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(Updated: 2024/07/15)

About the journal


Basic Information


Objectives: to publish scientific articles that contribute to the scientific and technological development of the atmospheric sciences. It is also accepted revision articles.

Periodicity: Four issue for year.

Areas of Interests: Atmospheric Sciences. Sub-Areas - Meteorology, Climatology, Hydrometeorology and Agro-meteorology



Indexing source


The journal is indexed by.

  • Meteorological and Geoastrophysical Abstract - ISSN (0102-7786)
  • Qualificada na CAPES como categoria B2 (Geociência)
  • Scopus




All content of the journal, except where identified, is licensed under a Creative Commons attribution-type BY.

The online journal is free and open access.





The journal is financed by:



Editorial board

Editor in-chief



Assistant editor



Associate editors



Editorial board



International editorial board



Editorial Production


Graphing and Diagramming

  • Carlos André Mores
    Rua Paulo Pinheiro Werneck, 250
    13561-235 - São Carlos - SP - Brasil
    fone (+55) 16-33744274


Instructions to authors




The RBMET is edited and published by the Brazilian Meteorological Society and it is the main way to disseminate the researches in progress of the Meteorological Community. Typically these research results are from studies in meteorology and its sub-areas such as climatology, synoptic, hydrometeorology, remote sensing of the atmosphere, atmospheric and climatic modeling. Articles from international and Latin American community researchers are also published. In RBMET there is also space for article of scientific reviews, in which is presented the state of art in atmospheric sciences. All the articles are revised by specialized professionals ("peer review process") and kept in anonymity.

The target public is the scientific community of meteorologists from Brazil and Latin American countries such as Argentina, Chile, Peru, Cuba and Mexico. This public is typically associated with private and public university, and also with research and operational institutions such as INMET (National Institute of Meteorology), CPTEC/INPE (Center for Weather Forecast and Climatic Studies of the National Institute of Space Research), SIMEPAR (Meteorological System of the Paraná), FUNCEME (Meteorological Foundation of Ceará) and others.

Graduate and under graduate students from Brazilian universities are a potential public of RBMET. Other researchers from related areas such as agro-meteorologists, hydrologists and engineers can also have benefits.

There is no fee for submission and evaluation of the article, but a fee of R$ 36.00 is charged per edited page of an article accepted for publication



Form and preparation of manuscripts


The RBMET publishes original articles that contribute to the scientific and technological development of atmospheric sciences and thematic reviews, presenting the state of the art in these fields. It is forbidden the same article to be submitted in other magazine. Once the article is accepted it is implied that it is an exclusive publication on, being allowed the total or partial reproduction since the source is cited.

Articles should be submitted preferential in English; however they are also accepted in Spanish or Portuguese. In all cases, abstract in English and in Portuguese is necessary.

The articles must be concise and have 20 pages, including text, tables, graphs and bibliographical references. In the first page of the text, the title, abstract and key words, in English language should be included. In second page should include the title and the abstract in Portuguese. The abstract in Portuguese and in English not exceeding 200 words in length. The following pages should contain the main text and the bibliographical references. Graphs, tables, drawings, maps and photographs with explicative legends must be enclosed separately and their position indicated in the text.

The text should typed in the A4 (297 x 210mm) format, using the Word 6.0 text editor or other new version, Times New Roman font size 11, double space, leaving 3,0cm in both lateral margins, 2,5cm in top and 2,5cm bottom margins.

The pages must be numbered in the top right margin, numbering starts at the first page of the manuscript.

References must be listed in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author, according to the ABNT rules (NRB-6023, August of 2002). Abbreviation of journal titles must be accord the World List of Scientific Periodicals.

The papers, whenever possible, should be organized in the following structure: Title, Summary, Abstract, 1. Introduction, 2. Material and Methods, 3. Results and Discussions, 4. Conclusions, 5. Acknowledgments and 6. References.

There are not currently fees for color figures because editions are not being printed.



About peer review


Articles submitted to Rbmet undergo a preliminary assessment by the Editor to verify submission rules and if the topic and content of the articles are relevant to the Journal's publication objectives. Afterwards, this evaluation can be rejected and emails sent to the author(s) for corrections and resubmission or accepted to be placed to an Associated Editor for choosing two or more reviewers to start the article review process. In this review, the Associated Editor and the selected reviewers do not know the name of the author(s) of the article or their institutions.



About Open Access, Copyright, and Self-Archiving Policies


All journal content and articles published by Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution.

Authors of articles published by Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia retain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited.



Sending of manuscripts


The original articles submitted for publication must be sent to the Responsible Editor through the Rbmet Scholar One site. The submitted text must not have an author (authors) and institution (institutions).



Sociedade Brasileira de Meteorologia Rua. Do México - Centro - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, +55(83)981340757 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil