Logomarca do periódico: Psicologia & Sociedade

Open-access Psicologia & Sociedade

Publication of: Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social
Area: Human Sciences ISSN online version: 1807-0310

About the journal




  • Editorial coordination
    • Benedito Medrado - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), Recife/PE, Brasil
    • Simone Maria Hüning - Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL), Maceió/AL, Brasil


Basic Information


Founded in 1986, Psicologia & Sociedade (in english: Psychology & Society) journal publishes original writings in a continuous flow. From a critical, creative, questioning and interdisciplinary stance, the published texts show research results, arguments and discussions on topics that are relevant to the production of knowledge in social psychology and similar areas.

The academic journal offers open access and does not charge fees of any kind.

Its abbreviated title is Psicol. Soc., and it should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic strips.



Indexing Sources


The articles published in Psicologia & Sociedade are indexed or summarized by:

  • Clase (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
  • Dialnet
  • DOAJ
  • Index-Psi Periódicos (CFP)
  • Latindex
  • Lilacs
  • Psicodoc
  • Redalyc
  • SciELO
  • Scopus
  • Sociological Abstracts
  • Ulrichs



  Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife/PE
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Maceió/AL
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Católica Dom Bosco, Campo Grande/MS
Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia Social da Universidade de São Paulo (IP-USP), São Paulo/SP
Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal do Pará, Belém/PA, Brasil
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Universidade Federal de Alagoas
Universidade Autônoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanha



Financing sources

  • Dossier Psychosocial approaches on the first phase of the new coronavirus pandemic in Brazil: Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)
  • National Association of Research and Graduate Studies in Psychology (ANPEPP)
  • National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq)
  • Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation (FAPEMIG)






Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/revistapsicologiaesociedade/
Instagram: @psicologiaesociedade



Focus and scope


Out of respect for our journal's tradition, which consolidates from resistance to individualistic forms and experimental approaches in social psychology research, Psicologia & Sociedade publishes texts that: 1) critically dialogue with the literature and with contemporary debates regarding the approached topic as well as the social psychology studies field (in human and social sciences scope), not only listing writings and authors; 2) are of explicitly analytical nature, with solid arguments and not only the description of proceedings, results and analysis; 3) offer unequivocal contribution to the referred theoretical field as well as from the manuscript to the studies field on which the text in appreciation dialogues.

Psicologia & Sociedade publishes: 1) articles (research reports, theoretical studies or critical literature reviews); 2) interviews; 3) book reviews; and 4) translations. In cases of effective academic and/or scientific innovation, it is also accepted 5) professional experience reports (description of proceedings and strategies, or case studies).





Psicologia & Sociedade adopts the continuous publication modality, that is, the approved (and edited) articles can be immediately published. It is not necessary to have an established number of articles or to obey a determined frequency such as a six-monthly or a four-monthly frequency.

Therefore, since 2017, we publish only one volume per year, which is incremented with new articles as they are evaluated, approved and edited in the referred year.



Open Access Policy


Psicologia & Sociedade offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public for free provides greater democratization of knowledge.



Editorial flow and peer review


It is a condition for the publication of the manuscript submitted to this journal that it has not been published and is not simultaneously submitted to another media.

The manuscript evaluation process is done in two (2) steps, described below:

1st evaluation stage - Adequacy to norms

After submission, the manuscripts are evaluated on adequacy to norms specified here (Instructions to the Authors). Conducted by the team of Editors and Editorial Advisors, in this stage all explicit items are checked for the manuscript preparation, as well as the complete fulfillment of the submission metadata. Whenever there are mistakes the authors will be notified and the submission will be archived. The verification of adequacy to norms regarding the journal's rules is an authors' job. Therefore, in case of a rejected manuscript, the editorial commission reserves the right not to identify the item (or items) that the text is in disagreement with the journal's rules.

2nd evaluation stage – Peer review

In this stage, initially, the Coeditors do the evaluation of the manuscript's relevance to the Social Psychology field, as well as the adequacy to the journal's scope and the general quality of texts approved in the first stage.

Then, the manuscripts that are approved in this stage are accompanied by Psicologia & Sociedade's editors team, which is responsible for the evaluators designation.

Editorial production

In this stage, the texts pass by a technical handling which involves review, editing, anti-plagiarism verification, electronic editing and XML preparation. This process is coordinated by the manager editor and the technical team hired for this purpose.

Authors are not charged for articles submission or evaluation fees (APC).



Ethics and good practices for publication



The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Editors Guide supports the editorial practice and the editor’s relationship with the authors and reviewers.

All editorial decisions are based on originality, contribution, relevance, thematic validity, general structure and compliance with editorial policies to meet the journal's scope.


The evaluation is based on the work's merit. It is not influenced, positively or negatively, by personal and financial motives or even prejudices of any kind.

Submissions and review details are kept confidential. However, the journal offers the option of anonymously publishing the review along with the article, if the reviewer so wishes.

The reviewer must certify and inform the editors of any potential conflict of interest prior to acceptance of the review or during the process, in which case the editors will forward the manuscript to another reviewer.
When faced with any irregularity regarding the evaluated article, the evaluator should notify the editor. Examples of possible irregularities are: identification of plagiarism; fabrication and / or falsification of results; redundant publication.

Opinions that are not sufficiently justified are not accepted.


The indication of authorship in a scientific article, following the COPE Authors Guide, is due only to those who:

a) contributed intellectually, directly and substantially in the conception of the research / article (acquisition, analysis or interpretation of the data presented);
b) participated in the construction of preliminary versions or critical revision of the content of the article;
c) are responsible for authorship in order to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the article.

The author (s) must declare the existence of conflict of interest when applicable, using the appropriate field available in the system (Comments to the editor) during the submission process.

Retraction and expression of concern 

The publisher has a duty to act when a suspected or alleged misconduct is identified. This investigation extends to both submissions and published articles.

Psicologia & Sociedade has as its instrument the COPE flowcharts to ascertain facts and determine the necessary actions in the resolution of cases. It also adopts Scielo's Disclaimer Registration and Publication Guide.




Intellectual property


All content of the journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a BY 4.0 Creative Commons License.

This means that any user has the right to:

  • Share - copy, download, print or redistribute material in any medium or format
  • Tailor - remix, transform, and create from material for any purpose, even commercial.

In accordance with the following terms:

  • Assignment - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes have been made. You should do so under any reasonable circumstances, but in no way suggest the licensor to support you or your use.
  • No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license allows.


Privacy policy


The names and addresses provided in this journal will be used solely for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.





Psicologia & Sociedade is concerned with long-term access to content. In the event of an accident on the servers, the magazine's digital files are preserved by SciELO, which uses CLOCKSS for the preservation of SciELO Brazil journals. Controlled LOCKSS (CLOCKSS) employs a unique approach to archiving that was initiated by Stanford University librarians in 1999. Digital content is stored in the CLOCKSS file without user access. LOCKSS technology regularly checks the validity of stored data and preserves it over the long term.



Editorial Board


Editorial coordination



Associated Editors



Managing Editor



Editorial Board

  • Ana Jacó Vilella - Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Andrea Zanella - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Antonio da Costa Ciampa - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Bader Sawaia - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Carlos Silva - Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México
  • Cézar Wagner de Lima Góis - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Cláudia Mayorga - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Cleci Maraschin - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Clélia Nascimento-Schulze - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Conceição Nogueira - Universidade do Porto, Portugal
  • David Pavón-Cuellar - Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, México
  • Denise Jodelet - École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - Paris, France
  • Elizabeth Bonfim - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Erica Burman    The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Heliana Conde - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Ian Parker - University of Leicester, United Kingdom
  • Iolete Ribeiro da Silva - Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brasil
  • Isabel Piper - Universidad de Chile, Chile
  • Jacy Curado - Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil
  • Jefferson Bernardes  - Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brasil
  • Karl Scheibe - Weslayan University - Middletown, United States of America
  • Kátia Maheirie - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil
  • Lenise Borges - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, Brasil
  • Leny Sato - Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Leoncio Camino - Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brasil
  • Luciana Kind - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Luiz Fernando Rolim Bonin - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
  • Magda Dimenstein - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Manuel Montalbán Peregrín - Universidad de Málaga, España
  • Marco Aurélio Prado - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Maria Auxiliadora Ribeiro - Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Brasil
  • Maria de Fátima de Souza Santos - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Maria de Fátima Quintal de Freitas - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
  • Maria do Carmo Guedes - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Maria Ignez Costa Moreira - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Maria Ivonete Barbosa Tamboril - Universidade Federal de Roraima, Brasil
  • Marília Novais da Mata Machado - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Marisela Montenegro  - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, España
  • Maritza Monteiro - Universidade Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
  • Mary Jane Spink - Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Monica Lima - Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brasil
  • Neuza Guareschi - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Pablo Christieb - Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México - Toluca/MX, México
  • Pedrinho Guareschi - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Pedro Paulo Bicalho - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Peter Spink – Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brasil
  • Regina Helena de Freitas Campos - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Ricardo Pimentel Mello - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil
  • Rosa Maria Bueno Fischer - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Sandra Jovchelovitch - London School of Economics, United Kingdom
  • Silvia Posocco - University of London, United Kingdom
  • Sylvia Leser de Mello - Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Teresa Cabruja i Ubach Universitat de Girona, España
  • Valerie Walkerdine - Cardiff University, United Kingdom


Editorial assistants


Editorial production

  • APA Text Editing, Spelling and APA Standards Revision: Fabio Brüggemann e Cárin Weber
  • Review of English abstracts: Martina Hotzel and Leticia Sais
  • Review of Spanish abstracts: Maria Izabel Lima and Olivir Freitas
  • Desktop Publishing and XML File Preparation- SciELO Publishing Schema: Tarcisio Osorio Ferreira - Fatto! Edições


Description of the editorial functions


Editorial coordinators: editors that are responsible for the journal's political representation together with the scientific community and the institutions of indexation and fomentation. Besides, they are responsible for team management (editorial assessors, editors, associate editors, manager, and editorial counsel); as well as for processes management (editorial, administrative and fund-raising/resource mobilization); and for monitoring the manuscripts' evaluative processes (scope and quality evaluation, and monitoring the evaluation by peers), aiming the journal's development.

Editors: researchers that are responsible for monitoring the manuscripts' evaluative processes that are submitted to the journal. This includes the evaluation of the manuscript's relevance to the Social Psychology field, the adequacy to the journal's scope, and general quality of the text approved in the assessors' screening, as well as attentive forwarding and monitoring of the evaluation produced by the appraisers ad hoc. The editors directly collaborate with the editorial coordinators in decisive processes about public positions and editorial processes, regarding the journal's scope and editorial line. They produce direct evaluation of submitted interviews and reviews, considering their relevance and adequacy to the journal's scope.

Managing Editor: responsible for the coordination of the editorial technical process and for the final process of the articles' online publication, also collaborating with the coordination and with the editors in decisive processes about public positions and editorial processes, regarding the journal's scope and editorial line.

Associate editors: editors that are invited by editors and editorial coordinators for the direct collaboration in the editorial process, aiming the guarantee of the journal's evaluation's regular stream (being able to emit appropriate reports in problematic situations, e. g. in cases of the evaluators' delay or of divergent evaluations between appraisers etc.), and singular editorial processes (e. g.: integrating the coordination or the appraisers' team in the dossiers' development).

Editorial counsel: researchers with admittedly relevant production to social psychology's knowledge production and to the development of the Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social (Brazilian Association of Social Psychology) in Brazil. Their performance embraces the specialized consulting and the particular contribution in public dialogues about the journal's editorial policy. Eventually, they are able to produce detailed reports from situated demands.

Editorial assessors: responsible for the manuscripts' screening from the evaluation of adequacy to norms (checking every item that is required by the instructions to authors for manuscript submission, as well as checking the complete fulfillment of the submission's metadata). They are also responsible for forwarding the manuscripts to the editors' team after the first evaluation on the scope and quality.

Appraiser ad hoc: researchers that are invited and designed by editors to produce reports on articles. The reports emitted by consultors contain justification that may suggest the approval for publication without alteration, the approval for publication with alteration recommendations, or not recommending for publication. After the evaluation of the reformulated versions, editors must make the final decisions on the manuscripts, even about the need for new amendments. The authors will be informed of all stages. The submissions are forwarded to evaluation by peers preserving the identity of the authors and consultors (double blind review).

Editorial production: technical team that is responsible for the orthographic and APA Norms review, the review of texts in other languages (including abstracts and resumen), text edition, electronic publishing and the preparation of XML – SciELO Publishing Schema archives.



Instructions to authors


General manuscript guidelines


Each scientific periodical defines its focus, mission and editorial line. Thereby, before continuing to read about the rules and technical orientations for submitting texts in our journal, please attentively read the following information.

1. Focus and Scope

The Psicologia & Sociedade journal publishes original articles that present research results, arguments and discussions about topics that are relevant to knowledge production in social psychology, and written from a critical, creative, questioning and interdisciplinary posture.

This way, in respect to our journal’s tradition, which is consolidated from resistance to individualistic and experimental approaches in social psychology research, Psicologia & Sociedade publishes texts that: 1) critically dialogue with literature and with contemporary debates related to the approached topic and to the social psychology studies field (regarding the human and social sciences), not just listing essays and authors; 2) are of explicitly analytical nature with solid arguments, and not just a description of proceedings, results and analysis; 3) present unequivocal contribution of the manuscript to the studies field on which the text approaches, as well as its theoretical field.

If you consider that your proposition corresponds to these criteria, go ahead, as aware that our editorial process only begins if the manuscript’s forwarding strictly obeys the orientations in this document. Otherwise, it will be archived and rejected due to non-suitability to the norms.

In this evaluation stage and in cases of manuscript rejection, considering that the verification of norms suitability is a task of the authors, the editorial committee has the right not to identify the item (or items) in the text that is (or are) in disagreement with the journal’s norms.

2. Online submission

The texts must be submitted through the SciELO Submission system on the website:
As such, it is necessary to register or confirm it:

3. Maximum number of anual submissions and publications

Submissions: maximum of 2 per year for author or co-author. Moreover, the submission of another manuscript while the first one is being evaluated will not be allowed, unless it is in a different authorial condition (co-authorship).

Publications: maximum of 1 per year (as author). It is only possible to be more than 1 under the condition of co-author.

4. Publication periodicity

Psicologia & Sociedade adopts the continuous publication modality. Therefore, since 2017, we publish only one edition per year, which is incremented with new articles as they are evaluated, approved and edited in the referred year.

5. Language

We accept the submission of texts in Portuguese, Spanish or English. However, the communication between editors and authors will be preferably in Portuguese.

6. Originality

The submitted texts must be original and unprecedented. Therefore, they cannot have been published in any format or submitted to any other journals.

7. General norms for writing

In general lines, the Psicologia & Sociedade journal adopts the APA ppublication norms: “Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition, 2019)”, except for a few adaptations that are properly informed in this page.

8. File type

The documents for submission must be in doc or docx format.

9. Text modalities

Our journal embraces the following text modalities:

  • Articles, which can be one of these three types:
    • Research reports: original research reports that are based on systematic and complete investigations, in which are presented not only a theoretical mark and the thorough description of proceedings (of collection and analysis) and results, but also dense analysis that dialogue with the presented concepts and literature. This way, producing contributions and questioning existing approaches, as well as suggesting topics and/or approaches to future researches. A special attention must be paid to ethical care in research with human beings, which must be explicitly presented.
    • Critical literature reviews: critical analysis and opportune of an in-depth investigation that is related to topics of interest to the development of Social Psychology. It is not a simple literature review; it is a systematic and complete study that has the bibliographic production as study object. In the molds of a ‘state-of-the-art’, this text must present a theoretical mark, a thorough description of proceedings and dense analysis.
    • Theoretical studies: texts in essay format that present substantial and effectively innovative contributions to the development of concepts or theoretical approaches. It must present not only contrasts between ideas and arguments of other texts, but also an original contribution from a thesis/statement and arguments.
  • Interviews: interviews that were conducted by the authors with researchers, known authorities in the academic field and other personalities that contribute to social psychology’s debate. The interviews must contain the name of the interviewed and the interviewers, as well as a brief presentation (maximum of 340 words. As a supplementary document, a scanned version of the interviewed people’s formal authorization, in which they express their consent with the publication of the material, must compose the submission.
  • Experience reports: Texts that report and discuss qualification in social psychology or professional experience, and that show effective academic, scientific, social contribution and/or contribution to professional practice, about its doings and its ethics. A conceptual mark, a description of proceedings and strategies, as well as dense analysis that show substantial contributions to social psychology’s field must be presented.
  • Book reviews: critical reviews of national works (published until 2 years before the review’s submission) or foreign works (published until 5 years before the review’s submission), in which it is presented the characteristics of the work, potential uses and contributions to Social Psychology’s field. In the case of reviews, two authors allowed, maximum.

10. Dimension of the manuscripts by modality

The texts (including Resumo, Resumen, Abstract, Figures, Tables, Annexes and References, beyond the text’s body) must have the following dimensions:

  • Articles and interviews27000 to 45000 characters (including spaces) and maximum of 5 illustrations (Figures, Tables or others).
  • Experience reports: 18000 to 27000 characters (including spaces) and maximum of 5 illustrations (Figures, Tables or others).
  • Book reviews: 6000 to 18000 characters (including spaces), and without illustrations.

11. Letter of Authorship

letter of authorship in PDF or JPEG format must compose the submission, being properly signed by all the authors. The file must be transferred in the second submission step (2. Transfer of the manuscript / Submission files) immediately after the main text has been uploaded). In the act of submission of the text to Scielo Platform, not including this letter will result in the proposition’s immediate rejection and filing. In this letter must be declared:

We, as signed below, inform that the text that is being submitted is original and it was not sent to another periodical. If posteriorly we opt to do it, we will request its filing in this journal. We are aware that, if we do not request it, all the authors will only be able to submit an article in this periodical again 2 years after the date in which the bad procedure is identified. We declare that there is no conflict of interests in the submission to this periodical, that we agree with the publication of the submitted manuscript if approved, and with the order that the authors’ names appear.


Contribution of the authors

Informing the participation of each author in the stages of the article’s construction. The names’ initials are enough (e. g.: data collection; JAG; LS; APO). The participation’s nature may be:

  • Conception:
  • Data collection:
  • Data analysis:
  • Elaboration of the manuscript:
  • Critical reviews of important intelectual content:
  • Final approval of the manuscript:


Informing the institution that funded the research, the type of fomentation and the number of the process or program through which it was obtained. Graduate scholarships and other types must also be identified as described above. If that is not the case, just mention that “there has been no funding”. Productivity in Research Scholars (or similar) must highlight that condition.

Consent for use of image

Informing, if necessary, that there is written consent of the participants and/or of the image’s copyrights’ owner. If that is not the case, just inform: “Not applicable”.

Approval, ethics and consent

If it is the case, informing that the research Project from which the text was produced was submitted and approved by the institutions X, Y and Z. If that is not the case, just inform: “Not applicable”.

12. Metadata

The metadata is information that is requested in the moment of submission (third tab) that embrace:

  • Prefix (for example: A, An, The, One, Some, etc.);
  • Title;
  • Subtitle (if there is any);
  • Abstract (in Portuguese, Spanish and English);
  • Co-authors (including name, contact e-mail, ORCID Identification and Biography Summary)

This information must be correctly and completely filled without abbreviations.

The ORCID information of all authors is required. For more information access: <https://orcid.org/>.

13. Non identification of authorship

It is fundamental that the material does not contain authorship identification of any kind. This includes references identified to the manuscript’s author’s previous works and their institutional links (when these point to the manuscript’s authorship), as well as information in the document’s properties fields. This way, the following measures must be taken regarding the text and the file’s properties:

  • On the initial pages and notes: omit the institution’s name and yours on the title page, as well as in headers, footnotes and Notes.
  • Institutional information or methodological descriptions that can identify the authorship also must be suppressed by using, for instance, the expressions “XXX University”; “in the School XXX”
  • Multiple citations of oneself in the text’s body, in case they identify the authorship, must come with the word “Author (year of publication)”. In References, the citations must appear at the beginning of the list – and not in alphabetical order – with the following information: “Author (year of publication) – must include reference after the evaluation”.
  • Acknowledgements: colleagues or institutional affiliation that may facilitate the author’s identification must not be mentioned.
  • Funding program, protocol number along with ethics committee and similar documents: must not be included in the text, because they facilitate the author’s recognition.
  • Properties of the file may identify authorship, for this matter they need to be withdrawn. The paths may vary depending on your Word version or another text editor. On word, menu “File”, the author’s name must be removed in “Properties of the document”. In the “Help” tool of your text editor, look for “Properties” or “Inspect document” and follow the instructions to remove personal information from the document.

14. Elements of the manuscript

The elements of the manuscript must be presented in the following order:

a) Presentation: Text included on the first page, which precedes the manuscript (without identification of authorship). The manuscript must contain a brief text (maximum of 3.500 characters, which do not count in the article’s number of characters) in which the author answers to three questions:  

  • What is the relation of the submitted text to social psychology’s studies field?
  • What does this text present as original and specific regarding other productions on the same subject?
  • Why was the Psicologia & sociedade journal chosen for this submission?

b) Original title (maximum of 14 words) and compatible titles in Spanish and English.
c) Abstracts (in Portuguese, Spanish and English with the maximum of 150 words each) formatted in a single paragraph and preceded with the title “Abstract”. In the case of submission of book review and interview the abstract is not necessary.
d) Keywords: (5 words) right after each abstract, initiated with capital letter and separated by a semicolon (;). At least 3 of these words must be derived from the Health Sciences Descriptors base (DeCS
e) Body of the text: The body of the text sections must be continuous, they must NOT begin each one in a different page.

15.  Figures (Tables, graphs, charts etc.) Images and Annexes

  • All Tables, Images, Figures (graphs, charts etc.) and Annexes must be placed after the bibliographical references and indicated throughout the text in the suggested place (e. g., “Insert Figure 1”); 
  • During the submission process, Images must be transferred as supplementary archives: one file per element in high quality (minimum resolution of 300 dpi) and JPG or PNG format, being also indicated a place suggested for its insertion throughout the text.
  • These elements must be numbered and have title and subtitles, always informing their font or specifying as productions of the author.
  • Expressions such as “the table above” or “the figure below” must not be used, because their localization might be changed in the diagramming process.
  • The words “Figure”, “Table” and “Annex” must be always written with the first letter capital and accompanied by the respective numbers (Figures and Tables) or letters (Annexes).
  • Charts and Graphs also are considered “figures”. 

16. Manuscript’s formatting
Considering the text dimension is calculated from the number of characters, it is not necessary to worry with the configuration of page margins or space between lines. However, some aspects must be attentively observed:

  • Font: The text must be formatted in the font Times New Roman, size 12.
  • Numeration: The pages must be numbered (upper right edge) since the first one (where the text is presented) in order to facilitate the identification of any changes requested by the appraisers.
  • Sections’ titles: Must come centralized, bold and with only the first letter capital. They must be identified with simple numeration (1, 2, 3...) and must not be accompanied by a final dot.
  • Subtitles: The subtitles must be bold, aligned to the left and with the first letter capital. They must be identified with hierarchical numeration by levels (1.1; 1.1.1...) and must also not be accompanied by a final dot.
  • Other subdivisions: A maximum of three levels of intertitles is recommended. However, if needed, use numbers and letters(1.1.1.a). 
  • Body of the text: All of the text must be aligned to the left.
  • Paragraphs: On the first line of every paragraph there must be a retreat a (Tab = 1.25cm).
  • Hyperlink: All “URL” addresses (links to the internet) in the text must be active and directly lead to the cited document (e.g.: http://www.scielo.br/psoc).
  • Underlined, italic and bold: avoid underlining. Use italic for words or expressions that are foreign, such as locus etc. and bold for words that you wish to highlight.
  • Abbreviations in Latin: use abbreviations in Latin only in texts between parentheses; in texts without parentheses, use the translation to these terms: cf. = compare; i.e. = that is; e.g. = for example; viz. = in other words; etc. = and so on; vs. = versus/against
  • Notes: must be avoided whenever possible. However, if there is no other possibility, they must be formatted as End Notes (and not footnotes) and indicated in the text through Arabic numerals. The notes must be presented immediately after the text and before the References.

17. Gender inflection
Recognizing the relevance of the feminist studies and the production of knowledge about gender and sexuality, our journal accepts any form of gender flection (such as o/a, o(a), @, x etc.), except for the adoption of the male generic.

18. Citations

The citations of works must be made in the text’s body from the identification of the authors and/or institutions, followed by the year of publication.

  • Year of citation: In the case of translated works or works considered classics, the citation must be as the following format: author (year of the original edition/year of the consulted publication).
  • Names and surnames: When cited in the text, the authors must be named with their first name followed by surname, at least on the first time.
  • Direct citation: beyond the year of publication, the page in which the citation excerpt can be found in the consulted work must be informed. The direct citation must be exactly the same as the original publication, even if there are errors in the cited version. In these cases, [sic] must be included right after the error.
    • In a direct citation, the omission of excerpts of an original source must be indicated by three dots without parentheses. For example: “the sociology of daily life emphasized the articulations between micro and macrosocial dimensions, shifting its focus … to the interaction situations (Pais, 2003, p. 75). 
    • The insertion of terms or excerpts such as comments or observations of the author must be done between square brackets.
    • The emphasis on one or more words in a cited excerpt must be done with a bold font, followed by [emphasis added].
    • Citations with less than 40 words must be incorporated in the text’s paragraph between quotation marks.
    • Citations with more than 40 words must appear without quotation marks in paragraph in a block format, indented by 1.25cm from the left margin.
    • Citations with more than 500 words, reproduction of one or more illustrations (figures, tables or other) must have a written permission from the original work’s copyrights owner for reproduction. The obtained permission must be addressed to the work’s author and accompany the submission as a supplementary document. Rights that were secondarily obtained will not be passed on in any circumstance.
  • Article with more than 2 authors: the names of both authors must be indicated whenever the article is cited.
  • Article with 3 to 5 authors: name all authors in the first citation; from the second on use the surname of the first author, followed by "et al.".
  • Article with six or more authors: name just the surname of the first author, followed by "et al.". However, in the References section, all the names of the authors must be indicated.
  • Secondary citation: a citation from an article that is discussed in another consulted publication, without consulting the original. For instance: "Piaget (1932, cited by Flavell, 1996) ...". In the references section, only the consulted work must be cited (in this case, Flavell, 1996). Do NOT use the terms apud, op. cit, id., ibidem and others. They are not part of APA’s norms.

19. References

All (and only) the works cited in the text must be listed in the References section.

  • Non-published works: must not be on References; they must be on ‘Notes’. This includes works that were presented in congresses but not published.
  • Order: The texts must be listed in alphabetical order by the authors’ surnames. In cases that involve the reference to multiple studies of the same author, the chronological order must be used, that is, from the oldest study to the most recent one. Authors’ names must NOT be replaced by indents or dashes.
  • Names and surnames: On the list of bibliographical references, the first names of the authors must always appear, not just their initials.
  • Authorship: On texts publications, the authorship is evident. In other cases of reference, the following ones must be used:
    • Film = Director
    • TV series = Executive Producer
    • Episode of TV series = Writer and director of the episode
    • Podcast = Host or Executive Producer
    • Podcast episode = Episode’s Host
    • Webinar = Webinar session’s coordinator
    • Streaming Online video: person or group that uploaded the video
    • Photography: photographer

Examples of the most frequent references (the ones that are not explained must also follow the APA pattern):

a) Article of a digital scientific journal
Spink, Mary Jane Paris (2019). Imagens que produzem conhecimentos: objetividade, interpretação ou dispositivos de construção de realidades?. Psicologia & Sociedade31https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-0310/2019v31199200.

b) Article of a digital scientific journal without doi
Medrado, Benedito & Lyra, Jorge (2008). Por uma matriz feminista de gênero para os estudos sobre homens e masculinidades. Revista Estudos Feministas, 16(3), 809-840. Recuperado de https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/ref/article/download/S0104-026X2008000300005/9130.

c) Article of a scientific journal paginated by fascicle
Hüning, Simone & Guareschi, Neuza (2005). O que estamos construindo: especialidades ou especialismos? Psicologia & Sociedade, 17(1), 89-92.

d) Article of a scientific journal in press
Instead of the date, indicate that the article is in press. Include the name of the periodical (in italic) after the article’s title. Do not refer the date and number of the edition, fascicle or pages. In the text, cite the article indicating that it is in press.

e) Books
Berger, Peter, & Luckmann, Thomas (1966/2004). A construção social da realidade. Vozes.

f) Chapter of a book
Jodelet, Denise (1999). A alteridade como produto e processo psicossocial. In Ângela Arruda (Org.), Representando a alteridade (pp.47-67). Vozes.

g) Work presented in a congress with the abstract published in annals
Todorov, João Cláudio, Souza, Deisy, & Bori, Carolina (1992). Escolha e decisão: a teoria da maximização momentânea [Resumo]. In Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia (Org.), Resumos de comunicações científicas, XXII Reunião Anual de Psicologia (p. 66). Ribeirão Preto: SBP.

h) Thesis or dissertations 
Cordeiro, Rosineide (2004). Além das secas e das chuvas: os usos da nomeação mulher trabalhadora rural no Sertão de Pernambuco. Tese de Doutorado, Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia Social, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo.

i) Works that were translated or to which there is an older edition to the one that was used: Tanto o ano da edição original como o da edição utilizada devem ser especificados da seguinte forma: (ano da edição original /ano da obra utilizada).
Freud, Sigmund (1930/2011). O mal estar na civilização (P. C. de Souza, Trad.). Penguin;Companhia das Letras.

j) Legislation: Law, Decree, Dictum, Ordinance and others
Resolução n. 09, de 15 de abril de 2014. (2014). Ratifica e reconhece as ocupações e as áreas de ocupações profissionais de ensino médio e fundamental do Sistema Único de Assistência Social – SUAS, em consonância com a Norma Operacional Básica de Recursos Humanos do SUAS – NOB-RH/SUAS. Brasília, DF: CNAS.

k) Institutional authorship
American Psychological Association (1994). Publication manual (4ª ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

l) Article from a newspaper
Schwartz, John (1993, September 30). Obesity affects economic, social status. The Washington Post, pp. A1, A4.  

m) Article from an electronic newspaper
Brody, Jane E. (2007, December 11). Mental reserves keep brain agile. The New York Times. Recovered from https://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/11/health/11iht-11brod.8685746.html

n) Article from a newspaper with no authorship: In the cases when an article of a newspaper does not indicate authorship, replace the author’s name by the material’s title.

o) Film
Meirelles, Fernando (2002). Cidade de Deus [Film]. Globo Filmes.

p) Online video
Promundo, Instituto PAPAI, ECOS, & Salud y Género (2017, Jul 23). Minha vida de João [Video]. Youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43iadIjzLLI.

q) Television series
Simon, David, Colesberry, Robert, & Kostroff Noble, Nina (Produtores executivos). (2002-2008). The wire [TV series]. Blown Deadline Productions; HBO.

r) Episode of television series
Barris, Kenya (Escritora & Diretora). (2017, January 11). Lemons (Temporada 3, Episódio 12) [TV series episode]. In Kenya Barris; Jonathan Groff, Anthony Anderson, Brian Dobbins, Laurence Fishburne, Helen Sugland (Produtores executivos), Black-ish. Wilmore Films; Artists First; Cinema Gypsy Productions; ABC Studios.

s) Podcast
Facchini, Regina (Host). (2018 - presente). Larvas incendiadas. [Audio Podcast] https://larvasincendiadas.com/

t) Podcast episode
Facchini, Regina (Host). (2020, Março 18). Cristiano Rodrigues - Afro-latinos em movimento (No. 35) [Episódio de podcast]. In Larvas incendiadashttps://www.megafono.host/podcast/larvas-incendiadas/35-cristiano-rodrigues-afro-latinos-em-movimento-larvas-incendiadas

u) Online lecture / TED
Ribeiro, Djamila (2017, Jan.). Precisamos romper com os silêncios. [Video] TED Conference. https://youtu.be/6JEdZQUmdbc 

v) Editorial
Medrado, Benedito, Hüning, Simone Maria, Bernardes, Anita Guazelli, Fonseca, Jorge Luiz Cardoso Lyra, Souza, Laura Vilela, Iñíguez-Rueda, Lupicinio, Lima, Maria Lucia Chaves, Cordeiro, Mariana Prioli (2020). Novos/velhos tempos: desafios técnicos e políticos para uma nova gestão [Editorial]. Psicologia & Sociedade32(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1807-0310/2020v32234879 

x) Personal communication: It may be a letter, an electronic message, a telephone or personal talk. Cite only in the text, indicating the initials and the surname of the sender and the date. Do not include it in the references.

20. Verification of guidelines for submission

The submission of texts in any category will only be possible with the author’s confirmation that ALL the established conditions are attended.

The noncompliance of ANY of the items is enough to initial rejection during the first stage of evaluation. That is the reason why we recommend the authors to do a thorough revision of their texts before the submission. We emphasize that the manuscripts that are rejected twice due to noncompliance to these items will not be received again.

21. Copyrights

The submission of texts imply the immediate conceding and no onus of the publication rights in the Psicologia & Sociedade journal, which will have the exclusivity of publishing firsthand. Nevertheless, the author will continue to detain the authorship rights for posterior publications. In case of the article’s replication in other vehicles, the first publication on Psicologia & Sociedade must be mentioned.

Open Access Policy - Psicologia & Sociedade is published on the model of open access. Therefore, it is free for reading, sharing and adapting as long as the Creative Commons BY 4.0 license terms are respected.

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We alert that the evaluation process depends on the collaboration of appraisers that are available to appreciate the submitted manuscripts. Thus, when submitting an article to the journal, the authors and co-authors that have doctoral degree (concluded or in course) are automatically registered in our appraisers bank, updating and expanding our bases

23. Check List

Before submitting your article to our journal, verify all the following items.

  • Text condition: The contribution is original and unprecedented. It was not published in any format and it is not being evaluated for publication in another journal. There is no conflict of interests in the submission to this periodical and there is awareness that the publication of articles in this periodical is until 2 years.
  • Files: The files for submission are in doc, docx or rtf (Rich text) format.
  • Maximum number of scharacters: The text is within the established dimensions for each modality of manuscript as indicated in the available Instructions to the authors.
  • APA Rules: The manuscript follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2019, 7th edition) and the adaptations adopted by this periodical. Additionaly, there are ONLY the cited works in the References.
  • Anonymity: The name of the author and the institution were removed from “Properties of the document” (Check it on MS Word’s menu’s “File” option). Any forms of identification of the authors were also omitted in the text, such as: Protocol number of approval in the Ethics Committee; Number of the process of the funding agency; Acknowledgements and Other documents or sections.
  • Formatting: The text is in the Times New Roman font, size 12, with paragraphs aligned to the left and the pages are numbered (upper right edge) since the first one (where the text is presented).
  • Notes:if on the text, they are properly configured as “end notes” and not as “footnotes”.
  • Hyperlinks: All “URL” adresses in the text are active and lead directly to the cited document (e.g.: www.scielo.br/pdf/psoc/v32/1807-0310-psoc-32-e234879.pdf)
  • Tables, figures and annexes, when there are any, are after the bibliographical references and indicated in the text’s body where they are suggested to be inserted.
  • Images, when there are any, are transferred to supplementary documents and in the formats that are indicated in this document.
  • Letter of Authorship, is signed and properly inserted on SciELO Submission as a supplementary document.
  • Presentation Letter, answering the questions indicated in the instructions to the author, is on the first page of the manuscript.



Associação Brasileira de Psicologia Social Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas (CFCH), Av. da Arquitetura S/N - 7º Andar - Cidade Universitária, Recife - PE - CEP: 50740-550 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil
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