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The information professional and the co-creation of value in information services: theoretical contributions



The co-creation of value is a relevant factor for the development of better informational services provided by libraries. These services require reassessments of processes that involve their various participants. The co-creation of value offers opportunities for better integration between provider and user of information services. In this aspect, the question is how to understand the participation of the participants in this process.


The objective of this study is to build a theoretical framework that allows the investigation of the processes of co-creation of value in informational services from the perspective of the service provider (information professionals/library). It is justified by the lack and lack of understanding of how the co-creation of value in libraries occurs, mainly on the aspects of providing informational services.


It is a theoretical essay, of a conceptual and analytical nature.


As a result, through national and international literature reviews, it was possible to delimit the study scenario, which resulted in a structure of connections, which enabled the construction of the frame of reference.


It is concluded that the frame of reference can contribute to the theoretical advance and development of studies that allow the investigation of the processes/elements of co-creation of value of the users, and perhaps the construction of models and the management of these elements.

Co-creation of value; Information services; Information professionals.



A co-criação de valor é fator relevante para o desenvolvimento de melhores serviços informacionais prestados por bibliotecas. Estes serviços carecem de reavaliações de processos que envolvem seus diversos participantes. A co-criação de valor oferece oportunidades para uma melhor integração entre prestador e utilizador dos serviços informacionais. Neste aspecto, questiona-se o como entender o envolvimento dos participantes neste processo.


Construir um quadro teórico de referência que permita a investigação acerca dos processos de co-criação de valor em serviços informacionais sob a perspectiva do provedor de serviços (profissionais da informação/biblioteca). Justifica-se pela carência e insipiência no entendimento de como ocorre a co-criação de valor em bibliotecas, principalmente sobre os aspectos da prestação de serviços informacionais.


Trata-se de um ensaio teórico, de natureza conceitual e analítica.


Por meio de revisões de literatura nacional e internacional foi possível delimitar o cenário do estudo, que resultou em uma estrutura de conexões, que possibilitou a construção do quadro de referência.


Conclui-se que o quadro de referência possa contribuir para o avanço teórico e desenvolvimento de estudos que permitam a investigação dos processos/elementos de co-criação de valor dos usuários, e quiçá a construção de modelos e a gestão destes elementos.

Co-criação de valor; Serviços informacionais; Profissionais da informação.


The collaborative universe, the new technological, social, and economic dynamics have shaped the information users. Simultaneity, agility, availability, accessibility, etc., are relevant factors for their satisfaction while using information services.

The theory of value co-creation has been highlighted as a tool to understand and improve this scenario, in order to allow, through its processes, a better interaction and to promote the mutual creation of value between the service provider and its user.

In his study on the application of a model to investigate the effectiveness of value co-creation practices in digital libraries, Golooba (2017)GOLOOBA, M. Factors affecting value co-creation effectiveness in digital Library service quality. 2017. Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy in information tecnology) - International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2017. describes that, we need to understand the various factors that can affect value co-creation in libraries, but that, unfortunately, there is still a scarcity of research focusing on the notion of value co-creation.

In the literature there are few studies that focus research on the effects of value co-creation in libraries. The research is fragmented and directed towards a broad view of value creation processes, not considering the elements that can promote value co-creation from the point of view of both participants (library and users).

In view of this gap, the research problem that we intend to analyze denotes the relevance of understanding the participation of the service provider (information professionals/library) in the process of co-creation of value in information services. The research question aims to analyze the participation of the information professional/library in the processes of co-creation of value in informational services. To this end, the aim of this study is to build a framework about the co-creation of value in information services from the perspective of the service provider.

Through the research on which this study is based, no evidence has been found on how to analyze the processes of value co-creation on the part of the service provider, specifically in information services.

Zaninelli, Nogueira, and Peres (2019) believe that it is necessary to think about the changes in informational service delivery in relation to new dynamics and the need for advances in the literature of the field. Libraries have already realized the need to invest in innovative and dynamic informational services. Their professionals must be able to act efficiently and effectively, and to make better use of their competencies in thinking about a dynamic library that meets the needs of its users in terms of co-creation of value.

This research aims to observe only the participation of the service provider as a participant in the process of co-creation of value in information services, in order to understand how he (the information professional/library) can contribute with his resources. The framework is the instrument that will enable the investigation of the elements/processes of co-creation from the perspective of this participant.

This study is characterized as a theoretical essay, conceptual and analytical in nature. It is qualitative as to its approach. According to Richardson (2017)RICHARDSON, R. J. Pesquisa social: métodos e técnicas. São Paulo: Atlas, 2017. E-book., this perspective allows the researcher to make interpretations of the data, which includes developing a description of a scenario, analyzing data to identify themes or categories, and finally interpreting or drawing conclusions about its theoretical meaning. As a result, theoretical grounding is expected for the development of research on the investigation of value co-creation in information services.


A relevant point in the provision of information services and the co-creation of value refers to the information professional. This professional is the one who has specialized occupation in dealing with information.

Oliveira and Rodrigues (2020)OLIVEIRA, D. M.; RODRIGUES, L. S. Percepção sobre os Conhecimentos, Habilidades/Competências e Aptidões dos Profissionais da Informação: uma comparação de realidades. Páginas A&B: Arquivos e Bibliotecas, Porto, p. 89-104, 2020. describe a problem in conceptualizing the term "information professionals", according to the authors, in a review of international literature, there is no generalized consensus on its definition. That is, the term has many definitions, their differences in terms of this professional relate mainly to the distinct professions that make up the term, such as librarians, knowledge managers, information directors, web developers and information consultants. Epistemologically, this study focuses on the librarian.

In the context of libraries, he/she is inserted in the managerial aspects of services (planning, organization, control, etc.), as well as, linked to service execution (customer service, back office, teaching, etc.), and that, in a certain way, directly participates in the processes of co-creation of value.

From the point of view of the co-creation of value in libraries, the information professional represents the service provider. Thus, he or she is responsible for the provision of information services and the aspects related to their management.

Studies have portrayed the influence of this professional in the provision of information services. For Nascimento, Trompieri Filho and Barros (2005)NASCIMENTO, R. B. do; TROMPIERI FILHO, N.; BARROS, F. G. F. Avaliação da qualidade dos serviços prestados nas unidades de informação universitárias. Transinformação, Campinas, SP, v. 17, n. 3, p. 235-251, 2005., the information professional must know how to manage an Information Unit (IU), have a global vision of the unit, know the tools and concepts that help in the development of activities, in order to ensure the best use of resources involved in the organization.

In her study Pintro (2012PINTRO, S. Serviço de referência em bibliotecas universitárias: um estudo de competências e qualidade. 2012. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Informação) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2012., p. 147), researched on the issue of quality and competence of information professionals in university libraries. For the author, the competencies of this professional gain prominence as instruments for competitiveness in organizations, with a bias towards improving and maintaining the quality of services. Librarians are the main actors in the provision of information services, whose activities are directly aimed at the user.

User satisfaction is one of the key points in the provision of information services, and the information professional is the instrument for success. Oliveira and Rodrigues (2016)OLIVEIRA, E; RODRIGUES, E. Uma análise sobre a gestão e a aplicação de serviços de informação em bibliotecas escolares: um estudo nas escolas públicas de Farias Brito CE. Folha de Rosto, Juazeiro do Norte, CE, v. 2, n. 1, p. 5-14, 2016. state that the presence of a professional able to work in an IU is essential, because according to the conditions required, the librarian is able to use resources and strategies to ensure satisfaction regarding the services provided to users.

Information services have changed throughout history and so has the professional. Anna (2015) states that the professional must be aware of the changes. For the author, in fact, one also learns that the librarian's profile has changed over time, broadly speaking, ceasing to be a janitor of information, to metamorphose into an information disseminator, mediating access to different audiences.

In this context, Rozados (2006)ROZADOS, H. B. F. A informação científica e tecnológica e os serviços de informação. Informação & Sociedade: Estudos, João Pessoa, PB, v. 16, n. 1, p. 49-62, 2006. describes that an information service needs to have specialized staff to search for information, with a useful consultation collection, whether it is within the physical limits of the organization it is linked to or available beyond these limits, in addition to developing initiatives, procedures, and policies it deems necessary to facilitate user access to information.

2.1 Attributes and challenges of information professionals

In addition to specialized technical knowledge, another attribution linked to this professional is the competence for the type of service. Rossi, Costa, and Pinto (2014) state that for librarians to provide an adequate information service, meeting the institutional objectives and the expectations of its users, they must have, or develop specific skills for each type of service provided in order to meet the user efficiently and effectively.

The study by Oliveira and Rodrigues (2020)OLIVEIRA, D. M.; RODRIGUES, L. S. Percepção sobre os Conhecimentos, Habilidades/Competências e Aptidões dos Profissionais da Informação: uma comparação de realidades. Páginas A&B: Arquivos e Bibliotecas, Porto, p. 89-104, 2020. demonstrated the main attributes of an information professional. For the authors, Knowledge, Skills, Competence and Aptitudes (KSCA) are intrinsic requirements to exercise the profession in a changing scenario.

Many are the challenges to be faced in this context, services are now dynamic, they require immediacy, urgency, availability. The information professional must be prepared for this complex universe. Borges (2007)BORGES, M. E. N. O essencial para a gestão de serviços e produtos de informação. RDBCI: Rev. Digit. Bibliotec. Ciênc. Info., Campinas, SP, n. 2, v. 5, p. 115-128, 2007. DOI: 10.20396/rdbci.v5i1.2007. Disponível em: Acesso em: 03 nov. 2022.
describes that, in the face of all these issues, it is evident that, in order to fulfill its functions, the management of information services and products must rely on specialized personnel in the search for information, on relevant sources and on policies that facilitate user access to information. Given the variety of activities involved in handling information, professionals must be prepared to face the challenges they face.

Creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation may be the way out to better meet these demands for better services. For Victorino and Schiessl (2018)VICTORINO, M. de C.; SCHIESSL, M. O papel do profissional da Informação na automação de serviços de informação utilizando o método ágil Scrum. Informação & Tecnologia, João Pessoa, PB, v. 5, n. 2, p. 24-44, 2018., the automation of UIs becomes fundamental to meet a growing demand for automated information services. Also, according to the authors, in this context, the question arises about how the so-called information professional is being prepared to deal with the current scenario of extensive technological diversity. Moreover, it is also worth questioning what characteristics are required of these professionals to meet the new demand from information users, whether individuals or organizations.

Victorino and Schiessl (2018)VICTORINO, M. de C.; SCHIESSL, M. O papel do profissional da Informação na automação de serviços de informação utilizando o método ágil Scrum. Informação & Tecnologia, João Pessoa, PB, v. 5, n. 2, p. 24-44, 2018., state that information services need to use creative and innovative ways to meet the diverse information needs of their users. This is particularly important with the increasingly complex and competitive work environment, with companies needing to react immediately to changes happening in their external environments. It is therefore crucial to have quick access to high-quality, accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information to make accurate and timely decisions. Information professionals, in addition to providing traditional library services, need to use non-traditional and innovative methods to meet the specialized information needs of their users (PASSOS et al. 2016PASSOS, K. G. F. dos et al. Inovação em serviços de informação: uma análise bibliométrica da produção científica. Biblios, Brasília, DF, n. 63, p. 28-43, 2016.).

2.2 The information professionals: competences in information and knowledge

The informational context has brought great challenges for information professionals. Coupled with the use of new technologies, as well as the way users consume information, a new perspective in the provision of information services has emerged. Users are increasingly dynamic, urgent, and in need of individualized services.

In this regard, Venkatesh and Kalpavalli (2014)VENKATESH, N.; KALPAVALLI, S. Building knowledge management-based Systems: Initiatives at research centre imarat. DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology, Delhi, v. 34, n. 4, p. 304-308, 2014. state that all library professionals must revamp and reshape traditional library management tools and apply Knowledge Management (KM) concepts and practices for the delivery of better services in libraries.

Organizational learning allows its professionals, to learn, raise awareness, and transfer knowledge to the institution, however, the higher their competencies in knowledge and information, the better the results of KM.

For Serrat (2010)SERRAT, O. Notions of Knowledge Management. In: ASIAN Development Bank. Knowledge solutions: tools, methods, and approaches to drive development forward and enhance its effects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2010., competency is the state or quality of adequately or qualitatively deliver a specific task, action, or function successfully. Therefore, the concept is linked to the idea of better meeting organizational needs. The author states that knowledge competence is a specific range of knowledge and skills used to improve organizational performance. Sustainable competitive advantage occurs through great efforts to identify, cultivate, and exploit an organization's core competencies, the tangible fruits of which are packages composed of products and services that anticipate and meet market demands.

Still according to Serrat (2010SERRAT, O. Notions of Knowledge Management. In: ASIAN Development Bank. Knowledge solutions: tools, methods, and approaches to drive development forward and enhance its effects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2010., p. 296), knowledge competence is made before, during and after an event. It takes competencies to have "knowledge solutions". These competencies are related to areas such as: strategy development, management techniques, collaboration mechanisms, knowledge sharing and learning, and knowledge capture and storage.

For Fidelis and Barbosa (2012)FIDELIS, J. R. F.; BARBOSA, R. R. A competência informacional e sua influência na percepção de variáveis organizacionais estratégicas em IES privadas. Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento, João Pessoa, PB, n. 2, p. 27-39, 2012., information competence is defined as a continuous process of internalization of conceptual and attitudinal foundations and skills necessary for the understanding and permanent interaction with the informational universe. Zucari and Belluzzi (2016)ZUCCARI, P.; BELLUZZO, R. C. B. A competência em informação e o perfil empreendedor no âmbito das organizações. Perspectivas em Gestão & Conhecimento, João Pessoa, PB, v. 6, p. 61-71, 2016. emphasize that for people to remain in constant learning they need to be competent in information, which means knowing how to recognize when information is necessary for their lives, for this they must be able to locate, evaluate and effectively use the information, that is, know how they should learn.

In their look at informational competence in the organizational context, Fidelis, and Barbosa (2012) state that despite being an abstract and intangible phenomenon, information has become a primary resource for the development of any organization. Having the competence to deal with this resource and thus provide a better organizational performance is the skill that every professional must seek nowadays. Understanding the contexts of action and using information to determine the path to be followed are necessary skills that will define the success or not of the organization.

In light of the above, a cooperation between the "competencies" for organizational development can be observed, especially with regard to learning.

From the point of view of KM, Serrat (2010)SERRAT, O. Notions of Knowledge Management. In: ASIAN Development Bank. Knowledge solutions: tools, methods, and approaches to drive development forward and enhance its effects. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, 2010. delimits the areas of competence and their respective knowledge solutions. One of the areas addressed refers to "knowledge sharing", "learning" and, "strategy for organizational learning". In this context, the author brings questions about the use of information in Knowledge Management, when addressing the problem of information overload and the need to demonstrate knowledge, as well as the dynamics of information storage about knowledge, skills, experiences, and interests of people.

From the point of view of Information Management (IM), Melo and Araújo (2007)MELO, A. V. C. de; ARAUJO, E. A. de. Competência informacional e gestão do conhecimento: uma relação necessária no contexto da sociedade da informação. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, MG, v. 12, n. 2, p. 185-201, 2007. state that the concept of informational competence is related to the attitudes that facilitate the creation and sharing of knowledge, that is, learning. They consider informational competence to be a subset of learning.

Considering the relationship between informational competence and knowledge competence, it is believed that one is the foundation of the other, because they are constantly interrelated. The responsibilities of KM are based on skills to deal with information, that is, informational competence (MELO; ARAÚJO, 2007MELO, A. V. C. de; ARAUJO, E. A. de. Competência informacional e gestão do conhecimento: uma relação necessária no contexto da sociedade da informação. Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, Belo Horizonte, MG, v. 12, n. 2, p. 185-201, 2007.).

Therefore, to understand the processes of co-creation of value in information services, it is necessary to recognize this professional in terms of skills, competencies, and challenges in the provision of services. This is because in order to understand the co-creation of value, it is necessary to understand both participants in this process, the user, and the information professional/library. The professional represents the service provider. However, little is known about their participation and resources regarding the processes of co-creation of value, as well as how to investigate the elements of co-creation of value from the perspective of this participant.


The structuring of the reference chart, included a detailed mapping of the theoretical knowledge concerning the co-creation of value in information services. A literature search was carried out between October 9 and 10, 2021. The search command ("co-creation of value" and "information servic*") OR ("co-creation of value" and "librar*") was used. Articles published after the year 2000 were searched for (titles, keywords and abstracts) in the Scopus, Web of Science and Lisa databases.

From this investigation, 12 articles were validated for their relevance and alignment with the theme of the study.

Figure 1 represents a collection of these studies, in order to widely observe the study scenario and the scope of this research.

Figure 1
Scenario/Scope of the study

Based on the literature, the structure in Figure 1 represents a broad view of the processes of value co-creation, that is, the structure of encounter between user and provider proposed by Payne, Storbacka, Frow (2008)PAYNE, A. F.; STORBACKA, K.; FROW, P. Managing the co-creation of value. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, [S.l.], v. 36, n. 1, p. 83-96, 2008., as well as the encounter processes: Dialogue, Access, Risk and Transparency (DART), proposed by Prahalad and Ramaswamy (2004)PRAHALAD, C. K.; RAMASWAMY, V. Co-Creation Experiences: The Next Practice in Value Creation. Journal of Interactive Marketing, [S.l.], v. 18, n. 3, p. 5-14, 2004..

In the specific context, they are related to the operating resources of the participants, and the environment where value co-creation occurs. The operant resources of libraries were described by Baron and Warnaby (2010); Golooba (2017)GOLOOBA, M. Factors affecting value co-creation effectiveness in digital Library service quality. 2017. Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy in information tecnology) - International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2017.; Islam, Argawal and Ikeda (2015)ISLAM, M. A.; AGARWAL, N. K.; IKEDA, M. Conceptualizing value co-creation for service innovation in academic libraries. Business Information Review, [S.l.], v. 32, n. 1, p. 45-52, 2015.; Koda (2014) and Siddike, Unemoto. Features referring to the user, on the other hand, were found in the studies by Baron and Warnaby (2010); Golooba (2017)GOLOOBA, M. Factors affecting value co-creation effectiveness in digital Library service quality. 2017. Thesis (Doctor of Philosophy in information tecnology) - International Islamic University Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 2017.; Koda (2014) and Siddike, Unemoto. Baron and Warnaby (2010) believe that the environment (political, economic, and technological) is a relevant factor when analyzing value co-creation processes.

Once the resources and the meeting processes were structured, a way to meet the proposed objective was sought. Figure 2 shows a structure that directs the theory to meet the objectives proposed by this research, that is, a strategy for the investigation and understanding of the elements of co-creation of value by the library, that is, the information professionals who provide information services.

Figure 2
Cross-fertilizations between resources and processes for library value co-creation.

Figure 2 presents the research strategy as to the identification of the processes of co-creation of value from the library's point of view.

Once the study scenario was followed, the theoretical framework was built, and the strategy to obtain data regarding the proposed objectives was planned, it was formulated from the crossings shown in the figure above, the reference framework in view of these aspects already analyzed and structured in relation to the library.

The framework of reference (Table 1) includes the studies and theoretical outlines, the formulation of the theoretical structure and the strategy for data analysis of the library (its professionals) as a participant in the co-creation of value in information services. Its structure is divided into four sections (dialogue, access, risk, and transparency) which are the DART elements. In each section the aspects (tangible and intangible) of the library were distinguished, and in each of them the operating resources consistent with the aspect were delimited.

For each operating resource, we sought to describe it (what?), the reason why the resource is part of the research (why?), the justification of the need for it to be relevant in the context of information services (importance), the formulation of the question for understanding and obtaining data regarding the elements/processes of co-creation of value, and finally, the theoretical basis that supports the question.

Table 1
Provider frame of reference

In this context, it was observed that Dialog is seen as essential to understand the users' needs, but also, to understand how information professionals can improve themselves to better serve the user. To have dialog is to build bridges of interaction with the user, to the point that communication can be better understood and understood by both parties.

Access enables both the user and the library to participate in the different contexts in which the information services are inserted, and that, through the availability of information or the active participation of both, they can improve the services. This provision of information is necessary for both to recognize what is offered, the limitations, and propositions that the library offers in terms of information services.

Through the Risk dimension it is possible to understand how they can be detrimental in the value co-creation process. However, it is necessary to evaluate them so that the co-creation occurs without hindrance or damage to both parties. Understanding the risks is to recognize the possibility of improvement on the part of the service server in not allowing it to become a detriment to the user. The user in turn also recognizes the risks in participating in the value co-creation process, which improves his perception and expectations regarding his participation.

As for Transparency, one notices that there are several means to promote it. It is observed that information professionals (service provider) must be clear and objective in offering relevant information to their users, who in turn, enjoy dynamic and transparent channels as to the intentions of the IU to better provide services and allow them to participate in the co-creation of value.


This study sought to build a frame of reference about the co-creation of value in information services from the perspective of the service provider. By means of national and international literature reviews it was possible to delimit the scenario of the study, which resulted in a structure of connections that allowed the construction of the frame of reference.

The gaps observed in the literature consider that information services can be better addressed in complex contexts if we adopt new models of service delivery and focus on dynamics that challenge the status quo and permeate technological, social, and political advances, increasingly including the interaction between the service provider (information professionals/library) and the user in thinking about information services.

From a theoretical point of view, this research provides a conceptual framework for the co-creation of value in information services, and it is possible to observe that the co-creation of value is a relevant factor for libraries that need to adapt to the reality of their users. Information professionals need to observe the co-creation of value as a relevant action to increase the perspective of value among the co-participants of the process, and thus better provide their services, consistent with the real needs and expectations of users.

It is believed that the framework can be a guiding element for the discovery of value co-creation processes in libraries, and especially according to the aspects of information service delivery from the perspective of the service provider. The questions proposed in this study observed the library's operating resources (environment, collection, skill, empathy, and willingness), in counterpoint, the DART encounter processes, in order to enable the extraction of the elements/processes of value co-creation.

The analysis of these elements related to the service provider, together with the user's perspective, should result in a better service, matching the users' needs, however, both need to recognize and propose value. The co-creation of value allows not only to observe the value proposed by the library, but also that proposed by the user. To consider the value by both parties is to have in its fullness, the processes that will direct a better service provided and used.

The studies on the co-creation of value in libraries denote advances for Librarianship and Information Science, to the extent that the literature is insipient on this theme, even more so in thinking about their informational services. The co-creation of value from the point of view of the service provider (information professionals/library) has been studied, however, in a generic way in its models and not directional in its intentions and, mainly, do not present inputs for the discovery of the elements of co-creation of value.

The framework of reference is an instrument for the identification of these elements and perhaps the delineation of a structure (model) capable of supporting the management of the value co-creation processes, by both players.

As future research, we suggest the investigation of the other participant of value co-creation, the user, as well as the empirical application of the analysis of the elements of value co-creation and the structuring of a model for managing these processes.

  • Funding: Not applicable. Conflicts of interest: Authors certify that they have no commercial or associative interest that represents a conflict of interest in relation to the manuscript.
  • Availability of data and material:

    Not applicable.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Jan 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    25 Aug 2022
  • Accepted
    03 Nov 2022
  • Published
    12 Nov 2022
Universidade Estadual de Campinas Rua Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, 421 - 1º andar Biblioteca Central César Lattes - Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz - CEP: 13083-859 , Tel: +55 19 3521-6729 - Campinas - SP - Brazil