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Ecosystem of a collaborative research center in project studies: A conceptual framework


Purpose: To provide a conceptual framework of the ecosystem of a collaborative research center in project studies. The ecosystem is an environment capable of articulating and integrating different actors, such as academics and practitioners from public and private organizations, non-governmental organizations, and professional associations. Furthermore, it discusses theoretical and empirical frontiers in project studies and produces knowledge and technologies directly applicable to organizations, generating impact at the individual, organizational, and social levels.

Originality/value: The creation of a collaborative workspace that includes academics and practitioners in the co-production of knowledge has been highlighted as critical to driving project management forward. The framework establishes a common language among academics and practitioners to enhance the impact of the results of collaborative research on project management.

Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature review was carried out from a search on the Scopus and Web of Science databases, with 11 frameworks being evaluated from the perspective of sustainable impacts. The most appropriate framework was identified, analyzed, and enriched with an additional layer dedicated to project management.

Findings: The conceptual framework proposed comprises four layers: project studies, process (resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts), supporting mechanisms and circumstances, and context. For future studies, we suggest adding empirical data to the proposed structure and evaluating the framework in a collaborative academic environment.

research center; collaborative research; project management; project studies; framework



Propor o framework conceitual do ecossistema de um centro de pesquisa universitária em project studies. Trata-se de um ambiente capaz de articular e integrar distintos atores, como acadêmicos e praticantes de organizações públicas e privadas, organizações não governamentais e associações de classes, com o propósito de discutir fronteiras teóricas e empíricas em project studies e produzir conhecimento e tecnologias diretamente aplicáveis às organizações, e assim gerar impacto em nível individual, das organizações e da sociedade.

Originalidade/valor: A criação de espaço colaborativo, envolvendo aca-dêmicos e praticantes, para coprodução de conhecimento, tem sido apontada como crítica para impulsionar a área de gestão de projetos. O framework estabelece uma linguagem comum entre acadêmicos e praticantes para potencializar o impacto dos resultados de pesquisas colaborativas em gestão de projetos.

Design/metodologia/abordagem: Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura a partir de uma busca nas bases de dados Scopus e Web of Science, e avaliaram-se 11 frameworks sob a perspectiva de impactos sustentáveis. O framework mais aderente foi identificado, analisado e enriquecido com uma camada adicional dedicada à área de gestão de projetos.


O framework conceitual proposto é composto por quatro camadas: project studies, elementos processuais (recursos, atividades, resultados diretos, indiretos e impactos), mecanismos organizacionais de suporte e circunstâncias, e contexto. Como estudos futuros, sugerem-se a agregação de dados empíricos à estrutura proposta e a avaliação do framework em um ambiente acadêmico colaborativo.

centro de pesquisa; pesquisa colaborativa; gestão de projetos; pesquisa universitária; framework


One way universities have found that increases research relevance has been to work closely with external organizations, relying on the triple helix model (Etzkowitz & Leydesdorff, 1998Etzkowitz, H., & Leydesdorff, L. (1998). The endless transition: A “triple helix” of university-industry-government relations. Minerva, 36(3), 203-208.
). This widely promulgated model (Kurowska-Pysz & Walanci, 2017Kurowska-Pysz, J., & Walanci, M. (2017). The relationships in the process of knowledge transfer according to the triple helix model. European Journal of Economics and Business Studies, 3(3), 339-349.
; Mascarenhas et al., 2019Mascarenhas, C., Marques, C., & Ferreira, J. J. (2019). One for all and all for one: Collaboration and cooperation in triple helix knowledge cocreation. International Regional Science Review, 43(4) 316-343.
) is grounded on the principle of the production and exploration of knowledge through collaboration between industry, academia, and government (Faccin & Balestrin, 2015Faccin, K., & Balestrin, A. (2015) Práticas colaborativas em P&D: Um estudo na indústria brasileira de semicondutores. Revista de Administração Mackenzie, 16(6), 190-219.
; Ribeiro & Nagano, 2018Ribeiro, S. X., & Nagano, M. S. (2018). Elements influencing knowledge management in university-business-government collaboration: Case studies in National Institutes of Science and Technology. Knowledge and Process Management, 25(3), 207-219.
), giving rise to the emergence of intraorganizational ecosystems (Moore, 1998Moore, J. F. (1998). The rise of a new corporate form. Washington Quarterly, 21(1), 167-181.

This is a process through which organizations can engage in a continuous cycle of interdependent changes (Moore, 1993Moore, J. F. (1993). Predators and prey: A new ecology of competition. Harvard Business Review, 71(3), 75-86.
). Ecosystem analogies do not refer to individual actors but, rather, to interactions between actors in the same environment and the creation of value that a single organization could not create by itself (Durst & Poutanen, 2013Durst, S., & Poutanen, P. (2013). Success factors of innovation ecosystems: A literature review. In R. Smeds & O. Irrmann (Eds.), CO-CREATE 2013: The Boundary-Crossing Conference on Co-Design in Innovation (pp. 27-38).). From this perspective, a university context can be seen as an ecosystem consisting of actors with the ability to engage with external organizations through collaborative interfaces (Fukuda & Watanabe, 2008Fukuda, K., & Watanabe, C. (2008). Japanese and US perspectives on the national innovation ecosystem. Technology in Society, 30(1), 49-63.
). The consequent narrowing of relationships between researchers and practitioners increases the relevance of the knowledge produced, which has been discussed in several disciplines (Cherney & McGee, 2011Cherney, A., & McGee, T. R. (2011). Utilization of social science research: Results of a pilot study among Australian sociologists and criminologists. Journal of Sociology, 47(2), 144-162.
; Crona & Parker, 2011Crona, B. I., & Parker, J. N. (2011). Network determinants of knowledge utilization: Preliminary lessons from a boundary organization. Science Communication, 33(4), 448-471.
; Pettigrew, 1997Pettigrew, A. M. (1997). The double hurdles for management research. In T. Clarke. (Ed.), Advancement in organizational behaviour: Essays in Honour of D.S. Pugh (pp. 277-296). Dartmouth Press.).

The issue is also very much on the agenda of project management researchers. Academia, in pursuit of a practical component, is faced with a complex scenario that would be suitable for the generation of new ideas and challenges to the dominant theory (Walker, 2008Walker, D. H. T. (2008). Reflections on developing a project management doctorate. International Journal of Project Management, 26(3), 316-325.
; Walker et al., 2008Walker, D. H. T., Cicmil, S., Thomas, J., Anbari, F., & Bredillet, C. (2008). Collaborative academic/ practitioner research in project management: Theory and models. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 1(1), 17-32.
). Indeed, project management still lacks the wherewithal to further impact its field of operations in a positive way (Fernandes et al., 2020Fernandes, G., O’ Sullivan, D., Pinto, E. B., Araújo, M., & Machado, R. J. (2020). Value of project management in university-industry R&D collaborations. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(4), 819-843.
; Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.
), especially given that its conceptual basis remains open to criticism for its lack of relevance (Geraldi & Söderlund, 2016Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2016). Project studies and engaged scholarship: Directions towards contextualized and reflexive research on projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(4), 767-797.
; Morris, 2010Morris, P. W. G. (2010). Research and the future of project management. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3(1), 139-146.
; Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.
). With no solid theoretical basis, it is difficult for research to converge on the robust conclusions necessary for its application by practitioners (Padalkar & Gopinath, 2016Padalkar, M., & Gopinath, S. (2016). Six decades of project management research: Thematic trends and future opportunities. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1305-1321.

Research in the field of projects, however, is diversifying rapidly (Geraldi & Söderlund, 2018Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2018). Project studies: What it is, where it is going. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 55-70.
). Scholars have broadened their theoretical, epistemological, and ontological bases. They have extended the focus of studies beyond projects themselves and their management and embraced individual aspects, teams, organizations, and society in general (Padalkar & Gopinath, 2016Padalkar, M., & Gopinath, S. (2016). Six decades of project management research: Thematic trends and future opportunities. International Journal of Project Management, 34(7), 1305-1321.
). Despite this change of focus, research on this field remains linked to the same conceptual family (Jacobsson et al., 2015), which supports the idea of project studies as an integrative concept for study in, on, and around projects (Geraldi & Söderlund, 2016Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2016). Project studies and engaged scholarship: Directions towards contextualized and reflexive research on projects. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 9(4), 767-797.
, 2018Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2018). Project studies: What it is, where it is going. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 55-70.

In the social sciences, a university research project can be seen as a system formed by researchers, their interactions, all the elements that mediate them, the external participants - if there is any -, the perspectives of each of the actors, and their objectives (Zittoun et al., 2007Zittoun, T., Baucal, A., Cornish, F., & Gillespie, A. (2007). Collaborative research, knowledge and emergence. Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science, 41(2), 208-217.
). They are characterized as complex organizational environments with specific requirements (Löhr et al., 2018Löhr, K., Bonatti, M, Homem, L. H. I. R., Schlindwein, S. L., & Sieber, S. (2018). Operational challenges in collaborative research projects: Addressing conflict multidimensionality. Kybernetes, 47(6), 1074-1089.
) and multiple conflict factors (Löhr et al., 2017Löhr, K., Graef, F., Bonatti, M., Mahoo, H. F., Wambura, J., & Sieber, S. (2017). Conflict management systems for large scientific research projects. International Journal of Conflict Management, 28(3), 322-345.

Research produced in collaboration with practitioners is more liable to be used in practice, with potentially more effective impacts, compared to research conducted alone (Cheruvelil et al., 2014Cheruvelil, K. S., Soranno, P. A., Weathers, K. C., Hanson, P. C., Goring, S. J., Filstrup, C. T., & Read, E. K. (2014). Creating and maintaining highperforming collaborative research teams: The importance of diversity and interpersonal skills. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 12(1), 31-38.
). Impacts are understood to be the indirect outcomes of collaborative environments that can take place at the individual level, such as academics, students, and practitioners; the organizational level, such as universities, research centers, and companies; and at the level of society, such as the community, science, or even geographical region (Kellogg Foundation, 2004Kellogg Foundation (2004). W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.

However, collaborations can be paradoxical, as they can involve contradictions caused by differences between partners. According to the Collaborative Advantage Theory, their structuring revolves around the tension between the synergy created through joint work and the inertia to produce results. Collaboration management should focus on the potential advantages arising from such partnerships in light of the interplay of issues such as purpose management, trust, culture, and leadership (Huxham & Vangen, 2005Huxham C., & Vangen S. (2005). Managing to collaborate: The theory and practice of collaborative advantage. Routledge.). Factors influencing research collaborations are not only of interest to the researchers involved but also to organizations (Bukvova, 2010Bukvova, H. (2010). Studying research collaboration: A literature review. Working papers, Information Systems, 10(3).
). Several organizations have tried to encourage collaboration by creating research centers or funding university research (Sonnenwald, 2007Sonnenwald, D. H. (2007). Scientific collaboration. Annual Review of Infor-mation Science and Technology, 41, 643-681.

Some initiatives involving long-term collaboration between academia and external actors, such as industry, demonstrate promising attempts at innovation in knowledge co-production (Fernandes et al., 2020Fernandes, G., O’ Sullivan, D., Pinto, E. B., Araújo, M., & Machado, R. J. (2020). Value of project management in university-industry R&D collaborations. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(4), 819-843.
). Several research centers, in collaboration with leading companies, were created in the early 21st century (Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.
), which bear witness to the enormous potential of studies in project management (Berggren & Söderlund, 2011Berggren, C., & Söderlund, J. (2011). Management education for practicing managers: Combining academic rigor with personal change and organizational action. Journal of Management Education, 35(3), 377-405.
; Geraldi et al., 2020Geraldi, J., Söderlund, J., & van Marrewijk, A. (2020). Advancing theory and debate in project studies. Project Management Journal, 51(4), 351-356.
). Indeed, the possibility of the creation of collaborative spaces has been highlighted as critical to boosting knowledge in the field of management (Nowotny et al., 2003Nowotny, H., Scott, P., & Gibbons, M. (2003). Re-thinking science: Knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty. Polity Press.). There are records in the literature of successful long-term partnerships between companies and educational institutions in project management (Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.
). However, thorough research must be conducted to benefit and use such meaningful collaborations (Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.

The study conducted by Berggren and Söderlund (2011)Berggren, C., & Söderlund, J. (2011). Management education for practicing managers: Combining academic rigor with personal change and organizational action. Journal of Management Education, 35(3), 377-405.
indicates the potential of the teaching of project management to create a space for knowledge co-production, so that research can be developed with the involvement of academics and practitioners: the agora, according to Nowotny et al. (2003)Nowotny, H., Scott, P., & Gibbons, M. (2003). Re-thinking science: Knowledge and the public in an age of uncertainty. Polity Press.. This is an integrative environment where such actors can address project management issues and then discuss and propose solutions (Söderlund & Maylor, 2012Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.

One way this space can be materialized in the university context is through the university research center. Indeed, university research centers have historically been seen as one of the main strategies for increasing such long-term collaborations and interactions (Thune & Gulbrandsen, 2011Thune, T., & Gulbrandsen, M. (2011). Institutionalization of university-industry interaction: An empirical study of the impact of formal structures on collaboration patterns. Science and Public Policy, 38(2), 99-107.
) between universities and external organizations in many developed countries (Chai & Shih, 2016Chai, S., & Shih, W. (2016). Bridging science and technology through academic-industry partnerships. Research Policy, 45(1), 148-158.
; Ponomariov & Boardman, 2010Ponomariov, B. L., & Boardman, P. C. (2010). Influencing scientists’ collaboration and productivity patterns through new institutions: University research centers and scientific and technical human capital. Research Policy, 39(5), 613-624.
). As a central feature, the university research center has an explicit mission (Boardman & Gray, 2010Boardman, C., & Gray, D. (2010). The new science and engineering management: Cooperative research centers as government policies, industry strategies, and organizations. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 35, 445-459.
). Indeed, it seeks to promote collaboration with actors external to the university (Bozeman & Boardman, 2003Bozeman, B., & Boardman, P. C. (2003). Managing the new multipurpose, multi-discipline university research center: Institutional innovation in the academic community. IBM Endowment for the Business of Government.; Moutinho & Rabechini, 2021Moutinho, J. A., & Rabechini Jr., R. (2021). Centro de pesquisa universi-tária: Caracterização do ambiente de pesquisa. Cadernos EBAPE.BR, 19(4), 887-900.
). University research centers are perceived as specific mechanisms through which companies and universities can create organizational bridges across the boundaries of cultural and structural differences (Nursall, 2003Nursall, A. (2003). Building public knowledge: Collaborations between science centres, universities, and industry. International Journal of Technology Management, 25(5), 381-389.
). Their creation fills gaps between universities and external organizations pre-viously unfilled by either the university itself or by its laboratories and academic departments (Ponomariov & Boardman, 2010Ponomariov, B. L., & Boardman, P. C. (2010). Influencing scientists’ collaboration and productivity patterns through new institutions: University research centers and scientific and technical human capital. Research Policy, 39(5), 613-624.
; Styhre & Lind, 2010Styhre, A., & Lind, F. (2010). Balancing centripetal and centrifugal forces in the entrepreneurial university: A study of 10 research centers in a technical university. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 22(8), 909-924.

Thus, this research seeks to precisely address this identified gap with the question that guides the research:

  • How can the ecosystem of a collaborative research center for project studies be conceptually represented in such a way as to enhance the impact of its results at the individual, organizational, and social levels?

This study therefore aims to propose a conceptual framework for the ecosystem of such a collaborative research center in project studies. This is an environment capable of bringing together and integrating different actors, such as academics and practitioners from public and private organizations, non-governmental organizations and professional associations, to discuss theoretical and empirical boundaries in project studies, and produce know-ledge and technologies directly applicable to organizations, thereby generating impact on the individual, organizational and societal levels.

As a research result, the conceptual framework of the ecosystem of the research center for project studies is proposed. This framework is grounded in conceptual research as a non-empirical method (Mora et al., 2008Mora, M., Gelman, O., Paradice, D., & Cervantes, F. (2008). The case for conceptual research in information systems. CONFIRM 2008 Proceedings, 52.
) of designing a new artifact (Simon, 1996Simon, H. A. (1996). The science of the artificial (3rd ed.). MIT Press.) from the integration of pre-existing structures (Meredith, 1993Meredith, J. (1993). Theory building through conceptual methods. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 13(5), 3-11.
). The study initially relied on a systematic literature review using the Web of Science and Scopus databases: 28 studies were selected. The studies were subsequently assessed, categorized, and analyzed, generating a final sample of 11 studies (frameworks).

The proposed framework is defined as the graphic explanation and narrative form of the main elements to be studied - the main factors, constructs, or variables and the supposed relationships between them (Miles & Huberman, 1994Miles, M. B., & Huberman, A. M. (1994). Qualitative data analysis: An expanded sourcebook (2nd ed.). Sage.). Its composition starts with the macroelements (project studies, resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, impacts, circumstances, support mechanisms, and context), which are then broken down into elements and subelements that characterize the collaborative environment in project studies.


In order to address the research question, a systematic literature review was conducted. For Stamer et al. (2016)Stamer, D., Zimmermann, O., & Sandkuhl, K. (2016). What is a framework: A systematic literature review in the field of information systems. In V. Rˇ epa & T. Bruckner (Eds.), Perspective in business informatics research (pp. 145-158). Springer., developing frameworks from a literature review has been a widely accepted practice since it makes explicit the process of obtaining knowledge from previous scientific research. The systematic literature review was conducted to identify and analyze previous research that had developed frameworks for collaborative environments involving academia and external actors. Its main objective is to provide a collective view of the synthesis and analysis of existing research (Tranfield et al., 2003Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14(3), 207-222.
). Considering the knowledge already produced helps to explain the importance of building an artifact - defined by Simon (1996)Simon, H. A. (1996). The science of the artificial (3rd ed.). MIT Press. as artificial, designed by man - as an organization of internal components that will achieve the objectives of a given external environment.

The research was carried out through a process comprising a sequence of predefined and replicable phases: location of studies, selection and assessment, and analysis and synthesis (Tranfield et al., 2003Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14(3), 207-222.
). The sys-tematic literature review followed the core principles defined in previous research that apply to the fields of management and organizations (Denyer & Tranfield, 2009Denyer, D., & Tranfield, D. (2009). Producing a systematic review. In D. A. Buchanan & A. Bryman (Eds.), The Sage handbook of organizational research methods (pp. 671-689). Sage.).

The first research phase was characterized by the definition of the search query expression and the identification of studies in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. The choice of these databases was based on the fact that they index relevant and traditional journals in the academic community (Archambault et al., 2009Archambault, É., Campbell, D., Gingras, Y., & Larivière, V. (2009). Com-paring bibliometric statistics obtained from the Web of Science and Scopus. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(7), 1320-1326.
). Strings were structured following the syntax of each of the search engines from the arguments defined in Figure 1. As can be seen, the authors chose to include multiple arguments, thus enabling a comprehensive set of initial results. The figure presents the results obtained taking into account the application of the inclusion criteria in the sample: written in English; published as of 2000; consisting of scientific articles or conference proceedings papers whose central theme is the development of the reporting of a framework for a collaborative environment involving multiple participants and the academic environment.

Figure 1
Search process on the Web of Science and Scopus databases

In the second phase, relevant studies were selected and assessed in the light of the research question and then analyzed by two authors who independently extracted data from them. The authors agreed upon both the defi-nition of the search terms and the guidelines for interpretation specifications to decrease the margin of error, thus producing a more robust dataset (Tranfield et al., 2003Tranfield, D., Denyer, D., & Smart, P. (2003). Towards a methodology for developing evidence-informed management knowledge by means of systematic review. British Journal of Management, 14(3), 207-222.

Reading the abstracts limited the initial sample to the scope of the research, given that the majority of the studies concerned phenomena asso-ciated with collaborative environments. Therefore, exclusion criteria were established for studies published only as abstracts, such as the conference proceedings papers and those with no full access. The final sample resulted in 28 studies for full reading and analysis, consisting of six proceedings papers and 22 papers complete the set. Sixteen studies were published between 2018 and 2020, five studies are from the years 2015 to 2017, and seven papers were published before 2015.

Among the journals that published the studies, Industry & Higher Education stands out, with three articles. The rest of the articles were published in various journals, such as Research Policy, Supply Chain Management, Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, among others - with only one study published in each of these. The evaluation process considered Stamer et al.’s (2016) characterization for frameworks: layered, technical, sequential, categorized, factors-outcomes, component-based, and non-categorizable. It was thus possible to group them according to predomi-nance with the purpose of identifying characteristics in common.

In the third phase, a spreadsheet was developed to organize the sample studies. The elements that make up the spreadsheet are title, abstract, year, type of study (article or proceedings), name of journal or event, authors, keywords, research aim, method, main findings, and limitations.

Finally, the process of analyzing the sample papers resulted in the final selection of 11 frameworks involving collaborative environments. Although the literature records several models of evaluation for artifacts, such as Hevner et al. (2004)Hevner, A. R., March, S. T., Park, J., & Ram, S. (2004). Design science in information systems research. MIS Quarterly, 28(1), 75-105.
, Sonnenberg and vom Brocke (2012)Sonnenberg, C., & vom Brocke, J. (2012). Evaluations in the science of the artificial: Reconsidering the build-evaluate pattern in design science research. In K. Peffers, M. Rothenberger, & B. Kuechler, (Eds.), Lecture notes in Computer Science: Vol. 7286. Design science research in information systems, advances in theory and practice (pp. 381-397). Springer.
, and Venable et al. (2012)Venable, J., Pries-Heje, J., & Baskerville, R. A. (2012). Comprehensive framework for evaluation in design science research. In K. Peffers, M. Rothenberger, & B. Kuechler (Eds.), Lecture notes in computer science: Vol. 7286. Design science research in information systems, advances in theory and practice (pp. 423-438). Springer.
, each framework was analyzed and evaluated by the authors in the light of the Fitness-Utility Model, defined by Gill and Hevner (2013)Gill, T. G., & Hevner, A. R. (2013). A fitness-utility model for design science research. ACM Transactions Management Information System, 4(2), 1-24.
. The authors consider that the assessment of artifacts should be carried out from the pers-pective of a sustainable impact, that is, they understand that the evolving adequacy of an artifact is more valuable than its immediate utility.


Frameworks of collaborative environments

The synthesis of the 11 frameworks of the final sample involving collaborative environments, as identified in the literature, is presented in Table 1.

Table 1
Synthesis of frameworks in the final sample

As shown in Table 1, the frameworks that make up the final sample are heterogeneous. They were categorized, according to Stamer et al. (2016)Stamer, D., Zimmermann, O., & Sandkuhl, K. (2016). What is a framework: A systematic literature review in the field of information systems. In V. Rˇ epa & T. Bruckner (Eds.), Perspective in business informatics research (pp. 145-158). Springer., into sequential frameworks, which focus on the order in which activities are performed among the elements that make up the framework and factors-outcome frameworks, which consider relevant factors and determine how these factors influence certain phenomena present in the frameworks’ environments. As shown in Table 1, most frameworks are sequential, they are focused on the logical order that guides the arrangement of the elements that make up each framework.

Conceptual framework of the ecosystem of a collaborative research center in project studies

As mentioned in the research methodology, the 11 frameworks were analyzed and evaluated by this study’s authors, bearing in mind the criteria defined by Gill and Hevner (2013)Gill, T. G., & Hevner, A. R. (2013). A fitness-utility model for design science research. ACM Transactions Management Information System, 4(2), 1-24.
, as illustrated in Table 2. The results showed the framework developed by Galán-Muros and Davey (2019)Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
to be the closest to the proposal, whose application finds precedents in the studies of Chryssou (2020)Chryssou, C. E. (2020). University-industry interactions in the Sultanate of Oman: Challenges and opportunities. Industry and Higher Education, 34(5), 342-357.
and Pinto and Fernandes (2020)Pinto, E. B., & Fernandes, G. (2020). Collaborative R&D the key cooperation domain for university-industry partnerships sustainability: Position paper. Procedia Computer Science, 181, 102-109.
. Its structure forms the basis for developing the conceptual framework of the ecosystem of a collaborative research center for project studies. However, elements to characterize the project management field must still be incorporated. Thus, we resort to Meredith (1993)Meredith, J. (1993). Theory building through conceptual methods. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 13(5), 3-11.
, who defines the metaframework as a conceptual method based on integrating pre-existing frameworks. Such a framework is based on conceptual research as a non-empirical method, using considerations of existing theoretical concepts. They refer to conceptual studies, such as designing a new conceptual artifact, whether it is a construct, framework, model, method, process, or even a system or component (Mora et al., 2008Mora, M., Gelman, O., Paradice, D., & Cervantes, F. (2008). The case for conceptual research in information systems. CONFIRM 2008 Proceedings, 52.

Table 2
Evaluation of the selected frameworks

Thus, the proposed framework is presented in four layers (Figure 2). The first, core to the structure, is named project studies and represents the field of application for which the framework is intended. In this layer, the intended study’s level of analysis is defined: from the individual level to society (Geraldi & Söderlund, 2018Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2018). Project studies: What it is, where it is going. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 55-70.
). This layer also considers the distinct ontological orientations, epistemological anchorages, and methodological procedures to be adopted (Lauriol, 2006Lauriol, J. (2006). Proposals for designing and controlling a doctoral research project in management sciences. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 4(1), 31-38.
). The subsequent layers are anchored in Galán-Muros and Davey’s (2019) framework.

Figure 2
Conceptual framework of the ecosystem of a collaborative research center for project studies

The second layer addresses the logical processes required to create impact. It is based on the logic model (Kellogg Foundation, 2004Kellogg Foundation (2004). W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.
), composed of five essential components: inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts, in a feedback system that works under certain environmental conditions to solve identified problems (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
). Theo-retically, the logic model can be seen as a program (Wholey, 1987Wholey, J. S. (1987). Evaluability assessment: Developing program theory. In L. Bickman (Ed.), Using program theory in evaluation (pp. 77-92). Jossey-Bass.). Program theory represents a plausible and sensible model for how a program should work (Bickman, 1987Bickman, L. (1987). The functions of program theory. In L. Bickman (Ed.), Using program theory in evaluation: New directions for evaluation. Jossey-Bass.). It identifies its resources and activities, as well as the intended results. Furthermore, it specifies a chain of causal assumptions linking the program’s resources, activities, intermediate outputs, and impacts.

The third layer comprises circumstances of the environment that affect collaboration and the support mechanisms that underpin the collaborative environment (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
; McLaughlin & Jordan, 2015McLaughlin, J. A., & Jordan, G. B. (2015). Using logic models. In K. E. Newcomer, H. P. Hatry, & J. F. Wholey (Eds.), Handbook of practical program evaluation (4th ed., pp. 62-87). Jossey-Bass.
). Circumstances are elements of temporary influence that are both internal and external to the collaborative environment. The function of collaboration support mechanisms is to set up favorable conditions in which collaboration can prosper with regard to policies, strategies, structures, and specific activities.

The fourth layer is defined by the context in which the collaborative environment is embedded. The context is represented by the permanent external factors influencing the collaborative process (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
). Thus, the proposed conceptual framework for the ecosystem of the research center for project studies is presented in Figure 2, in which the sequence is detailed. Its flexible format allows for the incorporation of new elements as they are identified.

Elements of the proposed framework

  • Project studies: This element generically defines studies in the field of the project whose scope can be set at different levels: the microlevel (individual and project team); the mesolevel (project and its management); and the macrolevel (organization and society) (Geraldi & Söderlund, 2018Geraldi, J., & Söderlund, J. (2018). Project studies: What it is, where it is going. International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), 55-70.
    ). These levels can incorporate distinct ontological orientations, epistemological anchorages, and methodological procedures (Lauriol, 2006Lauriol, J. (2006). Proposals for designing and controlling a doctoral research project in management sciences. The Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 4(1), 31-38.
    ). The approach recognizes the input of scholars from other disciplines who address the field and who become increasingly interested in studies in project management, adding theoretical frameworks, disciplinary backgrounds, and alternative ways of conducting research (Grabher & Ibert, 2014Grabher, G., & Ibert, O. (2014). Distance as asset? Knowledge collaboration in hybrid virtual communities. Journal of Economic Geography, 14(1), 97-123.

  • Resources: These comprise all the resources potentially available for use in the activities of the collaboration and that contribute in various ways to the achievement of its success (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ). The typology considered comprises human (Cuevas et al., 2019Cuevas, O. C. C., Martín, A. A. S., Ballesteros, J. C. M., Santamaria, L. E. B., Pinzón, D. B. G., Erazo, C. O. B., Jalizev, R. A. R., Vargas, A. G. C., & Arango, M. A. P. (2019, October 2-4). Organizational model proposal for the creation of university-industry relationship and coworking R+D+I. Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias em Ingenieria.
    ; Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ; Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ), financial (Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ), and physical resources (Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.

  • Activities: Collaborative activities between universities and external actors can be defined as collaborative interactions (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa, 2015; Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ; Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ; Pastakia et al., 2020Pastakia, S. D., Tran, D. N., Manji, I., Schellhase, E., Karwa, R., Miller, M. L., Aruasa, W., & Khan, Z. M. (2020). Framework and case study for establishing impactful global health programs through academia-biopharmaceutical industry partnerships. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 16(11), 1519-1525.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ) and cooperative efforts to transfer or exchange knowledge, technologies or other characteristics between academics and members of any external organization, creating value in their outcomes (Davey, 2017Davey, T. (2017). Converting university knowledge into value: How conceptual frameworks contribute to the understanding of the third mission role of European universities. International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, 15(1), 65-96.
    ; Davey et al., 2011Davey, T., Baaken, T., Galán-Muros, V., & Meerman, A. (2011). Study on the cooperation between higher education institutions and public and private organisations in Europe. European Commission, DG Education, and Culture, 978-992.; Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ). They occur as a result of interactions between actors (Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ), benefitting the information flow and technologies. Activities considered in the academic environment are teaching, research and development (R&D), and valorization (Drucker & Goldstein, 2007Drucker, J., & Goldstein, H. (2007). Assessing the regional economic development impacts of universities: A review of current approaches. International Regional Science Review, 30(1), 20-46.

  • Outputs: This element comprises products, services, or other attributes directly delivered to individuals or organizations (Alunurm et al., 2020Alunurm, R., Rõigas, K., & Varblane, U. (2020). The relative significance of higher education-industry cooperation barriers for different firms. Industry & Higher Education, 34(6), 377-390.
    ; Cuevas et al., 2019Cuevas, O. C. C., Martín, A. A. S., Ballesteros, J. C. M., Santamaria, L. E. B., Pinzón, D. B. G., Erazo, C. O. B., Jalizev, R. A. R., Vargas, A. G. C., & Arango, M. A. P. (2019, October 2-4). Organizational model proposal for the creation of university-industry relationship and coworking R+D+I. Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias em Ingenieria.
    ; Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ; Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ) as short-term results of the collaborative process (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ). According to Kellogg Foundation (2004)Kellogg Foundation (2004). W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.
    , these outputs depend exclusively on the activities involved, taking into account the allocated resources.

  • Outcomes: These represent the benefits or losses from the outcomes of the collaboration process (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa, 2015; Chen et al., 2020Chen, K., Lu, W., & Wang, J. (2020). University-industry collaboration for BIM education: Lessons learned from a case study. Industry & Higher Education, 34(6), 401-409.
    ; Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ; Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ) that directly affect the stakeholders involved (van Der Sijde, 2012van der Sijde, P.C. (2012). Profiting from knowledge circulation: The gains from university-industry interaction. Industry and Higher Education, 26(1), 15-19.
    ). Changes arising from the effects of the collaboration’s outputs (Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ) can be experienced over the medium term (Kellogg Foundation, 2004Kellogg Foundation (2004). W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.

  • Impacts: These are the indirect results of the collaborative process (Alunurm et al., 2020Alunurm, R., Rõigas, K., & Varblane, U. (2020). The relative significance of higher education-industry cooperation barriers for different firms. Industry & Higher Education, 34(6), 377-390.
    ; Daoud et al., 2017Daoud, A. O., Tsehayae, A. A., & Fayek, A. R. (2017). A guided evaluation of the impact of R&D partnerships on university, industry, and government. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44(4), 253-263.
    ; Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ) as experienced by individuals, institutions, and society (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ). Impacts are expected to result from the benefits accrued through indirect outcomes (Kellogg Foundation, 2004Kellogg Foundation (2004). W. K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide.

  • Support mechanisms: These are understood as measures to support the development of collaboration between the academic environment and external actors. Given that collaboration is, in its nature, a complex phenomenon, it requires specific mechanisms (Orazbayeva et al., 2019Orazbayeva, B., Plewa, C., Davey, T., & Galan-Muros, V. (2019). The future of university-business cooperation: Research and practice priorities. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 54, 67-80.
    ). Support mechanisms have, therefore, as their main functions to manage, develop, and coordinate the activities of the collaborative environment necessary for its operation (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa, 2015; Cuevas et al., 2019Cuevas, O. C. C., Martín, A. A. S., Ballesteros, J. C. M., Santamaria, L. E. B., Pinzón, D. B. G., Erazo, C. O. B., Jalizev, R. A. R., Vargas, A. G. C., & Arango, M. A. P. (2019, October 2-4). Organizational model proposal for the creation of university-industry relationship and coworking R+D+I. Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tendencias em Ingenieria.
    ; Galán-Muros et al., 2017Galán-Muros, V., van der Sijde, P., Groenewegen, P., & Baaken, T. (2017). Nurture over nature: How do European universities support their collaboration with business? Journal of Technology Transfer, 42, 184-205.
    ; Kochanek et al., 2015Kochanek, J. R., Scholz, C., & Garcia, A. J. (2015). Mapping the collaborative research process. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 23(121), 1-30.
    ; Korff et al., 2014Korff, N., van der Sijde, P., Groenewegen, P., & Davey, T. (2014). Supporting university-industry linkages: A case study of the relationship between the organizational and individual levels. Industry and Higher Education, 28(4), 281-300.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ). Regarding their origin, support mecha-nisms can be external, in the form of public policies, or internal, such as strategic, structural, or operational (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.

  • Circumstances: These are internal and external factors that have temporary influence on the collaborative environment, inhibiting or driving the collaborative process (Alunurm et al., 2020Alunurm, R., Rõigas, K., & Varblane, U. (2020). The relative significance of higher education-industry cooperation barriers for different firms. Industry & Higher Education, 34(6), 377-390.
    ; Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.
    ), and that can be changed through managerial actions (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa, 2015; Galán-Muros et al., 2017Galán-Muros, V., van der Sijde, P., Groenewegen, P., & Baaken, T. (2017). Nurture over nature: How do European universities support their collaboration with business? Journal of Technology Transfer, 42, 184-205.
    ; Rybnicek & Königsgruber, 2018Rybnicek, R., & Königsgruber, R. (2018). What makes industry-university collaboration succeed? A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Business Economics, 89, 221-250.
    ). The circumstances considered in the framework adopt the concepts of the barrier of Bruneel et al. (2010)Bruneel, J., D’Este, P., & Salter, A. (2010). Investigating the factors that diminish the barriers to university-industry collaboration. Research Policy, 39(7), 858-868.
    and drivers of D’Este and Perkmann (2011)D’Este, P., & Perkmann, M. (2011). Why do academics engage with industry? The entrepreneurial university and individual motivations. The Journal Technology Transfer, 36, 316-339.

  • Context: This element represents factors that depend on the collaboration and are defined by the fixed environment and that affect the collaborative process (Ankrah & AL-Tabbaa, 2015), such as the personal characteristics of those involved, the collaborating organizations, and the environment in which the collaboration occurs (Galán-Muros & Davey, 2019Galán-Muros, V., & Davey, T. (2019). The UBC ecosystem: Putting together a comprehensive framework for university-business cooperation. The Journal of Technology Transfer, 44, 1311-1346.

Table 3 summarizes the macroelements, elements, and subelements considered in the conceptual framework of the proposed ecosystem:

Table 3
Breakdown of the framework’s macroelements

The elements illustrated in Table 3 form the framework for the collaborative environment ecosystem in project studies and provide a shared understanding of the proposed environment for academics and practitioners. However, the complex and dynamic nature of this type of environment does not take into consideration that new arrangements may strengthen the structure as the concept is consolidated and collaborative research is materialized. Notwithstanding, the distinct views of actors are expected to enrich the framework and, thus, increase its applicability.


This research aimed to propose a conceptual framework for the ecosystem of a collaborative research center for project studies. The study reveals that, despite frameworks identified in the specialized literature on collaborative environments, project management lacks a specific structure to enhance the impact of its implementation. The process elements (resources, activities, outputs, outcomes, and impacts), the organizational mechanisms of support, the circumstances, and the context need to be explicitly stated and integrated. They cannot be neglected at the risk of being restricted to a partial view of the ecosystem.

In consonance with Berggren and Söderlund (2011)Berggren, C., & Söderlund, J. (2011). Management education for practicing managers: Combining academic rigor with personal change and organizational action. Journal of Management Education, 35(3), 377-405.
, who highlights the critical nature of the creation of an environment that discusses real problems, the collaborative environment formed by academics and practitioners of project management houses the best possible locus (research center) to address theoretical and practical issues, enabling the advancement of the field, always from an integrative perspective (Figure 3). Therefore, researchers cannot follow only the traditional paradigms applicable to social sciences that focus on explaining, describing, exploring, or predicting phenomena and their relationships (Hegenberg, 1969Hegenberg, L. (1969). Explicações científicas: Introdução à filosofia da ciência. Herder.), but they must also expand the epistemological bases, including design science, which focuses on the construction of artifacts and prescriptive solutions (Ahlemann et al., 2013Ahlemann, F., Arbi, F. E., Kaiser, M. G., & Heck, A. (2013). A process framework for theoretically grounded prescriptive research in the project mana-gement field. International Journal of Project Management, 31(1), 43-56.
; Kabir & Rusu, 2016Kabir, M., & Rusu, L. (2016). IT project development using capability maturity model. Information Resources Management Journal, 29(4), 35-48.

Figure 3
Theoretical-conceptual framework

The study provides theoretical contributions and practical implications, but it has limitations, which are opportunities for further research. The theory broadens the collaborative environment framework and extends it to project studies, making an essential contribution to this field. However, it is a framework representing a complex environment involving actors from multiple organizations guided not seldom by distinct institutional logics. A possible way to approach the complexity of collaborations is from the perspective of the collaborative advantage theory (Huxham & Vangen, 2005Huxham C., & Vangen S. (2005). Managing to collaborate: The theory and practice of collaborative advantage. Routledge.) by exploring issues related to partnership objectives, culture, communication, power, and trust, since they may be decisive for the success of collaborations. The proposed conceptual framework results from integrating complementary perspectives to enrich the understanding of the phenomenon that is the ecosystem of a research center for project studies.

As a practical implication, the environment guided by the framework proposed here may benefit academics and practitioners directly. Bringing practitioners together with academics helps to bridge the gap between research and practice, encourages knowledge co-production with an understanding of the value of research that questions practice, as supported by Söderlund and Maylor (2012)Söderlund, J., & Maylor, H. (2012). Project management scholarship: Relevance, impact and five integrative challenges for business and management schools. International Journal of Project Management, 30(6), 686-696.
, and increases the likelihood that research findings will create impacts at the individual, organization, and social levels. As the integration of the actors involved increases, and as they develop meaningful and lasting relationships based on trust and commitment, the necessary conditions to enhance the success and expansion of collaborative processes are created, as already indicated by Davey et al. (2011)Davey, T., Baaken, T., Galán-Muros, V., & Meerman, A. (2011). Study on the cooperation between higher education institutions and public and private organisations in Europe. European Commission, DG Education, and Culture, 978-992. and supported by the collaborative advantage theory (Huxham & Vangen, 2005Huxham C., & Vangen S. (2005). Managing to collaborate: The theory and practice of collaborative advantage. Routledge.).

As for practitioners, their involvement in systematic research on project management can bear fruit in said research’s incorporation into the decision-making processes of organizations. Academics will add new knowledge, enrich research agendas, and improve the understanding of how scientific work can be designed and conducted so that it is directly relevant to practice.

Possible practical results can be expected to include technological products with a high level of novelty, resulting from the application of new scientific knowledge and developed techniques and expertise, used directly in solving problems in organizations that produce goods or provide services aiming at social welfare to the population in general. Therefore, expected technological developments will include intellectual property assets, training activities, publishing products, software, standards or regulatory frameworks, conclusive technical reports, manuals and protocols, technical-scientific databases, and processes and products that cannot be patented (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, 2019Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (2019). Produção técnica.

This study inevitably presents certain limitations. The first can be defined in terms of the research scope, given that two databases were a limited number, possibly leaving out journals that could also address the studied theme. Another limitation regards the other authors’ different approaches to conceptual elements, which, somehow, may have interfered with the analysis process.

In future studies, we would suggest expanding those elements and subelements - whose origins may be both theoretical and empirical -, with a view to sustaining the structure, resulting in a more robust framework; evaluation of the framework in a collaborative academic environment, thus verifying its usefulness; and evaluation of possible implications for both academics and practitioners.


This research is sponsored by national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) (Portugal), under the project UIDB/00285/2020 and LA/P/0112/2020 and is financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes) (Brazil).


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    11 Aug 2023
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    28 Oct 2021
  • Accepted
    19 July 2022
Editora Mackenzie; Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie Rua da Consolação, 896, Edifício Rev. Modesto Carvalhosa, Térreo - Coordenação da RAM, Consolação - São Paulo - SP - Brasil - cep 01302-907 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil