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About the Journal


Basic information


DILEMAS – Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social is published triannually by the Núcleo de Estudos da Cidadania, Conflito e Violência Urbana (Necvu) of the Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais (IFCS) of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and the Programa de Pós-Graduação e Sociologia e Antropologia (PPGSA) of IFCS/UFRJ.

The publication was created in July 2008 in an initiative of professors Michel Misse and Alexandre Werneck of the Núcleo de Estudos da Cidadania, Conflito e Violência Urbana at UFRJ. The journal was trimestral from 2008 until 2015. Beginning in 2016 three issues have been published each year. N.1 (JAN/FEB/MAR/APR); N.2 (MAY/JUNE/JULY/AUG); N.3 (SEPT/OCT/NOV/DEC). In addition to the regular issues, Dilemas also publishes special thematic editions, numbered separately, which respect the same criteria as the regular editions.

DILEMAS publishes a continuous flow of original and previously unpublished scientific contributions, preferentially based on empiric research, in the form of articles, reviews and interviews in the social sciences (with priority for sociology and anthropology). Its mission is to promote scientific development and the discussion of themes from the field of conflicts and social control studies in the social sciences, such as: deviant behaviors, violence, crime, morality, conflicts involving social movements and collective action, urban conflicts, criminal justice, public security, and public and private institutions of social control. The target public is composed of readers at a university level in general, especially those in the human sciences and mainly students and specialists in the fields of criminology, sociologies of crime, violence, institutions and social control; anthropologies of law, violence and urban conflicts; and related fields.

The abbreviated title of the journal is Dilemas, Rev. Estud. Conflito Controle Soc., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic entries.



Indexed in

  • Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades – CLASE
  • Diretório de política editoriais das revistas científicas brasileiras – DIADORIM
  • Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ
  • EBSCO Publishing
  • Sistema Regional de Información em Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal - Latindex
  • Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades - LatinREV
  • Minerva
  • Portal de Periódicos Capes
  • ProQuest - Sociological Abstracts
  • Scopus - Elsevier
  • Sumário de Revistas Brasileiras – Sumá


Intellectual Property

  All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY (CC-BY).  




The publication receives financing from:

  • Núcleo de Estudos da Cidadania, Conflito e Violência Urbana – NECVU/UFRJ
  • Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia e Antropologia – PPGSA/UFRJ


Editorial Board




Associate editors



Editorial comission



Scientific board



Editorial staff



  • Heloisa Duarte

Editorial Assistant

  • Carolina Müller Sarcinelli Luz

Copy Desk

  • Ana Beatriz Duarte
  • Priscila Minussi

Layout and Copyediting

  • Samantha Sales


  • David Maciel de Melo Neto

Graphic Design

  • Amanda Simões

Instructions to authors


Scope and policy


DILEMAS - Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social publishes in a continuous flow original and previously unpublished scientific contributions, preferably based on empiric research, in the form of articles, reviews and interviews in the social sciences (with priority for sociology and anthropology). Its mission is to promote scientific development and discussion of ideas in the field of studies of conflicts and social control in the social sciences, such as: deviant behaviors, violence, criminality, morality, social movements and collective action, urban conflicts, criminal justice, public safety, and public and private institutions for social control.

The target public is composed of readers at a university level in general, especially those in the human sciences and mainly students and specialists in the fields of criminology, sociologies of crime, violence, institutions, and social control; anthropologies of law, violence and urban conflicts; and related fields.

DILEMAS publishes articles, reviews, interviews, lectures, dossiers and special issues. The texts will be published in Portuguese, except for articles that are originally written in Spanish, English or French, which will be published in the original language, with abstracts in this language, and in Portuguese and English. The contributions should be appropriate to an academic publication with a non-normative content and use the language and approach typical to this medium. Regular articles, articles from dossiers and special issues will undergo a double-blind review.

DILEMAS does not charge a fee for the submission and processing of articles and other texts (APCs - article processing charges).



Form and preparation of manuscripts



Article: this is a previously unpublished text that reports on a new study or introduces an original theoretical discussion. It may be signed by more than one author. As of 10 August 2020, DILEMAS began to require that all authors of articles have a master’s degree.

Preprint: manuscript ready for submission to a journal that is deposited on an open-access Web server, either previously or in parallel with submission to a journal, for evaluation with a view to its formal publication as a peer-reviewed article. These servers are identified as preprint servers and must comply with a series of conditions to be recognized as trusted servers and, thus, authenticated by DILEMAS.

Interview: contribution in the form of a transcription of a conversation, with a person of interest to the themes addressed by DILEMAS, presented in a question-and-answer format. An interview may be signed by more than one author.

Review: contribution in the format of an analytical and or opinionative text about a written, dramatic or audiovisual work in the field of the journal published in the previous two (2) years. It should be signed by only one author. As of 10 August 2020, DILEMAS requires that all authors of reviews have a master’s degree.

Dossiers: DILEMAS occasionally publishes thematic dossiers, which may be initiated by the editors – for which it promotes a call for papers – or upon receipt of proposals, which can be sent at any time to the journal by e-mail. Proposals for dossiers are evaluated by the editors and by the Editorial Commission. A dossier is a group of at most 5 articles about a single theme, which are presented together for evaluation and publication in a single edition. Once the dossier proposed is approved, the responsibility for soliciting the articles is up to the organizers. All of the texts – except for the presentation of the dossier, which is analyzed by the editors – will be submitted to the criteria and norms of publication, and to all of the procedures for evaluation applied to any article sent to the journal.

Special Issues: DILEMAS occasionally publishes special thematic issues, with numbering distinct from the regular issues. This may be done when the editors understand it to be of interest – and when they will conduct a public call for papers – or to receive proposals based on content associated to an event or to another non-routine situation that influences the timing of publication. A proposal can be sent to the journal by email at any time and is evaluated by the editors and the Editorial Commission. The special issues of Dilemas result from proposals for dossiers about a single theme that have more than 05 articles to be published in a single edition.

Once the special issue proposed is approved, the responsibility for soliciting the articles is up to the organizers. This special issue will include the collaboration of a special editor related to the theme and its texts will be submitted to the same criteria and publication norms, and to all the evaluation procedures applied to any article sent to the journal – except when authors are invited to submit special articles. These will be evaluated by the editors, the Editorial Commission and by the special editor.

General standards:

The submissions should have a limit of 2MB, be sent in format .doc, .docx or a similar open-source word processing program, and standardized according to the norms ABNT NBR 6023/2018, and obey the following formal criteria:

Cover page: all of the submissions must be accompanied by a cover page with an abstract of 650 characters (with spaces), in Portuguese (resumo) and English, with the title translated into Portuguese; five keywords (also in both languages); and a brief summary of the authors curriculum, in the format:

NAME LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR (e-mail) and [positions, beginning with the most important and with the complete names of the associated institutions (with initials in parentheses, and the city, except when it is explicit in the name, and the country, even if it is Brazil)]. And [education, from the highest to the lowest, including undergraduate level]. Orcid: [insert Orcid address].

Authorship and coauthorship: the people designated as authors must have participated actively in the drafting of the article, so that they can publicly assume responsibility for its content. The qualification of someone as an author presupposes involvement in the: a) conception and outlining or even analysis and interpretation of data, or both; b) writing of the manuscript or its critical editing; and c) review and final approval of the version to be published. In the case of submissions with multiple authors, the individual contributions of each one of the authors should be expressly indicated at the end of the text, only by the initials, as in the following example:

GFM worked in the conception and in the final drafting of the article and CMG worked on the analysis or interpretation of the data and on the final drafting of the article. The maximum number of authors named at the beginning of the article is eight; any other authors will be included at the end of the article.

Dilemas recommends the CRediT Taxonomy document.

Quotes: should be presented, as they are traditionally, within quotation marks, up to a limit of three lines of text. If they are longer than this, they should be placed in a separate block, with a single line of spacing before and after the text, in font 10 (ten) pts., with margins of 1 (one) cm to the left and single spacing.

Images: should be placed in the body of the article but should also be sent in separate files as a supplementary document, preferentially in JPEG format (with resolution of 300 dpi). If graphs or tables are used, in addition to being incorporated into the body of the article, they should be sent in image files that correspond to them, and if possible, the spreadsheets from which they originated.

Bibliographic references: the bibliographic references should be up to date with advances produced in each thematic field and object of research. We urge our authors to remain familiar with the updated bibliography in their field of study and we emphasize that this is an important criteria related to the currentness of the contribution published, and will be considered in the analysis by the reviewers and specialists, who are scholars that work in the same field of studies and research. Indexing databases of academic publications and similar catalogs usually recommend giving priority to bibliographic references and citations that were published in the past five years. When placed within the text, references should always be presented in parentheses, in the format: (AUTHOR, year, p. page number), for example: (WEBER, 2004, p. 117). If the pages cited form a sequence, use "pp.", followed by the initial-final page, as in the example: (BECKER, 2008, pp. 256-258). In the list of references, they should contain the complete names of the authors (for ex.: WEBER, Max) and should obey the following standards:


LAST NAME, Name. Title of book in bold: Subtitle. City: Publisher, YEAR.
Ex.: CARDOSO DE OLIVEIRA, Luis Roberto. Direito legal e insulto moral: Dilemas da cidadania no Brasil, Quebec e EUA. Rio de Janeiro: Relume- Dumará/Núcleo de Antropologia Política, 2002.

Book chapters:

LAST NAME, Name. "Title of chapter: Subtitle". In: LAST NAME, Name; LAST NAME, Name (orgs). Title of book in bold: Subtitle. City: Publisher, YEAR, pp. first page-final page.
Ex.: APPADURAI, Arjun. "The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as Process". InThe Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986, pp. 64-91.

Journal Articles:

LAST NAME, Name. "Title of article: Subtitle". Name of journal in bold, vol. N, n. N, pp. first page-final page, YEAR.
Ex.: MISSE, Michel. "Violência e teoria social". Dilemas, Rev. Estud. Conflito Controle Soc., Rio de Janeiro, vol. 9, n. 1, pp. 45-63, 2016.


LAST NAME, Name. Title of dissertation in bold: Subtitle. Dissertation (Master’s degree in X) – University, City, YEAR.
Ex.: MACHADO DA SILVA, Luiz Antonio. Mercados metropolitanos de trabalho manual e marginalidade. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social) — Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 1971.


LAST NAME, Name. Thesis title in bold: Subtitle. Thesis (Doctor of X) – University, City, YEAR.
Ex.: TEIXEIRA, Cesar Pinheiro. A teia do bandido: Um estudo sociológico sobre bandidos, policiais, evangélicos e agentes sociais. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) — Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2013.

Articles in newspapers and magazines:

LAST NAME, Name. "Title of article". Title of newspaper or magazine in bold, City, year. N, n. N, day month year, Section, pp. first page-final page.
Ex.: OTTA, Lu Aiko. "Parcela do tesouro nos empréstimos do BNDES cresce 566 % em oito anos". O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, ano 131, n. 42656, 1 ago. 2010. Economia & Negócios, p. B1.

Articles in online journal or magazine:

LAST NAME, Name. "Title of article". Title of journal or magazine in bold, Section, day month year. Available at: address. Accessed: day month year.
Ex.: EXTRA. "Isso não é normal". Extra, Guerra do Rio, 16 ago. 2017. Available at: Accessed: 6 May 2019.

Specific standards:

Articles: from 6,000 to 12,000 words (including bibliographic references, in Times New Roman font, 12 (twelve) pts, line spacing of 1.5 (one and a half). Notes should be limited to two per page and should only have comments strictly necessary to the text. For submissions to the section Articles, as of 10 August 2020 DILEMAS has required that all authors have master’s degrees.

Reviews of 2,000 to 4,000 words, in Times New Roman font, 12 (twelve) pts, line spacing of 1.5 (one and a half). The notes must be limited to three per page and only have comments that are strictly necessary to the text. The bibliographic reference for the work reviewed should be included in an introduction. The contribution should be in the format of an analytical and or opinionative text about a written, dramatic or audiovisual work in the journal’s thematic field published in the past two (2) years.  As of 10 August 2020, DILEMAS has required that all authors have master’s degrees.

Interviews: up to 8,000 words, presented in Times New Roman, 12 (twelve) pts, 1.5 (one and one half) spacing. The interview should be presented in question-and-answer form and should be preceded by an explanatory introduction of up to one page (included in the total limit). This should present the issue and the background of the interviewee.

Questions, suggestions, comments and outstanding issues should be sent to:



Send of manuscripts

  Manuscripts should be sent through our site: If you have any questions, our e-mail is  


Manuscripts evaluation policy


All submissions will be initially evaluated by the Editorial Commission to decide their pertinence to the editorial line of DILEMAS. Once accepted, they will be submitted to independent reviewers, and the authors and reviewers will remain anonymous. Each article will always be submitted to at least two evaluations. In case of controversy, the article will be sent to a third reviewer. If the controversy persists, the article will be evaluated by the Editorial Commission and the final decision can be made by the editor. All authors will receive the reviews of their articles, with the comments made by the reviewers and by the Editorial Commission, when applicable, or by the editors of DILEMAS. Publication is dependent on approval by the reviewers. The estimated time for approval and publication averages from 6 (six) months to one year.

DILEMAS considers as unpublished and accepts submissions of manuscripts published in annals of scientific events or on preprint platforms (pre-printed) indicated by DILEMAS. In such cases, there is no need to leave the text anonymous. Articles published by DILEMAS that remain accessible on preprint servers must indicate the link to the version published in DILEMAS. In all these cases, when assessing preprints, they must indicate their location (link, DOI, etc.) and will be submitted to reviewers who will have knowledge of the identity of their author/authors. DILEMAS will accept preprints from servers authenticated by DILEMAS. The server currently authenticated by DILEMAS is the Scielo Preprints collection, operated by the Open Preprint System (OPS) platform:

DILEMAS embraces the international Open Science program and has been introducing changes in its editorial norms to improve them in this direction. Thus, articles approved and based on research with quantitative and qualitative data that can be made available to the public must be accompanied by their respective consolidated databases or inform the public access link to that file in the banks where they are deposited. All microdata relating to persons and human identities must be completely anonymous, in order to protect the confidentiality of information. In the case of statistical-based banks, code dictionaries (scripts, algorithms, etc.) must be sent to DILEMAS, if any, with a detailed description of the variables present and the code file used for complete replication of graphs, tables and analyzes. If the bank has been aggregated or transformed, the steps for such processing must also be explained from the original bank. Databases and codes must be provided in a format that allows access and replication in at least one of the main statistical tools, such as R, Python, SPSS, Stata and Excel. The code for replication must be commented on extensively, clearly and objectively. Banks and codes will be made available on the magazine's page on its portal at www.necvu.ifcs.ufrj.

Although DILEMAS does not yet adopt open peer review, in attention to the need for impartiality in this process, we adopt the gradual opening of some data, such as information on the responsible section editor, whose name will be published in each article.



Ethics Statement


DILEMAS' editorial commission will examine each proposed article to foresee and avoid violations of the scientific code of ethics and the good scientific editorial practices adopted by the magazine. If necessary, authors, reviewers and editors will be requested to present suitable documentation and clarifications that it considers to be necessary. Failure to do so could lead to rejection of the submission.

DILEMAS follows the code of ethics accepted and practiced by the Brazilian scientific community, established in various documents of The Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science (SBPC) and by the Ethics Commissions at UFRJ. Submissions will not be accepted for publication and may be subject to legal procedures if bad faith and improper use of the copyright is determined, if they include plagiarism or if there are conflicts of interest among reviewers and authors. The acceptance of each proposal and of each evaluation submitted is conditioned on these requirements, whose main criteria are addressed in the following items.



Conflict of interests


Conflicts of interest may arise when authors, reviewers or editors have interests that, whether apparent or not, can influence the preparation or evaluation of the manuscripts. Conflicts of interest can be of a professional, financial, intellectual, political or religious nature.

To maintain the impartiality of the editorial process, the authors should communicate to the secretariat of DILEMAS in case of any relationship they may have with any public or private entity that could generate a conflict of interest. They should also report on any type of financial support or connections of any other nature that may have influenced the execution of the research and the drafting of the manuscript presented here.

If the authors are not certain about what may constitute a potential ethical problem, especially in terms of conflicts of interest, they should contact the secretariat of DILEMAS for clarification. If they do not, they assume complete responsibility for any legal proceedings.



Plagiarism and Editorial misconduct


To verify the similarity of content, DILEMAS uses the software CopySpyder. It will proceed to evaluate articles that have a margin of coincidence up to 3%. Plagiarism is not accepted. Texts that are copied will be identified and the work will be returned to the authors with the problems identified, for them to explain the situation. We also have reviewers who at the time of the double-blind evaluation notify the editorial staff of any substantial similarity between the manuscript in question and previously published articles or those simultaneously submitted to other journals, as well as other information considered pertinent.

To ensure the editorial ethics of the studies submitted and published, DILEMAS is guided by the “Guia de boas práticas para o fortalecimento da ética na publicação científica do SciELO (versão setembro 2018)” [SciELO’s Guide to good practices for the strengthening of ethics in scientific publishing (September 2018 version)]:



Manuscript evaluation policy


To assure the integrity of the evaluation by blind review, in submissions to the journal, all possible care should be taken to not reveal the identity of the authors and reviewers during the process. This requires that authors take some precautions with the text and the properties of the document:

  • The authors of the document should exclude their own names from the text, substituting them with “Author” and the year in references and footnotes, instead of including the names of authors. Titles of articles written by the authors should also be excluded.  
  • In Microsoft Office documents, the identification of the author should be removed from the “Properties” of the document (in the menu File > Properties), initiating in File, in the main menu, and clicking in the sequence; File > Save as…> Tools (or Options in Mac) > Security Options…>Remove personal information from the file to save > Ok > Save.

In the case of manuscripts published on preprint servers, the name of the author/authors need not be anonymized.



Submission check list


1. The contribution is original and has not been previously published and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; if this is not the case, a justification should be presented in “Comments to the editor”, except for preprint cases as detailed below.

2. The texts were sent in digital format, preferentially in MS-Word (or in other well-known word processors such as WordPerfect).

3. URLs for the references were informed when possible. It is desirable and recommendable that the bibliographic references be updated in keeping with the advances produced in each thematic field and research topic. We urge our authors to keep up to date with the bibliography in their field of studies and emphasize that this is an important criteria related to the currentness of the contribution published, and is considered in the analysis by the reviewers and specialists who work in the field of studies and research. Indexing databases of scientific publications and similar catalogs customarily recommend giving priority to bibliographic references and citations that are less than five years old when evaluating journals.

4. Articles: from 6,000 to 12,000 words, in Times New Roman, 12 (twelve) pts and line spacing of 1.5 (one and a half). Notes should be limited to two per page and only include comments that are strictly necessary to the text. For submissions to the Articles sections, as of 10 August 2020 DILEMAS has required that all authors have master’s degrees.
Reviews: of 2,000 to 4,000 words, in Times New Roman, 12 (twelve) pts, line spacing of 1.5 (one and a half). The notes should be limited to three per page and only include comments that are strictly necessary to the text. The introduction to the text should have a bibliographic reference to the work reviewed. The contribution should be in the format of an analytical and or opinionative text about a written, dramatic or audiovisual work published in the past two (2) years in the field that is pertinent to the journal. As of 10 August 2020, DILEMAS has required that all authors have master’s degrees.
Interviews: up to 8,000 works, in Times New Roman, 12 (twelve) pts, line spacing of 1.5 (one and a half). The interview should be presented in a question and answer format and be preceded by an explanatory introduction of up to one page (included in the total limit) that presents the issue and an overview of the person interviewed.

5. The text follows the style guidelines and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, found on the page About the Journal.

6. If the work is submitted to a section that has peer review (for example articles), the instructions available in Assuring blind peer review are followed.

7. Upon submitting a text, the authors retain copyright and grant DILEMAS - Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under the Creative Commons License type attribution BY (CC-BY), which permits sharing of the work with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal. The authors are aware that the work will circulate free of charge, in a digital version. The journal is not responsible for opinions, information and or concepts presented in the texts that it publishes; for which the authors have sole and complete responsibility. The editors reserve the right to make changes only in the form of the articles to guarantee correct grammar, clarity and compliance with publication standards, while respecting the content of the text.

8. The articles should have a title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English. Articles that originate in Spanish, English or French will be published in the original language, with abstracts in this language, and in Portuguese and English

9. By requirement of Capes, all authors must inform their ORCID ID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) at time of submission. For this reason, we request that anyone who has still not registered with ORCID, do so on the ORCID platform, as soon as possible and include the number issued (ID) and URL (link) in their registration on the journal’s portal. Link to register with ORCID:
It is important that after registering with ORCID, that you access your data on the DILEMAS portal using your login and password and insert the information from ORCID in the specific fields.
At this link ( you will find instructions and a video with guidance about how to register on ORCID, if you have any questions.

10. In case of submissions with multiple authors, the individual contributions of each of the authors must be expressly indicated at the end of the text, only by the initials, in this format: GFM worked on the conception and final drafting of the article and CMG worked on the analysis or interpretation of data and on the final editing of the article. The maximum number of authors named at the beginning of the article is eight; any other authors will be included at the end of the article.  Dilemas recommends the CRediT Taxonomy document.

11. All manuscripts submitted to DILEMAS must be accompanied by the Open Science Compliance Form duly completed. The form can be downloaded from the DILEMAS portal. Preprint submissions or that used databases must follow the rules provided by DILEMAS.

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo de São Francisco de Paula, 1, Sala 109, Cep: 20051-070, Rio de Janeiro - RJ / Brasil , (+55) (21) 3559.1926 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil