Basic Information
The Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas is the successor of "Boletim do Museu Paraense de História Natural e Etnographia", founded by Emílio Goeldi in 1894. The mission of the journal is to publish original works in Anthropology, Archaeology, Indigenous Languages, and in related fields. It accepts contributions in Portuguese, Spanish, English, and French for the following sections: Research Articles, Review Articles, Short Communications, Memory, Book Reviews, Thesis and Dissertations. It is published on a quarterly basis (April, August, and December). Its abbreviated title is Bol. Mus. Para. Emílio Goeldi. Cienc. Hum., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. The Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas has a policy of open access. In order to guarantee originality of its contents, the Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas applies anti-plagiarism tools that are available on the Web. |
Indexed in
Intellectual Property
The journal is supported by:
Scientific Editor
Associate Editors
Scientific Editorial Council
Editorial Production
Editorial Assistants
Editorial Support
Focus and scope
The Bulletin of the Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi Human Sciences has the mission to publish original work in archaeology, history, anthropology, indigenous linguistics, and correlated subjects, as well as promote diversity regarding equity of genders, ethical groups, and geographical representativity. |
Section Policies
The journal accepts contributions in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French for the following categories: Review Articles - analytical texts or essays that contain a bibliographical or theoretical review of a certain subject or topic.Between 15 and 30 pages. Short Communications - short preliminary reports on field observations, challenges faced and progress made in on going research emphasizing hypotheses, mentioning sources, partial results, materials and methods. Maximum length: 15 pages. Memory - this category includes texts about collections or items in collections considered relevant for scientific research; fully or partly transcribed documents with an introductory text; biographical essays, including obituaries or individual memories. Maximum length: 20 pages. Debate – critical essays on current issues. Maximum length: 15 pages. Book Reviews - descriptive and/or critical reviews of printed or electronic publications. Maximum length: five pages. Theses and Dissertations – a brief description (without bibliography) of master’s theses and doctoral or other postgraduate dissertations. One page. The Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Humanas (Human Sciences) publishes abstracts of theses and dissertations, but does not publish chapters of these works. We recognize that need and academic interest in disseminating results stemming from graduate level work exist, and in these cases recommend drafting a scientific article containing unique text which differs from the original, emphasizing notable points in the research and utilizing direct citations where appropriate. This guidance contemplates monographs in general, as well as undergraduate program completion work. The journal does not accept extended abstracts, texts in the form of reports, nor work previously published in any public access mean. Peer evaluation process The journal has a Scientific Council. Manuscripts are first examined by the Editor or by one of the Associate Editors. The Editor has the right to recommend alterations to the submitted manuscripts or to return them when they fail to comply with the journal’s editorial policy. Upon acceptance, manuscripts are submitted to peer-review and are reviewed by at least two specialists who are not members of the Editorial Board. In the event of discrepancy between the reviews, the manuscript is submitted to other referee(s). In case changes or corrections are recommended, the manuscript is returned to the author(s), who have thirty days to submit a new version. In keeping with the principles of equity of ethnicity, gender, and geographical representation, the journal is committed to potentializing the diversity of expert opinions, obviously safeguarding the required principles of expertise and education. After receiving the anonymous peer reviews, the Editor decides whether the article is accepted for publication. If accepted, the author is requested to revise the article on the basis of the reviews and the Editor’s observations. The author must also explain how the revision was done and provide justification in case the advice of the reviewer(s) was not followed. It is obligatory to use the “Track Changes” function in Word, when applying changes. The revised article should be submitted via the online platform, via the revision link at “AUTHOR RESOURCES”, by clicking on “CREATE REVISION”. An author may only submit a new contribution after twelve months, counting from the previous submission date. Preprint policy Following the guidance provided by SciELO Preprints, which seeks to accelerate scientific communication, upon receiving submissions of articles on themes that require immediate dissemination of the content, the journal suggests to the authors to deposit the texts at SciELO Preprints while the evaluation process occurs (SciELO, 2021). Ethical recommendations The journal follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), uses the “Guia de boas práticas para o fortalecimento da ética na publicação científica” (2018), and follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) to guarantee the integrity of the results published by the journal. Plagiarism is seen as an editorial crime, being unacceptable conduct to the journal. As a way to prevent this harmful practice, the BMPEG Human Sciences uses the anti-plagiarism software iThenticate, from Crossref. Copyright statement The entire content of the journal is licensed under a Creative Commons License of the BY attribution type. The journal follows the recommendations of the Open Access Movement, making its entire content available online and free of charge. Publication of a manuscript entails transfer of copyright to the journal. A declaration of Assignment of Copyrights of the published work, signed by all authors, must be submitted together with the revised manuscript sent by Secretariat. Human research Research involving human beings must comply with CNS Resolution No. 466/2012 ( In submissions resulting from research with human groups, it is the author(s) attribution(s) to send, at the time of submission of the manuscript, the term of free and informed consent, document pertinent to the registration of the study in the Ethics Committee in Research with humans. It is also recommended that the authors mention in the manuscript the approval of the research approval by the Ethics Committee recognized by the National Research Ethics Commission, of the National Health Council (CONEP-CNS). Indexers
Article proposals The Boletim only accepts original contributions in digital format. Digital manuscripts should be submitted via the online platform, which is accessible through the website of the Boletim or directly via ScholarOne the link, providing additional information requested during the various steps of the submission process. Before submitting your work, please make sure you have followed all the instructions detailed in this document; this is crucial in order to begin the editorial process. Registration Authors must register in order to create a password-protected personal account on the online platform in the section “CREATE NA ACCOUNT” or “NEW USER” and correctly fill in the profile. Registration and the creation of an account need be done only once. Thereafter, the account should be used for current and future submissions to the Boletim. At submission, all authors must inform ORCID IDs. Registering with ORCID at is a requirement to all including co-authors. The scientific publication attributes the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to the published works, as well as adopts the system of continuous publication of articles accepted
Submission In order to submit a new contribution, authors must log into their account on the online platform and click on “AUTHOR CENTER”. After completing this step, proceed to the “AUTHOR RESOURCES” window and start the submission process via the link “CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT A NEW MANUSCRIPT”, following seven steps:
After having been formatted by the editorial staff, the articles will be sent in PDF format to the authors via the ScholarOne e-mail system for final approval, and must be returned as soon as possible. Requested changes in the text have to be marked and commented as clearly as possible in the PDF document. At this stage, changes concerning content or changes resulting in an increase or decrease in the number of pages will not be accepted. Author guidelines All manuscripts have to be submitted via the online platform ScholarOne. Original manuscripts must be prepared observing the following requirements: 1. Word for Windows format, Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.5, and pages must be numbered. Articles on linguistics must use a font that is compatible with the Unicode standard, such as Arial, Calibri, Cambria, Déjà Vu, Tahoma and others that include the IPA extended set of phonetic symbols. Times New Roman is preferred, but it includes the full IPA in Unicode only in more recent editions of Windows. One should never improvise IPA characters such as ɨ, ʉ, etc. by applying strike-through of common characters.
2. The cover page must contain the following information: 3. The manuscript must include neither the name(s) of the author(s) nor acknowledgements. 4. To highlight terms or phrases, please use single quotation marks. 5. Only foreign language words and phrases and Latinized scientific terms should be in italic type. 6. The articles should follow the recommendations of the APA 7th Edition - Citation Guide in for the presentation and use of bibliographical information: citation in documents and references. 7. Tables should be in Word format, numbered in sequence, with clear captions. 8. All figures (illustrations, graphs, pictures, diagrams, etc.) must be submitted to the online platform in separate files with their respective legends in the designated field. Minimum resolution is 300 dpi, minimum size 1,500 pixels: JPEG or TIFF files only. If possible, please use the Boletim’s page formatting proportions (16.5 cm wide x 20 cm high, for two columns, or 8 cm wide x 20 cm high, for one column). Text contained in figures must be legible and in Arial, 7 – 10 pt. 9. Images created in vectoral programs should be provided in open format, with either a .cdr (X5 or inferior), .eps or .ai (CS5 or inferior) extension. 10. All tables, graphs and images must obligatorily be mentioned in the body of the text. 11. Sections and subsections in the text must not be numbered. 12. Only page numbering and the numbering of footnotes should be automatic. Texts containing automatically numbered sections, paragraphs, figures, examples or any other automatized processes cannot be accepted. 13. Texts must fully comply with scientific naming rules, abbreviations and other conventions current in the specific fields of discipline. 14. Footnotes should be used only when strictly necessary, never for reference to published work, and should be indicated in Arabic numbers. 15. Reference to works cited throughout the text should conform to the following convention: author’s last name (not in upper case), year, page(s). Examples: (Goeldi, 1897, p. 10); Goeldi (1897, p. 10). 16. All references used throughout the text must be listed at the end of the article, and all works listed should be mentioned in the text.
The articles are published in full in PDF format on the journal website, the Digital Publishing Platform (ISSUU), the DOAJ, SciELO, and on social networks such as Facebook. |
Postal addres
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi |
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi |