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(Updated: 2024/08/16)


Brief Background


The Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production (RBSPA) is published by the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science (EMEVZ) at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA). The RBSPA was established in 2001, replacing the Archives of the School of Veterinary Medicine at the Federal University of Bahia, which had been in existence since 1978. In 2013, the journal was admitted to the SciELO collection, and since 2019, it has adopted a continuous publication model.



Open Science Compliance


The RBSPA embraces Open Science with the aim of making knowledge generated from scientific research open, accessible, and shared with the community. In addition to open access, RBSPA publicly discloses procedures to be followed by editors, reviewers, and authors on matters such as the manuscript evaluation process, the contribution of each author to the research development, the publication of the names of editors responsible for evaluating and approving the manuscript, as well as the publication of errata and retractions.

In line with Open Science, RBSPA allows the corresponding author, at the time of article submission or thereafter, to submit the manuscript preferably to the SciELO Pre-prints server. The identification of whether the article submission is a preprint will be made by the authors at the time of submission by attaching to the Journal's submission platform the form on compliance with Open Science provided at the link:

Open Science Compliance Form 



Ethics in Publication


The RBSPA adheres to the ethical principles established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which provides guidelines for editors, reviewers, and authors on aspects such as study planning and ethical approval, rigor in data analysis, determination of authorship merit, conflicts of interest, peer review, misconduct, plagiarism, among others. More information about these guidelines is available on the COPE website.

Studies involving the use of humans and/or animals, either directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, must specify in the Materials and Methods section that the study was previously submitted to, evaluated by, and approved by a competent Ethics Committee. The name of the Committee, Institution, and the document number CAAE – Certificate of Ethical Appreciation Submission, or similar, must be included. 



Focus and Scope


The RBSPA publishes original and unpublished scientific articles, literature reviews, and case reports related to the field of Agricultural Sciences, with a focus on animal health and production.

The journal accepts submissions in the following areas:

  • Agribusiness
  • Forestry and Grassland
  • Genetics and Animal Breeding
  • Preventive Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal Morphology
  • Animal Nutrition
  • Pathology and Clinics
  • Animal Production and Environment
  • Fishing Resources / Aquaculture
  • Animal Reproduction

Submitted articles must not be under review by another journal. The Editor-in-Chief will review every submitted article to ensure compliance with all RBSPA guidelines. Only those that meet the standards will be forwarded for evaluation by at least two ad hoc reviewers (peer review), ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Articles that do not fall within the journal’s scope, have been previously published, or are not formatted according to the journal’s guidelines will be rejected. 



Digital Preservation


This journal follows the standards defined in the SciELO Program's Digital Preservation Policy.



Indexing Databases



Bibliographic Cataloging Sheet


Title: Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production
Abbreviation: Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim.
Published by: Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia – UFBA
Frequency: Annual
Publishing mode: Continuous Publication
Year of journal creation: 2001



Websites and Social Media


Instagram – (@rbspa_)

X (Twitter) – (@rbspa_)

LinkedIn – (Revista Brazileira de Saúde e Produção Animal)





The RBSPA provides open access to published articles, contributing to more effective dissemination of scientific research results. All articles published in the RBSPA since 2012 are available online and free of charge on the RBSPA website and the SciELO platform.





In accordance with Open Science principles, RBSPA allows the corresponding author, either at the time of article submission or later, to submit the manuscript, preferably to the SciELO Preprints server. The identification of whether the article submission is a preprint will be made by the authors at the time of submission by attaching the Open Science Compliance Form, provided at the link below, to the journal's submission platform: 

Open Science Compliance Form



Peer Review Process


The editorial team initially reviews submitted articles. Articles that do not fall within the journal's scope, lack significant scientific contribution, have been previously published, or are not formatted according to the journal’s guidelines will be rejected.

The manuscripts that pass this initial review are then sent for evaluation by at least two ad hoc reviewers (peer review), ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers (double-blind). Based on the reviewers’ reports, the editorial team may accept, reject, or request a revised version of the article, which will be re-evaluated by the reviewers and the editorial team. They may accept, reject, or request further revisions to the work.

With each revised version, authors must include a response letter to the reviewers, clearly indicating the page and line numbers where changes were made in the article.

Upon final acceptance, if the article is in Portuguese, the authors must provide a translation into English, with proof of translation by a qualified company. Authors of articles submitted in English may be asked to provide proof of grammar revision if the article contains language-related issues.

After the final formatting of the article, additional information, such as the date of receipt and acceptance of the article, as well as the name of the editor responsible for its evaluation, will be included.


Open Data


If there is supplementary research data, the corresponding author must indicate the location, nature, referencing, and statement of availability in the manuscript.

More information about supplementary data can be found at the following links: 



Publication Fees


All submitted articles are subject to a submission fee of R$ 50.00 for Brazilian authors or US$ 20.00 for international authors. This fee is non-refundable in the event of article rejection.

All articles accepted for publication in RBSPA must pay a publication fee of R$ 300.00 for Brazilian authors or US$ 120.00 for international authors. The article will be published only after the publication fee has been paid.

Submission and publication fees should be paid via bank deposit or transfer to:


Banco do Brazil

Branch: 2799-5

Account: 34591-1

IBAN: BR7500000000027990000345911C1


If authors prefer, they may request a payment slip by emailing



Ethics and Misconduct, Correction and Retraction Policy


The RBSPA is committed to the integrity of its publications and issues Errata and Retractions as needed, in accordance with COPE guidelines for retractions.

The following links provide more information:



Conflicts and Interest Policy


Authors must disclose in the manuscript any potential conflicts of interest of a personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial nature that may have influenced the preparation of the work.

The corresponding author will declare (in the cover letter) on behalf of all authors and attach a specific document to the article submission platform.

Editors and reviewers assigned to evaluate the article must also notify if any conflict of interest is perceived. 

For more information, see: Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest.



Use of Similarity Verification Software


RBSPA uses the iThenticate software for similarity checking. The verification will be conducted on the first version of the submitted article.




Adoption of Software and Use of Artificial Intelligence Resources


RBSPA considers that artificial intelligence does not meet the criteria for authorship of a scientific article. Thus, artificial intelligence (AI) tools or language models (LLMs) cannot be listed as authors.

These tools should be limited to assisting with the language of the article and refining the author's original content without suggesting new content.

AI tools should be used with caution and under human supervision. Authors must carefully review and edit the results generated by these tools, as they may produce inaccurate, incorrect, incomplete, or biased results.

Authors must declare the use of artificial intelligence resources in the article according to the model provided in the template.

For more information, authors should consult the Guide of the Use of AI Tools and Resources in Research Communication on the SciELO Network.



Sex and Gender Issues


The editorial team of the Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production (RBSPA), as well as the authors publishing in the journal, must always adhere to the guidelines on Sex and Gender Equity in Research – SAGER. The SAGER guidelines provide a framework for reporting information on sex and gender in study design, data analysis, results, and interpretation of findings. Additionally, RBSPA follows a gender equity policy in the composition of its editorial board. 



Ethics Committee


Studies involving the use of humans and/or animals, either directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, must specify in the Materials and Methods section that the study was previously submitted to, reviewed by, and approved by a competent Ethics Committee. The name of the Committee, Institution, and the document number CAAE – Certificate of Ethical Appreciation Submission, or similar, must be included. 





Authors of articles published in the Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production (RBSPA) retain copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. This license allows the articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided that the original work is properly cited. Authors grant the journal the right of first publication.



Intellectual Property and Terms of Use


Website’s Responsibility: 

All content of the journal and articles published by RBSPA, unless otherwise specified, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution CC-BY 4.0.

Author’s Responsibility: 

Authors of articles published by RBSPA retain the copyright of their work, licensing it under the Creative Commons Attribution license. This license allows articles to be reused and distributed without restriction, provided the original work is properly cited.

All information contained in the published works is the sole responsibility of the authors. 

Mention of products and commercial brands does not imply endorsement by RBSPA.

Reproduction of published articles is permitted, provided the source is properly cited. 

RBSPA encourages authors to self-archive their accepted manuscripts by publishing them on personal blogs, institutional repositories, and academic social media, as well as on their personal social media accounts, as long as a full citation to the journal’s website version is included. 



Sponsors and Funding Agencies


Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)






  • Carlos Pasqualin Cavalheiro, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, Bahia, BA, Brazil, Orcid: 0000-0001-7118-7608, Lattes: 6398959605793265, e-mail:


Associated Editors



Editorial Assistant

  • Grasieli do Nascimento Rodrigues, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Salvador, BA, Brazil, e-mail:




The current guidelines for the Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production (RBSPA) have been in effect since July 2024 but are subject to periodic changes. RBSPA advises authors to consult the guidelines at the time of submission of their articles.




Types of Accepted Documents

  • Original Articles
  • Review Articles 
  • Case Reports 

Scientific articles, literature reviews, and case reports should be submitted exclusively online through the website:  

What to Submit to the Journal?

1) The article, formatted according to the journal’s guidelines and using the provided template, and designated as “Main document”. 

2) A cover letter in English, according to the provided model, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”. 

3) Proof of Submission fee payment, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”. 

4) A document with the CRediT author’s contribution, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”. 

5) Open Science Compliance Form, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”.  

Manuscripts should be written preferably in English but can also be submitted in Portuguese, provided they are translated before the final version, accompanied by a translation certificate. Articles in English with grammatical issues will also require a language correction certificate. Costs for translation or grammatical revision are the authors' responsibility.

Upon final publication in the Brazilian Journal of Animal Health and Production, all accepted papers will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI).



Authors' Contribution


All individuals who contributed to the conception, development, and analysis of the presented data are considered authors. Thus, at the time of submission, the author must attach a document detailing each author’s contributions. To maintain anonymity between authors and reviewers, this document should be uploaded as “Supplementary File Not for Review.” RBSPA uses the CRediT - CRediT – Contributor Roles Taxonomy ( This information will be included in the “Author Contributions” section at the end of the manuscript.

No changes to authorship, including names, order, replacement, or addition of authors, will be permitted after submission unless there is a relevant justification. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision.



Manuscript Preparation


Manuscripts should be written in the third person, following the provided template in Microsoft Word format. Authors must adhere strictly to the indicated format. Literature reviews and case reports may have some formatting variations, such as excluding Materials and Methods and Results and Discussion sections, but the remaining formatting must be followed.

Authors should specify the scope area of the journal to which the manuscript belongs.

Regardless of the type of article, it must include a title in both English and Portuguese, an abstract and summary, and keywords in both Portuguese and English. Additionally, a “running title” representing the content of the work and containing fewer than 40 characters should be included.

The submitted file should not contain the authors' names or institutional affiliations, as this file will be available to reviewers. However, the name and affiliation of the authors will be provided in the system by the corresponding author at the time of submission. This information should also be included in the “Cover Letter.”

Introduction: The introduction should briefly detail the study’s context and relevance. The current state of the field should be carefully reviewed, with key articles cited. The study’s objective should be clearly stated at the end of the introduction.

Materials and Methods: Provide sufficient information to allow the experiment to be reproduced by an independent researcher. Studies involving animals or humans and other studies requiring ethical approval must indicate the ethics committee responsible for approval along with the protocol number.

Results and Discussion: This section may be divided into “Results” and “Discussion” sections and subsections. Provide information about your experimental results, interpretation, and discussion. Use figures and tables to present the results, but all must be cited in the text and positioned as close as possible to their first citation. Do not present the same results in both tables and figures.

Conclusions: This should be concise and address the study's objectives. They should not include additional explanations.

Acknowledgments: This is an optional section where, in addition to acknowledgments, funding received should be noted, including agencies and protocol numbers.

Conflict of Interest Statement: Authors must declare in the manuscript any personal, commercial, political, academic, or financial conflicts of interest that may have influenced the work.

For more information, see Disclosure of Financial and Non-Financial Relationships and Activities, and Conflicts of Interest. 

Author Contributions: This section will be completed in the final version of the manuscript. However, this information should be submitted at the time of submission as a supplementary document.

Declaration of Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools: If applicable, authors must declare the use of AI tools in the manuscript. 



Digital Assets


The use of Tables and Figures (graphs, diagrams, photos) is permitted. The use of boxes is not allowed. Tables and Figures should be numbered sequentially according to the order of appearance and must be mentioned in the text before they appear (e.g., Table 1, Figure 1).

Tables should have a descriptive title positioned at the top. Tables should be open on the sides with a white background. They should not have vertical or horizontal lines inside. Tables may include a footer for abbreviations and statistical descriptions.

Data in tables should not be split across two pages.

Authors should follow the model proposed in the provided template.

Figures should be in TIFF or JPEG format and should be positioned within the text. The minimum resolution should be 1,200 dpi for simple graphs, 600 dpi for color photographs, and 300 dpi for black and white photographs. 



Citations and References


Citations and references must follow the style used by the American Psychological Association (APA) (7th Edition). Ensure that all cited documents are in the reference list and vice versa. References should be organized alphabetically and then chronologically, if necessary.

Multiple references by the same author(s) in the same year should be identified with the letters ‘a’, ‘b’, etc., placed after the publication year.

Citation of a citation (apud) is not permitted. Citations of conference presentations or theses (including master's and doctoral theses) are also not allowed. 

Throughout the document, in-text citations should be formatted as follows:

  • Single author: Butler (2024) or (Butler, 2024);
  • Two authors: Mendes and Cherubim (2024) or (Mendes & Cherubim, 2024);
  • More than two authors: Anger et al. (2024) or (Anger et al., 2024);
  • Multiple articles cited: (Mendes & Cherubim, 2024; Ander et al., 2024; Butler, 2024), always in ascending chronological order and alphabetical by authors for the same year.
  • Different articles by the same author and year: (de Souza et al., 2024a) and (de Souza et al., 2024b).


Reference List (Exemplos)

Journal Article:

Anger, J. C., Loncke, C., Omphalius, C., Boutinad, M., Guinard-Flament, J., Lapierre, H., & Lemosquet, S. (2024). Synthesis of milk components involves different mammary metabolism adaptations in response to net energy and protein supplies in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 107, 2883−2899.


Journal Article with Article Number:

Wu, D., Su, Y., Hu, G., & Lin, X. (2024). Bisphenol A and selenium deficiency exposure induces pyroptosis and myogenic differentiation disorder in chicken muscle stomach. Poultry Science, 103, Article 103641.



Mendes, I. C., & Cherubim, M. R. (2024). Soil Health Series: Volume 3 Soild Health and Sustainable Agriculture in Brazil. Wiley.


Book Chapter:

Butler, A. B. (2024). Functional morphology of the brains of ray-finned fishes. In S. L. Alderman, & T. E. Gilles (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology (pp. 31−39). Elsevier.



BugBurger. (2019). The eating insects startups: Here is the list of entopreneurs around the world. Retrieved from: Accessed April 25, 2024.


Government Documents and Legislations:

Brazil. (2022). Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária. Instrução Normativa n. 161 de 01 de julho de 2022. Diário Oficial da União. Retrieved from: Accessed October 14, 2023.



Supplementary Documents


Authors must include the following supplementary documents at the time of manuscript submission: 

1. The article, formatted according to the journal’s guidelines and using the provided template, and designated as “Main document”.  

2. A cover letter in English, according to the provided model, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”.  

3. Proof of Submission fee payment, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”.  

4. A document with the CRediT author’s contribution, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”. 

5. Open Science Compliance Form, designated as “Supplementary File Not for Review”.  




Revista Brazileira de Saúde e Produção Animal
Escola de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia – UFBA
Avenida Milton Santos 500, Ondina, CEP – 40170-110
Salvador, BA, Brazil
Fone: +55 71 3283 6718



UFBA - Universidade Federal da Bahia Avenida Milton Santos, 500 - Ondina , CEP 40170-110 Salvador-BA Brasil, Tel. 55 71 32836725, Fax. 55 71 32836718 - Salvador - BA - Brazil