Basic Information
The ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal was created in 1976 and is a publication of the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (CEBES). This Center aims to disseminate studies, research, and reflections that contribute to the debate in the field of collective health, especially those that addressing issues related to health policy, planning, management, work, and evaluation. We value studies based on different theoretical-methodological approaches and with contributions from different branches of science. The journal is published quarterly, and, at the editors’ discretion, special issues that follow the same submission and evaluation process as the regular issues are published ‘Saúde em Debate’ accepts original and unpublished works that make relevant contributions to the scientific knowledge accumulated in the field. The authors are fully and exclusively responsible for the papers submitted to the Journal, and may not submit their papers simultaneously to another journal in full or in part. ‘Saúde em Debate’ has an Editorial Board that contributes to the definition of its editorial policy, reviewed periodically. Its members are part of the Editorial Committee and the base of reviewers in their specific areas. The abbreviated title of the Journal is Saúde Debate, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions. ‘Saúde em Debate' currently ranks A4 in the Qualis/Capes concept, and we are making every effort to improve our classification, indexing it in other databases. Social networks:
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Intellectual Property
All the Journal’s content, except where noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY ( This information is available on the homepage of the site and on the first page of all articles. |
In case of approval and publication of the article in the Journal, its copyright will become the property of the Journal. Authors must, upon submission, complete and sign a Responsibility and Assignment of Copyright Declaration according to the following model: |
Open access policy
The Saúde em Debate journal offers free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of this knowledge, adopting the Creative Commons License type BY attribution (CC-BY)
All of the Journal’s content is available for anyone to read, download, copy, print, share, reuse and distribute, with proper citation of the source and authorship. In these cases, no permission is required from the authors or publishers. The total or partial reproduction in any means of dissemination must be previously authorized by the Journal’s editors. |
A publication fee of BRL 600.00 (updated in June 2023) is charged for articles approved in any section of the Journal. We do not charge submission fees. After approval of the articles, the authors will receive an e-mail with instructions on the procedures for paying the publication fee. Exceptionally, if authors are unable to pay the aforementioned fee, they may request an exemption with due justifications. |
The Saúde em Debate journal receives financial support from:
CEBES’ editorial production results from institutional and individual support. Its collaboration so that the Saúde em Debate journal continues to be a democratic space for the dissemination of critical knowledge in the field of health will occur through the authors’ association with CEBES. We recommend that at least the main author is associated with CEBES. To join, go to the website |
Authors can contact the journal by e-mail: or through the journal’s own system in the fields ‘Discussion of the pre-evaluation’, ‘Discussion of the evaluation’, or ‘Discussion of the text edition’. Address
Avenida Brasil, 4.036, sala 802 |
Associate Editors
Editorial Board
Executive Editor
Assistant Editor
Layout and Desktop Publishing
The ‘Saúde em Debate’ (Health in Debate) journal was created in 1976 and is a Brazilian Center for Health Studies (CEBES) publication. This Center aims to disseminate studies, research, and reflections that contribute to the debate in the field of collective health, especially those that address issues related to health policy, planning, management, work, and evaluation. We value studies based on different theoretical-methodological approaches and with contributions from different branches of science.
The journal is published quarterly, and, at the editors’ discretion, special issues that follow the same submission and evaluation process as the regular issues are published.
The authors are entirely and exclusively responsible for the papers submitted to the Journal and may not submit their papers simultaneously to another journal in whole or in part. The abbreviated title of the Journal is Saúde debate, which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references, and bibliographic captions. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY POLICY Except where noted, all the Journal’s content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. This information is available on the site’s homepage and the first page of all articles. COPYRIGHT In case of approval and publication of the article in the Journal, its copyright will become the property of the Journal. Authors must, upon submission, complete and sign a Declaration of Liability and Cessation of Copyright according to the following model: . FEES A publication fee of BRL 600.00 (updated in June 2023) is charged for articles approved in any section of the Journal. We do not charge submission fees. After approval of the articles, the authors will receive an e-mail with instructions on the procedures for paying the publication fee. The authors with an article approved for publishing in any modality are responsible for language revision (mandatory) and translation into English (optional) based on a list of reviewers and translators indicated by the Journal. OPEN ACCESS POLICY The ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal offers free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater democratization of this knowledge, adopting the Creative Commons License type BY attribution (CC-BY 4.0). All of the Journal’s content is available for anyone to read, download, copy, print, share, reuse, and distribute, with proper citation of the source and authorship. In these cases, no permission is required from the authors or publishers. The Journal’s editors must previously authorize the total or partial reproduction by any means of dissemination. OPEN SCIENCE INCENTIVE POLICY Preprint ‘Saúde em Debate’ accepts articles in preprints from academically recognized national and international databases such as SciELO preprints. Submitting the article in preprint is not mandatory, and this does not prevent the simultaneous submission to the ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal. In the case of submission in preprint, the author must inform the Journal of the assigned DOI number and the server’s name where it was deposited. Data sharing The ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal encourages data sharing. To deposit Research Data, authors must choose the Open Access repository they consider most suitable for sharing their data and make the deposit. Information on data sharing in public repositories can be found at: Based on Open Science criteria, authors are asked to complete the Open Science Compliance Form – SciELO (model enclosed), which must be attached to the Journal’s system upon submitting the manuscript as ‘Article components – Supplementary document’. RESEARCH ETHICS AND INTEGRITY POLICY The Journal adopts the ‘Standards for the presentation of articles proposed for publication in medical journals’ – International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) These integrity and ethical standards recommendations in conducting and reporting research are available at ‘Saúde em Debate’ follows SciELO ‘Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication’. We recommend the authors to read them. Human research ethics The publication of articles with human research results is subject to compliance with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1964, reformulated in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, 2000, and 2008 by the World Medical Association. It also complies with the specific legislation of the country where the research was conducted, wherever applicable. In the last paragraph, human research articles must make clear compliance with the ethical principles in the ‘Material and Methods’ section, mention the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) approval number, and forward a copy of the approval opinion upon submission. Anti-plagiarism policy The ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal adopts the guidelines, instructions, and flows recommended by the Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE Upon receipt, manuscripts are submitted to plagiarism detector software. The authors may be asked about information identified by the tool to ensure the originality of the manuscripts, referencing all the research sources used. Plagiarism is unacceptable editorial behavior. Thus, if any similarities with other published texts are proven, the manuscript will be excluded from the evaluation process. Conflict of interests When signing the Declaration of Liability and Cessation of Copyright, authors must report on relationships that may establish a financial or affiliation conflict of interest. Authorship and contribution The journal accepts a maximum of seven authors per article. Information on all authors must be included in the submission form at: ‘Enter Metadata – List of Contributors – Add Contributor’, containing full name, affiliation institutions with up to three hierarchies, Orcid code (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), and e-mail. Individuals designated as authors must have substantially participated in the preparation of the manuscript and assume responsibility for its content. Upon submission of the manuscript, all authors must complete and sign the Declaration of Liability and Cessation of Copyright – writing the full name and their detailed contribution as recommended by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):
Information about the participation of each author, with the respective Orcid, will appear in the article in the item ‘Collaborators’ before the ‘References’. Funding In financed scientific works, the authors must send the information to the Journal about the funding source, with the process registration number. ‘Saúde em Debate’ complies with Ordinance N° 206 of 2018 of the Ministry of Education/Foundation Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel/Office on mandatory citation of CAPES for works produced or published in any medium, resulting from activities totally or partially financed by CAPES. EVALUATION PROCESS The evaluation process of scientific texts submitted to the ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal, in any of the modalities provided, is submitted to peer review, and academic merit is the criterion adopted in all evaluative stages. We seek to promote inclusion, diversity, and equity. No article will be outright rejected based on characteristics of the authors, such as race, religion, sexual orientation, political belief, or any other derogatory aspect. Every manuscript the ‘Saúde em Debate’ journal receives is submitted to prior technical analysis to identify compliance with the Journal’s rules. Works that do not comply with the Journal’s publication standards are returned to the authors for adaptation and new submission. Once the Journal’s norms are fully complied with, the editor-in-chief and associate editors appreciate the originals, who assess the originality, scope, timeliness, and compliance with the Journal’s editorial policy. Papers approved in this pre-assessment stage are forwarded to the associate editor, who will appoint two reviewers, considering the paper’s topic and expertise, who may approve, reject, or make recommendations for changes to the authors. Any opinion divergence will require the work to be forwarded to a third reviewer. Editors may, at their discretion, issue a third opinion. The referees will recommend accepting, refusing, or reformulating the works submitted. In the case of reformulation, the authors must return the revised work within the stipulated period, after which the work will be excluded from the system. The Editorial Committee has full authority to decide on the final acceptance of the work and the changes made.
Additions or modifications will not be accepted after the final approval of the work. Eventual suggestions for changes in structure or content by the Journal’s editors will be previously agreed upon with the authors through e-mail communication. The end of the article will include information about the date of receipt, approval, financial support, and conflict of interest. |
Guidelines for the preparation and submission of articles