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Educational workshops as a strategy to promote hearing heath of adolescents: an exploratory study

PURPOSE: Develop and evaluate educational workshop on hearing health and noise exposure adolescents, students of public school. METHODS: Intervention study involving 91 adolescents. Educational activity was conduce based on the problem-posing education and as a methodological resource group work in the form of workshops in which young people were invited to reflect on the hearing health and noise exposure in cultural activities (leisure),and environmental education. Was used differents strategies playful and dialogical as: theater, music, conversation wheel, making mural. For evaluation of the workshop were applied two questionnaires, one questionnaire before and another after the workshop aimed at identifying and understandingc an change attitudes of young people against the noise, and the other on the development of the workshop. RESULTS: After the workshops, was observed changes in the understanding of young people, considering the noise as something bad and harmfulto health, however significant differences were observed, the necessary care with hearing related to cultural activities. The students' perceptions related to the dynamics used in the workshops was very good or goodby more than 80% of the evaluations. CONCLUSION: The educational workshops showed to be appropriate for health education of hearing students. Changes were observed in the understanding of teenagers, especially the effect of noise on cultural activities. The playful and dialogical strategies proposed in the workshop were accepted and appreciated by adolescents.

Health education; Hearing; Hearing loss, Noise-induced; Student health services; Adolescent

Academia Brasileira de Audiologia Rua Itapeva, 202, conjunto 61, CEP 01332-000, Tel.: (11) 3253-8711 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil