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Advertising posters in sports sponsorship are versatile marketing tools with significant media impact and high visibility. The purpose of this research is to measure the spontaneous recall of and attention toward busi ness brands sponsoring sports events while assessing their location and congruence level. The sample was segmented according to gender. The experiment involved 12 stimuli related to three sporting disci plines corroborating the issue of media blindness with respect to advertising posters. Consistent with the placement theory, we found that the position of the sponsoring brand affected attention and recall with no remarkable differences between genders. Furthermore, we found no significant differences in the congruence levels, reinforcing the image transfer theory. A general guideline would be placing the sponsoring brand within the effective range of the poster while leveraging the effects of articulation and the remaining mediating variables in the literature.

Sponsorship; sports poster; site; eye tracking; memory


El cartel deportivo es un medio de comunicación versátil, con gran repercusión y visibilidad, pero con escasa repercusión en la literatura académica. El objetivo de esta investigación es medir la atención y el recuerdo espontáneo de los patrocinadores de los carteles de eventos deportivos en función de su congruencia y emplazamiento. La muestra se segmentó de acuerdo con el sexo. El experimento con 12 estímulos de tres disciplinas deportivas revela que sí existe ceguera al patrocinador. Como predijo la teoría del emplazamiento, la posición de la marca del patrocinador generó un efecto significativo sobre la atención y el recuerdo, no habiendo diferencias significativas por sexo. Sin embargo, no encontramos diferencias por nivel de congruencia como sugiere la teoría de la transmisión de imagen. La recomen dación general es situar la marca del patrocinador en la zona de acción del cartel, y aprovechar factores moderadores encontrados en la literatura como la articulación.

Patrocinio; cartel deportivo; emplazamiento; seguimiento ocular; recuerdo


O banner esportivo é um meio de comunicação versátil, com grande alcance e visibilidade, mas com escassa repercussão na literatura acadêmica. O objetivo desta investigação é medir a atenção e a lembrança espontânea dos patrocinadores dos banners de eventos esportivos em função de sua congruência e localização. A amostra foi segmentada por sexo. O experimento com 12 estímulos de três modalidades esportivas revela que, sim, existe cegueira ao patrocinador. Como previa a teoria da localização, a posição da marca do patrocinador gerou um efeito significativo sobre a atenção e a lembrança, não havendo diferenças significativas por sexo, embora não tenhamos encontrado diferenças por nível de congruência como sugere a teoria da transmissão de imagem. A recomendação geral é situar a marca do patrocinador na zona de ação do banner, e aproveitar fatores moderadores encontrados na literatura como a articulação.

Patrocínio; banner esportivo; localização; rastreamento ocular; memória


Sponsorship, and in particular sports sponsorship, is one of the unconventional marketing techniques that has aroused considerable interest among companies and academics in recent years (Papadimitriou, Kaplanidou, & Papacharalampous, 2016Papadimitriou, D., Kaplanidou, K. K., & Papacharalampous, N. (2016). Sport event-sponsor fit and its effects on sponsor purchase intentions: A non-consumer perspective among athletes, volunteers and spectators. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 31(2), 247-259. doi:10.1108/JBIM-09-2014-0187
). In the last decade, it has enjoyed greater economic investment and scientific research (Meenaghan, 2013Meenaghan, T. (2013). Measuring sponsorship performance: Challenge and direction. Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 385-393. doi:10.1002/mar.20613
; Prendergast, Paliwal, & Mazodier, 2016Prendergast, G., Paliwal, A., & Mazodier, M. (2016). The hidden factors behind sponsorship and image transfer. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(2), 132-135. doi:10.2501/JAR-2016-026
). This growing interest is due to the growing ineffectiveness of conventional media on one hand, and internationalization and dissemination of sports and leisure in social media on the other hand (Alonso Dos Santos, 2014Alonso Dos Santos, M. (Ed.). (2014). Strategies in sports marketing: Technologies and emerging trends. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.). The economic importance of sponsorship is undeniable. However, while worldwide sponsorship expenditure increased from $53,100 million in 2013 to $62,800 million in 2017 (International Events Group, 2017), academics still have no agreed means to measure the return on investment (Meenaghan, 2013Meenaghan, T. (2013). Measuring sponsorship performance: Challenge and direction. Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 385-393. doi:10.1002/mar.20613
). Furthermore, net appearances on media or on social networks, attitudes towards the brand, or number of attendees at events, which are inefficient indices because of their low capacity for real predictions, are still used as indicators in the professional field (Breuer & Rumpf, 2015Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2015). The impact of color and animation on sports viewers’ attention to televised sponsorship signage. Journal of Sport Management, 29(2), 170-183. doi:10.1123/JSM.2013-0280
). Consequently, the literature recommends offering reliable and valid knowledge, methodologies, and measures to analyze, evaluate, and compare the effectiveness of the sponsorship activity (Grohs, 2015Grohs, R. (2015). Drivers of brand image improvement in sports-event sponsorship. International Journal of Advertising, 35(3), 391-420. doi:10.1080/02650487.2015.1083070

In relation to the effectiveness of the sponsorship, research about the attention that a sponsor effectively receives is scarce (Breuer & Rumpf, 2015Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2015). The impact of color and animation on sports viewers’ attention to televised sponsorship signage. Journal of Sport Management, 29(2), 170-183. doi:10.1123/JSM.2013-0280
), and specifically in non-television media (Rumpf & Breuer, 2014Rumpf, C., & Breuer, C. (2014). Predicting the attentional effect of sport sponsorship information as an innovative evaluation approach. In Alonso Dos Santos, M. (Ed.), Strategies in sports marketing: Technologies and emerging trends (pp. 238-254). Hershey, USA: IGI Global. ). A number of published studies employ factorial experiments of printed/digital images to test the effectiveness of sponsorship without initially testing if the sponsor has really received attention (e.g., Cornwell, Lipp, & Purkis, 2016; Gross & Wiedmann, 2015Gross, P., & Wiedmann, K.-P. (2015). The vigor of a disregarded ally in sponsorship: Brand image transfer effects arising from a cosponsor. Psychology & Marketing, 32(11), 1079-1097. doi:10.1002/mar.20848
; Uhrich, Koenigstorfer, & Groeppel-Klein, 2014Uhrich, S., Koenigstorfer, J., & Groeppel-Klein, A. (2014). Leveraging sponsorship with corporate social responsibility. Journal of Business Research, 67(9), 2023-2029. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2013.10.008
). Additionally, other studies conduct surveys in the same sporting event without considering the attention or the number of stimuli received by the subject (Close, Lacey, & Cornwell, 2015Close, A. G., Lacey, R., & Cornwell, T. B. (2015). Visual processing and need for cognition can enhance event-sponsorship outcomes. Journal of Advertising Research, 55(2), 206-215. doi:10.2501/JAR-55-2-206-215
; Papadimitriou et al., 2016Papadimitriou, D., Kaplanidou, K. K., & Papacharalampous, N. (2016). Sport event-sponsor fit and its effects on sponsor purchase intentions: A non-consumer perspective among athletes, volunteers and spectators. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 31(2), 247-259. doi:10.1108/JBIM-09-2014-0187
). Consequently, the research methodology used so far assumes that the subjects pay equal attention to the sponsors, receive the same impact, and dedicate the same time to process the information for all the subjects. However, assuming that all the subjects in the study process information about the sponsor is problematic. Similarly, one cannot expect all communication channels to be equally effective in transmitting the image of the sponsor in a sporting event (Meenaghan & Shipley, 1999Meenaghan, T., & Shipley, D. (1999). Media effect in commercial sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing, 33(3/4), 328-348. doi:10.1108/03090569910253170

Print sports media has received limited attention in sports literature (Conradie, 2011Conradie, M. (2011). The 2010 FIFA World Cup as a commercial platform in print advertising. African Identities, 9(3), 291-305. doi:10.1080/14725843.2011.591229
; Kelly, Coote, Cornwell, & McAlister, 2017Kelly, S., Coote, L., Cornwell, T. B., & McAlister, A. (2017). Mellowing skeptical consumers: An examination of sponsorship-linked advertising. International Journal of Sport Communication, 10(1), 58-84. doi:10.1123/ijsc.2016-0099
), and sports posters as a medium has been little explored (Dudzik & Gröppel-Klein, 2005Dudzik, T., & Gröppel-Klein, A. (2005). The efficiency of integrated sponsorship advertising. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 7(1), 51-61. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-07-01-2005-B009
). However, its study is important for several reasons: its low cost, its versatility, its repercussion and visibility, and its investment and popularity (Nysveen & Breivik, 2005Nysveen, H., & Breivik, E. (2005). The influence of media on advertising effectiveness a comparison of internet, posters and radio. International Journal of Market Research, 47(4), 381-404. doi:10.1177/147078530504700405
). First, it is crucial to not assume that the generalized results of television advertising, where there is in-depth research, are applicable to print advertising (Tipps, Berger, & Weinberg, 2006Tipps, S. W., Berger, P. D., & Weinberg, B. D. (2006). The effect of media involvement on print advertising effectiveness. Journal of Promotion Management, 12(2), 53-75. doi:10.1300/J057v12n02_06
). Dedicated research on print sports advertising is scarce. Second, the importance of posters is highlighted as a key part of communication, especially at sporting events (Bennett, 1999Bennett, R. (1999). Sports sponsorship, spectator recall and false consensus. European Journal of Marketing, 33(3/4), 291-313. doi:10.1108/03090569910253071
). Not only are they on the streets and in sports facilities, they have also gone beyond the traditional media and have become popular across social networks. Third, communication through printed posters is not only suitable for large sporting events, as it happens with television. Small and medium-sized sporting events also use this type of advertising. After considering these aspects, the research question is: What attention does the sponsor’s brand receive on a sporting event poster and what is the subsequent degree of brand recall? The aim is to verify whether sponsor blindness occurs, its influence on the recall, and whether the attention received by the sponsor depends on the gender of the subject. Following sections show the research questions, the experimental method used, and the results. Finally, we present the conclusion along with management recommendations.


Advertising blindness or banner blindness is a concept that can be applied to the field of ​​sponsorship to investigate the attention of the subjects to sponsorship. Banner blindness implies that the subjects do not receive the stimuli coming from the advertiser and ignore their presence, while they process the main content of the stimuli (the Web; Resnick & Albert, 2016Resnick, M. L., & Albert, W. (2016). The influences of design esthetic, site relevancy and task relevancy on attention to banner advertising. Interacting with Computers, 28(5), 680-694. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv042

The study of this subject is not new, and the literature contains several examples (e.g., Ortiz-Chaves, Martínez-de-Pisón, Cancela-López-Carrión, Gonçalves-de-Vasconcellos, & Marcos, 2014Ortiz-Chaves, L., Martínez-de-Pisón, E., Cancela-López-Carrión, G., Gonçalves-de-Vasconcellos, J., & Marcos, M.-C. (2014). AdWords, imágenes y ceguera a los banners. Un estudio con eye tracking. El Profesional de la Información, 23(3), 279-287.; Resnick & Albert, 2016Resnick, M. L., & Albert, W. (2016). The influences of design esthetic, site relevancy and task relevancy on attention to banner advertising. Interacting with Computers, 28(5), 680-694. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv042
; Zouharová, Zouhar, & Smutný, 2016Zouharová, M., Zouhar, J., & Smutný, Z. (2016). A MILP approach to the optimization of banner display strategy to tackle banner blindness. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 24(2), 473-488. doi:10.1007/s10100-015-0398-3
). The applications have been diverse, with studies focusing on e-commerce (Resnick & Albert, 2014Resnick, M., & Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(3), 206-219. doi:10.1080/10447318.2013.847762
), Google AdWords (Ortiz-Chaves et al., 2014Ortiz-Chaves, L., Martínez-de-Pisón, E., Cancela-López-Carrión, G., Gonçalves-de-Vasconcellos, J., & Marcos, M.-C. (2014). AdWords, imágenes y ceguera a los banners. Un estudio con eye tracking. El Profesional de la Información, 23(3), 279-287.), tourism-oriented Web 2.0 (Hernández-Méndez & Muñoz-Leiva, 2015Hernández-Méndez, J., & Muñoz-Leiva, F. (2015). What type of online advertising is most effective for eTourism 2.0? An eye tracking study based on the characteristics of tourists. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 618-625. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.017
), and even social networks (Simola, Kivikangas, Kuisma, & Krause, 2013Simola, J., Kivikangas, M., Kuisma, J., & Krause, C. M. (2013). Attention and memory for newspaper advertisements: Effects of ad-editorial congruency and location. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 27(4), 429-442. doi:10.1002/acp.2918
). Several solutions have been proposed to improve the visibility of banners (Porta, Ravarelli, & Spaghi, 2013Porta, M., Ravarelli, A., & Spaghi, F. (2013). Online newspapers and ad banners: An eye tracking study on the effects of congruity. Online Information Review, 37(3), 405-423. doi:10.1108/OIR-01-2012-0001
), such as those based on the components of the message (Barreto, 2013Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. doi:10.1108/JRIM-Mar-2012-0013
), structure and type of information (Hsieh & Chen, 2011Hsieh, Y.-C., & Chen, K.-H. (2011). How different information types affect viewer’s attention on internet advertising. Computers in Human Behavior, 27(2), 935-945. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2010.11.019
), aesthetics (Resnick & Albert, 2016Resnick, M. L., & Albert, W. (2016). The influences of design esthetic, site relevancy and task relevancy on attention to banner advertising. Interacting with Computers, 28(5), 680-694. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv042
), or thematic congruence (Porta et al., 2013Porta, M., Ravarelli, A., & Spaghi, F. (2013). Online newspapers and ad banners: An eye tracking study on the effects of congruity. Online Information Review, 37(3), 405-423. doi:10.1108/OIR-01-2012-0001

Despite all the solutions, a standard method of measurement has not yet been developed or accepted for advertising blindness (Resnick & Albert, 2016Resnick, M. L., & Albert, W. (2016). The influences of design esthetic, site relevancy and task relevancy on attention to banner advertising. Interacting with Computers, 28(5), 680-694. doi:10.1093/iwc/iwv042
). Some studies perform an exploratory analysis (Muñoz-Leiva, Hernández-Méndez, Liébana-Cabanillas, & Marchitto, 2016Muñoz-Leiva, F., Hernández-Méndez, J., Liébana-Cabanillas, F. J., & Marchitto, M. (2016). Analysis of advertising effectiveness and usability in Travel 2.0 tools. An experimental study through eye-tracking technique. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 7-17.; Resnick & Albert, 2014Resnick, M., & Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(3), 206-219. doi:10.1080/10447318.2013.847762
), but most limit themselves to comparing advertisements according to their congruence, aesthetics, or structure (Barreto, 2013Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. doi:10.1108/JRIM-Mar-2012-0013
; Porta et al., 2013Porta, M., Ravarelli, A., & Spaghi, F. (2013). Online newspapers and ad banners: An eye tracking study on the effects of congruity. Online Information Review, 37(3), 405-423. doi:10.1108/OIR-01-2012-0001
; Resnick & Albert, 2016; Rieger, Bartz, & Bente, 2015Rieger, D., Bartz, F., & Bente, G. (2015). Reintegrating the ad: Effects of context congruency banner advertising in hybrid media. Journal of Media Psychology, 27(2), 64-77. doi:10.1027/1864-1105/a000131
). The first research question examines the occurrence of sponsor blindness, which implies that users do not pay attention to the sponsors of the sports posters.

According to d’Astous & Séguin (1999)d’Astous, A., & Séguin, N. (1999). Consumer reactions to product placement strategies in television sponsorship. European Journal of Marketing, 33(9/10), 896-910. doi:10.1108/03090569910285832
, implicit location refers to the preferential location that the brand occupies within the advertisement without mentioning its characteristics or benefits. According to the emotional transference mode (Liu, Hu, & Grimm, 2010Liu, X., Hu, M. Y., & Grimm, P. E. (2010). Affect transfer in brand extensions: The role of expectancy and relevancy. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 19(5), 317-326. doi:10.1108/10610421011068559
) that is based on the location theory (Russell, 1980Russell, J. A. (1980). A circumplex model of affect. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(6), 1161-1178. doi:10.1037/h0077714
), brands located in the main action scene receive more attention than others. These results are corroborated by subsequent studies (Valenzuela, Martínez, & Yáñez, 2015Valenzuela, L. F., Martínez, C. T., & Yáñez, F. W. (2015). Influence of placement on explicit and implicit memory of college students. Comunicar, 22(44), 169-176. doi:10.3916/C44-2015-18
; Redker, Gibson, & Zimmerman, 2013Redker, C., Gibson, B., & Zimmerman, I. (2013). Liking of movie genre alters the effectiveness of background product placements. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35(3), 249-255. doi:10.1080/01973533.2013.785400
). This implies that the brands of sponsors that are located in the field of ​​action, will receive more attention.


According to Keller (1993)Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22. doi:10.2307/1252054
, brand awareness is related to brand recall and recognition. It represents the cognitive stage, and comprises the first step in the hierarchical models of sponsorship. Moreover, it represents a key objective of sponsorship by the sponsoring organizations. Brand recognition studies often adopt recall and recognition measures to assess consumer awareness levels (Cianfrone, 2007Cianfrone, B. A. (2007). The influence of motives and consumption of sport video games on sponsorship effectiveness (Ph.D. thesis). Disponible en ProQuest Dissertations and Theses database.). Based on the theory of memory, Rath & Mohapatra (2013)Rath, S., & Mousumi Singha Mohapatra. (2013). Brand recognition and advertising effectiveness: Study of youth responses for select print advertisements. Journal of Contemporary Management Research, 8(2), 82-88. suggest that brand recognition is very important for consumers to build brand associations. According to the image transfer theory, these associations in sports sponsorship are essential so that the attitudes inherent in the sponsor are associated with the sponsored (Alonso Dos Santos, 2014Alonso Dos Santos, M. (Ed.). (2014). Strategies in sports marketing: Technologies and emerging trends. Hershey, USA: IGI Global.).

A number of studies measure the effects of sponsorship, including the recognition of the brand as a dimension to measure consumer’s brand awareness levels (Choi & Yoh, 2011Choi, Y. S., & Yoh, T. (2011). Exploring the effect of communication channels on sponsorship effectiveness: A case study of Super Bowl XLII. International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 9(1/2), 75-93. doi:10.1504/IJSMM.2011.040258
). Following the aforementioned authors, three main approaches have been followed in order to measure this dimension: (1) identifying the factors that influence sponsor recall; (2) analyzing the internal processes related to the recall that takes place in the minds of the spectators; and (3) measuring the recall of the sponsors.

Two modes are used to measure recall: assessing the consumer’s ability to name a sponsor without any hints and identifying the correct sponsor within a group of potential sponsors or through a set of signals. According to Wells (2000)Wells, W. D. (2000). Recognition, recall, and rating scales. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(6), 14-20. doi:10.2501/JAR-40-6-14-20
, recognition measures show interest in the promotion, while recall measures determine the recall of the brand. Both methods are used in the field of sports sponsorship (Cornwell, Humphreys, Maguire, Weeks, & Tellegen, 2006Cornwell, T. B., Lipp, O. V., & Purkis, H. (2006). Examination of affective responses to images in sponsorship-linked marketing. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1(3-4), 110-128. doi:10.1080/24704067.2016.1240947
; Lardinoit & Derbaix, 2001Lardinoit, T., & Derbaix, C. (2001). Sponsorship and recall of sponsors. Psychology & Marketing, 18(2), 167-190. doi:10.1002/1520-6793(200102)18:2<167::AID-MAR1004>3.0.CO;2-I

All forms of the consumer’s brand recognition and recall, directly and indirectly through sponsorship activities, can influence purchase decisions by creating brand awareness and interest. This can eventually lead to perceived differences between the advertised brand and other brands in the same product category (Pitts & Slattery, 2004Pitts, B. G., & Slattery, J. (2004). An examination of the effects of time on sponsorship awareness levels. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 13(1), 43-54.). Therefore, sports marketing scholars have widely adopted the aforementioned forms of measurement to evaluate the effectiveness of sports sponsorship.

Brand awareness plays an important role in the formation of consumer behavior and attitudes (Keller, 1993Keller, K. L. (1993). Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity. Journal of Marketing, 57(1), 1-22. doi:10.2307/1252054
). This can be applied to a consumer of sporting events, mainly for three reasons (Lee, 2010Lee, S. (2010). Influence of brand exposure frequency and sport involvement on sport sponsorship effects: An examination of mere exposure (Ph.D., Indiana University, Indiana, USA). Obtenido de
): (1) consumers can evaluate the brand only after knowing it; (2) brand knowledge influences the brand choice, particularly in low-involvement choices; and (3) brand recall and brand knowledge condition the consumer to form a brand image.

Considering these reasons, the effects of repeated exposure of the sponsors' message have been examined as a mechanism to increase brand awareness or to increase positive predisposition towards the brand (Madrigal, 2001Madrigal, R. (2001). Social identity effects in a belief-attitude-intentions hierarchy: Implications for corporate sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 18(2), 145-165. doi:10.1002/1520-6793(200102)18:2<145::AID-MAR1003>3.0.CO;2-T
, Meenaghan, 2001Meenaghan, T. (2001). Understanding sponsorship effects. Psychology & Marketing, 18(2), 95-122. doi:10.1002/1520-6793(200102)18:2<95::AID-MAR1001>3.0.CO;2-H
, Pitts & Slattery, 2004Pitts, B. G., & Slattery, J. (2004). An examination of the effects of time on sponsorship awareness levels. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 13(1), 43-54.). The frequency of such exposure is the most important variable in the theory of mere exposure (Tom, Nelson, Srzentic, & King, 2007Tom, G., Nelson, C., Srzentic, T., & King, R. (2007). Mere exposure and the endowment effect on consumer decision making. The Journal of Psychology, 141(2), 117-125. doi:10.3200/JRLP.141.2.117-126
); repeated exposure will positively affect consumers, influencing knowledge and attitude towards the brand sponsoring the event (Maxwell & Lough, 2009Maxwell, H., & Lough, N. (2009). Signage vs. no signage: An analysis of sponsorship recognition in women’s college basketball. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 18(4), 188-198.). This has been applied previously to the image transfer theory (Dardis, 2009Dardis, F. E. (2009). Attenuating the negative effects of perceived incongruence in sponsorship: How message repetition can enhance evaluations of an “incongruent” sponsor. Journal of Promotion Management, 15(1-2), 36-56. doi:10.1080/10496490902837759
). Sports sponsors hope that the image of a sporting event will be transferred to their own brand, thus increasing the purchase intention or brand awareness. Nevertheless, this image transfer can only take place if the consumer recognizes or remembers the brand that sponsors the sporting event. Therefore, repeated exposure to the sponsor’s advertised message can achieve an increase in recognition and recall of sponsorship.

Along with the frequency of exposure, congruence-adjustment between the sponsor and sponsored brand can influence sponsor recall (Papadimitriou et al., 2016Papadimitriou, D., Kaplanidou, K. K., & Papacharalampous, N. (2016). Sport event-sponsor fit and its effects on sponsor purchase intentions: A non-consumer perspective among athletes, volunteers and spectators. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 31(2), 247-259. doi:10.1108/JBIM-09-2014-0187
; Alonso Dos Santos, Calabuig, Rejón Guardia, & Pérez Campos, 2016Alonso Dos Santos, M., Calabuig, F., Rejón Guardia, F., & Pérez-Campos, C. (2016). Influence of the virtual brand community in sports sponsorship. Psychology & Marketing, 33(12), 1091-1097. doi:10.1002/mar.20943
; Alonso Dos Santos & Calabuig, 2018Alonso Dos Santos, M., & Calabuig, F. (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of sponsorship messaging: Measuring the impact of congruence through electroencephalogram. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 19(1), 25-40. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-09-2016-0067
). According to Amorim & Almeida (2015)Amorim, J. G. B., & Almeida, V. M. C. (2015). The effect of simultaneous sponsorship of rival football teams. BAR-Brazilian Administration Review, 12(1), 63-87. doi:10.1590/1807-7692bar2015140059
, the theory of schemes and the theory of associative networks facilitate sponsor recall (both theories related to the functioning of human memory).

Marketing literature contains several studies that mention the background and benefits of brand recall. For example, Barros, Barros, Santos & Chadwick (2007)Barros, C. P., Barros, C. de, Santos, A., & Chadwick, S. (2007). Sponsorship brand recall at the Euro 2004 Soccer Tournament. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 16(3), 161-170. found that prior knowledge of the sponsoring brand reinforces the recall of the said brand. They also postulated that the sponsor’s preference for products increases the likelihood of remembering the name of the sponsoring brand. Pitts & Slattery (2004)Pitts, B. G., & Slattery, J. (2004). An examination of the effects of time on sponsorship awareness levels. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 13(1), 43-54. examined the relationship between the frequency of attendance at a football tournament and the sponsor’s brand recognition. Lee (2010)Lee, S. (2010). Influence of brand exposure frequency and sport involvement on sport sponsorship effects: An examination of mere exposure (Ph.D., Indiana University, Indiana, USA). Obtenido de
conducted an experiment that involved exposure to sponsorship of a NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) sporting event, and found a positive and direct relationship between the frequency of exposure to the sponsorship and the attitude toward the sponsoring brand, which is consistent with the theory of mere exposure. Finally, Lee (2008)Lee, L.-Y. (2008). Perception of event-sponsor personality congruence, event-sponsor fit, and sponsorship outcomes: An international sports event in Taiwan (D.B.A.). Ann Arbor, United States. Retrieved from
found a positive relationship between brand recall and attitude towards the sponsor. Sponsorship recall is often used as an explanatory variable for the effects of sponsorship (Pope & Voges, 1999Pope, N. K. L., & Voges, K. E. (1999). Sponsorship and image: A replication and extension. Journal of Marketing Communications, 5(1), 17-28. doi:10.1080/135272699345716
; Speed ​​& Thompson, 2000Speed, R., & Thompson, P. (2000). Determinants of sports sponsorship response. Academy of Marketing Science Journal, 28(2), 226-238. doi:10.1177/0092070300282004
). Consequently, it can be assumed that exposure to sponsorship comes from greater attention to the sponsor’s brand. Thus, a greater fixation in time and frequency provides more brand recall.


Previous studies have explored the relationship between consumer’s gender and sports marketing. A number of studies have shown that the ability of the gender variable to influence identification to a sports team (Menefee & Casper, 2011Menefee, W. C., & Casper, J. M. (2011). Professional basketball fans in China: A comparison of National Basketball Association and Chinese Basketball Association team identification. International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 9(3/4), 185-200. doi:10.1504/IJSMM.2011.041571
), the purchase of sponsored products (Kwon & Armstrong, 2002Kwon, H. H., & Armstrong, K. L. (2002). Factors influencing impulse buying of sport team licensed merchandise. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 11(3), 151-163.), motivation to attend sporting events (Funk, Toohey, & Bruun, 2008Funk, D. C., Toohey, K., & Bruun, T. (2008). International sport event participation: Prior sport involvement, destination image, and travel motives. European Sport Management Quarterly, 7(3), 227-248. doi:10.1080/16184740701511011
), and participation in sports activities (Muñiz, Rodríguez, & Suárez, 2014Muñiz, C., Rodríguez, P., & Suárez, M. J. (2014). Sports and cultural habits by gender: An application using count data models. Economic Modelling, 36, 288-297. doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2013.09.053
). It is a demographic segmentation variable that has been previously used in sports marketing. Earlier, Kinney, McDaniel, & DeGaris (2008)Kinney, L., McDaniel, S. R., & DeGaris, L. (2008). Demographic and psychographic variables predicting NASCAR sponsor brand recall. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 9(3), 11-21. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-09-03-2008-B005
recognized the ability of gender segmentation in influencing the sponsor’s brand recall. According to McDaniel & Kinney (1999)McDaniel, S., & Kinney, L. (1999). Audience characteristics and event sponsorship response: The potential influence of demographics, personal interests and values on brand awareness and brand image. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 1(2), 15-35. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-01-02-1999-B003
and Stipp & Nicholas (1996)Stipp, H., & Nicholas, P. (1996). Modeling the impact of Olympic sponsorship on corporate image. Journal of Advertising Research, 36(4), 22-28., males showed a greater recall capacity than females. The interpretation of the selectivity hypothesis (Meyers-Levy, 1988Meyers-Levy, J. (1988). The influence of sex roles on judgment.Journal of Consumer Research, 14(4), 522-530. doi:10.1086/209133
) suggests that gender differences are due to differences in cognitive processing, i.e., men selectively process available information based on a subset of highlighted factors instead of processing all information that is available, which is the case with women. Similarly, it is observed that the involvement of the subjects with the sponsored event and with sports influences the attention to the sponsors (Cornwell et al., 2006Cornwell, T. B., Lipp, O. V., & Purkis, H. (2006). Examination of affective responses to images in sponsorship-linked marketing. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1(3-4), 110-128. doi:10.1080/24704067.2016.1240947
; Boronczyk, Rumpf, & Breuer, 2018Boronczyk, F., Rumpf, C., & Breuer, C. (2018). Determinants of viewer attention in concurrent event sponsorship. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 19(1), 11-24. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-09-2016-0063
); and that men have greater involvement (Wann, Melnick, Russell, & Pease, 2001Wann, D. L., Melnick, M. J., Russell, G. W., & Pease, D. G. (2001). Sport fans: The psychology and social impact of spectators. New York, NY: Routledge Press. ), affection, (Wann, Waddill, & Dunham, 2004Wann, D. L., Waddill, P. J., & Dunham, M. D. (2004). Using sex and gender role orientation to predict level of sport fandom. Journal of Sport Behavior, 27(4), 367-377.), and identification with sports (Menefee & Casper, 2011Menefee, W. C., & Casper, J. M. (2011). Professional basketball fans in China: A comparison of National Basketball Association and Chinese Basketball Association team identification. International Journal of Sport Management & Marketing, 9(3/4), 185-200. doi:10.1504/IJSMM.2011.041571
). Men tend to process information with which they are more involved.

If the gender variable is able to segment the degree of interaction and advertising effectiveness (McMahan, Hovland, & McMillan, 2009McMahan, C., Hovland, R., & McMillan, S. (2009). Online marketing communications: Exploring online consumer behavior by examining gender differences and interactivity within internet Advertising. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 10(1), 61-76. doi:10.1080/15252019.2009.10722163
), the emotional level (Alonso Dos Santos & Pérez-Campos, 2015Alonso Dos Santos, M., & Pérez-Campos, C. (2015). ¿Influyen las emociones en la intención de asistir a un evento deportivo? Diferencias de género. Journal of Sports Economics & Management, 5(1), 2-16.), and the quality and satisfaction of the sports events (Ko, Kim, Kim, Lee, & Cattani, 2010Lee, S. (2010). Influence of brand exposure frequency and sport involvement on sport sponsorship effects: An examination of mere exposure (Ph.D., Indiana University, Indiana, USA). Obtenido de
), it would be reasonable to think that it can influence the attention of print sports communications. Nevertheless, these investigations have been controversial. Some researchers state that men pay more attention to banners than women (Goodrich, 2014Goodrich, K. (2014). The gender gap: Brain-processing differences between the sexes shape attitudes about online advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 54(1), 32-43. doi:10.2501/JAR-54-1-032-043
), while other researchers state that there are no significant differences (Barreto, 2013Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. doi:10.1108/JRIM-Mar-2012-0013
, Drèze & Hussherr, 2003Drèze, X., & Hussherr, F.-X. (2003). Internet advertising: Is anybody watching? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(4), 8-23. doi:10.1002/dir.10063
, Muñoz-Leiva et al., 2016Muñoz-Leiva, F., Hernández-Méndez, J., Liébana-Cabanillas, F. J., & Marchitto, M. (2016). Analysis of advertising effectiveness and usability in Travel 2.0 tools. An experimental study through eye-tracking technique. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 7-17.). Nevertheless, men are expected to show higher levels of attention to sponsors than women.


Validation of stimuli

The process of construction of the stimuli consists of several stages. In the first stage, four sports categories are selected for convenience: tennis, sailing, rowing, and Formula 1 (racing). A sample of 100 university subjects provides four possible congruent and incongruent sponsorships for each of the sports categories through a questionnaire with open questions.

The result was processed after including the most frequently selected associations. The rowing discipline was eliminated due to the low number of associated sponsors. The next step consisted of a survey using the 1-7 Likert scale, in which the subjects were required to indicate the degree of coherence and incoherence of the associations generated in the first stage. Subsequently, commercial communications were created by modifying real posters of sporting events with no real or known characters in order to avoid possible involvement of the subject with the character. In the absence of an established script, the usual international practice in the design of sports posters is dividing the communication into two parts with a vertical format. Two thirds of the poster from the top contain the information of the event and the area of ​​conceptualization of the event. The latter may consist of the brand of the event, popular players competing or sports scenes typical to the sport discipline of the event. Sponsors are usually located in the lower area.

Finally, a focus group is allowed to assess the build quality of the manipulated posters and images. The results of this qualitative test allow us to discard certain communications where the sponsor or the event is not well represented or has an insufficient image quality. All the generated images are available for download in the links shown in Table 1. The nomenclature of the observation sequence of the images contains three parts with the following explanation: sport category (Formula 1 = F1, Sailing = S, Tennis = T), congruence (C = congruent, I = incongruent), and position (W = within the action zone and O = outside).

Table 1
Sequence of observation of the stimuli, assignment to the group, and download link of the image used.

The experiment

The experimental design is based on previous designs and mixes banners with eye tracking (Hernández-Méndez & Muñoz-Leiva, 2015Hernández-Méndez, J., & Muñoz-Leiva, F. (2015). What type of online advertising is most effective for eTourism 2.0? An eye tracking study based on the characteristics of tourists. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 618-625. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.017
; Muñoz-Leiva et al., 2016Muñoz-Leiva, F., Hernández-Méndez, J., Liébana-Cabanillas, F. J., & Marchitto, M. (2016). Analysis of advertising effectiveness and usability in Travel 2.0 tools. An experimental study through eye-tracking technique. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(2), 7-17.). It has an inter-subject design with the gender and discipline variables and an intra-subject design with position and congruence variables. It consists of a 2×2 factorial design with a total of 12 stimuli that is divided into three sports disciplines. Four groups are formed with three sequences each. Each group is composed of ten subjects. The group is randomized and balanced according to the age and gender of the subject (see Table 1) but the random assignment of the test units to the groups and the groups to the congruent or incongruent experimental set remains. In total, 120 subjects participated. Table 1 shows the observation sequence, group name, and link of the stimulus image.

The field work was carried out during the first week of September 2016 in a room equipped for neurophysiological experimentation (International Telecommunication Union, 2002). The sample consisted of 60 men and 60 women with a mean age of 23.4 years (3.5 deviation). For convenience. this sample was captured at the university campus.

The system used is an EyeTribe device with a 60 Hz sampling rate, mean precision of 0.5 degrees of visual angle, and a spatial resolution of 0.1 degrees. This device has a latency of 20 milliseconds and admits 16 points for the calibration process. It is suitable for commercial research, allowing subjects to move up to 75 centimeters in horizontal and vertical angles. OGAMA (Open Gaze and Mouse Analyzer) software was used for this experiment. It is a free-to-use, open-source program, with previous use validated by scientific records (Popelka, Stachoň, Šašinka, & Doležalová, 2016Popelka, S., Stachoň, Z., Šašinka, Č., & Doležalová, J. (2016). EyeTribe tracker data accuracy evaluation and its interconnection with hypothesis software for cartographic purposes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, 2016 (Article ID 9172506). doi:10.1155/2016/9172506
; Voßkühler, Nordmeier, Kuchinke, & Jacobs, 2008Voßkühler, A., Nordmeier, V., Kuchinke, L., & Jacobs, A. M. (2008). OGAMA (Open Gaze and Mouse Analyzer): Open-source software designed to analyze eye and mouse movements in slideshow study designs. Behavior Research Methods, 40(4), 1150-1162. doi:10.3758/BRM.40.4.1150

The experimental sequence was as follows: First, the subjects were informed about the experiment and their consent was collected. Following that, they were accommodated and the calibration process began by fixing and displacing the gaze on 16 points. In accordance with the procedure of previous studies (Gülçay & Cangöz, 2016Gülçay, Ç., & Cangöz, B. (2016). Effects of emotion and perspective on remembering events: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 9(2), 1-19. doi:10.16910/jemr.9.2.4
), each stimulus was shown for eight seconds, followed by an one-second interval in which a black image was shown. Subsequently, the sociodemographic and recall data of the subjects were collected from a survey.


Sponsor blindness was analyzed using descriptive attention analysis with respect to the complete fixation time (CFT), time until the first fixation (TFF), and number of fixations (NF). The data on brand recall completed the analysis. A variance analysis was carried out to determine gender-based differences.

Table 2 shows in detail the fixation indicators for the area of ​​interest (AOI) set on the sponsoring brand on the poster. For stimulus B and D, when the sponsoring brand is outside the action area, the mean number of fixations ≤0.5. This indicates that half of the subjects never looked at the sponsor, as the mean does not reach the unit value. Furthermore, the mean value is greater than the unit value for stimuli A and C. The following results are obtained after calculating NF for the total of stimuli and disciplines: 18% of subjects saw the brand in any of the posters, 52% of subjects did not see the brand in some of the posters, and finally, 6.1% of subjects did not see the brand in any of the posters. Additionally, out of 8000 ms (the total duration of the exhibition), the sponsors received an average attention of 332.6 milliseconds (4.16%).

Table 2
Mean scores (M), standard deviation (SD), and normality (N) for the indicators of attention to the brand

Figure 1 represents the analysis of the fixation map with a rainbow color palette. The heat map is indicated by a more intense color (red), and the normal distribution of all fixations based on their length is calculated according to the mathematical algorithm. An exploratory analysis reveals that the points with the greatest fixation were the player’s face, date, and name of the event for the tennis poster, and the communications tower, event name, date, and place of celebration for the sailing event.

Figure 1
Heat map for the two sample posters of stimulus B.

The scan path is examined in Figure 2 and shows the poster fixation history using infrared light reflection from the pupil. The numbers inside the circles represent a place in the fixation history, while the size of the circle represents its duration. The video replay can be seen at the following address:

Figure 2
Scan path for the two sample posters of stimulus B.

A comparative analysis with respect to the site shows that a message receives more attention when it is located within the action zone than when it is located outside for the CFT (F (1,118) = 50.68, p <000; NF F (1,118) = 28.43, p <000). There were no differences in TFF.

Table 3 shows the subject’s spontaneous recall rate. The stimuli with the highest recall rate are A and C. These stimuli represent a congruent and incongruent sponsor respectively, but both within the action zone. This seems to indicate that the sponsors located inside the action zone have higher recall rates. This agrees with the previous fixation analysis of the CFT and NF.

Table 3
Sponsor recall rate N (%)

Figure 3 shows the differences in the recall rate as a function of CFT which is significant with F (3.119) = 14.05 and p<0.001. There are also significant differences for the other indicators: TFF with F (3,118) = 8.05 and p<0.001; and NF with F (3.119) = 13.96 and p<0.001. These results indicate that higher recall rates are related to higher fixation frequencies, total fixation time, and time of the first fixation, time to first fixation being inversely related. The Tukey-Kramer HSD method is used to compare the recall rates and significant differences are obtained between all the pairs, except for pair 2-1. This confirms the three levels of recall with certainty: 0 (brands), 1 and 2 (brands), and 3 (brands).

Figure 3
Recall analysis and CFT fixation indicator.

Regarding the recall analysis and fixations based on the subject’s gender, the results indicate that there is or association between the CFT (Figure 4), NF, and TFF and gender; as well as between the recall rate and gender. Similar results for banner attention were observed by Hernández-Méndez and Muñoz-Leiva (2015)Hernández-Méndez, J., & Muñoz-Leiva, F. (2015). What type of online advertising is most effective for eTourism 2.0? An eye tracking study based on the characteristics of tourists. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 618-625. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.017
, Drèze & Hussherr (2003)Drèze, X., & Hussherr, F.-X. (2003). Internet advertising: Is anybody watching? Journal of Interactive Marketing, 17(4), 8-23. doi:10.1002/dir.10063
, and Barreto (2013)Barreto, A. M. (2013). Do users look at banner ads on Facebook? Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 7(2), 119-139. doi:10.1108/JRIM-Mar-2012-0013

Figure 4
Analysis of the gender of the subject and the CFT fixation indicator.


In the academic world, sports sponsorship is a field of ​​study with significant repercussions (Meenaghan, 2013Meenaghan, T. (2013). Measuring sponsorship performance: Challenge and direction. Psychology & Marketing, 30(5), 385-393. doi:10.1002/mar.20613
; Prendergast et al., 2016Prendergast, G., Paliwal, A., & Mazodier, M. (2016). The hidden factors behind sponsorship and image transfer. Journal of Advertising Research, 56(2), 132-135. doi:10.2501/JAR-2016-026
). However, some means of sponsorship communication have not been sufficiently addressed. Consequently, sports posters have received little attention in the academic literature despite their low cost, versatility, and rapid response advantages (Nysveen & Breivik, 2005Nysveen, H., & Breivik, E. (2005). The influence of media on advertising effectiveness a comparison of internet, posters and radio. International Journal of Market Research, 47(4), 381-404. doi:10.1177/147078530504700405

The purpose of this research was to measure the degree of effectiveness of sports signage and sponsorship from the standard application of the banner blindness concept. Therefore, we measured the attention given to sponsors using indicators of eye attention and recall, in addition to segmenting the sample to test for gender-based differences. The experimental design consisted of 12 stimuli from three sports disciplines (sailing, F1, and tennis) and four groups of ten subjects each, randomized and balanced according to the age and gender of the subject. To give greater validity to the experiment, these were divided into congruent and noncongruent stimuli, with two types of placement (inside and outside the action zone).

The results indicate the occurrence of sponsor blindness. The term sponsor blindness refers to the tendency of subjects to avoid processing and paying attention to the sponsors that are exposed in a sports poster. To the best of our knowledge, there is no literature available on this concept. Sponsor blindness occurs because the fixation indicators reveal that only 4.16% of the total time of the poster is dedicated to the sponsor. This is a slightly shorter than the attention time given to the sponsor in the study by Breuer & Rumpf (2012)Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2012). The viewer’s reception and processing of sponsorship information in sport telecasts. Journal of Sport Management, 26(6), 521-531. doi:10.1123/jsm.26.6.521
, after including conceptual and methodological differences due to lack of comparable studies in this field. More than half of the subjects in the experiment paid no attention to any of the sponsors of the three posters. These results are further supported by an analysis of the heat maps and the scan path, in which we observe that the subjects dedicate short periods of time to the processing of the sponsor. This lack of attention could be due to the overload of information present in the poster (Tangmanee, 2016Tangmanee, C. (2016). Fixation and recall of YouTube ad banners: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 7(1), 49-75. doi:10.7903/ijecs.1404
). These results can be seen by the placement of the sponsor in the lower part of the poster as well. According to Breuer & Rumpf (2012)Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2012). The viewer’s reception and processing of sponsorship information in sport telecasts. Journal of Sport Management, 26(6), 521-531. doi:10.1123/jsm.26.6.521
and the overload theory, attention can be predicted depending on the placement of the sponsor’s brand in the advertising medium and other exposure variables. The time taken up by the event information can be subtracted from the sponsor’s brand processing time. Therefore, it is necessary that future investigations alternate not only the area of action but also the position of the sponsors. Similarly, it is necessary to apply these investigations to the professional field. The sponsor is supposed to know how much attention is received by its brand, as opposed to merely the number of times it appears on the screens or monitors. Algorithms capable of predicting and evaluating the exposure of sponsorships in social networks are among the latest developments (e.g., However, these algorithms do not assess whether the sponsor’s brand is indeed observed and how much attention it has received.

We demonstrated that the sponsors located in the action area receive more attention than the others. However, we could not demonstrate that variation in attention depends on congruence. The literature claims that greater the congruence, better the information processing (Cornwell et al., 2006Cornwell, T. B., Lipp, O. V., & Purkis, H. (2006). Examination of affective responses to images in sponsorship-linked marketing. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1(3-4), 110-128. doi:10.1080/24704067.2016.1240947
), although several studies point in the opposite direction (Alonso Dos Santos & Calabuig, 2018Alonso Dos Santos, M., & Calabuig, F. (2018). Assessing the effectiveness of sponsorship messaging: Measuring the impact of congruence through electroencephalogram. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, 19(1), 25-40. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-09-2016-0067
; Tribou, 2011Tribou, G. (2011). Sponsorship: Associating image attributes with specific sports and particular teams. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship, 12(2), 37-51. doi:10.1108/IJSMS-12-02-2011-B005
). However, our results could not make the argument lean in either direction.

Academic literature shows that the effectiveness of the site can vary depending on its congruence (DeLorme & Reid, 1999DeLorme, D. E., & Reid, L. N. (1999). Moviegoers' experiences and interpretations of brands in films revisited. Journal of Advertising, 28(2), 71-95. doi:10.1080/00913367.1999.10673584
), although we could not prove it. Moreover, sponsor blindness can influence the last result. The subject may not have enough time to process the congruence or incongruence of the message. This suggests that the location in the action area should be planned only for the main sponsor to improve its performance in terms of its brand attention.

Conversely, recall data were obtained using a post-stimulus question, without the assistance of the brand. Only 8-10% of the subjects were able to remember two of the three brands shown in the experiment and this is a relatively low percentage (Tangmanee, 2016Tangmanee, C. (2016). Fixation and recall of YouTube ad banners: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies, 7(1), 49-75. doi:10.7903/ijecs.1404
), but in agreement with previous studies in online environments (Hamborg, Bruns, Ollermann, & Kaspar, 2012Hamborg, K.-C., Bruns, M., Ollermann, F., & Kaspar, K. (2012). The effect of banner animation on fixation behavior and recall performance in search tasks. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(2), 576-582. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2011.11.003
). This comparison should be made with caution, as the methods, environments, and areas are different. Recall rates are hardly comparable in the sports field. According to Carrillat, d’Astous, Bellavance, & Eid (2015)Carrillat, F. A., d’Astous, A., Bellavance, F., & Eid, F. (2015). On "being there": A comparison of the effectiveness of sporting event sponsorship among direct and indirect audiences. European Journal of Marketing, 49(3/4), 621-642. doi:10.1108/EJM-03-2013-0156
, research is very heterogeneous in terms of exhibitions, events, sponsors, and methodologies. Carrillat et al. (2015)Carrillat, F. A., d’Astous, A., Bellavance, F., & Eid, F. (2015). On "being there": A comparison of the effectiveness of sporting event sponsorship among direct and indirect audiences. European Journal of Marketing, 49(3/4), 621-642. doi:10.1108/EJM-03-2013-0156
show the disparity in recall success between different studies, with the recall rates ranging from 9.25% (Nicholls, Roslow, & Dublish, 1999Nicholls, J. A. F., Roslow, S., & Dublish, S. (1999). Brand recall and brand preference at sponsored golf and tennis tournaments. European Journal of Marketing, 33(3/4), 365-387. doi:10.1108/03090569910253198
) to 68% (Quester, 1997Quester, P. G. (1997). Awareness as a measure of sponsorship effectiveness: The Adelaide Formula One Grand Prix and evidence of incidental ambush effects. Journal of Marketing Communications, 3(1), 1-20. doi:10.1080/135272697346014
). This gap is too broad to allow a timely comparison or to define a recommended limit, but lower than the usual recall rates shown in previous research. Some of them are around 63% (Barros et al., 2007Barros, C. P., Barros, C. de, Santos, A., & Chadwick, S. (2007). Sponsorship brand recall at the Euro 2004 Soccer Tournament. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 16(3), 161-170.), over 40% (Cornwell, Humphreys, Maguire, Weeks, & Tellegen, 2006Cornwell, T. B., Lipp, O. V., & Purkis, H. (2006). Examination of affective responses to images in sponsorship-linked marketing. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1(3-4), 110-128. doi:10.1080/24704067.2016.1240947
), or 20% (Breuer & Rumpf, 2012Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2012). The viewer’s reception and processing of sponsorship information in sport telecasts. Journal of Sport Management, 26(6), 521-531. doi:10.1123/jsm.26.6.521
). It is important to keep the relationship between recall and the strategic result of the sponsorship investment in mind, since it is one of the most valued indicators of effective investments (DeGaris, Kwak, & McDaniel, 2017DeGaris, L., Kwak, D. H., & McDaniel, S. R. (2017). Modeling the effects of sponsorship-linked marketing: When does memory matter? Journal of Promotion Management, 23(2), 320-339. doi:10.1080/10496491.2016.1267678

These results include several recommendations for the sports sponsors. First, it is better to position oneself within the area of ​​action for attentive communication, although we have not been able to verify the economic profitability that could be derived from a possible contract by a main sponsor with this right. Second, the possible occurrence of sponsor blindness can be mitigated with changes in the situation (Resnick & Albert, 2014Resnick, M., & Albert, W. (2014). The impact of advertising location and user task on the emergence of banner ad blindness: An eye-tracking study. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(3), 206-219. doi:10.1080/10447318.2013.847762
), animation of digital posters (Hernández-Méndez & Muñoz-Leiva, 2015Hernández-Méndez, J., & Muñoz-Leiva, F. (2015). What type of online advertising is most effective for eTourism 2.0? An eye tracking study based on the characteristics of tourists. Computers in Human Behavior, 50, 618-625. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.03.017
), or congruence with the environment or sponsored event (Rieger et al. al., 2015Rieger, D., Bartz, F., & Bente, G. (2015). Reintegrating the ad: Effects of context congruency banner advertising in hybrid media. Journal of Media Psychology, 27(2), 64-77. doi:10.1027/1864-1105/a000131
). In any case, gender does not appear to have an effect on attention, which indicates that segmentation strategies based on gender do not seem to have an effect on the sponsor. Finally, it is advisable to use a reliable method to test the effectiveness of sponsorships with greater economic investment. As demonstrated in this work, the use of eye tracking can be a reliable method for testing the effectiveness of communication in sponsorship. According to Breuer & Rumpf (2012)Breuer, C., & Rumpf, C. (2012). The viewer’s reception and processing of sponsorship information in sport telecasts. Journal of Sport Management, 26(6), 521-531. doi:10.1123/jsm.26.6.521
, this type of research shows the cognitive process of input and output of information in the consumer, to an extent that we are able to analyze and specify how much information is processed by the subject and how much information is recalled. However, the processing system, unconscious processing of the brand, and its association with other concepts have not been observed (Cornwell et al., 2006Cornwell, T. B., Lipp, O. V., & Purkis, H. (2006). Examination of affective responses to images in sponsorship-linked marketing. Journal of Global Sport Management, 1(3-4), 110-128. doi:10.1080/24704067.2016.1240947
). This line of research needs to be investigated further.

It is important to note that the sample used in this research is not representative of the population, particularly because of the use of university students. Similarly, sports categories are chosen for convenience. After considering the laboratory limitations in future research, it would be interesting to replicate this experiment in real situations. Other variables can be included to measure the moderating factors that could alter the effectiveness of sponsorship communication. Involvement with the sport, the team, or the athlete can be considered as a variable for such a study. Advances in means of exposure and repetition of message could significantly help in understanding the effectiveness of sponsorship.

  • Original version


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Nov-Dec 2018


  • Received
    28 Oct 2017
  • Accepted
    14 May 2018
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