Basic Information
Ambiente Construído is a scientific journalof continuous publication of the National Association of the Built Environment Technology (Associação Nacional de Tecnologia do Ambiente Construído - ANTAC), which is a nonprofit and the main Brazilian scientific association on this topic. The central aim is to help develop and disseminate scientific knowledge. Initially edited as a printed journal, Ambiente Construído is currently available only in electronic form, with free access in the internet. Original and unpublished scientific articles are accepted for publication. Articles must be based on research, related to the area of knowledge called Technology for the Built Environment, which covers conceptual design, design, production, operation, maintenance, demolition and recycling or reuse of buildings and their immediate surroundings. Publication frequency Continuous publishing. |
Indexed in
Publication Ethics (COPE)
Ambiente Construído is committed to following ethical behaviour at all stages of the publication process. Thus, the author, editor, editorial committee and reviewers must maintain good ethical practices. We always advocate good practices recommended by DORA (San Francisco Declaration on research evaluation). The journal considers it an unethical practice to submit the article in more than one journal, as well as to publish it in more than one journal. Thus, the author must comply with the guidelines from the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Any questions should be sent to the email Cases of suspected ethical violation: Publication in another journal, non-existent data, authorship without effective participation, plagiarism or self-plagiarism, ethical issues related to the research, appropriation of ideas or data by the reviewers, among others, are considered cases of suspected ethical violation. So, Ambiente Construído guidelines for dealing with these issues include:
Authors are responsible for:
The editorial committee is responsible for:
Responsibilities of reviewers The reviewers are responsible for:
Conflict of interests The editorial board is responsible for investigating cases of negligence and misconduct. In case of conflict of interest, the editorial board will strictly monitor the submission. Therefore, any observation about conflict must be communicated to the Journal to resolve them quickly and transparently. Editors, evaluators, reviewers and anyone involved in the editorial process must report cases of conflict of interest, even if not confirmed. Plagiarism and editorial misconduct Plagiarism is forbidden in Ambiente Construído. All articles submitted to the Built Environment are checked for plagiarism on the Plagium and CopySpider platforms before starting peer review operation. When a plagiarism is detected, even if it is an excerpt from the author without proper reference, the editor notifies the author to make the necessary corrections and thus enable a new submission. If any member of the editorial team becomes aware of possible misconduct related to an Ambiente Construído article, the responsible editor will follow COPE's guidelines for handling the allegations. Sex and gender issues Guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research must be observed at all stages of the editorial process, from authors to publication. These guidelines (SAGER) instruct reporting information about sex and gender, both in the study and in the analysis of data and results, as well as in the interpretation of considerations. Ambiente Construído takes gender equity into account in its editorial board. |
Copyright Statement (Copyright)
Authors who publish in Ambiente Construído agree to the terms:
Digital preservation
Ambiente Construído uses the LOCKSS digital preservation system to guarantee the distribution and preservation of its content. And it is also preserved in the Cariniana Network, in order to preserve its content in the long term. |
Managing editor
Associate editor
Editorial board
Advisory board
Editorial production
Editorial assistant
Scope and policy
Original and unpublished scientific articles are accepted for publication. Articles must be based on research, related to the area of knowledge called Technology for the Built Environment, which covers conceptual design, design, production, operation, maintenance, demolition and recycling or reuse of buildings and their immediate surroundings. We do not accept texts that contain a simple bibliographic review, without the research method or approach being original. If part of the results presented have already been disclosed, the design of the text and its main conclusions must be original and unpublished. Ambiente Construído encourages and allows the submission of articles deposited on a recognized preprint server. Conditions for submission When submitting an article to the journal Ambiente Construído, authors must agree and accept the following conditions:
Search data Ambiente Construído encourages the sharing of research data. Thus, it suggests the deposit by the authors of the research data in institutional or even thematic repositories. We request the citation, referencing and declaration of research data in case there is reuse of data. Collection of fees The Ambiente Construído journal does not charge a fee (APC) for publishing an article, at any stage of the process. There is also no charge for distributing or downloading articles, being completely free and open access. Peer review Articles submitted to the Ambiente Construído journal are evaluated using a double blind peer review system. It is the editor´s responsibility to check the relevance of the subject and if the author has followed the editorial guidelines of the journal. If your article is accepted at this stage, your article is sent to at least three reviewers bearing no indication of the authorship. In order to ensure a standard in this evaluation process, the editorial staff has prepared a form including recommendations that guide the reviewers to prepare their report on your article. After the reviewers have done this, the editor sends you your article, according to the recommendations given by the peers without identifying them. The editorial board of the journal Ambiente Construído recommends that the peer reviewers’ assessments take the following items into consideration: organization and structure of the paper, text quality, technical and scientific quality of the study, relevance of the theme and originality of the subject and consistency of the results presented. With regards to the structure, reviewers are asked to consider the logical structure of the paper, which must include a theoretical background, a description of the research methods and presentation and discussion of the results. As to the text, reviewers will check for clarity and also spelling and grammatical quality. Assessment of the technical and scientific quality involves an analysis of the correct employment of concepts, depth of the content, scientific rigour of the investigation and citations of fundamental, internationally acknowledged references as well as clear contributions to scientific knowledge. As to the relevance, the work must be connected with significant issues related to the built environment technology. With respect to originality, reviewers must evaluate the uniqueness of the contribution, in addition to the innovation potential of the work. The journal also allows reviewers to add criteria that may contribute to improve the quality of the publication. The average time for the first return is 60 days. |
Form and preparation of manuscripts
Articles can be presented in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The draft of the article should have a maximum of 7,000 words and 5MB, counting from the introduction of the article to the conclusion. The original should be formatted in A4 with single line spacing, Times New Roman font, size 12. The top and left margins should be 3 cm and the bottom and right margins 2 cm. On the first page, there should be the title in Portuguese and English, abstract and 3 to 6 keywords in each of the languages. Title 1: Times New Roman, size 14, in bold and capital letters. E.g.: RESULTS Title 2: Times New Roman, size 12, bold. Ex.: Characteristics and appropriation of open spaces Title 3: Times New Roman, size 12, not bold. Example: Townhouses After peer review and acceptance of the article, the text editing begins:
The article should contain: Title: the title of the article should be brief (maximum 15 words) and sufficiently specific and descriptive, containing the keywords that reflect and should include some key-words that are representative of the content of the text. (maximum 15 words) Indication of authorship: no information identifying the authors should be included in the paper. The identification of the authors should be made in the appropriate fields available at SEER. The name of each author should be included in full in that system, without abbreviation. The name of each author must be entered completely and without abbreviations, with indication of affiliation and ORCID Abstract: an abstract of between 100 and 200 words should be included at the beginning, in the language used for writing the article. A translation of the abstract into English should be made, if the article is not written in that language, or into Portuguese, if the article is written in English. The abstract must present the objective, a concise description of the method, and the main results achieved, highlighting the scientific contributions of the article. Keywords: after the abstract, between at least three and at most six keywords, which help in the identification of the main topics discussed in the article, must be included. should be included to help identify the main subjects addressed in the article.
Article: the text should have an introduction section, with the aim of informing the reader about the theme to be discussed, including the results of relevant previous research. A brief literature review must be presented, including key references on which the research work was found. A substantial part of the article should be for describing the development of the research and discussing the results obtained. The description, although brief, should be clear, enabling the reader to fully understand the procedure adopted, or to have access to it by references cited. The research method should be presented in detail, including the outline or strategies used, as well as clearly specified data collection and analysis tools. References: all references of publications directly or indirectly cited in the text should be included. Those references must be formatted according to the NBR 6023:2018 standard, and listed in alphabetic order. references should be cited at the end of the article in alphabetical order, according to NBR 6023 - References - Elaboration (2018). References should be presented according to the instructions, but you should not include too many. If possible, avoid:
Examples: AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. C-780: standard test method for preconstruction and construction evaluation of mortars for plain and reinforced unit masonry. Philadelphia, 1991. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 6461: blocos cerâmicos para alvenaria: verificação da resistência à compressão. Rio de Janeiro, 1983a. ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. NBR 7211: agregado para concreto: especificação. Rio de Janeiro, 1983b. BARROS, M. M. B. Metodologia para implantação de tecnologias construtivas racionalizadas na produção de edifícios. São Paulo, 1996. 410 f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Civil) - Escola Politécnica, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, 1996. BLEDZIK, A. K. et al. A comparision of compounding process and wood type For wood fibre-pp composites. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, v. 36, p. 789-797, 2005. BRANDÃO, D. Q.; HEINECK, L. F. M. Classificação das formas de aplicação da flexibilidade arquitetônica planejada em projetos de edifícios residenciais. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE TECNOLOGIA DO AMBIENTE CONSTRUÍDO, 7., Florianópolis, 1998. Anais [...] Florianópolis: UFSC, ANTAC, 1998. v. 2, p. 215-222. LAVELLE, J. A. Acrylic latex-modified Portland cement. ACI Materials Journal, Detroit, v. 6, n. 1, p. 41-48, jan./feb. 1988. MORAES, R. C.; ISAIA, G. C.; GASTALDINI, A. L. G. Efeitos da cinza de casca de arroz e fíler calcário sobre a resistência mecânica do concreto. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE CONCRETO, 43., Fortaleza, 2000. Anais [...] Fortaleza: IBRACOM, 2000. SAKAI, E.; SUGITA, J. Composite mechanism of polymer modified cement. Cement and Concrete Research, Oxforf, v. 25, n. 1, p. 127-135, 1995. RAPOPORT, A. Environmental Cognition in Cross-Cultural Perspective. In: MOORE, G. T.; GOLLEDGE, R. G. (ed.). Environmental knowing. Stroudsburg: Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, 1976. p. 220-234. Citations: citations in the body of the text must comply with the way adopted in the references, according to NBR 10520: Presentation of citations in documents (2023), as for example: According to Morais et al. (2000) ... ... (Brandão, Heineck, 1998). A NBR 6461 (ABNT, 1983a) specifies .... Sakai and Sugita (1995) suggest ... ..., (Silva, Roman, 2001; Lavelle, 1998). ... as proposed in C-780 (ASTM, 1991). Acknowledgments: acknowledgments to research funding agencies, institutions other than the author (s) and any supervisors or people who inspired the research may be mentioned at the end of the article, only in the final version, after the article has been approved for publication. Footnote marks: footnote marks inserted in the body of the article must be shown by Roman numerals, in superscript format, immediately after the sentence to which it refers. The marks should be included in the footnote of the text, on the page where they appear. Illustrations: figures, clear photographs and graphs (strictly for the clarity of the text) may be accepted and should be marked in the text by their number and their legend in the places where they should be interspersed. If the submitted illustrations have already been published, please mention the source and permission for reproduction. Illustrations should be called figures. Charts and tables: charts and tables should be accompanied by a caption to understand the meaning of the data collected. Please indicate in the text (by their number of order and legend) the places where they should be inserted. Charts and tables should be made in a Word document. Formulas: formulas must be numbered and cited throughout the text. Style: the text should be clear, direct and precise, avoiding fancy language, excessive adjectives or long phrases. Doubts, please write to |
Send of the manuscripts
Authors should submit their papers at the Ambiente Construído journal website, where all the necessary steps for submission are described. In this process, all authors must register in the system. The article must be submitted only in a .doc file type. If the article is accepted for publication, after the necessary revisions, the final version should also be in the same format. At the initial submission, authors should also send a permission for publishing the paper, in case it is accepted. |