridge; inner discal carinae incomplete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous, followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior, lower and posterior foveae opened; mesopleural suture with inner margin striate. Wings. Tegula with setae; forewing with Sc+R with twelve dorsal setae; Rs+M with two dorsal setae; M+Cu with seven dorsal setae; A with four dorsal setae; stigma developed, with three dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 4.2 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 1.73 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; metasoma with apex acute. Genitalia (Figs 98, 99). Paramere slender and placed dorsally, with long setae around the margin. Cuspis wide, reaching beyond apex of digitus. Aedeagus not dilated at median region, uniform; apical lobes touching each other; apex rounded. Apodemes parallel to each other.

Material examined. Holotype. BRA[SIL], male, E[spírito] S[anto], Domingos Martins, Pico do Eldorado, B6, 20º22'17"S 40º39'29"W, 26.xi-03.xii.2004, Malaise, Tavares e eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES #19983). Paratype. BRAZIL, 1 male, Bahia, Encruzilhada, 800m, 15º32'25"S 40º50'12"W, 10-12.xii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, Rafael, Grossi & Parizotto col. (INPA).

Remarks. This species is similar to L. multilineatus (Evans, 1965) by having the head as long as wide, clypeus with apical margin angulate, ocellar triangle obtuse; scutellum with scutellar groove wide; mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed, anterior and posterior fovea opened, mesopleural suture fused with posterior fovea; genitalia with wide cuspis, aedeagus slender. However, L. martelli has the mandible with equally wide apical teeth; pronotum with series of foveae posteriorly; mesoscutum with notauli as wide as parapsidal signums; mesopleuron with mesopleural fovea opened; genitalia with paramere slender and placed dorsally, aedeagus not reaching apex of paramere, whereas L. multilineatus has the two lowermost teeth wider than the others; pronotum without series of foveae posteriorly; mesoscutum with notauli wider than parapsidal signums; mesopleuron with mesopleural fovea closed; genitalia with paramere wide and placed laterally, aedeagus reaching apex of paramere.

Laelius targaryeni Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 17-20

Description. Holotype (Fig. 17). Female. Body 3.08 mm. LFW 1.88 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; palpi, wing venation, trochanters, protibia, mesotibia, metatibia and tarsi light castaneous; scape, pedicel and mandible castaneous; flagellum, tegula, procoxa, mesocoxa, metacoxa, profemur, mesofemur, metafemur and metasoma dark castaneous; head and mesosoma dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 18). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than the others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, apical margin straight, very short, with rounded median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 19:8:5:7:7. LH 1.17 x WH. WF 0.83 x HE. WF 0.53 x WH. OOL lateral view; (16) mesosoma in dorsal view. 1.0 x WOT. VOL 0.33 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.5 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right; ocellus large; ocellar triangle compact. Temple parallel. Vertex straight. Corner rounded. Lateral setae short and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 19, 20). Pronotal disc as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with few setae, dorsal setae long and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with long and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, incomplete, parallel. Parapsidal signum narrow, conspicuous, as long as notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with post-sulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Propodeal disc 2.55 x as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina complete; space between median and inner discal carinae without ridge; inner discal carinae incomplete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum not strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior, lower and posterior foveae absent; mesopleural suture with inner margin striate. Wings. Tegula with setae; forewing with Sc+R with eleven dorsal setae; Rs+M with two dorsal setae; M+Cu with six dorsal setae; A with two dorsal setae; stigma not developed, without setae; r-rs & Rs 4.33 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 3.35 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface; metasoma with apex acute.

Material examined. Holotype. BRAZIL, female, Pará, Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 24.xii.2006-3.i.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col. (UFES #108996).

Remarks. This species is similar to L. centratus (Say, 1836) by having the head longer than wide, with eyes large; mesoscutum with notauli incomplete and as wide as parapsidal signum; mesoscutellum with mesoscutellar sulcus narrow; propodeal disc with five carinae, inner and second discal carinae incomplete; mesopleuron with only anterior fovea. However, L. targaryeni has the head with clypeus wide and with apical margin rounded; ocellar triangle compact, with frontal angle right and with ocelli large; propodeal disc without longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; forewing with r-rs & Rs longer than Rs+M, whereas L. centratus has the head with clypeus not wide and with apical margin straight; ocellar triangle not compact, with frontal angle obtuse and with ocelli small; propodeal disc with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; forewing with r-rs & Rs shorter than Rs+M.

Laelius tullyi Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 21-24

Description. Holotype (Fig. 21). Female. Body 5.04 mm. LFW 2.64 mm. Color. Wings sub-hyaline; scape, pedicel, mandible, palpi, tegula, mesocoxa, trochanters, protibia, mesotibia, metatibia and tarsi light castaneous; flagellum light castaneous with apex castaneous; wing venation castaneous; procoxa, metacoxa, profemur, mesofemur, metafemur and metasoma dark castaneous; head and mesosoma dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 22). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, equally wide. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin straight, short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 32:11:11:11:11. LH 0.95 x WH. WF 1.0 x HE. WF 0.54 x WH. OOL 1.38 x WOT. VOL 0.34 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 1.0 x DAO. Frons punctate, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right; ocellus large; ocellar triangle compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae short and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 23, 24). Pronotal disc 0.8 x as long as wide, rugulose, trapezoidal, side slightly concave, with few setae, dorsal setae short and thick. Mesoscutum rugulose, with short and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, complete, convergent posteriorly. Parapsidal signum narrow, conspicuous, shorter than notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum rugulose, with postsulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus wide. Propodeal disc as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina complete; space between median and inner discal carinae with longitudinal ridge; inner discal carinae complete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae without ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; followed by short striae; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum rugulose, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior, lower and posterior foveae opened; mesopleural suture with inner margin foveolate. Wings. Tegula without setae; forewing with Sc+R with twelve dorsal setae; Rs+M with one dorsal setae; M+Cu with five dorsal setae; A with two dorsal setae; stigma not developed, with three dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 3.5 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 2.52 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface; metasoma with apex acute.

Material examined. Holotype. BRAZIL, female, Pará, Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 15-25.ii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col. (UFES #106028).

Remarks. This species is similar to L. multilineatus (Evans, 1966) by having the head as long as wide; mesoscutum with notauli wide and divergent; mesoscutellum with mesoscutellar sulcus wide; propodeal disc with five carinae, median and inner discal carinae complete; mesopleuron with anterior and mesopleural foveae closed and lower and posterior foveae opened. However, L. tullyi has the head densely punctate; ocellar triangle with frontal angle acute and with ocelli large; pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum rugulose; propodeal disc with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea, whereas L. multilineatus has the head coriaceous; ocellar triangle with frontal angle right and with ocelli small; pronotal disc, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum coriaceous; propodeal disc without longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture fused with posterior fovea.

Laelius starki Barbosa & Azevedo sp. nov.

Figs 25-28, 100-102

Description. Holotype (Fig. 25). Male. Body 4.04 mm. LFW 2.04 mm. Color. Wings hyaline; palpi, trochanters and protibia light castaneous; pedicel, mandible, tegula, wing venation, procoxa, profemur, mesofemur, metafemur, mesotibia, metatibia and tarsi castaneous; flagellum, mesocoxa, metacoxa and metasoma dark castaneous; head, scape and mesosoma dark castaneous to nearly black. Head (Fig. 26). Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, equally wide. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin straight, short, with sharpened median teeth at apical margin. First five antennal segments in ratio of about 22:8:9:9:9. LH 0.92 x WH. WF 1.5 x HE. WF 0.69 x WH. OOL 1.33 x WOT. VOL 0.5 x HE. Distance of posterior ocellus to vertex crest 0.55 x DAO. Frons coriaceous, with few setae. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute; ocellus large; ocellar triangle compact. Temple divergent anterad. Vertex slightly convex. Corner rounded. Lateral setae short and thick. Mesosoma (Figs 27, 28). Pronotal disc 0.5 x as long as wide, coriaceous, trapezoidal, side straight, with series of foveae posteriorly, with few setae, dorsal setae long and thick. Mesoscutum coriaceous, with long and thick setae between notaulus and parapsidal signum; notaulus conspicuous, incomplete, convergent posteriorly. Parapsidal signum wide, conspicuous, as long as notaulus, not reaching anterior margin of mesoscutum, parallel. Mesoscutellum coriaceous, with post-sulcal, fore, mesal and hind setae; mesoscutellar sulcus wide and straight. Propodeal mesosoma in lateral view; (24) mesosoma in dorsal view. disc 0.91 x as long as wide; with five carinae; median carina complete; space between median and inner discal carinae without ridge; inner discal carinae complete; space between inner and second pair of discal carinae with longitudinal ridge; second pair of discal carinae incomplete; sublateral carina present and conspicuous; lateral carina present and conspicuous; posterior carina complete. Declivity of propodeum strigate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with acropleural fovea elongate and closed; anterior, lower and posterior foveae closed; mesopleural suture with inner margin foveolate. Wings. Tegula without setae; forewing with Sc+R with ten dorsal setae; Rs+M with two dorsal setae; M+Cu with five dorsal setae; A with four dorsal setae; stigma not developed, with one dorsal setae; r-rs & Rs 3.0 x as long as Rs+M, slightly curved forward. Hind wing with three hamuli. Metasoma. 2.8 x longer than wide; tergum II longer than others; terga III-VI with transverse setae line on dorsal surface. Genitalia (Figs 100-102). Paramere club-shaped, almost as wide as basiparamere, with long setae around margin. Cuspis slender, aligned with apex of digitus. Aedeagus evenly wide; apical lobe separate; apex rounded. Base of apodeme slightly curved outwards.

Material examined. Holotype. BRAZIL, male, Pará, Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 25.ii-7.iii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa leg. (UFES #106733).

Remarks. This species is similar to L. multilineatus (Evans, 1966) by having the mesoscutum with notauli wide and divergent; mesoscutellum with mesoscutellar sulcus wide; propodeal disc with five carinae, median and inner discal carinae complete; mesopleuron with mesopleural suture fused with posterior fovea. However, L. starki sp. nov. has the ocellar triangle with frontal angle acute; mesoscutellar sulcus straight; mesopleuron with all foveae closed; genitalia with paramere clubshaped and with aedeagus wide, whereas L. multilineatus has the ocellar triangle with frontal angle right; mesoscutellar sulcus arched; mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea opened; genitalia with paramere sinuous and with aedeagus slender.

Laelius billi Barbosa & Azevedo nom. nov.

Figs 29-32

Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895: 539, nec Laelius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1893 – et nec Rhabdepyris nigropilosus Evans, 1966 [1965].

Laelius nigripilosus (Ashmead, 1895): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 4.25 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than the others. Clypeus with median lobe rounded. Frons coriaceous. Eye very large. WH 0.96 x LH; WF 0.57 x WH; WF 1.05 x HE; VOL 0.3 x HE; OOL 1.36 x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 1.0 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse. Vertex slightly convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum absent. Propodeal disc 1.31 x as long as wide, with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea not fused.

Material examined. Holotype of Mesitius nigripilosus: MEXICO, female, Nayarit, Tepic (CASC #234). Lectotype (male) and paralectotype (female) of L. nigripilosus: [U.S.A.], Fl[orid]a, Jacks[o]nville, IV.[18]87 (USNM #14060). Voucher: NICARAGUA, 1 female, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, Santa Ana 2, 15.vii.1998 – Mal[aise] Trap, J.M. Maes col[lector] (SEAN); BRAZIL, 1 female, Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha Maracá, 02-13.v.1987, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.A. Rafael e equipe col. (INPA); 1 female, Pará, Oriximiná, Porto Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 14-24.xii.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.Cardoso & G.Costa col. (UFES #106479); 1 female, S[ão] João de Pirabas, Boa Esperança, 18-24.x.1990, A.L. Henriques, armadilha Malaise (MPEG); 1 female, Juruti, Mineração Alcoa, Capiranga, 03.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 female, Juruti, Mineração Alcoa, Capiranga, 25-29.v.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.N. Santos & L.A. Quaresma col. (MPEG); 1 female, Juruti, Ramal Mauari, Galiléia,, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.N. Santos & L.A. Quaresma col. (MPEG); 1 female, Altamira, Rio Xingu, Ilha Bela Vista, 02-06.ii.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 female, Altamira, Rio Xingu, Itapuama, 19-23.viii.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveria & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 female, Vitória do Xingu, Rio Xingu, Igarapé Gaioso, 12-16.viii.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 female, Amazonas, Manaus, Res[erva] Soka, Novo Aripuanã, Borda, 10-13.xii.1999, Arm[adilha] Malaise, J.F. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 6-17.vii.1992, Adesiva 20m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, Oeste-leste 1, 2400m, xi.2003, arm[adilha] suspensa preto, A. Henriques e equipe col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1501, Km 41, 15-30.iii.1996, arm[adilha] Malaise (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Base de instrução 2, clareira igarapé, 2130.x.1997, arm[adilha] suspensa (INPA); 1 female, Rondônia, Guajará Mirim, Rio Preto, Bananal, 10º58'23"S 65º05'39"W, 20-27.x.1995, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Rafael & A. Henriques col[lectos] (INPA); 1 female, Bahia, Coaraci, Faz[enda] Restauração, 14º37'S 39º33'W, 26.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Firmino Alves, Faz[enda] Santo Antônio, 14º59'S 39º55'W, 24.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Iguai, Faz[enda] Veneza, 28.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Itororó, Faz[enda] Guanabara, 15º03'S 39º06'W, 13.iv.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Espírito Santo, Sooretama, Res[erva] Biol[ógica] de Sooretama, 19º02'S 40º08'W,, arm[adilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & equipe col. (UFES #63115); 1 female, Linhares, cultura de coco, 50m, 19º25'S 40º04'W,, arm[adilha] Möricke, E.F.Comério col. (UFES #77858); Goiás, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W; 1 female, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 02; 1 female, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 10; 3 females, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 14; 1 female, 09-11.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 05;1 female, 1224.ix.2005, arm[adilha] 27; 1 female, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 02; 1 female, 15-17.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 09; 3 females, 15-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 03; 1 female, 16-18.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 14, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); D[istrito] F[ederal], 1 female, Brasília, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 13-20.iii.1981; 1 female, 16-23.x.1981; 1 female, 05-12.xi.1981, Campo Sujo, [armadilha] janela, B.F.S. Dias e outros col. (IBGE); 1 female, Espírito Santo, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Fazenda Paulo Seick, 20º02'31.1"S 40º41'51.3"W, 29.xi-06.xii.2002, armadilha Malaise, Tavares, Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); Minas Gerais, 1 female, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Área Tereza, 19º37'S 42º34'W, 10-17.vii.2001; 1 female, 24-31.vii.2001; 1 female, 7-14.viii.2001; 1 female, 1724.viii.2001; 1 female, 25.x-1.xi.2001; 1 female, 15-22.xi.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR. Fontenelle col. (UFES #104280); 1 female, Paraná, Jundiaí do Sul, Fazenda Monte Verde, 12.I.1987, Lev[antamento] Ent[omológico] PROFAUPAR, (DZPR); 1 female, Ponta Grossa, Vila Velha, Res[erva] IAPAR, BR 376, 25.I.1988 – arm[adilha] Malaise, Lavanta[ment]o Entomol[ogico] Profaupar (DZPR); 1 female, Rio Grande do Sul, Arroio Grande, 101m, 32º13'22"S 53º11'57"W, 16.iv.2004, arm[adilha] Malaise, R.F. Kruger col[etor] (UFES).

Etymology: The specific epithet "billi" refers to the nickname of William and is given in honour of William Ashmead.

Remarks. This species was known from the U.S.A. (Arizona) and Mexico (Nayarit), and now it is recorded for the first time from Nicaragua (Granada) and Brazil (Roraima, Pará, Amazonas, Rondônia, Goiás, Brasília, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul).

Laelius canchinensis (Azevedo, 1992)

Figs 33-36

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) canchinensis Azevedo, 1992: 241-244. Laelius canchinensis (Azevedo, 1992): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 2.8 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin angulate or straight. WH 0.95 x LH; WF 0.54 x WH; WF 0.95 x HE; VOL 0.32 x HE; OOL 0.92 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus conspicuous, wide, incomplete, and converging posteriorly; parapsidal signum short, incomplete, and parallel. Mesoscutellar sulcus wide, arched, and not dilated at its end. Propodeal disc 1.08 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second discal carina incomplete; sublateral and lateral carinae conspicuous. Mesopleuron with all fovea indistinct.

Material examined. BRASIL, 1 female, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Reserva Biológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 10-17.x. 1980, Campo Cerrado, [armadilha] janela, B.F.S. Dias e outros col. (IBGE); Minas Gerais, 1 female, Mariléria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Mata Vinhático, 19º37'S 42º34'W, 26.x-2.xi.2000, (UFES #109147); 1 female, 17-24.viii.2001, (UFES #109120); 1 female, 30.vii-5.viii.2004, (UFES #109115); 1 female, 26.vii2.viii.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col. (UFES #109149).

Remarks. This species was known from the state of São Paulo and now it is recorded for the first time from Distrito Federal and Minas Gerais. This data indicate that L. canchinensis is distributed through the Brazilian savannah.

Laelius gracilis (Evans, 1965)

Figs 37-44, 103-105

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) gracilis Evans, 1965: 72, 76-77. Laelius gracilis (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 3.2 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Head distinctly longer than wide. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin angulate. Frons strongly coriaceous, with punctures sparse. WH 0.93 x LH; WF 0.66 x WH; WF 1.44 x HE; VOL 0.63 x HE; OOL 1.35 x WOT; ocellus distant from vertex crest 0.9 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus conspicuous, complete, and converging posteriorly; parapsidal signum complete and narrow. Propodeal disc 1.11 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae, median carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina, with transverse striae. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea fused.

Male. Similar to female. Body 2.5 mm. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, subequal in size. Head and frons wide. Propodeal disc with five strong discal carinae; median carina complete, others incomplete. Genitalia (Figs 103-105) with paramere elongate and sinuous, with base thin, widened to rounded apex; volsella with cuspis long and thin, slightly shorter than paramere; aedeagus bottle-shaped, wide and short, basal margin oval, base of apodeme dilated.

Material examined. (Females) Holotype: U.S.A., California, Sacramento, 25.viii.1932 (CASC #8845). Voucher: MEXICO, 1 female, Baja Cal[ifornia] N[orte], Bahia de Los Angeles, vi.1996, ~1m in land, T. Jackson (CNCI); DOM[INICAN] REP[UBLIC], 3 females, Prov[ince] Borbon, San Cristobal, Cuevas Pomier, trop[ical] decid for[est] 200m, 28.vii-5.viii.1995, FIT S. + J. Peck (CNCI). (Males) MEXICO, 1 male, Quintana Roo, Xel-Ná, Trail in Coastal Resort, forest, 07 xii.1993, L. Masner col. (CNCI); DOM[INICAN] REP[UBLIC], 1 male, Prov[ince] Borbon, San Cristobal, Cuevas Pomier, trop[ical] decid[uous] for[est], 200m, 28.vii-5.viii.1995, FIT, S. = J. Peck (CNCI); NICARAGUA, 4 males, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, Santa Ana 2, 15.v.1998 – Mal[aise] trap, J.M.Maes col[lector] (SEAN); 1 male, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, San Joaquim 2, 30.iv.1998 – Mal[aise] trap, J.M.Maes col[lector] (SEAN); 3 males, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, San Joaquim 3, – Mal[aise] trap, J.M.Maes col[lector] (SEAN); 4 males, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, El Progreso 3, 15.v.1998 – Mal[aise] trap, J.M.Maes col[lector] (SEAN); 1 male, San Juan del Sur, 11º15'N 85º52'W, 3.v.1998, L.J. Clarck MT (UCDC); TRINIDAD, 1 male, 8Km N Arima, Simla Res Sta lower montane rain for[est], 260m,, FIT, S. & J. Peck (CNCI); BRAZIL, Pará, 1 male, Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 13-20.x.2000, (UFES #105442); 1 male, 20-26.x.2000, arm[adilha], (UFES #105455); 3 males, 15-25.ii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col. (UFES #105943, #105944, #106062); 1 male, Amazonas, Novo Aripuanã, Reserva Soka, Área aberta, 06-10.xii.1999, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.F. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 male, Manaus, Reserva Campina,, óleo 3m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 male, Rio Grande do Norte, Patu, Caatinga, 06º06'S 37º37'W, xi.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, D.R.R. Fernandes col. (UFES #115699); 1 male, Minas Gerais, Mariléria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Área Tereza, 19º37'S 42º34'W, 9-16.xi.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col. (UFES #101703); S[ão] P[aulo], 1 male, Descalvado, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado, 21º54'S 47º37'W, 06.x.2005, (UFES #79286); 3 males, 20.x.2005, (UFES #79487, #79837, #79853); 2 males, 17.xi.2005, (UFES #79098, #79426); 1 male, 01.xii.2005, (UFES #79966); 2 males, 15.xii.2005, (UFES #79263, #79314); 1 male, 06.x.2006, (UFES #79640); 3 males, 19.x.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, N.W. Perioto & equipe col. (UFES #79121, #79125, #79790); 1 male, E[spírito] S[anto], Itaguaçu, Alto Lajinha, Faz[enda] Binda, 19º48'S 40º48'W, 22-29.ix.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & equipe col. (UFES #80247); 1 male, Bahia, Ilhéus, CEPEC cabruca, 14º46'S 39º29'W, 20.1.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.A. Cardoso & G.B. Costa (CEPLAC); D[istrito] F[ederal], 1 male, Brasília, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 7-18.xi.1980; 1 male, 14-28.viii.1981; 3 males, 1125.ix.1981; 2 males, 2-9.x.1981; 5 males, 9-16.x.1981; 3 males, 16-23.x.1981; 2 males, 23-29.x.1981; 1 male, 25-30.xii.1981; 1 male, 11-18.ii.1982; 1 male, 8-22.vii.1982; 1 male, 5-9.viii.1982; 1 male, 19-23.x.1982, Cerrado, [armadilha] janela, B.F.S. Dias e outros col. (IBGE).

Remarks. This species was known from the U.S.A. (Arizona and California) and Mexico (Durango) and is now recorded for the first time from the Dominican Republic (San Cristóbal), Nicaragua (Granada and San Juan del Sur), Trinidad and Tobago (Arima), and Brazil (Amazonas, Bahia, Distrito Federal, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Pará, Rio Grande do Norte and São Paulo).

Although the list of studied material is fairly large, we did not observe significant intraspecific variation. Only the proportion between LH x WH varies among the specimens analyzed. This species is promptly recognized by having the head remarkably longer than wide, LH is usually at least 1.2 x WH, whereas in other species it is 1.0 x WH or less.

Laelius hirticulus (Evans, 1965)

Figs 45-48

Rhabdepyris (Trichotepyris) nigropilosus Evans, 1965: 79, 80, 84-85. Rhabdepyris (Trichotepyris) hirticulus Evans, 1966 [1965]: 269 (replacement name). Laelius hirticulus (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 3.08 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black; forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal. Frons weakly coriaceous, punctures sparse. WH 1.0 x LH; WF 0.55 x WH; WF 0.96 x HE; VOL

0.2 x HE; OOL 1.2 x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest about 0.5 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly, anterior corner angulate. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete, wide, and converging posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 0.92 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; inner discal carina complete; second discal carina incomplete. Declivity of propodeum areolate, with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior foveae not fused, mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea.

Material examined. Holotype: female, PANAMA, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado I[sland], i.1960, W.L. Brown & E.S. McCluskey col[lector] (MCZH #30938). Voucher: BRAZIL, Pará, 1 female, Oriximiná, Porto de Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 2026.x.2000, (UFES #105451); 1 female, 20-2.xi.2000, (UFES #105450); 1 female, 14-24.xii.2006, (UFES #106477); 3 females, 15-24.xii.2006-3.i.2007, UFES #108938, #109017, #109024); 2 females, 14-24.ii.2007, (UFES #109078, #109079); 1 female, 1525.ii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, J. Cardoso & G. Costa col. (UFES #106024); 1 female, Amazonas, Parq[ue] Nac[ional] do Jaú, Campina arbustiva, 01º54'46"S 61º35'23"W, 29.vii-08.vii.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, Henriques & J.F. Vidal col. (INPA); 3 females, Novo Aripuanã, Reserva Soka, 05º15'53"S 60º07'08"W, 17-25.viii.1999, Malaise, J. Vidal & A. Henriques col[lector] (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1210, Lateral leste, 11.x.1984, rede, B. Klein col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1401, Gavião, 15-30.iii.1996, arm[adilha] suspensa (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1501, Km 41, 15-30.iii.1996, arm[adilha] Malaise (INPA); Manaus, 1 female, Base de instrução-2, mata igarapé, 19-28.vii.1997; 1 female, 10-20.x.1997; 1 female, 21-30.x.1997; 1 female, 13-23.iv.1998, arm[adilha] suspensa baixa (INPA); 2 females, Manaus, mata, 01-11.xii.1997, arm[adilha] suspensa baixa (INPA); 1 female, Rio Grande do Norte, Mossoró, Fazenda S[an]ta Júlia, Caatinga, 05º01'10"S 37º22'56"W, 06.iii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, D.R.R. Fernandes e eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 female, Bahia, Coaraci, Faz[enda] Restauração, 14º37'S 39º33'W, 26.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Coaraci, Faz[enda] São José, 14º38'S 39º32'W, 14.xii.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Ilhéus, CEPEC cabruca, 14º46'S 39º29'W, 02.ii.2001, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.A. Cardoso & G.B. Costa (CEPLAC); 1 female, Itororó, Faz[enda] Guanabara, 15º03'S 39º03'W, 13.iv.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Itajuípe, Cachoeira, 15º17'S 39º03'W, 27.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); Goiás, 1 female,Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47 41'W, 03-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 16; 4 females, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05; 1 female, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 10; 1 female, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 12; 2 females, 15-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 02; 1 female, 1525.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 03; 1 female, 17-19.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 06; 1 female, 23-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 17, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 male, Distrito Federal, Brasília, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 13-20.iii.1981, Brejo-Janela, B.F.S. Dias e outros col. (IBGE); 1 female, Espírito Santo, Pinheiros, Res[erva] Bio[lógica do] Córrego do Veado, 18º21'S 40º09'W,, arm[adilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & equipe col., UFES 63225 (UFES); 1 female, Santa Maria de Jetibá, Fazenda Paulo Seick, 20º04'27.9"S 40º44'51.3"W, 29.xi-06.xii.2002, armadilha Malaise, Tavares, Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); Minas Gerais, Mata Vinhático, 1 female, 12-19.x.2000, (UFES #105874); 1 female, 16.xii.2000, (UFES #104412); 2 females, 25.x-1.xi.2001, (UFES #102924, #104303); 2 females, 8-15.xi.2001, (UFES #102918, #104274); 2 females, 7-14.viii.2001, (UFES #100895, #103762); 1 female, 18-25.vii.2006, (UFES #104244); 1 female, 10-17.vii.2007, (UFES #104472); 1 female, 24-31.vii.2007, (UFES #104469); 1 female, 31.vii-7.viii.2007, (UFES #109133); 1 female, 28.x-4.xi.2007, (UFES #104341); 2 females, 4-11.xi.2007, (UFES #103764, #104332); 2 females, 11-18.xi.2007, (UFES #104289, #104292); 1 female, 12-19.vii.2008, (UFES #104246); Área Tereza, 1 female, 12-19.x.2000, (UFES #102779); 4 females, 1017.vii.2001, (UFES #100906, #100908, #100910, #104326); 3 females, 24-31.vii.2001, (UFES #100796, #100799, #102844); 1 female, 14.xi.2002, (UFES #102160); 3 females, 9-16.xi.2003, (UFES #101654, #101813, #103843); 1 female, 19-26.x.2003, (UFES #101774); 1 female, 10.xi.2004, (UFES #102376); 1 female, 22-9.x.2005, (UFES #102800); 1 female, 1-8.viii.2006, (UFES #100847); 3 females, 2-9.viii.2008, (UFES #100774, #100778, #100784); 1 female, 26.x-2.xi.2009, (UFES #102348); Mata do Gambá, 2 females, 11-18.xi.2000, (UFES #103007, #103008); 2 females, 31.vii-7.viii.2001, (UFES #109099, #109132); 1 female, 9-15.vii.2004, (UFES #102916); 1 female, 23-29.x.2004, (UFES #102917); 1 female, 24-31.vii.2005, (UFES #102992); 4 females, 15-22.x.2005, (UFES #100770, #102928, #102986, #102987, #102989, #102990, #104512, #104515); 1 female, 12-19.xi.2005, (UFES #102904); 2 females, 17-24.vii.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col. (UFES #100859, #102966); 1 female, S[ão] P[aulo], Monte Mor, cultura de café, 01.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke, N.W. Perioto & equipe col. (UFES #80029); Descalvado, 1 female, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado, 21º54'S 47º37'W, 09.ii.2006, (UFES #79346); 1 female, 21.ix.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, N.W. Perioto & equipe col. (UFES #79557); 1 female, Paraná, Jundiaí do Sul, Fazenda Monte Verde, 01.ix.1986, Lev[antamento] Ent[omológico] PROFAUPAR, Malaise (DZPR); 1 female, Rio Grande do Sul, Arroio Grande, 101m, 32º13'22"S 53º11'57"W, 09.iv.2004, arm[adilha] Malaise, R.F. Kruger col. (UFES).

Remarks. This species was known from Panama (Barro Colorado Island) and Brazil (Santa Catarina), and it is now recorded for the first time from Amazonas, Pará, Maranhão, Bahia, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo, Paraná, and Rio Grande do Sul.

The specimens of the type series of L. hirticulus have no longitudinal ridge between the median and inner discal carinae. In the material analized by us, however, some specimens have a longitudinal ridge. The presence or absence of this sculpture was considered as intraspecific variation by BARBOSA & AZEVEDO (2009, 2011).

Laelius maboya (Snelling, 1996)

Figs 49-52

Rhabdepyris maboya Snelling, 1996: 194-208. Laelius maboya (Snelling, 1996): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Male. Body 1.9 mm. Head and mesosoma with cupreous green reflections; forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons strongly coriaceous. WH 1.14 x LH; WF 0.62 x WH; WF 1.39 x HE; VOL 0.43 x HE; OOL 0.82 x WOT; posterior ocelli distant to vertex crest 0.5 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc without series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus absent; parapsidal signum complete. Mesoscutellar sulcus arched. Propodeal disc about as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median carina complete, inner discal carina incomplete; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity areolate; without median carina. Mesopleuron with all foveae opened. Genitalia with paramere very wide, apical margin inclined and slightly concave medially, dorsal margin strongly convex; cuspis cylindrical and long, its apex higher than paramere apex; digitus with apex nearly as high as paramere apex; basiparamere with very elongate process on inner margin of dorsal side, its apex much higher than paramere apex, and with two thick and long setae; aedeagus bottle-shaped, its apex as high as paramere apex, base subangulate below; base of apodeme not dilated, curved outwards.

Material examined. Paratype male: BRITISH VIRGIN ISL[AND]S, Guana I[sland], dry evergreen wood, North Beach, 18º29'N, 64º34'W, 20-25.IV.1993, Flight trap, R. R. Snelling col[lector] (LACM).

Remarks. The elongate process on the inner margin of the dorsal portion of the basiparamere is unique among Bethylidae.

Laelius mellipes (Evans, 1965)

Figs 53-56

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) mellipes Evans, 1965: 71, 72-73. Laelius mellipes (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Material examined. BRASIL, 1 female, Bahia, Ibicarai, Faz[enda] Nova Patioba, 23.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 1 female, Itororó, Faz[enda] Guanabara, 15º03'S 39º06'W, 13.iv.2003, arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC); 2 females, E[spírito] S[anto], Itaguaçu, Alto Lajinha, Faz[enda] Binda, 19º48'S 40º48'W, 22-29.ix.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, M.T. Tavares & equipe col. (UFES #80245, #80456); Minas Gerais, 4 females, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Mata Vinhático, 1219.x.2000, (UFES #100758, #105870, #105875, #105877); 1 female, 19-26.x.2000, (UFES #104402); 1 female, 16.xii.2000, (UFES #104410); 1 female, 18-25.x.2001, (UFES #109214); 1 female, 25.x1.xi.2001, (UFES #104310); 3 females, 1.xi.2001, (UFES #100877, #100883, #104373); 2 females, 15-22.x.2005, (UFES #104516, #104518); 3 females, 22-29.x.2005, (UFES #102999, #103004, #109166); 1 female, 26.vii-2.viii.2006, (UFES #109154); 6 females, 28.x-4.xi.2007, (UFES #102809, #102812, #104340, #104342, #104344, #104347); Área Tereza, 1 female, 10-17.vii.2001, (UFES #100911); 3 females, 17-24.vii.2001, (UFES #102825, #102827, #109121); 1 female, 24-31.vii.2001, (UFES #100797); 3 females, 31.vii-7.viii.2001, (UFES #109089, #109092, #109095); 1 female, 7-14.viii.2001, (UFES #100894); 3 females, 19-26.x.2003, (UFES #101771, 101772, 103822); 2 females, 9-16.xi.2003, (UFES #101658, #101661); 2 females, 8.vii.2004, (UFES #100892, #100893); 1 female, 30.vii-5.viii.2004, (UFES #109114); 1 female, 20-27.x.2004, (UFES #100808); 2 females, 27.x-2.xi.2004, (UFES #102264, #102274); 1 female, 26.x-2.xi.2006, (UFES #100818); 1 female, 31.vii-7.viii.2007, (UFES #109087); 1 female, 4-11.xi.2007, (UFES #100801); 3 females, 11-18.xi.2007, (UFES #104291, #104293, #104295); 1 female, Mata do Gambá, 7-14.viii.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR. Fontenelle col. (UFES #103763).

Remarks. This species was known from the U.S.A. (southeastern states) and it is now recorded for the first time from Brazil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Espírito Santo).

Laelius minutulus (Evans, 1965)

Figs 57-60

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) minutulus Evans, 1965: 72, 77-76. Laelius minutulus (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 2.73 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black; forewing hyaline. Mandible with five shaprpened apical teeth. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons coriaceous, with inconspicuous punctures. WH 1.0 x LH; WF 0.53 x WH; WF 0.92 x HE; VOL 0.32 x HE; OOL 0.72 x WOT; frontal angle of ocellar triangle obtuse. Vertex slightly convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete, wide, and converging posteriorly; parapsidal signum complete. Propodeal disc as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior foveae not fused, mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea.

Material examined. Holotype: female, PERU, C.H.T. Townsend col[lector] (USNM #67534). Voucher: BRASIL, 1 female, Minas Gerais, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Mata Vinhático, 19º37'S 42º34'W, 27.x-3.xi.2004, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR Fontenelle col. (UFES #104251); 1 female, S[ão] P[aulo], Descalvado, Faz[enda] Itaúnas, Cerrado Citros, 21º54'S 47º37'W, 24.iii.2005, N.W. Perioto & equipe col. (UFES #79973).

Remarks. This species was known from Peru and now it is recorded for the first time from Brazil (Minas Gerais and São Paulo). The small number of specimens and the narrow distribution of the species indicate that L. minutulus is rare. After EVANS (1965) described it, no further specimens were found or analyzed. This is the second record of L. minutulus, but it corresponds to only two specimens.

Laelius muesebecki (Evans, 1965)

Figs 61-68, 106-107

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) muesebecki Evans, 1965: 71, 74-76. Laelius muesebecki (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 3.46 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black; forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons coriaceous. WH 1.02 x LH; WF 0.58 x WH; WF 1.12 x HE; VOL 0.5 x HE; OOL 1.17 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second discal carina; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron lower and posterior fovea not fused; with mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea.

Diagnosis. Male. Body 1.8 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, with only one lower tooth longer than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons strongly coriaceous. WH 1.05 x LH; WF 0.6 x WH; WF 1.38 x HE; VOL 0.26 x HE; OOL 1.29 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle acute. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 1.11 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; inner discal carina complete; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron lower and posterior fovea not fused; mesopleural suture not fused with posterior fovea. Genitalia (Figs 106, 107). Paramere very wide, apex broadly rounded; cuspis wide, apex broadly rounded, shorter than paramere; aedeagus bottle-shaped, progressively narrowing to rounded apex; base of apodeme not dilated.

Material examined. Holotype: female, HONDURAS, from ex. Banana debris, [intercepted in quarantine], Tex[as], 18.ii.[19]35, Gasveston col[lector] #887 (USNM #67536). Allotype: male, HONDURAS, La Ceiba, 21.iii.1916, F. J. Dyer col. (USNM). Voucher: (Females) NICARAGUA, 1 female, Granada, Volcan Mombacho, San Joaquin 3, 15.v.1998 – Mal[aise] Trap, J.M. Maes col. (SEAN); COSTA RICA, 1 female, 4Km N Caña, 10.viii.1987, FIT, H. & A. Howden (CNCI); ECUADOR, 1 female, Sucumbios, Rio Napo, Sacha Lodgi, 0º30'S 76º30'W, 225m, 1424.v.1994 MT, P. Hibbs (CNCI); 1 female, Esmeraldas, Bilss Biol. Station, 0º34'N 79º71'W, 500m, 28.iv-10.v.1996, FIT, P. Hibbs (CNCI); BOLIVIA, 1 female, La Paz, Chulumani, Apa-Apa, 1800m, 16º22'S 67º30'W, s.s. B-09, 1-4.v.1997 – L. Masner col. (CNCI); 1 female, Cochabamba, 117Km E Cochabamba on Villa Tunari road, 1040m, 17º6.53'S 65º41.20'W, FIT, 1-6.ii.1999, R.S. Hanley col[lector] (CNCI); BRAZIL, Pará, 4 females, Melgaço, Floresta Nacional Caxiuanã, Trilha Est[ação] Cie[entífica] Ferreira Pena, 13.xi-16.xi.2003; 1 female, 15.xi-18.xi.2003; 2 females, 18.xi21.xi.2003; 1 female, 19.xi-22.xi.2003; 1 female, 19.xi26.xi.2003;5 females, 21.xi-24.xi.2003; 2 females, 24.xi-27.xi. 2003; 1 female, 24.xi-26.xi.2003, Arm[adilha] Malaise 11, A.P. Aguiar & J. Dias (MPEG); 2 females, Amazonas, Manaus, Reserva Campina,, [armadilha] adesiva, Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 3 females, Manaus, Reserva Campina,, Óleo 3m, I. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1210, 31.x.1985, Malaise, B.Klein col. (INPA); Manaus, 1 female, Reserva 1112, 13.viii.1986; 1 female,, Malaise, B.Klein col[etores] (INPA); 1 female, R[eserva] Ducke, 15.x.1981, J.A. Rafael (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 08-15.iv.1992, Adesiva 1m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 2 females, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 08-15.iv.1992, [armadilha] adesiva 20m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 3 females, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 25-29.vii.1992, Adesiva 2m, I. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); Paraíba, 2 females, João Pessoa, Mata do Buraquinho, 07º08'25"S 34º51'38"W, arm[adilha] Malaise, 2528.vii.2002; 1 female, 28-31.vii.2002, STP, Amarante & eq[uipe] col[etores] B6 (MZUSP); 1 female, Alagoas, Quebrângulo, Res[erva] Biol[ógica] Pedra Talhada, 11-14.ix.2002 – Malaise, Penteado-Dias & equipe col[etores] B3 (MZUSP); 1 female, Sergipe, Stª Luzia do Itanhy, Crasto, 11º22'37.4"S 7º24'50.3"W, 29.vii01.viii.2001 – Malaise, MTTavares & eq[uipe] col[etores] (MZUSP); 1 female, Bahia, Maraú, Malaise trap, 28/06/97, Santos, H.J. dos (CEPLAC); 1 female, Goiás, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 0715.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); D[istrito] F[ederal], 1 female, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 8-22.v.1981; 1 female, 24-08.v.1981; 1 female, 24-08.v.1981; 1 female, 28-II.ix.1981; 1 female, 519.viii.1982; 1 female, 24-30.ix.1982; 1 female, 21-28.x.1982; 1 female, 25-2.xii.1982, Cerrado, [armadilha] janela, B.F.S. Dias e outros col. (IBGE); 1 female, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte UFMG, prefeitura, 5.xii.1996 – arm[adilha] Malaise, J.C.R. Fontenelle col[etores] (UFMG); 1 female, Espírito Santo, Linhares, Res[erva] Biol[ógica] Sooretama, 19º00'11.5"S 40º07'08"W, 24-27.iii.2002, [armadilha] Malaise, COAzevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] T6 (MZUSP), 1 female, João Neiva, Alto Bérgamo, mata, 478m, 19º44'46"S 40º26'43"W, CO Azevedo & equipe col[etores] (UFES); 1 female, Stª Leopoldina, Suiça, mata, 361m, 20º04'54.6"S 40º35'38.9"W, 5-12.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, C. O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 females, Alfredo Chaves, Picadão, mata, 714m, 20º27'53"S 40º42'35"W, 8-15.x.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, C. O. Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 female, Guarapari, P[arque] E[stadual] Paulo César Vinha, 20º36'S 40º25'W, 4m, 26.x.2006, Varredura, Tavares & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); Rio de Janeiro, 3 females, Nova Iguaçu, Res[eserva] Biol[ógica] do Tinguá, 22º34'27"S 43º26'11.4"W, 5-8.iii.2002; 1 female, 8-11.iii.2002 – Malaise, STP; 1 female, 9-12.iii.2002, [armadilha] Möricke, STP Amarante & eq[uipe] col[etores] B9 (MZUSP); 1 female, Paraná, Fênix, Reserva Est. – ITCF Brasil, 16.iii.1987, Lev[antamento] Ent[omológico] PROFAUPAR, [armadilha] Malaise, (DZPR). (Males) BRAZIL, Goiás, 1 male, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-15.ix.2005; 1 male, 11-13.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES).

Variation. Propodeal disc with longitudinal ridge between the median and inner discal carinae.

Remarks. This species was known from the U.S.A. (Florida, Montana and Texas), Mexico (Morelos and Guerrero), Honduras, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Bolivia, and now it is recorded for the first time from Nicaragua (Granada and San Juan del Sur) and Brazil (Pará, Amazonas, Paraíba, Alagoas, Sergipe, Bahia, Goiás, Distrito Federal, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Paraná).

Laelius multilineatus (Evans, 1966)

Figs 69-76, 108-110

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepryis) multilineatus Evans, 1966 [1965]: 266-268. Laelius multilineatus (Evans, 1966): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 3.8 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal. Frons coriaceous. WH 0.98 x LH; WF 0.57 x WH; WF 1.12 x HE; VOL 0.54 x HE; OOL 1.21 x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 0.5 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex slightly convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete, very wide and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 1.15 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second discal carina; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea fused; with mesopleural suture and posterior fovea fused.

Diagnosis. Male. Body 3.0 mm. Black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons coriaceous. WH 1.0 x LH; WF 0.62 x WH; WF

1.29 x HE; VOL 0.5 x HE; OOL 1.15 x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 0.4 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle almost right. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete, very wide and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 1.14 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae, median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second discal carina; second discal carina incomplete. Declivity of porpodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea fused; with mesopleural suture and posterior fovea fused. Genitalia (Figs 108-110). Paramere much longer than basiparamere, wide, apex rounded, base narrow, dorsal margin convex, ventral margin concave, dorsal and apical margins strongly setose; volsella with cuspis wide basally progressively narrowing to apex in lateral view, apex as high as paramere apex; aedeagus narrow and straight, apex nearly as high as paramere apex, base of apodeme curved outwards.

Material examined. Holotype female and allotype male: ECUADOR, Milagro, xii.1922, F. X. Williams col[lector] (BPBM). Voucher: (Females) BRAZIL, 1 female, Roraima, Rio Uraricoera, Ilha de Maracá, 21-30.xi.1987, J.A. Rafael e equipe (INPA); 1 female, Pará, Serra Norte, Estrada do Manganês, – Malaise (MPEG); 1 female, Melgaço, Caxiuanã-ECFPn, 19.xi.1998, O. Silveira, J. Pena col[etores], arm[adilha] suspensa, ASC-3.2, Rio Caxiuanã (MPEG); 1 female, Amazonas, Parnajaú, Rio Papagaio, Mata, Terra firme, 20º00'03"S 62º43'54"W, vi.2001, Arm[adilha] suspensa à 25m, Henriques & J.F. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 female, Autazes, Autaz Mirim, Fazenda Talismã, 1-15.xii.1994, arm[adilha] Malaise, T.E. Binda col. (INPA); 1 female, Itacoatiara, Mil Madeireira, 21-26.xi.1999, Malaise, J.F. Vidal col. (INPA); 2 females, 26 Km NE Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 27.x.1988; 1 female, 7.xii.1988, arm[adilha] suspensa 10 metros; 1 female, 12.ix.1988; 1 female, 06.01.1989, arm[adilha] suspensa 15 metros; 1 female, 27.x.1988; 1 female, 29.xii.1988, J.A. Rafael, arm[adilha] suspensa 20 metros (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Res[erva] Campina, Km 60, 15.iii.1990, Malaise, B. Klein col[etor] (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 6-17.vii.1992, Adesiva 1m, J. Vidal & J. Vidal col[etores] (INPA); 2 females, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, 6-20.x.1994, arm[adilha] suspense, torre 15m, J.A. Rafael & J. Vidal col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, reserva Ducke, Norte-sul 2, 200m, xi.2003, arm[adilha] suspensa preto 20m, A. Henriques e equipe col. (INPA); 1 females, Manaus, Reserva Ducke, Oeste-leste 2, 800m, x.2003, arm[adilha] suspensa vermelho, A. Henriques e equipe col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva ducke, Igarapé Tinga, iii.2004, arm[adilha] suspensa 25m, A. Henriques e equipe col. (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Base de Instrução 2, Clareira igarapé, 10-20.xi.1997, arm[adilha] suspensa alta (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Base de Instrução 2, mata, 01-11.xii.1997, arm[adilha] suspensa alta (INPA); 1 female, Manaus, Reserva 1401, Gavião, 17-31.i.1996, suspensa (INPA); Manaus, 1 female, Reserva 1501, Km 47,; 3 females, 18-30.ix.1995; 1 females, 15-30.iii.1996, arm[adilha] suspensa (INPA). (Males) BRAZIL, 2 males, Pará, Oriximiná, Porto Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 14-24.xii.2006, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.Cardoso & G.Costa col. (UFES #106492, #106519); 1 male, Parauapebas, Serra do Norte, Rio Salobo, 1720.viii.1984, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 male, Altamira, Rio Xingu, Ilha Bela Vista, 2024.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 male, Vitória do Xingu, Rio Xingu, Bacajá, Bom Jardim, 20-24.xi.2007, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveira & equipe col. (MPEG); 3 males, Altamira, Torrão, 27-30.i.2008, arm[adilha] Malaise, O.T. Silveria & equipe col. (MPEG); 1 male, Pernambuco, Crato, Bezena, Serra do Araripe, V.1964, M. Alvarenga col[etor] (CNCI); 1 male, Bahia, Coaraci, Faz[enda] São José, 14º38'S 39º32'W, 26.xi.2002, arm[adilha] Malaise (MPEG); 4 males, Goiás, 1 male, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05; 2 males, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 20; 2 males, 0715.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 08; 1 male, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 09; 1 male, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 19; 2 males, 07-23.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 15; 1 male, 10-22.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 22; 2 males, 12-24.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 27; 1 male, 15-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 06; 3 males, 15-25.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 3; 3 males, 17-19.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 06; 1 male, 09-11.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 03; 1 male, 09-11.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 08; 1 male, 10-12.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 14; 1 male, 11-13.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 09; 1 male, 12-14.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 14; 1 male, 16-18.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 18; 2 males, 17-19.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Möricke 10, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); 1 male, Paraná, Ponta Grossa, Vila Velha, Res[erva] IAPAR, BR 376, 25.I.1988, arm[adilha] Malaise, Levanta[ment]o Entomol[ógico] Profaupar (DZPR).

Variation. Propodeal disc with longitudinal ridge between the median and inner discal carinae

Remarks. This species was known from Ecuador and now it is recorded for the first time from Brazil (Roraima, Pará, Amazonas, Ceará, Pernambuco, Bahia, Goiás, and Paraná). It can be recognized by having the notauli, mesoscutellar sulcus and mesopleural acropleural sulcus wide.

Laelius nigriscapus (Evans, 1965)

Figs 77-80

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) nigriscapus Evans, 1965: 72, 78. Laelius nigriscapus (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 2.6 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Eye large. Frons coriaceous. WH 0.98 x LH; WF 0.64 x WH; WF 1.23 x HE; VOL 0.31 x HE; OOL 0.87 x WOT; posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 0.7 x DAO. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc with series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 1.2 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second discal carina; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina and striae. Mesopleuron with lower and posterior fovea fused.

Material examined. Holotype: female, ARGENTINA, 5 miles N Jujuy, 15.ii.1951, Ross & Michelbacher col[lectors] (CASC #8846). Voucher: BRAZIL, Pará, 1 female, Oriximiná, Porto Trombetas, 01º27'S 56º30'W, 13-20.x.2000, (UFES #105439); 1 female, 26.x-2.xi.2000, arm[adilha] Malaise, J.Cardoso & G.Costa col. (UFES #105446); 1 female, Santana do Araguaia, 0113.vii.1992, D. Pimentel col. (MPEG); 1 female, Goiás, Alto Paraíso, P[ar]q[ue] Nac[ional da] Chapada dos Veadeiros, 14º00'S 47º41'W, 07-15.ix.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise 05, Aguiar & eq[uipe] col[etores] (UFES); D[istrito] F[ederal], 1 female, Brasília, Reserva Ecológica do IBGE, 15º55'58"S 47º51'02"W, 18-25.I.1980; 1 female, 05-12.xii.1980; 1 female, 16-23.I.1981; 1 female, 306.I.1981; 1 female, 13-20.ii.1981; 1 female, 30-6.ii.1981; 1 female, 13-20.iii.1981; 2 females, 10-24.iv.1981; 1 female, 27-3.iv.1981; 1 female, 28-II.ix.1981;1 female, 2-9.x.1981; 5 females, 916.x.1981; 1 female, 16-23.x.1981; 2 females, 23-29.x.1981; 1 female, 25-2.x.1981; 1 female, 05-12.xi.1981; 1 female, 1017.xii.1981; 1 female, 18-23.xii.1981; 1 female, 23-30.xii.1981; 1 female, 24-30.ix.1982; 1 female, 11-18.xi.1982; 1 female, 318.ii.1983, Campo Sujo, [armadilha] janela, Col. B.F.S. Dias e outros (IBGE); 1 female, Minas Gerais, Marliéria, P[arque] E[stadual do] Rio Doce, Mata do Gambá, 19º37'S 42º34'W, 22-29.x.2005, arm[adilha] Malaise, JCR. Fontenelle col. (UFES #103002).

Remarks. This species was known from Argentina and now it is recorded for the first time from Brazil (Pará, Amazonas, Goiás, Distrito Federal, and Minas Gerais).

The holotype is a female rather than a male, contradicting the sex assignment by Evans (1965) in the original description.

Laelius pedatus (Say, 1836)

Figs 81-84

Bethylus pedatus Say, 1836: 281.

Ateleopterus nubilipennis Ashmead, 1887: 97.

Bethylus constrictus Ashmead, 1893: 53.

Laelius tricarinatus Ashmead, 1893: 50, 51.

Laelius rufipes Ashmead, 1893: 50, 51-52.

Laelius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1893: 52.

Laelius ashmeadi Kieffer, 1908: 38 (replacement name for L. rufipes).

Laelius fumipennis Brues, 1910: 45-46.

Laelius foersteri Kieffer, 1914: 565 (replacement name for Bethylus rufipes).

Laelius pedatus (Say, 1836): combined by Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951: 728.

Rhabdepyris areolatus Rosmann & Azevedo, 2005: 397-408. Syn. nov. Diagnosis. Female. Body 2.51 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black; forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened

apical teeth. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin straight. Frons coriaceous. WH 1.0 x LH; WF 0.63 x WH; WF 1.58 x HE; VOL 0.6 x HE; OOL 0.94 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle almost right. Vertex slightly convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus incomplete and weak. Propodeal disc 1.14 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median carina complete; inner discal carina incomplete; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with carina. Forewing with r-rs & Rs straight, as long as Rs+M.

Diagnosis. Male. Body 1.97 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black, forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin straight. Frons coriaceous. WH 1.08 x LH; WF 0.58 x WH; WF 1.35 x HE; VOL 0.57 x HE; OOL 0.76 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and weak. Propodeal disc as long as wide, with five discal carinae; median carina complete; inner discal carina incomplete; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with carina. Forewing with r-rs & Rs straight, as long as Rs+M. Hypopygium with median stalk about 0.5 x as long as plate, posterior margin straight. Genitalia with paramere wide, narrowing up to rounded apex, cuspis wide, narrowing up to rounded apex, aedeagus bottle-shaped.

Material examined. Syntypes male and female of Laelius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1893: [U.S.A.], Fl[orid]a, Jacks[o]nville, IV.[18]87 (USNM, #14060). Male herein designated as lectotype and female as paralectotype. Holotype of Laelius constrictus (Ashmead, 1893): [U.S.A.], Fl[orid]a, Jacks[o]nville, IV.[18]87 (USNM, #14061); Syntype female of Laelius tricarinatus Ashmead, 1893: [U.S.A.], D[istrict of] C[olumbia], Washington (USNM, #14059), herein designated as lectotype. Syntype female: [U.S.A.], [Western States], #1344 (USNM, #2188), herein designated as lectotype. Holotype of Laelius areolatus (Rosmann & Azevedo) (Figs 81-84): BRAZIL, Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, UFMG, 22.ii.1998, D. Yanega [col.] (UFMG); Holotype of Laelius fumipennis Brues, 1910: [U.S.A.], Mass[achusetts], Forest Hills, 26.ix.1908 (MCZH, #28163); Holotype of Laelius nubilipennis Ashmead, 1887: [U.S.A.], Fl[orida], Jacksonville (USNM, #14051).

Remarks. The original description was based on a couple. The male is presently designated as the lectotype and the female as the paralectotype.

The characters of L. areolatus agree with those of L. pedatus, including the short length of 2R1 of forewing. Therefore, we synonymize the former under the latter.

Laelius versicolor (Evans, 1970)

Figs 85-88

Rhabdepyris versicolor Evans, 1970: 342, 343.

Laelius versicolor (Evans, 1970): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 2.15 mm. Head and lateral of pronotal disc blue-violet, mesosoma bluish-green, forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal, with apical margin angulate. Frons strongly coriaceous. WH 1.05 x LH; WF 0.56 x WH; WF 1.19 x HE; VOL 0.5 x HE; OOL 1.0 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle right. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc without series of foveae posteriorly. Mesoscutum with notaulus complete and convergent posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete and convergent posteriorly. Mesocutellar sulcus with extremeties not dilated. Propodeal disc 1.2 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae; median carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina incomplete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina. Mesopleuron with lower fovea fused with posterior fovea.

Material examined. Holotype female: VIRGIN ISL[ANDS], St. Croix, East Point, 13-17.II.[19]67, H.E. Evans col[lector] (MCZH, #31742).

Notes on Nearctic species of Laelius Laelius centratus (Say, 1836)

Bethylus centratus Say, 1836: 281.

Paralaelius centratus (Say, 1836): combined by Kieffer, 1908: 39.

Laelius centratus (Say, 1836): combined by Muesebeck & Walkley, 1951: 728.

Laelius trogodermatis Ashmead, 1893: 50, 51.

Laelius occidentalis Whittaker, 1929 [1928]: 387-388.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 3.6 mm. Dark castaneous, forewing hyaline. Mandible with five sharpened apical teeth. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin straight. Frons coriaceous, punctures inconspicuous. WH 1.07 x LH, WF 0.56 x WH, WF 1.2 x HE, VOL 0.53 x HE; OOL 0.67 x WOT. Frontal angle of ocellar triangle almost right, posterior ocellus touching vertex crest. Vertex slightly convex. Mesoscutum with notaulus and parapsidal signum conspicuous and incomplete anteriorly. Propodeal disc 0.96 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae, median carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carinae; inner discal carina incomplete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second pair of discal carinae incomplete. Declivity of propodeum with median carina weak. R-rs & Rs 0.7 x as long as Rs+M, straight. Metasoma missing.

Material examined. Syntype female of Laelius trogodermatis Ashmead, 1893; here designated as lectotype: [U.S.A.], D[istrict of] C[olumbia], 3575, par[as]i[ting] on Trogoderma tarsele found in Belfrage Coll[ection], 1.xi.[18]84 (USNM #2187); holotype of Laellius occidentalis Whittaker, 1929 [1928]: CANADA, B[ritish] C[olumbia], Chilliwack,, O. Whittaker Coll[ector] per W.H. Storey, B.M. 1947-212 (BMNH). Voucher: MEXICO, 1 female, Baja Cal[ifornia] N[orte], Bahia de Los Angeles, vi.1996, ~1m in land, T. Jackson (CNCI).

Remarks. This species was known from Canada, U.S.A., and Mexico. The known distribution indicates that L. centratus probably is restricted to the Nearctic region. It is promptly recognized by its broad ocellar triangle.

The type of this species, which is supposed to be at USNM, has apparently been lost. Laelius trogodermatis was described based on a couple, but both syntypes deposited at USNM are females. Here we considered the specimen with code USNM #2187, deposited at the primary type collection, as the lectotype.

Laelius huachucae (Evans, 1965) stat. rev.

Rhabdepyris (Rhabdepyris) huachucae Evans, 1965: 71, 73-74, 80, 84-85.

Mesitius nigripilosus Ashmead, 1895: 539 necLaelius nigripilosus Ashmeand, 1893 et necRhabdepyris nigropilosus Evans, 1966 [1965]. Synonym by Evans (1966 [1965]): 268.

Laelius huachucae (Evans, 1965): combined by Waichert & Azevedo, 2009: 23.

Diagnosis. Female. Body 4.65 mm. Dark castaneous to nearly black, forewing hyaline. Mandible with five apical sharpened teeth, two lowermost teeth wider than others. Clypeus with median lobe trapezoidal with apical margin angulate. Frons strongly coriaceous. WH 0.92 x LH; WF 0.59 x WH; WF 1.57 x HE; VOL 0.7 x HE; OOL 1.1 x WOT, frontal angle of ocellar triangle right, posterior ocellus distant from vertex crest 0.5 x DAO. Vertex slightly convex. Pronotal disc without series of foveae posteriorly. Mesocutum with notaulus complete, wide, and converging posteriorly; parapsidal signum incomplete. Propodeal disc 1.38 x as long as wide; with five discal carinae, median discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between median and inner discal carina; inner discal carina complete; with longitudinal ridge between inner and second pair of discal carinae; second discal carina incomplete; sublateral and lateral carinae conspicuous. Declivity areolate with median carina. Mesopleuron lower and posterior fovea fused; posterior fovea not fused with mesopleural suture.

Material examined. Holotype female: [U.S.A.], Ariz[ona], Huachucal Mts., Ramsey C[anyo]n, F.G. Werner & G.D. Butler col[lector] (MCZH #30936).

Remarks. This species cannot be treated as a junior synonym of L. billi nom. nov. as established by Evans (1966) because the former has the head with eye large and ocelli small, the mesopleuron with lower and posterior foveae fused, the propodeal disc with inner discal carina complete, whereas the latter has the head with eye small and ocelli large, the mesopleuron with lower and posterior foveae not fused, the propodeal disc with inner discal carina incomplete.


We are grateful to all museum curators for loaning the material studied and for permission to retain duplicates; to Gabriel Mejdalani for his careful reading and review; to FAPES for the fellowships provided to the first author, grant #020/ 2012; to CNPq for the fellowships provided to the second author, grant #301669/2010-4 and FAPES/CNPq #52263010/2011.


Submitted: 14.X.2013;

Accepted: 16.III.2014.

Editorial responsibility: Gabriel L.F. Mejdalani

All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY-NC.


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  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      04 July 2014
    • Date of issue
      June 2014


    • Received
      14 Oct 2013
    • Accepted
      16 Mar 2014
    Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia Caixa Postal 19020, 81531-980 Curitiba PR Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 41) 3266-6823 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil
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