Logomarca do periódico: Ocean and Coastal Research

Open-access Ocean and Coastal Research

Publication of: Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo
Area: Exact And Earth Sciences ISSN online version: 2675-2824 Previous title Brazilian Journal of Oceanography

About the journal


Basic Information


Ocean and Coastal Research (OCR) is an international, peer-reviewed journal that covers the entire spectrum of ocean sciences, including biological oceanography, marine biology and biodiversity, physical oceanography, marine chemistry, sedimentology and geology, paleoceanography, fisheries and aquaculture, estuarine, mangrove and saltmarsh ecology, marine conservation, and socio-environmental aspects related to estuarine, coastal and offshore ecosystems. Emphasis is directed towards inter-disciplinary, process-oriented contributions.
The journal is open access and with no publication charges. Its previous title was Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, published uninterruptedly since 1950.

Bibliographical abbreviation: Ocean Coast. Res.



Indexed in


The journal is indexed by:

  • ISI - Web of Science
  • SciELO
  • Scopus
  • Google Scholar


Intellectual Property

  All contents of the journal, except where identified, are licensed under a Creative Commons License - type BY. Authors retain the copyright and full publishing rights without restrictions.  




The journal is supported by:




Editorial board



  • Rubens M. Lopes - Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil


Advisory Board

  • Elisabete de Santis Braga - University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Rita Colwell - University of Maryland, USA
  • J. Rudi Strickler - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA
  • Hidekatsu Yamazaki - Tokyo Univ. of Marine Sci. and Technology, Japan


Associate Editors

  • Abilio Gomes  Universidade Federal Fluminense. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (benthic ecology)
  • Akinori Takasuka  Department of Aquatic Bioscience, University of Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan (fish and fisheries)
  • Alberto Piola  Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Buenos Aires, Argentina (physical oceanography)
  • Alejandro Buschmann  imar Research Center at the Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile (aquaculture)
  • Alexander Turra  Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil (benthic ecology, marine conservation)
  • Carmen G. Castro  Departamento de Oceanografía, Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas. Vigo, Spain (biogeochemistry)
  • Cesar B. Rocha  Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut. Groton, USA (physical oceanography)
  • Curtis Collins  Department of Oceanography, Naval Postgraduate School. Monterey, USA (physical oceanography)
  • Eduardo Siegle  Oceanographic Institute, University of São Paulo. São Paulo, Brazil (coastal dynamics)
  • Fabrizio Frontalini  Università degli Studi di Urbino "Carlo Bo". Urbino, Italy (paleoceanography, benthic ecology)
  • Fei Chai  School of Marine Sciences, The University of Maine. Orono, USA (physicalbiological modeling, biogeochemistry)
  • Francesc Maynou  Departamento de Recursos Marins Renovables, Institut de Ciencias del Mar (CSIC). Barcelona, Spain (fish and fisheries)
  • Hans G. Dam  Department of Marine Sciences, University of Connecticut. Groton, USA (plankton ecology)
  • Hugo Sarmento  Universidade Federal de São Carlos, Brazil (microbial communities)
  • Karen Diele  Edinburgh Napier University / MASTS. Edinburgh, UK (benthic ecology) 
  • Leandro Ponsoni  Earth and Life Institute, UCLouvain. LouvainlaNeuve, Belgium (physical oceanography, climate research)  
  • Leticia Burone  Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de la República de Uruguay. Montevideo, Uruguay (benthic ecology, paleoceanography)
  • Margit Wilhelm  University of Namibia, Henties Bay, Namibia.
  • Petra Lenz  University of Hawaii. Honolulu, USA (plankton ecology and physiology)


Managing Editors

  • Flavia Saldanha-Correa - University of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Arthur Z. Guth - University of São Paulo, Brazil



  • Cássia Cerezani de Andrade - University of São Paulo, Brazil


Publication frequency

  Continuous publication schedule; articles are published as soon as they are ready.  



Instructions to authors


Scope and Policy


Ocean and Coastal Research covers the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of oceanography, publishing articles dealing with biological oceanography, physical oceanography, marine chemistry, sedimentology and geology, and marine conservation, from coastal and estuarine waters out to the open sea. Emphasis is placed on inter-disciplinary, process-oriented contributions. Ocean and Coastal Research also publishes articles dedicated to results of scientific meetings and of large inter-disciplinary studies or topical issues on specific subjects.

The audience is composed by physical, chemical and biological oceanographers, marine sedimentologists, geologists and geochemists, marine biologists and ecologists and policy-makers interested in marine sciences.

Papers sent to Ocean and Coastal Research must report on results from original research and be written in English.

The manuscript should be submitted through an online editorial system, ScholarOne (see below). Manuscripts are critically evaluated by at least two reviewers. The Editor decides on final acceptance or rejection. Acceptable manuscripts are usually returned to the author for consideration of comments and criticisms.

Ocean and Coastal Research publishes articles in the following formats (see the Instructions to Authors for further details):

  • Original articles
  • Brief Communications
  • Review articles
  • Assay  
  • Discussion  
  • Collective positioning
  • Case Report
  • Editorial

There is no charge for manuscript submission, evaluation and final publication. This is an open-access, free-of-charge journal.



Preparation of manuscripts


Instructions to Authors





Manuscript submission


Manuscripts must be submitted through the ScholarOne portal at https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/ocr-scielo




Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo Praça do Oceanográfico 191, CEP: 05508-120, São Paulo, SP - Brasil, Tel.: (11) 3091-6501 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
E-mail: diretoria.io@usp.br
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