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Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões, Volume: 25, Número: 1, Publicado: 1998
  • Educação continuada: uma necessidade Editorial

    Salles, Ronaldo Vianna
  • Ferimento de hipofaringe no trauma cervical penetrante Artigos Originais

    Corsi, Paulo Roberto; Carrieri Neto, Rafael; Rasslan, Samir

    Resumo em Português:

    O tratamento dos ferimentos de hipofaringe ainda é controvertido na literatura. A maior parte dos autores acredita que o tratamento preferencial consiste na exploração cirúrgica imediata, com reparo primário da lesão e drenagem ou somente a drenagem, e que o tratamento conservador estaria indicado em casos selecionados. Entre 157 ferimentos cervicais penetrantes, num período de quatro anos, encontramos sete (4,4%) casos de perfuração de hipofaringe. Destes, seis (85,7%) foram tratados cirurgicamente, cinco (71 ,4%) com sutura primária e drenagem. A taxa de mortalidade foi nula e a morbidade foi de 28,6%, sendo de 11,2 dias o tempo médio de internação.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Hypopharyngeal perforation in penetrating cervical trauma occurs rarely. The treatment of hypopharyngeal wounds is controversial. The mainstay in treatment according to the majority of authors is immediate surgical exploration with primary repair of the lesion and drainage or only drainage. Conservative treatment would be indicated only in selected cases. The authors studied 157 penetrating cervical wounds in four years period and found seven (4.4%) cases with hypopharyngeal perforation. There were male patients from 18 to 45 years old. Five injuries (71.4%) were stab wounds and two of them (28.6%) were caused by gunshot. Only one patient had jugular vein associated injury. Six patients (85.7%) were treated surgically, five (71.4%) with primary suture and drainage. The mortality rate was null and morbidity was 28.6%, mean hospital stay was 11.2 days.
  • Colecistectomia laparoscópica em regime ambulatorial Artigos Originais

    Ramos, Almino Cardoso; Sallett, José Afonso; Lombardi, Monetti Maria; Tanikawa, Daniela Yukie Sakai; Martino, Rodrigo Bronze de; Zilberstein, Bruno

    Resumo em Português:

    Durante o período de janeiro de 1994 a janeiro de 1997 foram submetidos ao método 120 pacientes, sendo 42 do sexo masculino (35%) e 78 do sexo feminino (65%). A idade variou de 16 a 60 anos, com média de 38. Todos apresentavam diagnóstico de colecistite calculosa crônica, sendo selecionados em consultório pelos seguintes critérios: inexistência de quadro inflamatório agudo da vesícula biliar, idade máxima de 60 anos, ausência de suspeita de coledocolitíase e classificação anestésica ASA I e II. A cirurgia era realizada em posição semiginecológica com utilização de três trocartes, sendo a colangiografia realizada de rotina. O tempo cirúrgico variou de 20 a 80 minutos com média de 50 minutos. A colangiografia intra-operatória foi realizada em 105 pacientes (87,5%), demonstrando coledocolitíase em dois (1,9%). Não ocorreram conversões. As complicações pós-operatórias imediatas mais freqüentes foram náuseas em oito casos (6,6%), seguidas de vômitos em dois pacientes (1,6%). A dor foi de pequena intensidade e facilmente controlável com dipirona e antiintlamatórios não-hormonais. Não ocorreram casos de infecção de ferida cirúrgica, mas três pacientes (2,5%) apresentaram hiperemia da incisão umbilical. Todos tiveram condições de alta no mesmo dia da cirurgia. O período de permanência hospitalar foi em média de 10 horas. Não houve necessidade de reinternação em nenhum caso.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The arrival of cholecystectomy by minilaparotomy provided reduction of the hospitalar stay and the discharge on the same day began to be considered and applied with success to some patients. However, it was with the laparoscopic approach that the ambulatory surgery received strong stimulation. The feasibility of cholecystectomy for calculous chronic cholecystitis under laparoscopy in the outpatient ambulatory setting was evaluated in a prospective study. During the period between January 1994 to January 1997,120 patients were operated. Forty-two were male (35%) and 78 female (65%), aging from 16 to 60 at an average of 38. The patients were selected under the following criteria: no accute process, maximum age 60 years, no suspicion of choledocolithiasis and classification ASA I and 11. The surgery was performed in lithotomy position with three trocars. Cholangiography was routine. Surgical time ranged from 20 to 80 minutes with an average of 50. Cholangiography was done in 105 cases (87.5%) confirming choledocolithiasis in two (1.9%). There were no conversions. The most common complications in the imediate postoperative period were: nausea in eight patients (6.6%) with vomiting in two (1.6%). The abdominal pain was little and easily treated with dipiron and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory analgesics. Operatory wound infection was not observed but three patients (2.5%) showed hyperemia in the umbilical incision. All patients were discharged from ambulatory after an average hospitalar stay of ten hours. In conclusion, according to what this study has shown laparoscopic cholecystectomy can perfectly be done in the ambulatory setting without increasing on the complication rates.
  • Tratamento cirúrgico do divertículo de zenker Artigos Originais

    Andreollo, Nelson Adami; Soares Júnior, Cleber; Coelho Neto, João de Souza; Lopes, Luiz Roberto; Brandalise, Nelson Ary; Leonardi, Luiz Sergio

    Resumo em Português:

    O divertículo de Zenker (DZ) é uma doença muito pouco freqüente, cujo sintoma mais importante é a disfagia cervical. Os aspectos de sua etiopatogenia ainda são motivos de várias pesquisas na literatura, através de estudos manométricos e cinerradiográficos. O tratamento mais empregado é o cirúrgico, favorecendo quase a totalidade dos doentes, com índices de recidiva muito baixos. Porém, algumas publicações enfatizam as vantagens do tratamento endoscópico. Foram revisados 39 doentes, tratados no Serviço nos últimos 15 anos, sendo que 28 foram do sexo masculino (71,8%). A idade do grupo variou de 18 a 86 anos (média 54,5 anos). Os principais sintomas foram a disfagia cervical (89,8%), a regurgitação alimentar (71,8%), a tosse repetitiva (30.7%) e o emagrecimento importante (25,6%). Dois pacientes apresentaram diverticulite aguda e perfuração (5,1 %). O diagnóstico foi estabelecido através de radiografias contrastadas em 37 pacientes (94,8%) e de endoscopia digestiva em 28 (71,7%). A eletromanometria foi realizada em 13 casos (33,3%). O tratamento consistiu de diverticulectomia seguida de miotomia do esfincter do músculo cricofaríngeo em 24 pacientes (61,5%) e diverticulopexia seguida da mesma miotomia em 15 pacientes (38,5%). No seguimento a longo prazo de 35 pacientes (89,8%), variando de cinco meses a 12 anos (média 4,5 anos), ocorreu melhora importante com desaparecimento da disfagia em todos os casos. Três pacientes (7,7%) persistiram sintomas disfágicos leves e inconstantes. Um paciente faleceu em decorrência de complicações cardíacas e pulmonares. Os estudos histopatológicos dos divertículos ressecados mostraram a presença de tumor maligno neuroendócrino em um paciente (2,5%). Os doentes submetidos a diverticulopexia receberam alta hospitalar mais precocemente. Os autores discutem os aspectos atuais da fisiopatologia do DZ, analisam as opções de tratamento e os resultados da literatura, comparando com os obtidos neste estudo. Concluindo, os resultados mostram que tanto a diverticulectomia como a diverticulopexia podem ser utilizadas, ambas seguidas de miotomia do músculo cricofaríngeo. A diverticulopexia mostrou ser uma opção muito satisfatória para os divertículos de tamanhos pequenos e médios.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Zenker’s diverticulum is a not frequent disease and the main symptom is the cervical dysfagia. The aspects of the pathophysiology had motivated many researchs in the literature, using manometric and cinerradiographic studies. The surgical treatment is most commonly employed, favouring the most number of patients, with low recurrence rates. However, some publications show the advantages of the endoscopic treatment. Thirty nine patients with Zenkers diverticulum were operated on in the last 15 years, being 28 males (71.8%), with the age ranging from 18 to 86 years (mean 54.5 years). The main symptoms were: cervical dysphagia (89.8%), food regurgitation (71.8%), cough (30.7%) and losting weight (25.6%). Two patients presented diverticulitis and perforated diverticulum (5.1%). The diagnosis were established using esophagogram in 37 patients (94.8%) and digestive endoscopy in 28 (71.7%). The manometric studies were performed in 13 cases (33.3%). The treatment consisted of diverticulectomy followed by the cricopharyngeal sphyncter myotomy in 24 patients (61.5%) or diverticulopexy also followed by the same myotomy in 15 patients (38.5%). The late follow-up of 35 patients (89.8%) ranging from five months to 12 years (mean 4.5 years) showed that all oft hem were without symptoms of dysphagia. Three patients (7. 7%) presented light and inconstant dysphagia. One patient died due to pulmonary and cardiac problems (2.5%). The histopathology studies of the diverticulum showed a malignant tumor in one case (2.5%). The patients submitted to diverticulopexy were discharged early. The authors discuss the modern aspects of the physiopathology of the Zenker’s diverticulum, they analyse the choices of treatment and the results of literature, comparing to the obtained in the present study. Concluding, the results of this study showed that either the diverticulectomy as the diverticulopexy are indicated, both followed by cricopharyngeal sphincter myotomy. The diverticulopexy is a very good choice to treat small and middle diverticulum.
  • Alterações morfológicas do fígado após secção hepática parcial e omentoplastia Artigos Originais

    Petroianu, Andy; Silva, Raquel Tanure Ferreira; Parreira, Luciana Martins; Barbosa, Alfredo José Afonso

    Resumo em Português:

    A omentoplastia é um método útil para o tratamento de traumas hepáticos graves. Apesar dos bons resultados dessa tática operatória para controlar a hemorragia, seus efeitos sobre a arquitetura hepática ainda não são bem conhecidos. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo verificar a influência da omentoplastia em trauma experimental do fígado. Este estudo foi realizado em dez ratos submetidos a secção parcial do lobo hepático direito. Um segmento de omento maior foi introduzido dentro da ferida hepática, que foi suturada com fio de categute simples 5-0. Os animais foram seguidos durante sete (n=5) ou 21 (n=5) dias. Decorridos esses períodos, os aspectos macro e microscópicos do fígado foram avaliados. Todos os ratos suportaram a operação e sobreviveram durante o período estudado neste experimento. Os principais achados foram, no sétimo dia, necrose e abscessos do fígado distal à secção hepática. No 21° dia, a parte distal do fígado tornara-se fibrótica. Concluindo, a omentoplastia é de grande ajuda para controlar sangramentos hepáticos intensos decorrentes de trauma; porém, em ratos, a parte distal de uma ferida profunda muda suas características morfológicas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Hepatic trauma is a frequent challenge in emergency services. Most of cases may be treated conservatively, but in presence of major injuries the surgeon need experience to perform the best procedure. One of the most useful approaches to control a severe bleeding caused by an hepatic trauma is the omentoplasty. Despite the good results of this procedure in controlling the haemorrhage, its effects on liver architecture are not well known. In order to verify the influence of omentoplasty on experimental liver trauma we carried out the present experimental investigation. We studied ten rats submitted to a three- centimetre-section of the right liver lobe, 2.5cm from its edge. A segment of the greater omentum was introduced into the liver wound and suture with 5-0 catgut thread. The animals were followed during seven (n=5) or 2/ (n=5) days. Macro and microscopic assessments were done at the end of these periods. All rats supported the operation and survived during the experimental time. The main findings on the seventh day were adhesions of omentum, stomach and colon to the liver. Necrosis and abscesses were found into the distal part of liver section. On the twenty-first day the adhesions to the liver were stronger and the distal liver became fibrotic. In conclusion, omentoplasty is helpful to control life threatening bleeding of the liver but, in the rat, the distal part of a deep wound loses its hepatic characteristics, becoming fibrotic after local sceptic changes.
  • Fatores clínicos e histológicos preditivos de metástase cervical em carcinomas epidermóides de língua e soalho de boca no estadio clínico II Artigos Originais

    Soares, João Marcos Arantes; Rapoport, Abrão; Rosas, Marilene Paladino; Carvalho, Marcos Brasilino de; Fava, Antônio Sérgio

    Resumo em Português:

    O encontro de fatores preditivos de metástase cervical seria de grande valia para o tratamento de pacientes com tumores de alto potencial metastatizante e com pescoço clinicamente negativo. Procuramos encontrar fatores clínicos e histológicos em tumores iniciais de língua e soalho de boca que pudessem indicar a realização de um esvaziamento cervical eletivo.Foram estudados os seguintes fatores: sexo, idade, tabagismo, etilismo, raça, tamanho da lesão, sítio primário, dor, tempo de queixa, primeira queixa, aspecto macroscópico da lesão, infiltrado inflamatório peritumoral, grau de diferenciação da biópsia, desmoplasia, invasão vascular, invasão perineural e número de mitoses por 10 campos de maior aumento. Nenhum dos fatores estudados foi capaz de predizer a ocorrência de metástase cervical no período pré-operatório. Acreditamos que outros fatores devam ser estudados e explorados para que se consiga indicar o esvaziamento cervical eletivo de modo criterioso para o tratamento destas lesões.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors present a retrospective study of 54 patients with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the fongue and floor of the mouth in stage II. The determination of clinical and hystological predictive factors of neck metastasis were the main proposal in T2 NO cases submitted to surgical approach at the Head and Neck Service of Heliópolis Hospital, Hosphel, from 1977 till 1993. The clinical aspects (location, size, alcohol, tabacco, sex, race, age, complain) and histological (macroscopy, injlammatory infiltration, differenciation degree, desmoplasia, mitoses number, vascular and perineural invasion) factors were analysed, using the K square statistical method with 2 x 2 tables and p less than 0.05. Concerning the outcomes for neck nodes metastases, 35.2% were positive coincident, 24.2% false negatives and 52.3% false positives. As conclusion, the main question of this paper were not obtained, due to the impossibility to determine the relation of predictive factors and natural history of the neoplasias of tongue and floor of the mouth.
  • Avaliação do fluxo arterial mesentérico em humanos durante o exercício Artigos Originais

    Pereira, Adamastor Humberto; Nectoux Filho, Júlio Lewis; Burihan, Emil; Ribeiro, Jorge Pinto; Burger, Marcos Braun; Moraes, Sérgio Ricardo Araújo de

    Resumo em Português:

    O aumento da atividade simpática durante o exercício dinâmico progressivo associa-se à resposta da concentração de lactato sangüíneo. Com o objetivo de testar a hipótese de que a diminuição do fluxo da artéria mesentérica superior também tenha relação com a lactiacidemia, oito indivíduos saudáveis (idade de 21-26 anos) foram submetidos a exercício com incremento progressivo de cargas ajustadas para os limiares de lactato, sendo o fluxo da artéria mesentérica superior medido pelo EcoDoppler. O fluxo na artéria mesentérica superior, calculado por medidas planimétricas das velocidades e medidas da área de secção, foi avaliado em repouso, após carga de 30 Watts, no primeiro e segundo limiares de lactato e esforço máximo, O fluxo (média ± EP) no repouso foi de 1.034 ± 112 ml/min, de 1.002 ± 124 na carga de 30 Watts, de 869 ± 122 ml/min no primeiro limiar de lactato, de 866 ± 127 ml/min no segundo limiar de lactato e de 689 ± 104 ml/min logo após o esforço máximo, Ocorreu uma redução linear, sendo a redução média na carga máxima de 34% do fluxo de repouso, não havendo correlação com os limiares de lactato. Portanto, a redução do fluxo da artéria mesentérica superior apresenta uma resposta linear ao exercício progressivo.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Mesenteric artery blood flow was measured by Doppler ultrasound in eight healthy subjects (age 21-26 years, mean=25.8) submitted to incremental exercise. As cardiovascular responses change above the point at which blood lactate starts to accumulate, a protocol was designed to determine the velocity profile and mesenteric artery flow redistribution along incremental exercise. On the first part of the protocol all individuals were submitted to determinations of lactate thresholds by the enzimatic method modified by Ribeiro et al (1986). On the second test mesenteric artery blood flow and sistolic, reverse and diastolic velocities were measured at rest and immediately after 30 Watts, first lactate threshold, second lactate threshold and at peak exercise. In this way exercise intensities were adjusted for each individual independently of training and physical conditions. Total mesenteric artery blood flow was calculated using planimetric measurement of the velocities waves and area determinations. The Friedman test was used to analise de data. There was no significant change of sistolic velocities during incremental exercise. In the other hand there was a marked decrease of diastolic velocities; a linear decrease of initial diastolic velocities and an abrupt decrease of end-diastolic velocities after the first lactate threshold. At peak exercise a redution of 77% in end-diastolic velocities was observed. A linear reduction of mesenteric artery blood flow was observed and there was no correlation with lactate thresholds; at peak exercise a decrease of 34% was detected. Resting mesenteric blood flow was 1.034± 112 (SE), at 30 Watts 1.002± 124 (SE), at the first lactate threshold 869± 122 (SE), at the second lactate threshold 866± 127 (SE) and at peak exercise 689± 104 (SE).
  • A videolaparoscopia na apendicite aguda na mulher em idade fértil Artigos Originais

    Campolina, Cláudio de Oliveira Chiari; Alves, Antônio Sérgio; Vieira Júnior, Álvaro; Oliveira, Cláudio Almeida de; Vianna, José Luiz Campelo de Mello; Costa, Marcos Eduardo Valadares Meirelles M.

    Resumo em Português:

    O diagnóstico de apendicite aguda na mulher em idade fértil é um desafio para o cirurgião devido ao alto índice de explorações cirúrgicas negativas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer um índice de probabilidade diagnóstica e o valor da videolaparoscopia nestes casos. Foram analisadas, prospectivamente, 34 mulheres em idade fértil referendadas para o serviço com diagnóstico de apendicite aguda. As pacientes foram submetidas à videolaparoscopia de urgência, e o tratamento cirúrgico, quando indicado, foi realizado por videolaparoscopia sempre que possível. Entre as 34 pacientes, 17 apresentaram apendicite aguda à videolaparoscopia, sendo que 15 delas foram operadas por esta via. As 17 pacientes que apresentaram outro diagnóstico à videolaparoscopia não necessitaram de qualquer tratamento cirúrgico em 13 casos, sendo que quatro pacientes foram submetidas a operação por via aberta. O quadro clínico foi medido por um índice de probabilidade para apendicite aguda, e os resultados videolaparoscópicos foram relacionados a este índice. A conclusão é que a videolaparoscopia é um instrumento importante na abordagem propedêutica e terapêutica do abdome agudo da mulher em idade fértil, possibilitando uma maior precisão diagnóstica nestes casos e evitando laparotomias não terapêuticas.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In fertile women the diagnosis of acute appendicitis is a challenge for the surgeon. A negative surgical exploration of the abdomen is not uncommon. The purpose of our study was two fold: to stablish a probability diagnostic index of acute abdomenfor fertile women and the value of the videolaparoscopy of the abdomen for the diagnosis and therapeutic in this group of patients. Thirty-four women with clinical and laboratory data suggesting acute appendicitis were divided into three groups according to the probability of having the disease: high, medium and low probability. Following that, all thirty-four patients were submitted to videolaparoscopic evaluation of the abdomen. If necessary, an appendectomy was carried out with the same procedure. According to our probability index, we observed: ten patients were classified as being low probability, twelve as being medium probability and twelve as being high probability. The results showed that in the low probability group only two patients (20%) had confirmed appendicitis. In the medium probability group, six patients (50%) had confirmed acute appendicitis. In the high probability group, nine patients (75%) had the diagnosis confirmed. From our study we concluded that fertile women who fit the high and medium probability group should have an immediate laparoscopic evaluation of the abdomen. Fertile women who fit the low probability group, will not be jeopardized if a period of clinical observation is undertaken.
  • A mediastinoscopia no diagnóstico de doenças intratorácicas Artigos Originais

    Júdice, Luiz Felippe; Mourad, Omar Moté Abou; Lima, Oriane Almeida Santana; Júdice, Ângelo Mesquita; Diégues, Pedro Henrique M. Braga; Fernandes, Rodrigo Mota Pacheco

    Resumo em Português:

    A mediastinoscopia cervical, desenvolvida por Carlens em 1959, é usada principalmente para avaliação dos linfonodos mediastinais nos pacientes portadores de câncer do pulmão candidatos a tratamento cirúrgico. No entanto, a exploração desta região pode também identificar outras doenças como sarcoidose, tuberculose, micoses e doenças neoplásicas que envolvem o mediastino ântero-superior. Neste estudo analisamos o prontuário de 125 pacientes submetidos à mediastinoscopia com finalidade de diagnosticar doenças intratorácicas. A técnica utilizada foi: cervical em 103, anterior em 7, e cervical e anterior combinadas em 15 pacientes. Oitenta pacientes eram do sexo masculino e 45 do sexo feminino. A idade variou de 13 a 75 anos. O exame foi realizado com anestesia geral e intubação orotraqueal em todos os pacientes exceto em dois nos quais foi utilizada anestesia local, sedação e suplementação de oxigênio por máscara. O diagnóstico mais freqüente foi o de carcinoma (36,8%), seguido de linfoma (16%) e sarcoidose (14,4%). Em nove pacientes, o exame foi inconclusivo, o que corresponde a um índice de falha do método de 7,2%. Onze pacientes portadores de síndrome de cava superior foram submetidos ao exame sem complicações adicionais, exceto um paciente que sofreu agravamento da síndrome. Conclui-se que a mediastinoscopia é um procedimento seguro e com baixo índice de complicações, e que pode ser utilizado com segurança nos pacientes portadores de massa mediastinal, ou linfonodomegalias, principalmente nas regiões paratraqueais.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The cervical mediastinoscopy, developed by Carlens in 1959 is used primarily to evaluate, before thoracotomy, the status of mediastinal limph nodes in patients with lung cancer. However, exploration of the anterior mediastinum by these techniques can also identify other diseases processes such as sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, mycotic granulomatous infections and neoplastic diseases involving the mediastinum such as lymphoma. ln this study we analyze the medical reports of 125 patients in which mediastinoscopy was performed for the diagnosis of intrathoracic diseases. The procedure was performed with general anesthesia and orotracheal intubation in all patients out in two, submitted to mediastinoscopy with local anesthesia. The surgical approaches used were: cervical (n=103). anterior (n=7) and cervical + anterior (n=15). There were 80 male and 45 female patients. The age ranged from 13 to 75 years. Carcinoma was the most prevalent diagnosis obtained (36.8%), followed by lymphoma (16%) and sarcoidosis (14.4%). In nine patients the exam was inconclusive, being responsible for a 7.2% failure index of the method. In eleven patients presenting superior vena cava syndrome, mediastinoscopy was performed without aditional complications, except in one case in which symptoms worsenned. We conclude that mediastinoscopy is a safe procedure and it is a valuable tool for the diagnosis of paratracheal mediastinal masses and lymphadenomegalies.
  • Peritonite infecciosa com quantitativos e qualitativos bacterianos conhecidos: estudo experimental em ratos Artigos Originais

    Guilgen, Gilton Ângelo; Czesko, Nicolau Gregori; Malafaia, Osvaldo; Simões, João Carlos

    Resumo em Português:

    O objetivo deste estudo é o desenvolvimento de peritonite difusa com qualitativos e quantitativos bacterianos conhecidos. Foram analisados 150 ratos, adultos, machos, da raça Wistar, com peso médio de 150 gramas. Inocularam-se, percutaneamente, na cavidade peritoneal, suspensões constituídas de Escherichia coli e Bacteróides fragilis em concentrações conhecidas, na proporção de 1 ml para cada 100 gramas de peso. Os animais foram distribuídos em cinco grupos de trinta ratos. No grupo I (grupo-controle) inoculou-se solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%. Nos demais grupos a concentração do inóculo foi a seguinte: grupo II, com suspensão a 10 (9); grupo III, com suspensão a 10 (8): grupo IV, suspensão a 10 (7) e grupo V com suspensão a 10 (6). Sempre que se detectou o óbito, o animal era submetido à necropsia para avaliação da cavidade peritoneal e colheita de secreções para cultura. Os ratos sobreviventes foram aleatoriamente alocados em dois subgrupos. Os animais do subgrupo A foram sacrificados 24 horas após a inoculação e os do subgrupo B, 120 horas após a inoculação. Observou-se que os ratos do grupo I (controle) evoluíram sem o desenvolvimento de peritonite. Nos grupos II e III,100% dos ratos do subgrupo A e 95,83% dos ratos do subgrupo B desenvolveram peritonite aguda e óbito em menos de 24 horas. No grupo IV, somente 4,17% desenvolveram peritonite e foram a óbito em 72 horas, e no grupo V não ocorreu a formação de peritonite e não houve óbito. Os animais que foram a óbito dos grupos II e III, 96,67% mostraram alterações macroscópicas com exsudato peritoneal difuso, aderências peritoneais mas sem abscesso. Todos os animais com peritonite, desenvolveram derrame pleural bilateral. Nos animais que foram a óbito, nos grupos II e III, evidenciou-se a presença de Escherichia coli e Bacteroides fragilis como causadores das alterações peritoneais e pleurais. Este modelo mostrou que os animais que receberam altas concentrações bacterianas mostraram maior perda de peso, alterações clínicas de sepsis, peritonite difusa aguda, derrame pleural e óbito precoce.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study reveals development of difuse peritonitis model in rats with a known bacterial concentration. We analised 150 rats, adults, mate, Wistar race with medium weight of 150 grams. Solutions of Escherichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis in diferent concentrations were percutaneous inoculated into the peritoneal cavity in the following proportion: 1 ml of each suspension to each 100 grams of the total weight of the rato the animals were allocated in five groups of thirty rats. On - group I (control) a solution of sodium cloride 0.9%. On the following groups the proportions were as follows: group II - 10(9); group III - 10(8); group 1V -10(7) and group V - 10(6). After a rat death, a necropsy was performed in order to evaluate macroscopic effects on peritoneal cavity as well collect samples of secretions for culture. The survival rats ofeach group were subdivided with no choice in two subgroups. The animals for subgroup A were sacrificed 24 hours after inoculation and the ones of subgroup B, 120 hours after inoculation. We observed that the rats of group 1 did not acquire peritonitis. On group II and III, 100% of subgroup A and 95.03% of subgroup B, developed acute peritonitis. On group II only 4.17% developed peritonitis and died 72 hours and on group V neither peritonitis or death developed. The animals which died on group II and III on an average of 96.67% showed macroscopic alterations with difused peritoneum exudate, adherences and no abscesses. The animals which developed peritonitis exhibited bilateral pleural effusion. On animals of group II and III which died, also were found the presence of Eschirichia coli and Bacteroides fragilis responsible for peritonitis and pleural effusion. This model shows that the animal which received the highest bacterial concentrations showed loss of weight, clinical alterations of sepsis, acute peritonitis with pleural effusion and premature death.
  • Uso do retalho nasogeniano musculocutâneo em ilha, por via submandibular, na reconstrução do soalho da boca Artigos Originais

    Ramos, Gyl Henrique Albrecht; Oliveira, Benedito Valdecir de; Rapoport, Abrão

    Resumo em Português:

    O retalho nasogeniano com pedículo inferior tem sido utilizado, por via transbucal (supramandibular), na reconstrução do soalho da boca. A descrição da técnica de confecção do retalho nasogeniano musculocutâneo em ilha por via submandibular e a viabilidade do mesmo, tendo-se como parâmetro a necrose do retalho, são os objetivos deste estudo. Complementarmente, fez-se uma avaliação da mobilidade da língua, da capacidade de articulação dos fonemas orais no pós-operatório e procurou-se identificar através de análise estatística os fatores que pudessem estar correlacionados com a necrose do retalho. Foram operados nove pacientes considerados como T2, cinco como T3 e três como T4, sendo que todos foram submetidos a algum tipo de esvaziamento cervical. Dos dezessete retalhos, um teve necrose total, e outro, necrose parcial, proporcionando uma viabilidade de 88,3%. Em nenhum dos casos ocorreu fístula orocutânea. A avaliação da mobilidade da língua e da capacidade de articulação dos fonemas orais demonstrou resultados próximos do normal.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Even though not supplying the same quantity of tissue as the frontal, deltopectoral and cervical flaps, the nasolabial flap is an excelent option for the correction of defects of small to moderate extension because of its spread, tissue composition and safety in relation to its blood nutrition. The present study tries to demonstrate the surgical technique used and the results obtained in seventeen nasolabial musculocutaneous submandibular island flaps used for mouth floor reconstruction after exeresis of malign tumors of the lower floor, in the period from December 1990 to July 1995, in the Service of Surgery of Head and Neck of Erasto Gaertner Hospital, in Curitiba. The basic objectives were to reconstruct the continuity of the buccal mucous membrane and preserve the mobility of the tongue (anterior 1/3) to the maximum. Only one out of the seventeen surgery cases is female and the predominant age range is within the sixties. The first surgery occurred in December 1990. One patient presented Zubrod II and the others Zubrod I. As to staging, there were 9 T2 cases, 5 T3 and 3 T4, 12 N0, 4 N2A and 1 N3. In relation to the histological type, one case of fibrosarcoma and sixteen cases of spinous cellular carcinoma were verified. One of the cases developed with total necrosis and another with partial necrosis, due to irrigation and draining respectively. In seven cases hair growth (beard) occurred because of the lower prolongament of the flap. The cases with infection (six) were due to necrosis of flap (two), cervical lymphadenectomy (two) and proximity of tracheostomy. In none of the cases cervical fistula was present. The main conclusions taken from the acquired experience after seventeen confectionated flaps are (a) that the surgical performance of the technique is the domain of the surgeon of head and neck, (b) that the viability of the flap, considering the occurrence of necrosis in it, was of 88.3%, (c) that the incidence of orocutaneous fistula was null, despite the presence of necrosis and infection in some cases, and (d) that the mobility of the tongue and the capacity to articulate oral phonemes comes close to normal, mainly if the primary tumor affects basically the mouth floor.
  • Conduta terapêutica atual no adenocarcinoma da cárdia e da junção esofagogástrica Artigo De Revisão

    Correia, Mauro Monteiro; Brennan, Murray Frederic

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Adenocarcinomas of the cardia and gastroesophageal junction are peculiar entities with three different origins, which differ somewhat from other adenocarcinomas of the stomach in their clinical presentation and pathogenesis, and have a poorer prognosis. In this article the authors reviewed definitions, incidence and epidemiology, etiologic factors, genetic implications, clinical presentation, diagnosis, staging and treatment, with emphasis on the surgical approach, discussing the current management of these cancers. The prognostic factors related specifically to the cardia cancers are: esophageal invasion greater than 3cm, microscopic residual tumor and wall penetration (>T2). Preoperative workup should include computed tomography, and endoscopic ultrasonography and laparoscopy when available. Preoperative recognition of T3/ T4/N2 lesions should indicate inclusion in neo-adjuvant protocols whenever possible. The authors present the results of 46 resected cases of adenocarcinomas of the cardia and GE junction of the Instituto Nacional do Câncer- Brazil (1981-1995). Cure was intended in 29 and palliation in 17 patients. The most common type of resection was total gastrectomy with abdominal esophagectomy (28 cases). Morbidity (major and minor) occurred in 50% of the patients. The main causes were of respiratory origin and fistulas (19.6% each). Death occurred in 44% of the patients with fistula. Postoperative death until the 30th day occurred in 17.24% of the curative cases and in 23.52% of the palliative ones. The median survival time was 68.5 months for stage I, 25 months for stage II, 31 months for stage III and 12.5 months for stage IV diseases. The median survival time was 8 months for palliation and 28.5 months for cure. No long-term survival was obtained with the palliative group, whereas 25% survived five years of more in the curative group. The authors conclude that the surgical approach should be the one the surgeon feels more comfortable with. Complete removal of the disease proved by frozen section, splenectomy and D2 lymphadenectomy should be the standard therapy with curative intent.
  • Corpo estranho no ceco retirado por colonoscopia Relatos De Casos

    Macedo, Jefferson Lessa Soares de; Castro, Estevão Garcia; Tamura, Sérgio; Mendes, Murilo Boavista Pessoa

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The foreign body ingestion ocurrs often with children, olds, psychiatrics patients, prisoners or after excessive alcoholic ingestion. Most of foreign bodies (80-90%) passes spontaneously, 10 a 20% have to be removed by endoscopy and only one per cent (1%) needs to be removed by surgery. The authors report a case of a 49-year-old woman who swallowed a needle which impacted in cecum. The patient had psychosis maniac-depressive and swallowed the foreign body aiming self-damage. The presence of foreign body in cecum is rare because of physiologic straitments in the gastrointestinal tract. The ingestion of needle corresponds six percent (6%) of swallowed objects aiming self-damage. Colonoscopy served for localization the foreign body and its withdrawal with success. Colonoscopy for removing foreign bodies is a safe and cheap procedure.
  • Cisto esplênico não-parasitário e não-neoplásico Relatos De Casos

    Alvarez, Glauco da Costa; Costa, Eduardo Militz da; Faria, Everton Neubauer

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors present a rare case of pathology from spleen, a nonparasitic, non-neoplastic splenic cyst, in an adult male patient without a previous history of abdominal trauma. Principal clinical findings were pain in left upper quadrant, nausea, regurgitation and precocious satiation. On investigation, ultrasonography and CT scan showed an expansive lesion in the spleen, compressing the stomach. Surgical procedure was splenectomy and a microscopical examination revealed a non- parasitic, non-neoplastic splenic cyst. Splenic cysts are usually benigns, but surgical remotion is necessary when they are symptomatic or exist risk of rupture. In this report is presented the classification of splenic cysts, clinical manifestations, diagnostics methods and discussed their surgical treatment.
  • Hérnia perineal após disjunçao da sínfise púbica: apresentação de caso e técnica para correção Relatos De Casos

    Wainstein, Alberto Julius Alves; Soares, João Marcos Arantes; Belezia, Bruno de Freitas; Lima, Manoel Jacy Vilela

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Traunatic perineal hernia remains a rare clinical entity despite an overall increase in blunt trauma. Because of the incidence of other associated injuries, the mortality is high. Most of the perineal defects are repaired during the orthopaedics surgery to reconstitute the pelvis and few patients develop a true perineal hernia without pelvic instability. A 80-year-old woman was involved in a running over accident with disjunction of pubic symphysis, dislocation of sacrum-iliac junction and fracture of pubis and ischium. The patient was submitted to an orthopaedic surgery and latter development an perineal hernia through the genitalia. The diagnosis could be established with physical examination alone. Conventional radiology, computadorized tomography, and ultrasound should also be done to progran the surgery. The repair approach was performed using a marlex mesh, fixed in the pelvic bones, Cooper ligament, and the abdominal wall. The mesh was stood in a retro- peritoneal position, rebuilding the pelvic floor without reconstruction the pelvic bones. We conclude that this is an efficient approach to repair of traumatic postoperative perineal hernia, mainly in patients with high operative risk, when the osseous repair is not necessary.
  • A videolaparoscopia no diagnóstico e tratamento do schwannoma abdominal Relatos De Casos

    Brandalise, Nelson Ary; Aranha, Nilton Cesar; Brandalise, André

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors present two patients with solid tumours (benign Schwannoma), which were found during abdominal ultra-sonography. One of them was located adjacent to the hepatic artery, near its origin at the celiac axis. In the second case the tumor was found in the diafragm. Both of them were well limited and non-invasive (benign characteristics). The removal -for diagnosis and treatment - was done using videolaparoscopy. They emphasize the huge advantages of this new diagnostic and therapeutical modality.
  • Pseudo-aneurisma gigante de artéria axilar esquerda Relatos De Casos

    Farret, Abdo; Chacon, Dâmaso de Araújo; Duarte, Haroldo Amaral; Almeida, Isabel Cristina Pinheiro de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A case of a gunshot of the left axilary artery with a giant pseudoaneurism formation with sixteen years of evolution is presented. The 61- years-old male patient present since them a small assintomatic tumoration in infraclavicular localization. In the last eight months the tumor became symptomatic and volumous, reaching 20 cm in diameter, with signals of infection and imminent rupture. The patient was operated on with ligature of the axilary artery and evacuation of the pseudoaneurysm. The surgical handling and endovascular therapeutic options available in the present time are discussed. A short review about the disease as well as a bibliographic update are present. The authors also call attention for the necessity of a correct management of the vascular injures in the event of the first management.
Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões Rua Visconde de Silva, 52 - 3º andar, 22271- 090 Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Tel.: +55 21 2138-0659, Fax: (55 21) 2286-2595 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil