Historic background
The Department of Agricultural Engineering (DEAg) (today the Agricultural Engineering Academic Unit - UAEA) of the Science and Technology Center (CCT) (today the Center of Technology and Natural Resources - CTRN) of the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) (today the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG), State of Paraíba, Brazil, taking into account the growing importance of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering for irrigated agriculture in the world, decided to launch, at the 209th Ordinary Meeting held on 12/09/1997, the Brazilian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering – AGRIAMBI (ISSN: 1807-1929 – online; 1415-4366 – printed). The Associación Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Ingeniería Agrícola – ALIA, at the General Assembly held on 11/08/2000, in Guanajuato – Mexico, during the Latin American Congress of Agricultural Engineering (CLIA 2000), decided in favor of AGRIAMBI becoming ALIA Official Journal, a decision that was endorsed by the DEAg/CCT/UFPB Board, at the 236th Ordinary Meeting held on 12/10/2000. In the periods from 1997 to 2004, 2005 to 2006, and 2007 to 2009 the Journal was published every four months, quarterly and bimonthly, respectively, and since 2010 the Journal has been published monthly, in electronic format, by UAEA. All articles published in the Journal, since the beginning of its edition in 1997, are available online on the Journal's website and on the SciELO website, free of charge. Reproduction of published articles is permitted, provided the source is cited. In bibliographical captions, footnotes and references, an abbreviated title may be used in the following form: Rev. Bras. Eng. Agríc. Ambient., Campina Grande. |
Mission of the journal
Contribute to the dissemination of research results carried out in the areas of knowledge of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, providing knowledge to support the theoretical foundation of research to be developed in Brazil and abroad, favoring the training of researchers and improving the level of Postgraduate studies in Brazil and the strengthening of undergraduate teaching in Agricultural Engineering in Brazil. |
Open Science Compliance
The Journal adopts Open Science, which is a global movement that aims, mainly, to make the knowledge generated from scientific research open and shared with the global scientific community. In addition to open access to published research results, the Agriambi journal, following the precepts of Open Science, makes public procedures to be adopted by editors, reviewers and authors related to issues such as the manuscript evaluation process, comments of reviewers on the manuscript, the participation of each author in the development of the research, acceptance of data sharing, communication in the manuscript about the availability of supplementary and/or additional data and information about tools for making this data available, publication of the name of the editors responsible for evaluating and approving the manuscript, publication of errata when cases of error(s) or flaw(s) in a published article are identified, and, similarly, cases of retraction. In accordance with the purposes of Open Science, the Journal allows the corresponding author, when submitting the article or later, to submit the manuscript, preferably, to the SciELO Preprints server; as well as the Journal provides authors and reviewers with options to open the peer review process, with or without identifying their names. Both the identification of whether the article submission is a preprint and the authorization to disclose the name can be given by the authors at the time of submitting the article, attaching to the Journal's submission platform the form on compliance with Open Science provided by the link below, and by the reviewers when filling out the electronic opinion form, on the Journal's evaluation platform. |
Publication Ethics
The Journal adopts the ethical principles established by the Publications Ethics Committee (COPE), when it describes in its guidelines for editors, reviewers and authors guidelines relating to the following aspects: study planning and ethical approval; rigor in data analysis; definition of the merit of the research authorship; identification of conflicts of interest; rigorous review by experts in the field (peer review); misconduct; redundant publication; plagiarism; etc. For more information about the COPE guidelines, visit: www.publicationethics.org. |
Ethics Committee and good practices in research
Articles that address studies involving human beings or animals directly or indirectly, in their entirety or parts thereof, including the handling of information or materials in all areas of knowledge, must inform in the Material and Methods section that the study was previously submitted, evaluated and approved by the competent Ethics Committee, including the name of the Commission, Institution and number of the CAAE – Certificate of Presentation of Ethical Appreciation, document or similar. |
Focus and Scope
The Brazilian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering (Agriambi) is intended for the dissemination of original and unpublished scientific articles, prepared in English. Submitted articles must not have been sent to another journal and will be selected for evaluation by reviewersand by the EditoriaL Team only if they are fully within the Journal's norms. Agriambi also accepts the submission of contributions in the form of Review of Literature. Contributions in the form of preliminary note and technical note are not accepted by the Journal; It is also emphasized that the Journal does not publish studies of a purely technical and/or extension nature; those works that simply describe the development of software, spreadsheets, and cell phone applications are not accepted for publication. The scientific articles published in Revista Agriambi come from research carried out in the areas of Soil, Water, and Plant Management, Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Meteorology and Agricultural Climatology, Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products, Environmental Management and Control (in the context of Agriculture/Animal Husbandry), Rural Constructions and Environment, Automation and Instrumentation, Agricultural Machines, and Energy in Agriculture. |
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Digital Preservation Policy Program. Communication object files are structured in standard formats specific to each type of collection, including XML according to the SciELO Publishing Schema and other schemes, PDF, CSV spreadsheets, Excel spreadsheets, specific database formats, different image formats, audio and videos. |
Indexing Sources
AGRIS – The International System of Science and Technology |
Bibliographical Sheet
Title of the periodical: Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental |
Websites and Social Media
Websites: https://www.agriambi.com.br / https://www.scielo.br/j/rbeaa/ Instagram: revistaagriambi – User: @revistaagriambi |
Open Access Policy
The Journal permits free access to published articles, contributing to the rapid dissemination of published research results, providing the necessary scientific support for the development of ongoing research in a timely manner, greatly boosting the citation of articles. It should be noted that all articles published in the Journal, since the beginning of its edition in 1997, are available online on the Journal's website and on the SciELO website, free of charge. |
In accordance with the purposes of Open Science, the Journal allows the corresponding author, when submitting the article or later, to submit the manuscript, preferably, to the SciELO Preprints server. The identification of whether the article submission is a preprint will be given by the authors at the time of submitting the article, attaching to the Journal's submission platform the form on compliance with Open Science provided by the link below. |
Peer review process
a) In a first stage, articles submitted in each fortnight of the month are evaluated by the Editorial Team, and those that do not fit into the Journal's publication policy or, even, that do not bring a relevant scientific contribution, are rejected by the Editorial Team, on the basis of relative relevance criterion. The articles selected in this first stage are returned to the author(s) for reformulation in accordance with the Journal's norms, before being sent for evaluation to reviewers. b) With the help of the opinions and suggestions of three reviewers on the first version of the article, the Editorial Team may accept or reject the article or ask the author(s) for a second version which, again, is evaluated by reviewers as well as the Editorial Team. In its second version, the article may be rejected, approved and/or returned to the author(s) foradaptation/modification. c) It should be noted that, regardless of the reviewers' opinions, the Editorial Team, in any round of evaluation, is responsible for the final decision on approval or rejection of the article and the right to suggest or request modifications to the manuscript, deemed necessary. d) In principle, suggestions from reviewers and the Editorial Team must be incorporated into the manuscript by the author(s); however, they have the right not to accept them upon express justification, which is analyzed by the reviewer(s) and the Editorial Team. e) In the case of approval of an article, the Editorial Team asks the corresponding author to get the English revised by a firm accredited by the Journal and, before its layout, if necessary, additional information is requested from the corresponding author. Subsequently, the diagrammed article is sent to the corresponding author in the form of a PDF file, for final review, who will inform the Editorial Team of any corrections after consulting other authors. f) At the top of the first page of the PDF file of the published article, the link to the article's doi is provided on the left side and on the right side is mentioned if the publication is an Original Article or Review of Literature. g) At the bottom of the first page of the PDF file of the published article, the name of the Editors responsible for evaluating the article is mentioned, as well as the protocol, dates of receipt, acceptance, and publication of the article. h) After publication, any errors found by authors or readers, when communicated to the Editorial Team, will after due verification, be corrected through an errata in the next issue of the Journal. i) Any information regarding the submitted article, the corresponding author may request from the Journal by providing the identification number of the submission in the SciELO System (ID), for example 283312. |
Open data
Authors are permitted to make their published articles available in institutional or other repositories of their choice. If there is any supplementary research data, the corresponding author must inform the location, nature, referencing, and declaration of its availability in the manuscript. The following links provide information on supplemental data: |
Publication charges
The Agriambi journal has the following fees: Submission fee: R$ 200.00 (Two hundred reais) - Payment made upon submission of the article. Publication charges: For articles with up to 25 pages of the Word file, double spaced between lines, the publication fee will be R$ 60.00 (sixty reais) per page. For articles with more than 25 pages, a publication fee of R$ 1,500.00 plus R$ 80.00 (eighty reais) per additional page will be charged; for example, for an article with 30 pages, the publication fee will be: 25 x 60.00 + 5 x 80.00 = R$ 1,900.00. Payment will be requested after the author submits the revised English version of the article. For articles submitted from abroad, there will only be a single publication fee of $ 600.00 (six hundred dollars). There is no possibility of discount or exemption from any of the fees charged. |
Identification of misconduct
When there is a question regarding authorship, the corresponding author is first contacted and, if necessary, all authors are contacted. In the event of an impasse, the authors' affiliated institution or funding agency(ies) involved in the development of the research may be contacted. |
The article already published in which misconduct is identified remains indexed in the SciELO database as retracted. The retraction documents its reason duly referenced, through communication from the Author or Editor. The retraction may be partial when the misconduct applies to a specific part of the article, without, however, compromising the published research as a whole. The Journal will publish retractions as soon as possible after verification. |
Cases of error(s) or failure(s), regardless of nature or origin, which do not constitute misconduct, are corrected through an errata. After publication, any error(s) found by authors or readers, when communicated to the Editorial Team, will be corrected, after due verification, through an errata in the next issue of the Journal. |
Conflict of interests
The author(s) must declare in the manuscript whether there is any conflict of interest, either financial or of any other nature, that may have influenced the preparation or execution of the study. Furthermore, the corresponding author must declare it in a specific document signed by all authors and attached to the article submission platform. Likewise, the editors and reviewers designated to evaluate the article must declare that there is no conflict of interest, whether financial, family relationship (up to the third degree) or of any other nature that may have influenced the evaluation of the article. For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest. |
Adoption of plagiarism checking software
A similarity percentage of up to 20% is permitted in submitted articles, and the Journal uses the Copyspider software (https://copyspider.com.br/main/) to check similarity, which will be carried out on the first version submitted and on the final revised version of the article. |
Sex and Gender Issues
The Editorial Team of the Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, in addition to the authors who publish in the journal, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings. |
Copyright and Licence
Authors of articles published by Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental maintain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the work original is correctly cited. The authors grant the right of first publication to Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental. |
Intellectual Property and Terms of Use
All Journal content and articles published by Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0 license. The subjects, data and concepts published in this Journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Any mention of products and trademarks does not mean a recommendation for use by the Journal. Reproduction of published articles is permitted, as long as the source is cited. The Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental encourages Authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation to the version of the magazine's website. |
Sponsors and Funding Agencies
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG)
Fundação Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba - PaqTcPB |
Editor in Chief
Executive Editor(s)
Associate Editor(s)
Editorial Board
Technical Staff
The norms of the Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental (Agriambi), presented below, are subject to modifications over time; therefore, we suggest that authors consult them when submitting their articles. |
Types of documents accepted
Article submission format
The article must have the following sequential composition:
a) Title in English
b) Name(s) of the author(s) c) Institution and place where the research was carried out.
d) Highlights. e) Abstract: maximum of 250 words and no abbreviations.
f) Key words g) Title in Portuguese: must have the same standards as the title in English. h) Resumo: maximum 250 words and must be a faithful translation of the Abstract. i) Palavras-chave: will have the same standards as the Key words and must be a faithful translation of the Key words.
j) Introduction
k) Material and Methods Articles that address studies involving human beings or animals directly or indirectly, in their entirety or parts thereof, including the handling of information or materials in all areas of knowledge, must inform in the Material and Methods item that the study was previously submitted, evaluated and approved by the competent Ethics Committee, including the name of the Commission, Institution and number of the CAAE document – Certificate of Presentation of Ethical Appreciation, or similar.
l) Results and Discussion
m) Conclusions
n) Contribution of authors
o) Supplementary documents (optional)
p) Conflict of Interest
q) Financing statement (if applicable) r) Acknowledgments (optional).
s) Literature Cited: |
DOI link
In the Literature Cited item, the corresponding author must provide the link to the publication's DOI at the end of the bibliographic reference of all scientific articles, when available. |
Text editing
a) Microsoft Office 2016 Word: The submitted manuscript must have been edited only in the TEMPLATE, specific for Original Article or Literature Review, provided on the Agriambi Journal website, in this version of Word. b) Text: Times New Roman font, size 12. There should be no words in bold or italics in the text, except for the title, items and sub-items, which must be in bold, and the scientific names of plant and animal species, which should be in italics. In equations, tables and figures there should be no italics or bold. Equations must be written in the MS Equation application. c) Spacing: double throughout the text of the manuscript. d) Paragraph: 0.5 cm. e) Page: A4 paper, portrait orientation, top and bottom margins of 2.54 cm and left and right margins of 3.00 cm. Pages and lines must be numbered; the numbering of the lines must be continuous, that is, continuing from one page to the next. f) All items in capital letters, in bold and centered, except Abstract and Resumo, which must be aligned to the left, and Key words and Palavras-chave aligned to the left and only the first letter capitalized. Subitems must be aligned to the left, in bold and only the first letter capitalized. g) The quantities must be expressed in the IS (International System) and the scientific terminology must follow the international conventions of each area in question. h) Digital assets (tables, figures, graphs, maps, images, photographs, drawings) Tables and figures must be self-explanatory and 8.75 or 18 cm wide, with text in Times New Roman font, size 9 and inserted just below the paragraph in which they are cited for the first time. Examples of citations in the text: Figure 1; Table 1. Figures that have practically the same title should be grouped into a single figure, creating, however, an indicator of differentiation. The indicator letter for each subfigure in a grouped figure must be capitalized and with a full stop (.) at the end (example: A.), positioned on the upper left side of the figure. The grouped figures must be cited in the text, as follows: Figure 1A; Figure 1B; Figures 1A and B. Tables and figures measuring 18 cm wide will exceed the left and right margins of 3 cm, without any problems. Tables must not have vertical dashes and a minimum of horizontal dashes. In the columns, numeric values must be aligned by the last digit. Example of the title, which should be above the table: Table 1. Selected INMET stations (without a full stop (.) at the end). In tables that present the comparison of means, according to statistical analysis, there must be a space between the numerical value (average) and the letter. Figures must not have borders and their curves (in the case of graphics) can be colored, but always have different caption markers, since captions based only on colors will disappear when xeroxed. Example of the title, which should be below the figure: Figure 1. Accumulated soil loss depending on the time of application of simulated rain (without a full stop (.) at the end). To avoid becoming redundant, figures should not have data contained in tables. Graphs, diagrams (curves in general) must come in vector images. When dealing with bitmap figures, the minimum resolution must be 300 bpi. Authors must strive for the quality of resolution of the figures in order to ensure a good understanding of them. Legends, axes and axis titles of the figures must be legible and contain Times New Roman font and no italics or bold letters must be used. In cases of equal axis titles for Figures 1A, B, C... center the axis title for all figures. Figures with captions must have different markers for each curve, as figures with captions only based on color, when printed in black and white the captions disappear, making it impossible to identify each curve. In case of research with treatments, inform in a table or figure, the value of the coefficient of variation (CV) for each variable evaluated. When there is regression analysis, provide, in a table or figure, for each equation the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) followed by the CV value; there should be no figures of curves with R2 less than 0.60; In these cases, include the equation and the respective R2 value in the discussion of the results. Place in each regression equation presented in a table or figure, the symbols of the significance of the coefficients (* or ** or ns), positioning it in superscript between the values of the coefficients and the variable. Place a footnote in Times New Roman 9 font in the figure or table stating the probability of significance of the equation coefficients and the statistical test adopted; example: ** - Significant at p ≤ 0.01 by the F test. Each experimental point plotted in the figure must have, through a vertical bar, the representation of the standard error or standard deviation, and a footnote with Times New Roman 9 font, must inform whether it is the standard error or standard deviation.
i) Citations and references Below are examples of citations in the text: 1) When the citation has only one author: Oliveira (2020) or (Oliveira, 2020). 2) When the citation has two authors: Thomaz & Fidalski (2020) or (Thomaz & Fidalski, 2020). 3) When the citation has more than two authors: Anjos et al. (2022) or (Anjos et al., 2022). 4) When the author of the work is an institution/company, the citation must be made by its full name or its acronym (when applicable), in capital letters: EMBRAPA (2020) or (EMBRAPA, 2020). 5) When there are citations with the same authors and from the same year: Liu et al. (2020a); Liu et al., 2020b); (Liu et al. (2020a,b). |
List of Literature Cited
References cited in the text must be arranged in the Literature cited at the end in alphabetical order starting with the last surname of the first author and in ascending chronological order and contain the names of all authors. If the number of authors is more than six, place after the sixth author et al. Place at the end of each scientific article reference listed the link to its doi for access, if available. Examples of formatting are presented below: a) Books Rostagno, H. S.; Albino L. F. T.; Hannas, M. I.; Donzele, J. L.; Sakomura, N. K.; Perazzo, F. G.; Saraiva, A.; Teixeira, M. L.; Rodrigues, P. B.; Oliveira, R. F.; Barreto, S. L. T.; Brito, C. O. Tabelas brasileiras para aves e suínos: composição de alimentos e exigências nutricionais. 4.ed. Viçosa: UFV, 2017. 488p. MAPA - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento - Manual de métodos analíticos oficiais para fertilizantes e corretivos. 1.ed. Brasília, 2017. 240p. Taiz, L.; Zeiger, E.; Moller, I. M.; Murphy, A. Fisiologia e desenvolvimento vegetal. 6.ed. Porto Alegre: ArtMed, 2017. 888p. b) Book chapter Motta, A. C. V.; Melo, V. F. Química dos solos ácidos. In: Melo, V. F; Alleoni, L. R. F. Química e mineralogia do solo: conceitos básicos e aplicações. Viçosa: Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência do Solo. 2019. Cap.1, p.1009-1076. Da Matta, F. M.; Ronchi, C. P.; Eduardo Ferreira Sales, E. F.; Araújo, J. B. S. O café conilon em sistemas agroflorestais. In: Ferrão, R. G.; Fonseca, A. F. A. da; Ferrão, M. A. G.; De Muner, L. H. Café conilon, Vitória: Incaper, 2017. Cap.19, p.481-494. c) Journals Examples of Journals that adopt article pagination corresponding to the page numbering of the PDF file Anjos, F. A. dos; Ferraz, R. L. de S.; Azevedo, C. A. V. de; Costa, P. da S.; Melo, A. S. de; Ramalho, V. R. R. de A. R. Relationship between physiology and production of maize under different water replacements in the Brazilian semi-arid. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.26, p.21-27, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/1807-1929/agriambi.v26n1p21-27 Moura, M. de P.; Ribeiro Neto, A.; Costa, F. A. da. Application of satellite imagery to update depth- area-volume relationships in reservoirs in the semiarid region of Northeast Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.26, p.44-50, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1590/1807- 1929/agriambi.v26n1p44-50 Example of Journals that adopt electronic pagination with numbers only Araújo, G. dos S.; Paula-Marinho, S. de O.; Pinheiro, S. K. de P.; Castro, E. M. de; Lopes, L. de S.; Marques, E. C.; Carvalho, H. H. de; Gomes-Filho, E. H2O2 priming promotes salt tolerance in maize by protecting chloroplasts ultrastructure and primary metabolites modulation. Plant Science, v.303, 110774, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plantsci.2020.110774 Example of Journals that adopt electronic pagination with numbers and letters Costa, P. S.; Ferraz, R. L. S.; Dantas Neto, J.; Martins, V. D.; Viégas, P. R. A.; Meira, K. S.; Ndhlala, A. R.; Azevedo, C. A. V.; Melo, A. S. Seed priming with light quality and Cyperus rotundus L. extract modulate the germination and initial growth of Moringa oleifera Lam. seedlings. Brazilian Journal of Biology, v.84, e255836, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.255836 d) Software references SAS - Stastistical Analysis System. User’s guide statistics. 9.ed. Cary: SAS Institute, 2002. 943p. R Core Team. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. Vienna: R Foundation for Statistical Computing, 2017. Available on: <https://www.r-project.org/> . Accessed on: Feb. 2020. e) Other reference formats INMET- Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia. Informações sobre as condições climáticas em Uberaba- MG. 2019. Available on: <http://www.inmet.gov.br/>. Accessed on: Jun 2021. CONAB - Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento. Acompanhamento da safra brasileira de grãos: safra 2019/2020. Available on: <http://www.conab.gov.br/Conabweb/download/pdf>. Accessed on: Jun 2021 FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization - FAOSTAT (2017) Crops. Cowpeas, dry. Available on: <https://faostat3.fao.org/home/index.html#DOWNLOAD>. Accessed on: Nov. 2018. MAPA. Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Brasília: MAPA, 2020. Available on: <https://agrofit.agricultura.gov.br/>. Accessed on: Mar. 2021. EMBRAPA - Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária. Uso de informações ambientais na modelagem e interpretação da interação genótipo x ambiente. 1.ed. Santo Antônio de Goiás: Embrapa Arroz e Feijão, 2020. 46p. Allen, R. G.; Pereira, L. S.; Raes, D.; Smith, M. Crop evapotranspiration: Guidelines for computing crop water requirements. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization, 1998. 300p. Drainage and Irrigation Paper, 56 IPEA - Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada. Sobre a agricultura irrigada no semiárido: uma análise histórica e atual de diferentes opções de política. Texto para Discussão, 2018. 56p. https://www.ipea.gov.br/portal/ References that have one or two authors, having the same authors and being from the same year, and references that have more than two authors, having the same name as the first author and being from the same year, must be identified in the list of Literature cited after the year, with the letters a, b, etc., according to the citation in the text, place the letter a for the article cited first. |
Other information about article standardization
a) Do not put a full stop (.) at the end of Key words, Pajavras-chave and titles of tables and figures. b) In the description of the parameters and variables of an equation there must be a dash separating the symbol from its description and a semicolon at the end of each description, with a full (.), however, in the last. The numbering of an equation must be in parentheses and aligned to the right: example: (1). The equations must be cited in the text, according to the following examples: Eq. 1; Eqs 3 and 4. c) All letters of an acronym must be capitalized; the full name of an institution must only capitalize the first letter of each word. d) Examples of the format of units 25% (The % is the only unit that must be next to the number, i.e., without space); 45 mL; 5 L; 27 oC; 70 kg ha-1; 6.1 kJ mol-1; 11.46 t ha-1; 45 tons; 10 million hectares; 15:00 h; 30 s; 45 min; 10 hours; two hours (0 to 9 – write in full, except for a number with a unit or if it is accompanied by a number greater than 9); 2, 3, and 14 hours; 2 mm per day; 0.0015 g g-1 per day; 2 x 3 (must be a multiplication sign); 45.2-61.5 (must be together); 6.0 and 13.0 Mg ha-1 (consecutive numerical values that have the same unit, put the unit only in the last value); 0.14 m3 min-1 m-1. e) When applicable, leave numerical values in the text, tables and figures with a maximum of two decimal places. f) The titles of listed bibliographies must only have the first letter of the first word capitalized, with the exception of proper names. |
Online article submission steps
Submission of articles will only be online, through the SciELO Publication System, in five stages, described below: 1st STAGE OF SUBMISSION: START SUBMISSION At this stage, information will be provided about: the section in which the manuscript fits; language of submission; conditions for submission (checking the Journal’s standards); copyright declaration; Privacy Policy; and comments to the editor (optional). 2nd STAGE OF SUBMISSION: TRANSFER OF THE MANUSCRIPT AND PROOF OF SUBMISSION FEE. At this stage, the file of the submitted manuscript will be transferred, which should not contain the names of the authors or their institutional and electronic addresses, for the cases of authors who did not choose to disclose their names. The submitted manuscript must have been edited only in the TEMPLATE, specific for Original Article or Literature Review, provided on the Agriambi Journal website. First, choose text file and insert the submitted manuscript file to be evaluated, then choose to send a new file – others, and attach proof of the submission fee and the form on compliance with Open Science: https://wp.scielo.org/wp-content/uploads/Formulario-de-Conformidade-Ciencia-Aberta.docx. In the case of manuscripts that describe research involving animals or human beings, the corresponding author must attach a statement of approval from the Ethics Committee of the institution responsible for approving the research. 3rd STAGE OF SUBMISSION: INCLUSION OF METADATA (INDEXING) At this stage, the following information must be provided: authors with full affiliation; email and ORCID link for all authors, title and abstract; indexing (Key words); and development agencies. After submitting the article, subsequent changes to the authors' names are not permitted, whether in sequence, substitution or addition. 4th STAGE OF SUBMISSION: CONFIRMATION At this stage the submission will be completed. |
Publication Charges
The Agriambi Journal has the following fees: Submission fee: R$ 200.00 (Two hundred reais) - Payment made upon submission of the article. Publication fee: For articles with up to 25 pages of the Word file, double spaced between lines, the publication fee will be R$ 60.00 (sixty reais) per page. For articles with more than 25 pages, a publication fee of R$ 1,500.00 plus R$ 80.00 (eighty reais) per additional page will be charged; for example, for an article with 30 pages, the publication fee will be: 25 x 60,00 + 5 x 80,00 = R$ 1.900,00. Payment will be requested after the author submits the revised English version of the article accepted. For articles submitted from abroad, there will only be a single publication fee of $ 600.00 (six hundred dollars). There is no possibility of discount or exemption from any of the fees charged. Payment of the aforementioned fees must be made by deposit or transfer to the Banco do Brasil account, Branch 1591-1, Account 34.849-X, Payable to: PARQUE PROJETO 101 (Fundação Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba, CNPJ 09.261.843/0001-16), Bank account PIX key: 34849x@paqtc.org.br. Payment from abroad will be via Invoice provided by Fundação Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba or to the city in the country that has a Brazilian Bank, payment can be made in Brazilian currency (Real) through deposit at the account Banco do Brasil, Branch 1591-1, Account 34.849-X, Payee: Parque Projeto 101 (Fundação Parque Tecnológico da Paraíba, CNPJ 09.261.843/0001-16). For authors who require an invoice, we inform you that it can only be issued in the name of the individual or legal entity that appears on the bank transfer receipt of payment. To request an invoice, authors must send an email to the Agriambi Journal Secretariat (revistagriambi@gmail.com), providing the data below:
Name/Corporate Name: |
Additional Information
Content responsibility
The subjects, data and concepts published in this Journal are the exclusive responsibility of the authors. Any mention of products and trademarks does not mean a recommendation for use by the reviewers/editors responsible for evaluating the article. Reproduction of published articles is permitted, as long as the source is cited. |
Research with experiment
Articles that address research with experiments will only be accepted for publication if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a) experiment with at least 20 plots; b) experimental design with the number of residue degrees of freedom equal to or greater than 10. Another requirement is that the number of repetitions of treatments must be at least three. Authors must inform, in the Abstract, Resumo and Material and Methods items, the experimental design, treatments and number of replicates. |
Research time
Scientific articles that describe research results obtained more than eight years ago will not be considered for publication. Authors must inform, in the Abstract, Resumo and Material and Methods items, the period and location (geographic coordinates and altitude only in the Material and Methods item) where the research was carried out. |
Articles with Part I and II
Articles subdivided into parts I and II must be submitted together, as they will be sent to the same reviewers. |
Name of institutions
The name of institutions, such as departments, universities, institutes, research companies and funding bodies, must remain in the original language. |
Language review
For articles accepted for publication, authors will be asked to provide English proofreading through one of the companies accredited by the Journal, according to the list available on the page https://www.agriambi.com.br/empresas_credenciadas.pdf. |
The maximum deadlines for returning corrections of the first and subsequent versions of the article will be, respectively, ten and five calendar days, from the date of receipt of the email requesting the corrections. Failure to meet these deadlines will automatically result in the cancellation of the article. |
Contact address
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental |