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About the journal


Basic information


Alea: Estudos Neolatinos – Organized by the Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures (Letras Neolatinas) at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), the journal is a non-profit, open access, quarterly scientific periodical part of the group of Brazilian scientific journals in the Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO which joined the Open Science program, having earned the “Qualis A1” top-grade evaluation granted by CAPES, the Brazilian Government Development Agency, and indexed in SciELO, Scopus, Web of Science, among other regional indexers such as Latindex and Redalyc.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos has as its mission the dissemination of original research works, of a high scientific impact, from various fields of knowledge production related to the broad area of Literature, specifically, of Romance-language letters (Letras Neolatinas), in the areas of study of Hispanic Literatures, Italian Literature, French-language Literatures, and other literatures in Romance languages such as Portuguese, Romanian, Catalan; Galician or Provençal, as well as other Romance-language Literatures produced in cultural contact with other linguistic universes. Thus, the journal publishes critical and historiographical studies of each cultural universe in the Romance language landscape, as well as studies in theory, comparative studies, and translation studies of interest to the understanding of this universe, accepting works written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos only accepts the submission of unpublished works, in printed or electronic media, except for those made available as preprints in the SciELO repository. It does not accept simultaneous submissions for evaluation with another journal.

All works suited to the journal’s profile are subjected to the Peer Review process, receiving the evaluation of at least two ad hoc consultants (reviewers) chosen from specialists in the field.

The abbreviation of its title is Alea, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and in bibliographic references and captions.



Indexed sources

  • SciELO
  • Scopus
  • Web of Science         
  • Redalyc
  • Latindex


Intellectual Property


All content in the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under CC BY. The online version of the journal is open access and free of charge.           



Institutional sponsors


The journal Alea: Estudos Neolatinos is funded by the Scientific Publications Program at CAPES and CNPq, both Brazilian Government Development Agencies, and also at FAPERJ, the Development Agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro.



Editorial Board







Founding Editors



Editorial board


Editorial Production



Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


Alea: Estudos Neolatinos was created in 1999 with the objective of constituting an instrument for the exchange of research between the Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures (Letras Neolatinas) and other Graduate Programs within Brazil, in order to stimulate the debate between researchers - professors and students - and, moreover, between society and academia. As a long-term goal, the Graduate Program in Romance Languages and Literatures also longed for a closer exchange with foreign universities that, on the one hand, would bring information and benefits in relation to the Romance-language literatures and cultures studied and taught at our university, and that, on the other hand, could learn about the research that Brazilian universities undertake in earnest regarding modern foreign literatures, especially those linked to Hispanic cultures and French and Italian-language cultures.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos is characterized by the publication of critical and historiographical studies of each cultural universe of the Romance space, and also of studies in theory, comparative studies and translation studies of interest to the understanding of this universe, accepting works written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and English. Thus, the journal is open to comparative studies surrounding a thematic nucleus, which allows us to confront what the literatures studied at the Graduate Program owe or lend to other literatures, or simply how they rewrite universal questions, or how their own questions are received and rewritten by other cultures.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos is a journal of excellence in the area of Literature, top-ranked as “Qualis A1” by CAPES, the Brazilian Government Development Agency, since the start of the journal qualification system in Brazil. Alea is indexed in Scielo, Scopus, Web of Science, Latindex, Redalyc and, according to the 2020 Scimago Journal & Country Rank, is among the 25 most respected journals in the area of Literature and Literary Theory in Latin America. Quarterly, non-profit and open access, all online and printed issues are available from the actual issue date.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos is strictly guided by an exogenous policy, assigning an average of 90% of its space to researchers from other Brazilian and foreign universities. Published authors come from the most diverse areas of Romance Studies, Comparative Studies, Translation Studies, Literary Theory and Philosophical Studies linked to problems of language, literature, culture and contemporary society. For the obvious reason that Portuguese is a Romance language (língua neolatina), studies of Brazilian literature and other Portuguese-language literatures are also assimilated with an emphasis on transatlantic, Ibero-American and Inter-American relations.

In order to facilitate the transit of the journal in Brazil and abroad, we seek the support of diverse professors and researchers from prominent university centers who, when consulted, are willing to collaborate with our editorial enterprise as guest editors for the organization of thematic issues (dossiers). Such proposals are to be sent with the researcher’s curriculum vitae and will be evaluated according to thematic relevance and the journal’s production plan without prior commitment of acceptance and/or publication as all works received by the guest editor undergo the same peer review process defined in the guidelines of Alea: Estudos Neolatinos. 

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos is among the first group of Brazilian scientific journals to join the Open Science program, allowing submission works placed as preprints as an option for authors to formally begin communicating their research, as well as options for an open peer review process acceptable to authors and/or reviewers.

In addition to this policy of scientific and democratizing interest, authors are not required to pay any fees for article submission and/or evaluation and/or publication. We also do not have a degree requirement for authors, as our only requirement is the scientific quality of the works we publish, their originality and relevance to the scientific development of the area. This is guaranteed by a demanding evaluation system and the conscious participation of a body of reviewers made up of colleagues with recognized work in the area. Furthermore, we publish a section with dissertation and thesis reviews, which seems to us to be extremely useful, as it allows for these works to be disseminated to the public and even to be requested by interested researchers. Translations, critical reviews, interviews and archival findings are also published and duly mentioned in the issue presentation.

The journal is supported by two Brazilian Government Development Agencies: CAPES, through gazetted funding for scientific journal editing or its Graduate Support Program; and CNPq, through its Scientific Publications Support Program. It is also supported by FAPERJ, the Development Agency of the State of Rio de Janeiro. Within the scope of the strategic areas prioritized by the piece of legislation entitled “PORTARIA MCTI Nº 5.109, DE 16 DE Agosto DE 2021”, enacted by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, the editorial project of Alea: Estudos Neolatinos adheres to the area of Promotion, Popularization and Dissemination of Science, Technology and Innovation, considering that it is indeed a scientific journal of international breadth, fully inserted in the policies of communication and dissemination of Brazilian scientific production.



Guidelines for Authors


The journal Alea: Estudos Neolatinos operates through the Scielo online submission system. Therefore, articles will be sent exclusively through this platform. In order to submit their work to the journal, each author must register by simply accessing the link:

Authors must correctly fill in their profile, observing the mandatory fields (those with an asterisk). They must also inform the ORCID account address in the ORCID Id field and fill in the “Institution/Affiliation” field. In “Register as”, choose the “Author” option. Click on “Register” at the bottom of the page to “save” the given information. Once registered, the user can proceed with the steps requested by the system to submit and send their manuscript, through the following link:

IMPORTANT: If the author is already registered, it is necessary to verify, and eventually provide, the ORCID and institutional information. To do so, after logging in, you must edit the “Profile” (in the user menu, at the top right of the page). There, in the “Contact” tab, fill in the “Institution/Affiliation” field. Then, in the “Public” tab, click on the “Create or connect your ORCID iD” button and follow the instructions.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos accepts the following types of work:

1. Unpublished articles in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English, related to the area of Literature (minimum of 25,000 and maximum of 40,000 characters with spaces);

2. Critical reviews of dissertations, theses and books of interest to the area of Literature (minimum of 10,000 and maximum of 15,000 characters with spaces);

3. Translations of essays and literary texts, with the authorization of the author and/or editor (up to 15,000 characters with spaces).

4. Unpublished interviews with writers, critics, professors or researchers with relevant work in the area. Appropriate permission from the interviewee is required.

5. Submission of unpublished materials from writers’ archives with authorization from the person or entity responsible for copyright.

Alea: Estudos Neolatinos only accepts the submission of unpublished works, in printed or electronic media, except for those exclusively available in the SciELO Preprints repository. Simultaneous submission for evaluation with another journal is not permitted.

All works must be accompanied by abstracts (up to 150 words) in Portuguese, English and a third language (Spanish, French or Italian), and three to five keywords in the three languages of the abstracts. The title of the work must also be in English.

Authors who opt for preprint and subsequent or simultaneous submission to Alea: Estudos Neolatinos must: a) have their manuscript deposited exclusively on the SciELO Preprints server (; and b) inform that the manuscript is deposited on the SciELO preprints server, as well as its name and URL/DOI both in the “Comments to the Editor” field and in the “Open Science Compliance Form” (document to be filled out and attached as a supplementary PDF file at the time of submission).

In the case of collectively authored works, the main author must include the names of all coauthors in the submission metadata, following a descending order according to the different degrees of participation.



Format, Author Data and Bibliographic References


The format of works must be compatible with Windows, and the texts must have side margins of 3 cm, font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing, sent in a file without author identification.

Content notes must be formatted as footnotes. The bibliographic references will follow the ABNT style [in the body of the text and in parentheses: AUTHOR, year of publication, and page number(s)]. At the end of the article, the author must list the bibliographic references cited throughout the text in alphabetical order, containing the author’s name, the title of the work or article and the work in which it is included, the place, the publisher, the date of publication and page number(s), as shown in the examples below. Quotations in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation in Portuguese.

ENSURING BLIND PEER REVIEWING: It is important to remember that the author’s name cannot appear in the text sent to the journal. If the author cites his, her or themself in the work, he, she or they must replace the references to his, her or their name with “author”, in addition to not citing the title of the work in question. If the article is accepted, this information must be included later, in the review stage, along with a small biographical presentation (up to six lines), stating full name, degree, institution, position and most relevant publications.


Rosa, João Gimarães. Grande Sertão: Veredas. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 1986: 118-119.

Book Chapter:

Guilhaumou, J. & Maldidier, D. “Da enunciação ao acontecimento em Análise do Discurso”. Em: Guimarães, E. (org.). História e sentido na linguagem. Campinas: Pontes, 1989:66.

Copyright Notice:

THE AUTHOR/S confirm/s his, her or their participation in all stages of work preparation: 1) Conception, project, bibliographical research, analysis and interpretation of data; 2) Writing and reviewing the manuscript; 3) Approval of the final version of the manuscript for publication; 4) Responsibility for all aspects of the work and guarantee for the accuracy and integrity of any part of the work. The submission of works implies the immediate cession, without onus, by all authors, of publication rights to the journal Alea, licensed under CC BY. The authors are fully responsible for the content of the article and continue to hold all copyrights for subsequent publications of it, and should, if possible, include the reference to the first publication in the journal. Alea does not commit to returning received contributions. Authors of articles, reviews or translations will receive a copy of the journal.

Privacy Statement:

The names and addresses provided to this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.



Programa de Pos-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras -UFRJ Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21941-97 - Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil , - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil