Basic information
The journal Production ISSN 0103-6513 is the flagship journal of ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production Engineering. Production (formerly, Produção) was created in 1990 in order to provide a communication medium for academic articles in the Production Engineering field. The journal is among the top Brazilian journals in Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial and Production Engineering and Management. For the period 2018-2020, Prof. Dr-.Ing. Enzo Morosini Frazzon (from the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department, the Production Engineering Graduate Program and the Production and Logistics Intelligent Systems of the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC) will be the Editor-in-chief. The Production journal is Open Access and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), and it is digitally preserved by SciELO. |
Indexation sources
Intellectual property
All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY. |
Production is sponsored by:
Associate editors
Editorial board
Desktop publishing and editorial consulting
Editorial Assistant of Production Journal/Editorial Office by Editora Cubo |
Important notice
Production is open access and does not charge fees from its contributors. The journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY), and it is digitally preserved by SciELO. Production only accepts manuscripts in good English. All submitted manuscripts shall follow the American Psychological Association - APA Norm for references and citations. Production journal screens all submissions for similarity, please ensure that if your paper has been previously presented at conferences, it has been substantially improved in order to be considered to the review process, and properly reference to these previous publications is included. Please read the guidelines below thoroughly before submitting your manuscript. |
1. Scope and policy
Production journal aims to foster knowledge creation and its dissemination in operations and production engineering field. Submitted manuscripts must include original contributions to theory and/or empirical results, supported by strong methodologies. Manuscripts must not be accepted for publication (or have been published) by other periodicals or be under evaluation for publication through any other means. |
2. Manuscript evaluation process
The evaluation process for manuscripts submitted to the Production journal comprises the following steps:
1. First screen review: the Editor-in-Chief , Co-Editor or the Associate Editor appointed by the Editor-in-Chief, will examine the manuscript suitability regarding scope and editorial policy, and scientific contribution. Manuscript submission implies that its publication has been approved by all coauthors, if applicable, and the responsible authorities of the institution where the study/research was performed (by signing a term of publishing rights). Authors are responsible for the manuscript content published in the journal, which must comply with Production Journal copyright and ethical principles. Production Journal does not take legal responsibility for errors or omissions, which may be identified before or after publication. |
3. Manuscript preparation
3.1 Language Production journal only accepts manuscripts in English. 3.2 Manuscript size Manuscripts shall have from 4,000 to 8,000 words, including references. 3.3 Manuscript structure 3.3.1 Authorship Production Journal does not allow addition or removal of authors after manuscript submission. All information on the authors and their affiliations shall be included only in the online submission system; such information will be excerpted therefrom if the manuscript is accepted. With effect from 1st. January 2019, Production Journal require that all authors and co-authors to have a valid ORCID in the ScholarOne submission system. For personal inscription go to Authors and affiliations shall not be included in the manuscript file to ensure double blind review process. Additionally, all properties shall be removed from the uploaded manuscripts. 3.3.2 Title page The title should be concise but informative and should not contain more than 15 words. The abstract should be structured in five topics:
1. Paper aims Keywords should always be provided without repeating terms from the title. It is mandatory to include between three to five keywords per manuscript. Authors and affiliations shall not be included in the Title Page file to ensure the double blind review process. 3.3.3 Paper structure and topic organization All Sections and Subsections should be numbered beginning with the Introduction. 3.4 Cover Letter Submissions must be accompanied by a Cover letter, which must highlight its adherence to the Editorial scope of the journal, theoretical and practical relevance, aims, methods, main results and its original theoretical, empirical and/or methodological contribution. 3.5 Units, notes, abbreviations, and other such considerations Units of measurement should always follow the standard defined by the International System (IS). Abbreviations used in the tables, figures, and other objects must be defined below such objects, even if they have previously been defined in the text. The names of products and equipment must include the trademark symbol (®) and information on the manufacturer name, city and country. Footnotes are not accepted in this periodical and should always be directly incorporated in the text body. Please note: In English manuscripts, the decimals must be separated by points/dots (not commas). 3.6 Tables and equations Tables should be compiled using the table resources in MS Word. Tables inserted as images cannot be accepted and will result in delayed evaluation and publication. They shall be numbered sequentially, presenting caption and sources in the manuscript. We will not accept items that are not properly cited in the text and vice versa. Tables for which no sources are cited are understood as originally produced by the authors, and under their responsibility Equations should always be carefully revised and sequentially numbered whenever necessary. 3.7. Figures and Illustrations Images, figures and photographs should always be produced in 300 dpi resolution or higher. Figures should be inserted only in JPEG format. Data displayed must be in English and the smallest font must be legible after insertion in the file text. Figures and illustrations must display a caption and source as well as be referenced in the text. We will not accept figures that are not properly cited in the text and vice versa. Figures for which no sources are cited are understood as originally produced by the authors, and under their responsibility. 3.8 Citations Production journal adopts the citation and reference style of the American Psychological Association - APA. Citations in the text body should follow the author-date citation system, that is, notes in the text should only indicate the author’s surname and year of publication. Direct citations (verbatim transcript of the consulted paper) should be within the body text in double quotation marks. In these cases, the page(s) of the source consulted must be specified. In indirect citations, the indication of the page(s) consulted is optional. Some examples of citations:
3.9 Reference List The reference list should be elaborated first alphabetically and then by chronological order, if necessary. Multiple references of the same author in the same year must be identified by letters ('a', 'b' and 'c', etc.) placed after the year of publication, according to the citations in the body text. All the bibliography/literature used and cited in the text must be in the list of references, as well as each reference in the list must be cited in the text. When preparing your list of references, please note the following:
Journal articles Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Retrieved from Ganster, D. C., Schaubroeck, J., Sime, W. E., & Mayes, B. T. (1991). The nomological validity of the Type A personality among employed adults. Journal of Applied Psychology, 76, 143-168.
Books Shotton, M. A. (1989). Computer addiction? A study of computer dependency [DX Reader version]. Retrieved from American Psychological Association, Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. (2007). Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Retrieved from
Chapter in book
Events 3.10 File Format Manuscripts should be prepared on MS Word 2007, or a later versions. Document should be formatted in a single column, with 1.5-line spacing. All figures, graphs, tables, and other text objects, should be included in the document body positioned to provide the best reading flow. Two (02) files must be uploaded to the online submission system:
4. Eletronic submission
Manuscripts must be submitted using our submission system ScholarOne. 4.1 How to access the Submission system The system can be accessed from the Production Journal website, or at 4.2 How to submit a manuscript After logging in, use the menu to access the "Author" then click on the link to "Start a new submission”. Follow the onscreen instructions starting with “Begin Submission”.
Important links