Brief Background
Revista Katálysis, created in 1997 and published uninterruptedly since then, is edited by the Postgraduate Program in Social Work and the Undergraduate Course in Social Work at the Federal University of Santa Catarina. It has an A1 classification by Qualis/Capes. Its objective is to publish scientific productions relevant to Social Work and topics in related areas that cover teaching, research and extension and professional practice. Through original scientific articles, it seeks to cover themes from the human and social sciences, applied social sciences and their relationships with other fields of knowledge. The magazine is a refereed, indexed periodical with national and international circulation. |
Open Science Compliance
The Open Science movement proposes guidelines for collaborative, shared and public scientific practice. In line with the Open Science guidelines, Revista Katálysis adopts the open access policy, the code of good practice for editors and the use of social networks to disseminate published works. Requires precise indication of the role of each of the authors in multi-authored articles, encourages sharing of analysis data sets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, made available in open online repositories Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, if they cannot be published in the work itself, this information is indicated in the manuscript itself. Consequently, articles that communicate research must indicate and reference the availability of content underlying the preparation of the research and the results obtained. Also, in line with open science practices, the journal offers authors and reviewers options to open the peer review process, with or without identifying their names. Authorization to disclose the name may be given by the authors when submitting the manuscript and by the evaluators when filling out the Open Science Compliance Form. If the evaluations that supported the decision to publish the manuscript are published, they may be edited by the journal's editorial board. The contribution of the section editors is duly credited in the published article. Reviewers receive a declaration of the manuscript's opinion and can also validate the activity on Publons or Reviewer Credit. |
Ethics in Publication
For researchers, authors, editors and reviewers, in addition to ethical precepts, standards of conduct are applied that derive from the specific purpose of their profession: the construction, dissemination and collective appropriation of science. These standards define the ethical integrity of scientific activities and can be deduced from a fundamental principle: every scientist must exercise their profession in the most appropriate way to result in the advancement and socialization of science in a public way. Revista Katálysis is convinced that the combined efforts of researchers, research institutions, authors, editors and reviewers will be successful in maintaining the dissemination of scientific research in accordance with the standards of ethical integrity. Revista Katálysis maintains publishing ethics standards and takes all possible measures in the publication process. The guidelines recommended by COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) must guide the standards of behavior of all parties involved in the act of publication: the author and the journal's editorial team. The ethics and good practices policy in the production and publication of Revista Katálysis must consider:
Focus and Scope
Revista Katálysis, through the public university, has the mission of publishing scientific productions relevant to Social Work, covering themes in related areas. In this way, it intends to promote and disseminate current and significant productions of teaching, research, extension and professional practice of Social Service, covering themes from the human and social sciences, applied social sciences and their relationships with other fields of knowledge, through original scientific articles research results. The Journal's articles are cited in the most diverse subareas of social sciences, mainly in themes involving social policies, human rights, citizenship, social issues and social inequality. The distinguishing feature of Revista Katálysis is that it is entirely public, open access and indexed in the main existing databases. The rigor in the periodicity and quality of the articles makes it a reference in the publication of scientific knowledge and supports its relevance and uniqueness in applied social sciences. |
Digital Preservation
This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy program The digital files of Revista Katálysis are preserved on the Cariniana Network, which uses the LOCKSS program. LOCKSS creates a distributed filing system among participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration. |
Indexing Sources
Bibliographic Journal Information
Websites and Social Media
Magazine website on the UFSC portal: Instagram: @revistakatalysis |
Katálysis Magazine encourages the publication of preprint articles on public platforms, such as Preprints, SciELO Preprints, so that, if applicable, they can be discussed openly before being published. Preprints submitted to Revista Katálysis are treated with transparency and integrity, we recommend that authors provide the following information:
Use of artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence does not meet Revista Katálysis requirements for authorship of a scientific article, given the need for accountability. Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and Language Models (LLM) cannot be listed as authors in any academic work published in this journal. The use of Artificial Intelligence can be used by authors in cases that are not related to ethical problems, such as: responsibility for the article, presence and absence of conflict of interest nor being responsible for managing licensing agreements and author(s) rights(es). Texts obtained through AI may include biases, distortions, irrelevances, misrepresentations and plagiarism, many of which are caused by the algorithms that govern their generation and depend, to a large extent, on the content of the materials used to form the questions. |
Peer Review Process
Revista Katálysis criteria for accepting articles include originality, data validity, clarity of writing, repercussions of conclusions and scientific contribution to Social Work and related areas. The process of evaluating articles submitted to Revista Katálysis consists of two stages. The first, a preliminary assessment by the Editors and Editorial Committee, who examine the suitability of the manuscript for the journal's editorial line and carry out the Desk Review assessment. The name of the editor responsible for the preliminary analysis evaluation process will be published in the final publication of the article. The second consists of the evaluation itself, which is carried out by two ad hoc consultants. The evaluation primarily considers the scientific quality of the text, focusing on the following aspects: suitability for the objectives and editorial policy of Revista Katálysis, manuscript presentation format and publication potential, rigor, clarity and precision regarding scientific production, the writing, methodological description, content and ethical-theoretical probity. The Editors and the Editorial Committee, in possession of the referees' analyses, will make the final decision based on the Journal's editorial program. In case of discrepancies between the reviewers, a third opinion may be requested. The Editors will forward the final decision to the responsible author, via the Periodicals Portal Platform. In line with Open Science communication practices, the journal now adopts in its editorial policy the opening of the peer review process in common agreement with the reviewer. Furthermore, authors may choose one or more means of opening the peer review process offered by the journal, as well as authors may agree to interact directly with reviewers responsible for evaluating the manuscript, when offered the option. The reviewers, through an opinion written on the Periodicals Portal Platform, will recommend one of five options: Accept (with or without restrictions) Mandatory fixes Resubmit for evaluation Submit to another magazine Reject Writing/Style – Revista Katálysis spelling, standards and style reviews complete the evaluation process. |
Open Data
The journal encourages the author(s) to publish analysis datasets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, made available in open online repositories, such as SciELO Data, Zenodo, Figshare and OSF, if they cannot be published in the work itself, and this information must be indicated in the manuscript. Consequently, articles that publish research must indicate and reference the availability of content underlying the preparation of the research and the results obtained. |
Revista Katálysis does not charge authors any type of fee for submitting processing or publishing manuscripts. |
Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy
In order to guarantee an editorial policy committed to ethical publication criteria, which encourage the identification of plagiarism, bad practices, fraud, possible violations of ethics and the opening of lawsuits, we strongly recommend that authors follow the following steps before submitting the manuscript for the magazine:
After submission, the Editorial Committee, together with the journal Secretariat, may carry out the following procedures when they deem it appropriate:
Errata: Revista Katálysis recognizes the importance of correcting errors that may arise after the publication of an article. If a significant error is identified, authors must notify the journal immediately. An erratum will be published as soon as possible to detail the corrections and ensure the accuracy and integrity of the scientific record. Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism: Revista Katálysis strictly prohibits plagiarism and self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism occurs when an author reuses significant portions of their own previously published work without proper citation. Manuscripts with text recycling will be rejected and may result in sanctions by the Editorial Board. Duplicate and Redundant Publication: Revista Katálysis publishes only original content. It is not permitted to submit a study to multiple journals simultaneously or divide the results of a study into several articles. Violations will result in rejection or retraction of the article, with possible sanctions by the Editorial Board. Fabrication and Falsification of Data: fraud such as image manipulation, fabrication or falsification of data will result in the immediate exclusion of the manuscript from the evaluation process and possible sanctions by the Editorial Board. Corrections and Retraction: in cases of serious errors or discoveries of scientific misconduct, such as plagiarism or falsification of data, a retraction of the article may be necessary. The decision to retract an article is made by the editor-in-chief after careful investigation and, where appropriate, consultation with external experts. The retraction will be clearly identified as such and will remain linked to the original article on the journal website, maintaining the transparency and integrity of the academic record. |
Policy on Conflict of Interest
Conflict of interest is often referred to as a competing interest, any interest or relationship, whether financial, personal, religious, political or otherwise, that may influence or be perceived as influencing the objectivity and integrity of an author, reviewer or editor. All participants in the publication process – authors, reviewers and editors – must declare any potential sources of conflicts of interest. For Authors:
For Reviewers and Editors:
Important Considerations:
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses provided in this magazine will be used exclusively for editing and publishing services and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties. |
Adoption of similarity software
Before being sent for evaluation by the Editorial Committee, external reviewers or at any time during the editorial process, manuscripts submitted to Revista Katálysis will be analyzed based on the iThenticate software to identify plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism. Authors must guarantee the originality of manuscripts and, if they use articles from other authors, that they are duly cited. Practicing plagiarism, or self-plagiarism, in all its forms, is unacceptable. In this way, it is possible for authors to receive possible questions during the process of evaluating the submitted work, regarding the indications highlighted by the software used. If plagiarism is actually proven, the manuscript will be returned to the author. The Authors, Scientific Editor, Editorial Committee, Scientific Council and Reviewer of Revista Katálysis are subject to these guidelines. Revista Katálysis does not use chatbots such as Bard, Bing and ChatGPT and does not accept the use of chatbots in the preparation of manuscripts to be submitted to the journal. |
Gender and Sex Issues
The editorial team of Revista Katálysis, in addition to the authors who publish in the magazine, must always observe the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER. The SAGER guidelines comprise a set of guidelines that guide the reporting of information about sex and gender in study design, data analysis, and results and interpretation of findings. Furthermore, Revista Katálysis observes the gender equity policy in the formation of its editorial board. |
Ethics Committee
All works resulting from research or reports of experiences involving human subjects or information with restricted access must indicate in the text the approval number by the research ethics committee, indicating compliance with national and international resolutions that regulate these issues. Text that does not comply with these requirements will not be evaluated in the Journal and its submission will be rejected. Authors must attach a statement of approval from the ethics committee of the institution responsible for approving the research, when applicable. |
Authors of articles published by Revista Katálysis maintain the copyright of their works, licensing them under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0, which allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, as long as the original work is correctly cited. The authors grant Revista Katálysis the right of first publication. |
Intellectual Property and Terms of Use
Website Responsibility: All magazine content and articles published by Revista Katálysis, except where otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. The publication reserves the right to make normative, spelling and grammatical changes to the originals, with a view to maintaining the cultured standard of the language, whilst respecting the authors' style. Originals will not be returned to the authors. Author's responsibility: Authors maintain full rights to their works published in Revista Katálysis, with total or partial reprinting, deposit or republication subject to indication of first publication in the magazine, through the CC-BY license. The original publication source must be noted. Authors are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publishing in an institutional repository or a book chapter). The data, concepts and opinions presented in the manuscripts, as well as the accuracy of documentary and bibliographic references, are the sole responsibility of the authors. Revista Katálysis encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts, publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories and academic social media, as well as posting them on their personal social media, as long as the full citation is included in the journal website version. |
Deputy Chief Editor
Executive Editor(s)
Technical Team
Formatting and Standardization Reviewer
Electronic Publishing
Editora Cubo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil. |
Editorial Committee
Conselho Editorial Científico
Conditions for submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the submission for compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be returned to the authors.
Guidelines for Authors
Types of documents accepted
Original article It corresponds to an original and unpublished scientific work, containing a critical review or the results of research of an empirical or theoretical nature, written in Portuguese, Spanish or English. These contributions are intended to disseminate unprecedented research results with broader themes, which discuss issues, analyze hypotheses and question current paradigms. Experience report Presents a study, report or case description with analysis of conceptual implications, description of procedures or intervention strategies, containing appropriate methodological evidence. Interview Invited discussion relating to a specific article or journal issue. Book review Presentation and review of a book guiding the reader regarding its characteristics and potential uses; constituting a commented summary, with opinions that can give an overview of the work. |
Authors' Contribution
Only those who have contributed substantially to the conception, planning, data analysis, writing of the article and who are responsible for the information present in its final version should be included as authors.
Article Submission Format
1. The manuscript must be written in a word file, with the following configuration: Arial font size 12, A4 size paper, interlinear space of 1.5 lines and all margins 2.5 cm. 2. Size, title, abstract and keywords in the language of the respective manuscript.
3. The body of the manuscript to be sent must contain items that correspond to the introduction, development and conclusion. The introduction item must contain the presentation of the manuscript and a brief discussion of the theme/object. As well as the justification of the theme, the reason for the choice, the objectives of the manuscript and methodology, the theoretical outline and delimitations, the chosen theoretical-methodological perspective and, finally, saying how the work is structured and presented. We remember that in the introduction and final considerations the minimum number of citations is used (they are rarely used), as this is essentially a space for the author's own construction and elaboration. 4. Tables, charts and formulas must be presented in editable text in Word. 5. Very clear figures, tables and photos, in high definition, only in black and white, must contain credits and captions. If the illustrations sent have already been published, mention the source. 6. Manuscripts must be sent rigorously proofread, in accordance with current grammatical rules. 7. Works must follow the criteria of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), when in Portuguese, or the American Psychological Association (APA) when in Spanish and English. During editing, they will be adapted to the project and editorial format of Revista Katálysis. 8. Authorship identification must not appear anywhere in the body of the manuscript and in the file properties, thus guaranteeing the Journal's confidentiality criteria for peer review. In citations, replace the Author's Surname with the word Author. Example: (Author, year, page). In the reference only Author and year. Example: Author, year. 9. The author must certify that they participated in the conception of the manuscript, in part or in full, that they did not omit any connections or financing agreements between the authors and institutions that may have an interest in the publication of this manuscript. You must also certify that the text is original and that the manuscript, in part or in full, or any other work with substantially similar content, by you, has not been sent to another journal and will not be sent to another magazine while its publication is being considered. by Revista Katálysis. 10. In the case of research resulting from public or private funding, this must be mentioned at the end of the work, indicating the full name (in full) of the funding agency, project or protocol number and execution period. 11. Before sending the manuscript for evaluation, confirm that all authors are duly registered in the Journal with the following information: Full name without abbreviations, e- email, highest title and institution obtained, name of the work institution in full and address of this institution. ORCID As a way of standardizing authorship, it is mandatory to include the ORCID ID of all authors at the time of submission. It is necessary to certify whether ORCID registration has been carried out. The ORCID identifier can be obtained free of charge at: The ORCID presentation must include the full URL, accompanied by the expression "https://" (for example: |
Digital Assets
There is no minimum or maximum limit for tables, charts, diagrams, photographs, graphs and illustrations. All figures must be numbered, have a title, with only the initials of the title in capital letters, and an indication of authorship, in accordance with the standards of ABNT NBR 6023: 2023. The mention of figures in the text must be made in parentheses (e.g. (Figure 1)). There is no specific guideline for the size of the image, it must be the size necessary to develop the argument presented throughout the manuscript. We also request that the material be sent, preferably, in PNG format, to guarantee the resolution quality of the images. Manuscripts that contain graphs, figures, tables and charts must be sent in a separate file, attached to the system so that editing can be carried out if necessary. Does not include image that cannot be modified. |
Citations and References
1. Citations, in accordance with NBR 6022 of May 2018, Citations and notes must be in accordance with ABNT NBR 10520. Table notes must be in accordance with the Tabular Presentation Standards of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Citations must be indicated in the text using the author-date system. Citation of up to three lines: within the body of the text, between quotation marks, font the same as the text. Citation of more than three lines: outside the body of the text, font 11, indented to the paragraph line, without quotation marks (or any other highlight), single interlinear spacing, right margin equal to that of the text. Name of the author of the work for the cases above: a) in the body of the text (normal spelling for proper names). Example: According to Mota (1997, p. 87), “Academic knowledge [...]” b) in parentheses, in capital letters. Example: “Academic knowledge [...]” (Mota, 1997, p. 87). 2. References, according to NBR 6023 of November 2018, in the author-date system (only documents actually cited in the work). For the purposes of systematizing the magazine, use only italics as a typographic resource. Reference Examples Books (complete work) GOMES, A C; VECHI, C A. Romantic statics: commented doctrinal texts. São Paulo: Atlas, 1992. Chapter (volume, fragment and other parts of a work with its own author) SANTOS, F R dos. The colonization of the land of Tucujús. In: SANTOS, Fernandes Rodrigues dos. History of Amapá, 1st grade. 2nd ed. Macapá: Valcan, 1994. p. 15-24. Legislation (electronic media) BRAZIL. [Constitution (1988)]. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988. Brasília, DF: Presidency of the Republic, [2016]. Available at: Accessed on: 1 Jan. 2017. Periodicals – Magazines SILVA, A A M da. Early interventions reduce vulnerabilities and improve child development. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 35, no. 3, p. 1-3, Mar. 2019. DOI: Available at: Accessed on: 27 June. 2019 Newspapers OTTA, L A. Treasury's share of BNDES loans grows 566% in eight years. O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, year 131, n. 42656, 1 Aug. 2010. Economy & Business, p. B1. By title and electronically TAX ARRANGEMENT. Diário do Nordeste Online, Fortaleza, 27 Nov. 1998. Available at: Accessed on: 25 Aug. 1998. Event SOUZA, L. et al. Incorporation of time in object-oriented DBMS. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON DATABASES, 9., 1994, São Paulo. Annals [...]. São Paulo: USP, 1994. p. 3-4. All Internet page addresses (URLs) included in the text (Ex.: must be active and ready to click. |
Financing Statement
Provide information on sources of support for the work, including names of sponsors, contract number (if applicable), along with explanations about the role of these sources |
Federal University of Santa Catarina Socioeconomic Center Undergraduate Course in Social Work Postgraduate Program in Social Work Rector João David Ferreira Lima University Campus, CEP: 88040-900 Florianópolis - Santa Catarina – Brazil Tel./WhatsApp: +55 48 3721 6524 E-mail: |