Types of articles
In terms of content, works may be presented in the form of:
Scientific article
An article reporting an original study, related to research results, submitted to the Editorial Committee. The format must follow the journal’s standards for Article Preparation.
Technical Article
An article containing technical information, usually not based on research. It may present instructions on the use of techniques for a certain purpose and case studies. The format is free, but should be similar to the structure used for scientific articles, containing a Title, Abstract in English and Portuguese, Keywords in English and Portuguese, and References.
Review article
A text prepared on a topic of current interest, at the request of the Editorial Committee. The format is free, but should be similar to the structure used for scientific articles, containing a Title, Abstract in English and Portuguese, Keywords in English and Portuguese, and References.
Articles describing varieties and/or cultivars
An announcement reporting the registration or release of new varieties and/or cultivars. It terms of format, it should include the following: Abstract and Keywords in English and Portuguese, Introduction (optional), Origin, Morphological description, Adaptability (climate tolerance, regional tolerance, pest tolerance), Growing conditions (soil, growth rate, sunshine/shade tolerance), Performance (productivity data and comparison with commercial cultivars), Propagation, Uses, Availability (if protected, registered and addresses of laboratories and/or nursery suppliers), and References.
Article preparation
a. Articles should begin with the title of the work. Full name and postal address of the authors’ place of work, should be inserted as metadata in the word processing program.
b. Structure
The structure of scientific articles is comprised of Title, Abstract, and Keywords in both English and Portuguese. Must contain: 1. Introduction; 2. Material and Methods; 3. Results and Discussion (may be separated); 4. Conclusion(s); Author Contribution, Acknowledgments; References.
Articles written in English must contain Title, Abstract, and Keywords in both English and Portuguese.
Title: must be concise and present the article general idea. We recommend not using scientific nomenclature in the title. Exceptions are made for species that do not have an established common name.
Authors: the authors’ names should be presented after the title, continuously and centered. They should be written in full, with only the initials capitalized. After each name, use a number to signal their address in a footnote. In the footnote, the authors must be identified by numbers, indicating: Institution//Department//City-State//Country. Following the name of a corresponding author, “Corresponding author” must be written, along with his/her e-mail address.
English Abstract: Must present, in a single paragraph, the following parts: introduction, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion. Articles published in English must also present the abstract in Portuguese.
Portuguese Abstract: Must be a faithful version of the Portuguese text.
Keywords: 4 to 5, must not repeat words from the title of the work. We suggest that the first keyword be the scientific name of the species studied.
Footnote: Do not indicate the origin of the work, if it is part of a thesis, dissertation, etc. The funding source should be presented in the Acknowledgments.
Introduction: Present the information that guided the work, always using current references. At the end, indicate the work’s objective.
Material and Methods: Avoid placing location (city, university, research institute, etc.) where the work was carried out. This information should only be displayed when it is fundamental to the discussion of results
Results and Discussion: May be presented together or separately.
Conclusion(s): May appear in text or bullets. In this case, use hyphens.
Author contribution: Cite the author using the initials and inform the contribution of each one.
Acknowledgments: Mention the source of the work’s funding, or particular acknowledgments, if applicable.
References: see Item g.
c. Figures e Tables
Figures and Tables should be used only to illustrate specific points or to record data, and should be numbered consecutively, but separately. The location of tables and figures in the text should be given in parentheses, for example (Table X).
Tables and figures will be prepared on separate pages. Graphs, drawings, maps, photographs, and photomicrographs are considered figures.
Photos should be saved as a “JPEG” with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and sent in separate files.
Graphics should be saved as a “JPEG and also sent in separate files.
Tables should have a concise and explanatory title. Use only horizontal lines to separate the header from the content and at the end of the table.
Figures should be prepared using Times New Roman, size 10, without bold; without a text box and grouped.
Please indicate, in the text, the position where the figures and tables should be inserted.
We recommended not providing tables of results of statistical analyses
d. Chemical and mathematical formulas and symbols
Chemical formulas must be written on a single line and must obey the nomenclature adopted by the Chemical Society (J. Chem. Soc. 1939, p. 1067).
Chemical Formulas and Symbols must be made on a processor that allows formatting for the Win’designer program (e.g.: MathType, Equation), without any loss of their original forms.
e. Trade names
Do not use product trade names, but rather their technical name and/or active ingredient.
f. Footnotes
Avoid footnotes as much as possible. If it is necessary the use, they must be numbered.
g. References
g.1 General Guidelines
References in the text must be presented as follows: Souza and Barbosa (2012) or (SOUZA and BARBOSA, 2012). When there are three (3) or more authors, the reference must be shortened (SOUZA et al., 2013) or Souza et al. (2013).
If there is more than one citation in the same text, the authors must be presented in ascending chronological order, e.g., Souza (2006), Pereira (2008), Araújo (2009) and Barbosa (2011); or: (SOUZA, 2006; PEREIRA, 2008; ARAÚJO, 2009; BARBOSA, 2008).
The list of References, at the end of the text, must be presented alphabetically by author. When there is more than one article from the same author(s) in the same year, indicate 2013a, 2013b etc. The order of items in each reference must be based on the standards of the Brazilian National Standards Organization NBR6023/2002. The accuracy of the references contained on the list and the correct citation in the text are the full responsibility of the article’s author(s).
When available, include the DOI.
No citations from theses and dissertations, abstracts, series, technical bulletins, circulars, or mimeographed documents will be accepted.
All authors of the scientific document (source) must be presented.
The journal name must be described in full; it must not be abbreviated.
We recommend using single spacing for the lines and double spacing for the references.
Do not use quotes by other authors (e.g., “quoted by…”). Always present the original reference.
g.2 How to prepare the References
AUTHOR.//Title: subtitle.// Edition. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Total page n. of volumes.
PAIVA, P.D.O.; ALMEIDA, E.F.A. Produção de Flores de Corte. Lavras:Editora UFLA, 2013. 678p. vol.1
Book chapter
CHAPTER AUTHOR.// Chapter title. In: AUTHOR OR EDITOR./ /Book title. City of publication: Publisher, year. First-last page.
OLIVEIRA, A.R.O.; HEYNEMANN, C.B.; NIEMEYER, M.L. A construção da paisagem do jardim ra Universitária – UFRPE, 2009. p.101-139.Botânico do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. CARNEIRO, A.R.S.; BERTRUY, R.P. Jardins Históricos brasileiros e mexicanos. Recife: Edito
Same author
In:__________________. Ecology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. p. 210-240.
AUTHOR.//Article title.//Journal title, volume, number, First-last page, year. DOI, when available.
BARBOSA, J. G., KAMPF, A. N., MARTINEZ, H. E. P.; KOLLER, O. C.; BOHNEM, H. Chrysanthemum cultivation in expanded clay- I: Effect of the nitrogen-potassium ratio in the nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v.23, n.9, p.1327-1337, 2000.
LANDGRAF, P. R. C.; PAIVA, P. D. O. Produção de flores cortadas no estado de Minas Gerais. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, v.33, n.1 p.120-126, 2009. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1413-70542009000100017
Dissertation and theses
Do not use citations from dissertations or theses.
Works from conferences or other events
Do not use citations from papers and abstracts published in conference proceedings and other events.
Electronic documents
Works consulted online are referenced according to the specific standards for each type of document, adding information about the website address in brackets (<>), preceded by the expression “Available in:” and the date the document was accessed, proceeded by the expression “Accessed on:”
Note: “We do not recommend referencing short-term electronic material online” (ABNT, NBR6023/2000, p. 4). Following international standards, the website address can only be divided, at the end of the line, after the forward slash (/).
RUSS, K. 2007. Iris. Home and garden center information. Disponível em:
<http://www.clemson.edu/extension/hgic/plants/landscape/flowers/hgic1167.html> Acesso em: 23 de julho de 2009.
Journal article
AUTHOR. Article title. Journal title. Place, day, month, year. Issue number or title, first-last page.
SOUZA, H. M. de. A lofântera da Amazônia. O Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo, 5 nov 1987. Suplemento Agrícola, p.6.
Personal communication
This includes information obtained from conferences, lecture notes, etc. They must be indicated in a footnote, separated from the body of text by a continuous line of approximately 5 cm, starting on the left margin.
Example: DEMATTÊ* stated…
*DEMATTÊ, M.E.S.P. (Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal). Comunicação pessoal, 1992.
Independent entities
ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Rio de Janeiro. Estatísticas nos municípios do ABC. 3ed. Brasília: M.E.P., 1963.
Collective entities
Direct government agencies (ministries, secretaries, and others) - must be entered by the geographical name that indicates that sphere of influence (country, state, or municipality).
BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura e da Reforma Agrária.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente.
CAMPINAS. Câmara Municipal.
When any typographic data is missing, it is indicated in its place:
When data is missing, indicate:
Place not available = s.l.
Date not available = s.d.
Publisher not available = s.n.
Publisher and date not available = s.n., s.d.
Place and publisher not available = s.l:s.n.
Data not available (missing all data) = s.n.t.