Introduction: Single anastomosis gastric bypass (one anastomosis gastric bypass or mini-gastric bypass) has been presented as an option of surgical treatment for obese patients in order to reduce operation time and avoiding eventual postoperative complications after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.The main late complication could be related to bile reflux.
Aim: To report the experiences published after Billroth II anastomosis and its adverse effects regarding symptoms and damage on the gastric and esophageal mucosa.
Method: For data recollection Medline, Pubmed, Scielo and Cochrane database were accessed, giving a total of 168 papers being chosen 57 of them.
Results: According the reported results during open era surgery for peptic disease and more recent results for gastric cancer surgery, bile reflux and its consequences are more frequent after Billroth II operation compared to Roux-en-Y gastrojejunal anastomosis.
Conclusion: These findings must be considered for the indication of bariatric surgery.
HEADINGS: Single Anastomosis; Gastric bypass; Bile reflux.